Bloomberg API for .NET
RegisterServiceAsync Method (uri, providerIdentity, correlationId)
NamespacesBloomberglp.BlpapiProviderSessionRegisterServiceAsync(String, Identity, CorrelationID)
Begins the process of registering the service identified by the specified 'uri' and returns immediately.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public CorrelationID RegisterServiceAsync(
	string uri,
	Identity providerIdentity,
	CorrelationID correlationId
Public Function RegisterServiceAsync ( 
	uri As String,
	providerIdentity As Identity,
	correlationId As CorrelationID
) As CorrelationID
CorrelationID^ RegisterServiceAsync(
	String^ uri, 
	Identity^ providerIdentity, 
	CorrelationID^ correlationId
uri (String)
providerIdentity (Identity)
correlationId (CorrelationID)
Return Value
The actual CorrelationID object that will identify Event objects generated as a result of this call.
The specified 'providerIdentity' is used to verify permissions to provide the service being registered. The specified 'correlationId' is used to track Events generated as a result of this call.

The 'uri' must begin with a full qualified service name. That is it must begin with "//[namespace]/[service-name]". Any portion of the 'uri' after the service name is ignored.

The application must monitor events for a EventType.SERVICE_STATUS event which will be generated once the service has been successfully registered or registration has failed.
InvalidOperationException The session is not started.
DuplicateCorrelationIDException The specified 'correlationId' is currently active for this Session.

Assembly: Bloomberglp.Blpapi (Module: Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version: