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Component bmqt_sessioneventtype
[Package bmqt]

Provide an enumeration for the different types of session events. More...


namespace  bmqt

Detailed Description

Provide an enumeration for the different types of session events.
bmqt::SessionEventType Enumeration for the types of session events.
bmqt::SessionEventType is an enumeration for the different types of session events.
  • CONNECTED: The connection with the broker is established, this event is only fired once (if for any reason the connection gets lost and automatically reconnected, this will emit a CONNECTION_RESTORED event).
  • DISCONNECTED: The connection with the broker is terminated (after the user called stop on the session). This is the last event that will be delivered.
  • CONNECTION_LOST: The session was connected to the broker, but that connection dropped.
  • RECONNECTED: The connection to the broker has been re-established. This event is followed by zero or more QUEUE_REOPEN_RESULT events, and one STATE_RESTORED event.
  • STATE_RESTORED: Session's state has been restored after connection has been re-established with the broker. This event is preceded by one RECONNECTED event, and zero or more QUEUE_REOPEN_RESULT events.
  • CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: The connection to the broker has timedout.
  • QUEUE_OPEN_RESULT: Indicates the result of an openQueue operation.
  • QUEUE_REOPEN_RESULT: Indicates the result of an openQueue operation, which happens when the connection to the broker has been restored and queues previously opened have been automatically reopened. This event is preceded by a RECONNECTED event and followed by zero or more QUEUE_REOPEN_RESULT events, and one STATE_RESTORED event.
  • QUEUE_CLOSE_RESULT: Indicates the result of a closeQueue operation
  • SLOWCONSUMER_NORMAL: Notifies that the EventQueue is back to its low watermark level.
  • SLOWCONSUMER_HIGHWATERMARK: Notifies that events are accumulating in the EventQueue, which has now reached it's high watermark level.
  • QUEUE_CONFIGURE_RESULT: Indicates the result of a configureQueue operation.
  • HOST_UNHEALTHY: Indicates the host has become unhealthy. Only issued if
a bmqpi::HostHealthMonitor has been installed to the session, via the bmqt::SessionOptions object.
  • HOST_HEALTH_RESTORED: Indicates the health of the host has restored,
and all queues have resumed operation. Following a Host Health incident, this indicates that the application has resumed normal operation.
  • QUEUE_SUSPENDED: Indicates that an open queue has suspended operation:
* Consumers are configured to receive no more messages from broker (i.e., maxUnconfirmedMessages := 0, maxUnconfirmedBytes := 0, consumerPriority := INT_MIN). * Attempts to pack messages targeting queue will be rejected by bmqa::MessageEventBuilder::pack(). Clients may still attempt to POST existing packed events. * Attempts by client to reconfigure queue will not take effect until the queue has resumed.
  • QUEUE_RESUMED: Indicates that a suspended queue has resumed normal
operation (i.e., effects of QUEUE_SUSPENDED state no longer apply).
  • ERROR: Indicates a generic error.
  • TIMEOUT Indicates that the specified operation has timed out.
  • CANCELED: Indicates that the specified operation was canceled.