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Component bmqa_sessionevent
[Package bmqa]

Provide value-semantic type for system event session notifications. More...


namespace  bmqimp
namespace  bmqa

Detailed Description

Provide value-semantic type for system event session notifications.
bmqa::SessionEvent type for notification events related to the Session.
See also:
bmqt::SessionEventType: Enum of the various type of notifications
This component provides a generic bmqa::SessionEvent notification object used by the bmqa::Session to provide BlazingMQ applications with information regarding changes in the session status or the result of operations with the message queue broker.
A SessionEvent is composed of 4 attributes:
  • type: indicate the type of the notification
  • statusCode: indicate the status of the operation (success, failure)
  • correlationId: optional correlationId used during async response
  • queueId: optional queueId associated with the event, of type OPEN, CONFIGURE, CLOSE, REOPEN
  • errorDescription: optional string with a human readable description of the error, if any
Note that SessionEvent is implemented using the pimpl idiom, so copying a SessionEvent is very cheap (a pointer copy). All copies of this SessionEvent will share the same underlying implementation.