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Component bmqt_queueoptions
[Package bmqt]

Provide a value-semantic type for options related to a queue. More...


namespace  bmqt

Detailed Description

Provide a value-semantic type for options related to a queue.
bmqt::QueueOptions options related to a queue.
bmqt::QueueOptions provides a value-semantic type, QueueOptions, which is used to specify parameters for a queue.
The following parameters are supported:
  • maxUnconfirmedMessages:
    Maximum number of outstanding messages that can be sent by the broker without being confirmed.
  • maxUnconfirmedBytes:
    Maximum accumulated bytes of all outstanding messages that can be sent by the broker without being confirmed.
  • consumerPriority:
    Priority of a consumer with respect to delivery of messages.
  • suspendsOnBadHostHealth:
    Sets whether the queue should suspend operation when the host machine is unhealthy.