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Component bmqt_messageguid
[Package bmqt]

Provide a value-semantic global unique identifier for BlazingMQ. More...


namespace  bmqt

Detailed Description

Provide a value-semantic global unique identifier for BlazingMQ messages.
bmqt::MessageGUID Value-semantic global unique ID for BlazingMQ
message bmqt::MessageGUIDLess : Binary function for comparing GUIDs. bmqt::MessageGUIDHashAlgo : Provide a hashing algorithm for Message GUID.
bmqt::MessageGUID provides a value-semantic global unique identifier for BlazingMQ messages. Each bmqa::Message delivered to BlazingMQ client from BlazingMQ broker contains a unique MessageGUID. The binary function bmqt::MessageGUIDLess can be used for comparing GUIDs, and an optimized custom hash function is provided with bmqt::MessageGUIDHashAlgo.
For convenience, this class provides toHex method that can be used to externalize a bmqt::MessageGUID instance. Applications can persist the resultant buffer (on filesystem, in database) to keep track of last processed message ID across task instantiations. fromHex method can be used to convert a valid externalized buffer back to a message ID.
Efficient comparison and hash function:
This component also provides efficient comparison and hash functions for convenience, and thus, applications can use this component as a key in associative containers.
Example 1: Externalizing:
  // Below, 'msg' is a valid instance of 'bmqa::Message' obtained from an
  // instance of 'bmqa::Session':

  bmqt::MessageGUID g1 = msg.messageId();

  char buffer[bmqt::MessageGUID::e_SIZE_HEX];

  BSLS_ASSERT(true == bmqt::MessageGUID::isValidHexRepresentation(buffer));

  bmqt::MessageGUID g2;

  BSLS_ASSERT(g1 == g2);