.. _Jupyter integration: Jupyter Integration =================== We provide an IPython extension that adds a new Jupyter cell magic. This lets you create Memray flame graphs directly in Jupyter notebooks. memray_flamegraph ----------------- To load our IPython plugin, you simply need to run:: %load_ext memray Once it's loaded, you'll have access to the ``%%memray_flamegraph`` cell magic. You can fill a Jupyter cell with ``%%memray_flamegraph`` on its own line, followed by some code whose memory usage you want to profile. Memray will run that cell's code, tracking its memory allocations, and then display a flame graph directly in Jupyter for you to analyze. It's also possible to provide arguments on the ``%%memray_flamegraph`` line. For instance, ``%%memray_flamegraph --trace-python-allocators --leaks`` would let you look for memory not freed by the code in the cell:: %%memray_flamegraph --trace-python-allocators --leaks def a(): return "a" * 10_000 def bc(): return "bc" * 10_000 x = a() + bc() Arguments --------- .. argparse:: :ref: memray._ipython.flamegraph.argument_parser :prog: %%memray_flamegraph