Bloomberg API for .NET
NextEvent Method (timeoutMillis)
Returns the next event available for processing on this session.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public Event NextEvent(
	long timeoutMillis
Public Function NextEvent ( 
	timeoutMillis As Long
) As Event
Event^ NextEvent(
	long long timeoutMillis
timeoutMillis (Int64)
Timeout in milliseconds to wait before this method returns event if no events were available.
Return Value
The next event available on this session if available before timeout or TIMEOUT event if timeout occurs.
If no event is available immediately wait for
 Copy imageCopy
milliseconds for an event to arrive. If no event is received before the timeout expires return a TIMEOUT event. If the timeout specified is 0 then wait for an infinite amount of time for an event to be received. Note that this function cannot be called on a Session that is operating in "asynchronous" mode. That is a Session that was constructed with an EventHandler.
ThreadInterruptedException The current thread is interrupted while it is waiting for an event.
InvalidOperationException An event handler was specified at construction.

Assembly: Bloomberglp.Blpapi (Module: Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version: