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SessionResubscribe Method (IListSubscription, String, SubscriptionPreprocessMode)
Modifies each subscription in the subscriptionList to reflect the modified options specified for it.

Namespace:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi
Assembly:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi (in Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version:
public IList<SubscriptionPreprocessError> Resubscribe(
	IList<Subscription> subscriptionList,
	string requestLabel,
	SubscriptionPreprocessMode mode


Type: System.Collections.GenericIListSubscription
A list of active subscriptions whose options need to be changed.
Type: SystemString
A label that defines a string which will be recorded along with any diagnostics for this operation.
Type: Bloomberglp.BlpapiSubscriptionPreprocessMode
Determines how to preprocess subscriptions. Refer to SubscriptionPreprocessMode for an explanation of the available modes.

Return Value

Type: IListSubscriptionPreprocessError
A list of SubscriptionPreprocessErrors or a null list depending on mode. Refer to SubscriptionPreprocessMode for more details.


ISessionResubscribe(IListSubscription, String, SubscriptionPreprocessMode)
ArgumentExceptionsubscriptionList is null or empty, or the mode is FailOnFirstError and the SubscriptionString of an entry in the subscriptionList is invalid
InvalidOperationException The session is not started.
NotFoundException The mode is FailOnFirstError and the CorrelationID of an entry in the subscriptionList does not identity an existing subscription.
For each entry in the subscriptionList the CorrelationID identifies a current "active" subscription the modified options replace the current options for the subscription and a SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS event will be generated in the event stream before the first update based on the new options.
See Also