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Package Group bmq

Public SDK API for the BlazingMQ framework. More...


 Package bmqa

Provide applications public API for the BlazingMQ SDK.

 Package bmqpi

Provide an interface for monitoring the health of the host.

 Package bmqt

Provide value-semantic vocabulary types.

Detailed Description

Public SDK API for the BlazingMQ framework.
MNEMONIC: BlazingMQ (bmq):
BlazingmQ (package group bmq) is a message-queue framework allowing application developers to use reliable distributed queues.
The bmqa and bmqt packages contain all components that constitute the public API for BlazingmQ users to use. A client should only use the components in these packages, and should not use any other package under the bmq package group since they are implementation components that may change at any time.
Hierarchical Synopsis:
The bmq group library currently has 5 packages forming 5 levels of physical dependency.
  5. bmqa

  4. bmqimp

  3. bmqp

  2. bmqt

  1. bmqscm
Package Synopsis:
Provide applications public API for the BlazingmQ SDK.
[INTERNAL] Provide implementation for the API of the BlazingMQ SDK.
[INTERNAL] Provide BlazingMQ protocol definition, builders and parsers.
Provide versioning information for library components in bmq.
Provide value-semantic vocabulary types.
Package Overview:
The following provides a brief overview of several of the packages within the bmq package group, arranged in alphabetical order. The descriptions here are still very brief; see the respective Package Level documents for more details and usage examples.
bmqa provides the top-level public APIs application can use to interact with BlazingMQ framework in their applications.
bmqt provides value-semantic vocabulary types used in the bmqa APIs.