
Component blpapi_subscriptionlist
[Package blpapi]

Provide a list of subscriptions. More...


namespace  blpapi

Detailed Description

Provide a list of subscriptions.

Provide a list of subscriptions.
blpapi::SubscriptionList Represents a list of subscriptions.
This component provides a structure to hold the data used (and returned) by the Session::subscribe, Session::resubscribe, and Session::unsubscribe methods. This structure comprises a list in which each list entry contains two primary fields: a CorrelationId associated with the subscription, and a string, called a subscription string, describing the data to be delivered as a part of the subscription.
STRUCTURE OF SUBSCRIPTION STRING --------------------------------- The simplest form of a subscription string is a fully qualified subscription string, which has the following structure:
"//blp/mktdata/ticker/IBM US Equity?fields=BID,ASK&interval=2" \-----------/\------/\-----------/\------------------------/ | | | | Service Prefix Instrument Suffix
Such a fully-qualified string is composed of:
Service Identifier: a string matching the expression ^//[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+/[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+$, e.g. //blp/mktdata. See blpapi_abstractsession for further details.
Prefix: a string matching the expression /([-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+/)?, often used as a symbology identifier. Common examples include /ticker/ and /cusip/. Not all services make use of prefices. Note than an "empty" topic prefix consists of the string "/", so the topic prefix always separates the service string from the instrument string.
Instrument: a non-empty string that does not contain the character ? (i.e. a string matching [^?]+) e.g. "IBM US Equity", or "SPX Index". The service, prefix, and instrument together uniquely identify a source for subscription data.
Suffix: a suffix contains a question mark followed by a list of options which can affect the content delivery. The format of these options is service specific, but they generally follow URI query string conventions: a sequence of "key=value" pairs separated by "&" characters. Further, many common services follow the convention that the value given for the fields key is formatted as a comma-separated list of field names. BLPAPI provides several convenience functions to assist in formatting subscription strings for services that make use of these conventions; see the SubscriptionList::add methods for details.
Subscription strings need not be fully qualified: BLPAPI allows the service and prefix to be omitted from subscription strings, and automatically qualifies these strings using information stored in a Session object.
QUALIFYING SUBSCRIPTION STRINGS ------------------------------- The subscription strings passed to Session::subscribe and Session::resubscribe are automatically qualified if the service identifier is missing (i.e. if the subscription string does not start with "//"). The subscription parameters (i.e. the optional part after instrument identifier) are never modified. The rules for qualifying the subscription string are:
  • If the subscription string begins with "//" then it is assumed to be a a fully qualified subscription string including service identifier, prefix, and instrument. In this case the string will not be modified and session options defaults have no affect on the subscription.
  • If the subscription string begins with a / and the second character is not /, then the string is assumed to begin with the topic prefix, but no service identifier. In this case the string is qualified by prepending the SessionOptions::defaultSubscriptionService() to the specified string.
  • If the subscription string does not begin with a / it is assumed to begin with an instrument identifier. In this case the string is qualified by prepending the SessionOptions::defaultSubscriptionService() followed by SessionOptions::defaultTopicPrefix() to the specified string. If the defaultTopicPrefix is empty or null, then the prefix used is /. Otherwise (in the case of a nontrivial prefix) if the separator / is not specified at the beginning or the end of the defaultTopicPrefix, then it will be added.