// Copyright 2014-2023 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// bmqa_message.h                                                     -*-C++-*-

//@PURPOSE: Provide the application with a message data object.
//  bmqa::Message:                   message received from/sent to a queue
//  bmqa::MessageConfirmationCookie: cookie for async message confirmation
//  bmqa::MessageEvent       : Mechanism for data event notification.
//  bmqa::MessageEventBuilder: Builder for 'bmqa::MessageEvent'
//@DESCRIPTION: A 'bmqa::Message' represents the data message to put on a
// queue, or retrieved from a queue.  It is composed of the following fields:
//: o A message GUID, which is a printable string generated by the broker to
//:    uniquely identify this message.
//: o A correlation Id, which is a user-provided identifier for the message.
//: o A queue Id, to map with the queue this message is associated with.
//: o The payload, which is opaque to the framework. At some point, framework
//:   may provide utilities to encode and decode schema messages using various
//:   CODECs.  For example, a JavaScript publisher may publish a message into
//:   a queue using a JSON object as payload, and the consumer may be receiving
//:   that payload as a BER-encoded schema object.
//: o At some point, system properties such as version, encoding, timestamp,
//:   priority, message group and "reply-to" will be supported. System
//:   properties will be used by the broker; for example to deliver
//:   high-priority messages first or to filter based on a minimum version.
//: o At some point, application-defined message properties will also be
//:   supported, where properties are a list of name-value pairs.
// A 'bmqa::MessageConfirmationCookie' is a small object which allows to
// confirm a 'bmqa::Message' asynchronously without having to hold on to the
// entire message.  This can be useful when, for example, the message is
// decoded in the event handler, and the resulting object is enqueued for
// asynchronous processing, along with that small cookie object for confirming
// the message once successfully processed.

// BMQ
#include <bmqscm_version.h>
#include <bmqa_queueid.h>
#include <bmqt_compressionalgorithmtype.h>
#include <bmqt_correlationid.h>
#include <bmqt_messageguid.h>

// BDE
#include <bdlbb_blob.h>
#include <bsl_cstddef.h> // for 'size_t'
#include <bsl_iosfwd.h>
#include <bsl_memory.h>
#include <bsl_string.h>
#include <bslma_allocator.h>
#include <bsls_annotation.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

namespace bmqimp { class Event; }

namespace bmqa {

class MessageProperties;

                             // ==================
                             // struct MessageImpl
                             // ==================

struct MessageImpl {
    // Struct containing the internal (private) members of Message (That is so
    // that we can access private members of Message to initialize it, without
    // having to expose them publicly).
    // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: If adding new data members to this struct that are
    //                      lazily populated (such as 'queueId' or
    //                      'correlationId'), then they should be reset in
    //                      'bmqa::MessageIterator.nextMessage()'.

    bmqimp::Event                  *d_event_p;
                                      // Pointer to the Event this message is
                                      // associated with

    bsl::shared_ptr<bmqimp::Event>  d_clonedEvent_sp;
                                      // May point to a bmqimp::Event (in case
                                      // this Message is a clone)

    bmqa::QueueId                   d_queueId;
                                      // QueueId this message is associated
                                      // with

    bmqt::CorrelationId             d_correlationId;
                                      // CorrelationId this message is
                                      // associated with

    bsl::string                     d_groupId;
                                      // Optional Group Id this message is
                                      // associated with

                      // ===============================
                      // class MessageConfirmationCookie
                      // ===============================

class MessageConfirmationCookie {
    // Cookie for async message confirmation.

    // DATA
    bmqa::QueueId     d_queueId;
                       // QueueID associated to this cookie

    bmqt::MessageGUID d_guid;
                       // GUID associated to this cookie

        // Create an unset instance of this class.

    MessageConfirmationCookie(const QueueId&           queueId,
                              const bmqt::MessageGUID& messageGUID);
        // Create an instance with the specified 'queueId' and 'messageGUID'.
        // Users should not use that constructor directly, but rather load the
        // message cookie from an existing 'bmqa::Message' with the
        // 'bmqa::Message::confirmationCookie' accessor.

    const QueueId& queueId() const;
        // Return the queue ID of the message with which this confirmation
        // cookie is associated.

    const bmqt::MessageGUID& messageGUID() const;
        // Return message GUID of the message with which this confirmation
        // cookie is associated.

                               // =============
                               // class Message
                               // =============

class Message {
    // A message sent/received to/from the BlazingMQ broker.

    static const int k_GROUP_ID_MAX_LENGTH = 31;
        // Constant representing the maximum length of a Group Id string.

