Bloomberg API for .NET
RegisterServiceAsync Method (uri, providerIdentity)
NamespacesBloomberglp.BlpapiProviderSessionRegisterServiceAsync(String, Identity)
Begins the process of registering the service identified by the specified 'uri' with identity and returns immediately.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public CorrelationID RegisterServiceAsync(
	string uri,
	Identity providerIdentity
Public Function RegisterServiceAsync ( 
	uri As String,
	providerIdentity As Identity
) As CorrelationID
CorrelationID^ RegisterServiceAsync(
	String^ uri, 
	Identity^ providerIdentity
uri (String)
providerIdentity (Identity)
Return Value
The actual CorrelationID object that will identify Event objects generated as a result of this call.
The specified 'providerIdentity' is used to verify permissions to provide the service being registered.

The 'uri' must begin with a full qualified service name. That is it must begin with "//{namespace}/{service-name}[/]". Any portion of the 'uri' after the service name is ignored.

The application must monitor events for a EventType.SERVICE_STATUS event which will be generated once the service has been successfully registered or registration has failed.

InvalidOperationException The session is not started.

Assembly: Bloomberglp.Blpapi (Module: Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version: