Bloomberg API for .NET
Session..::..SubscriptionStatus Enumeration
SubscriptionStatus lists the possible statuses a Subscription may be in.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public enum SubscriptionStatus
Public Enumeration SubscriptionStatus
public enum class SubscriptionStatus
SUBSCRIBING Indicates a subscription request has been sent and the response is pending.
WAITING_FOR_MESSAGES Indicates that the subscription has successfully completed. But no messages have been received for the subscribed instrument.
RECEIVING_MESSAGES Indicates that the subscription has successfully completed and messages are being received for the subscribed instrument.
UNSUBSCRIBED Indicates that this instrument is unsubscribed and no messages will be received for it.
RESUBSCRIBING Indicates a Resubscribe request has been sent and the response is pending.

Assembly: Bloomberglp.Blpapi (Module: Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version: