BLPAPI C++  3.21.0
Deprecated List
Member AbstractSession::createUserHandle ()
Use createIdentity() instead.
Member BloombergLP::blpapi::OstreamWriter (const char *data, int length, void *stream)
Use StreamProxyOstream::writeToStream instead.
Member Element::getElement (Element *result, const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElement (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElementAsBool (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElementAsChar (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElementAsDatetime (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElementAsFloat32 (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElementAsFloat64 (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElementAsInt32 (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElementAsInt64 (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElementAsName (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::getElementAsString (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::hasElement (const char *name, bool excludeNullElements=false) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setChoice (const char *selectionName)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setElement (const char *name, const Datetime &value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setElement (const char *name, Int32 value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setElement (const char *name, const char *value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setElement (const char *name, const Name &value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setElement (const char *name, bool value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setElement (const char *name, Int64 value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setElement (const char *name, Float32 value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setElement (const char *name, char value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Element::setElement (const char *name, Float64 value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::appendMessage (const char *messageType, const Topic &topic)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::appendMessage (const char *messageType, const Topic &topic, unsigned int sequenceNumber)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::appendRecapMessage (const Topic &topic, const CorrelationId *cid=0)
The use of this function with non-null cid is deprecated. Utilize the overload appendRecapMessage(const CorrelationId&, ...) to respond to TOPIC_RECAP messages.
Member EventFormatter::appendRecapMessage (const Topic &topic, unsigned int sequenceNumber, const CorrelationId *cid=0)
The use of this function with non-null cid is deprecated. Utilize the overload appendRecapMessage(const CorrelationId&, ...) to respond to TOPIC_RECAP messages.
Member EventFormatter::appendRecapMessage (const char *messageType, const Topic &topic, Message::Fragment fragmentType=Message::FRAGMENT_NONE)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::appendRecapMessage (const char *messageType, const Topic &topic, unsigned int sequenceNumber)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::appendRecapMessage (const char *messageType, const Topic &topic, Message::Fragment fragmentType, unsigned int sequenceNumber)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::appendRecapMessage (const char *messageType, const CorrelationId &cid, Message::Fragment fragmentType=Message::FRAGMENT_NONE)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::appendResponse (const char *operationName)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::pushElement (const char *name)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, char value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, Int32 value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, Int64 value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, Float64 value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, const Datetime &value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, const Datetime::HighPrecision &value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, const Name &value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, const char *value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, Float32 value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElement (const char *name, bool value)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member EventFormatter::setElementNull (const char *name)
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Class FieldNotFoundException
This exception is not used.
Member Message::getElement (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::getElementAsBool (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::getElementAsChar (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::getElementAsDatetime (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::getElementAsFloat32 (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::getElementAsFloat64 (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::getElementAsInt32 (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::getElementAsInt64 (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::getElementAsString (const char *name) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::hasElement (const char *name, bool excludeNullElements=false) const
Use the form that takes Name instead of const char*.
Member Message::topicName () const
This method will always return empty string.
Member ProviderSession::createTopic (const Message &message)
Use createTopics or createTopicsAsync instead.