    // DATA
    mutable MessageImpl d_impl; // pimpl

    bool isInitialized() const;
        // Return true if the message has been initialized with an underlying
        // event (and thus is valid), and false otherwise.  Any operation
        // except assignment or destruction on an uninitialized message is an
        // error.

    explicit Message();
        // Create an invalid message having no content. Only valid operations
        // on an invalid message instance are assignment and destruction.

    //! Message(const Message& other) = default;
        // Create a message from the specified 'other' instance.

    //! ~Message() = default;
        // Destructor

    //! Message& operator=(const Message& other) = default;
        // Assign to this object the value of the specified 'other' instance
        // and return a reference to this object.

    Message& setData(const bdlbb::Blob *data) BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED;
        // Set the payload of this message to the blob pointed to by the
        // specified 'data'.  Behavior is undefined unless 'data' is non-null
        // and payload's length is greater than zero.  Note that payload
        // pointed to by 'data' is *not* copied right away, and should not be
        // destroyed or modified until this message has been packed (see
        // 'bmqa::MessageEventBuilder' component level documentation for
        // correct usage).
        // This method is deprecated, please use 'setDataRef()' instead.

    Message& setData(const char *data,size_t length)
        // Set the payload of this message to the specified 'length' bytes
        // starting at the specified 'data' address.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'data' is non-null and 'length' is greater than zero.  Note
        // that payload pointed to by 'data' is *not* copied right away, and
        // should not be destroyed or modified until this message has been
        // packed (see 'bmqa::MessageEventBuilder' component level
        // documentation for correct usage).
        // This method is deprecated, please use 'setDataRef()' instead.

    Message& setDataRef(const bdlbb::Blob *data);
        // Set the payload of this message to the blob pointed to by the
        // specified 'data'.  Behavior is undefined unless 'data' is non-null
        // and payload's length is greater than zero.  Note that payload
        // pointed to by 'data' is *not* copied right away, and should not be
        // destroyed or modified until this message has been packed (see
        // 'bmqa::MessageEventBuilder' component level documentation for
        // correct usage).

    Message& setDataRef(const char *data,
                        size_t      length);
        // Set the payload of this message to the specified 'length' bytes
        // starting at the specified 'data' address.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'data' is non-null and 'length' is greater than zero.  Note
        // that payload pointed to by 'data' is *not* copied right away, and
        // should not be destroyed or modified until this message has been
        // packed (see 'bmqa::MessageEventBuilder' component level
        // documentation for correct usage).

    Message& setPropertiesRef(const MessageProperties *properties);
        // Set the properties of this message to the 'MessageProperties'
        // instance pointed by the specified 'properties'.  Behavior is
        // undefined unless 'properties' is non-null.  Note that properties are
        // *not* copied right away, and should not be destroyed or modified
        // until this message has been packed (see 'bmqa::MessageEventBuilder'
        // component level documentation for correct usage).

    Message& clearPropertiesRef();
        // Clear out and properties associated with this message.  Note that if
        // there are no properties associated with this message, this method
        // has no effect.  Also note that the associated 'MessageProperties'
        // instance, if any, is not modified; it's simply dissociated from this
        // message.

    Message& setCorrelationId(const bmqt::CorrelationId& correlationId);
        // Set correlation ID of this message to the specified 'correlationId'.

    setCompressionAlgorithmType(bmqt::CompressionAlgorithmType::Enum value);
        // Set the Compression algorithm type of the current message to the
        // specified 'value' and return a reference offering modifiable access
        // to this object.

    Message& setGroupId(const bsl::string& groupId);
        // Set Group Id of this message to the specified 'groupId'.  The
        // 'groupId' must be a null-terminated string with up to
        // 'Message::k_GROUP_ID_MAX_LENGTH' characters (excluding the
        // terminating '\0').  The behavior is undefined if the message is not
        // a started, 'PUT' message or if 'groupId' is empty.

    Message& clearGroupId();
        // Clear the Group Id of this message.  The behavior is undefined if
        // the message is not a started, 'PUT' message.

    bool isValid() const; // TBD:BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED
        // Return true if the message is valid, and false otherwise.  Any
        // operation except assignment or destruction on an invalid message is
        // an error.
        // This method is deprecated.

    operator bool() const; // TBD:BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED
        // Same as 'isValid'.
        // This method is deprecated.

    Message clone(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0) const;
        // Return a copy of this message, using the optionally specified
        // 'basicAllocator' with the copy holding all the data of this instance
        // and not backed by any 'MessageEvent'.  Note that this operation
        // does *not* copy underlying data.

    const bmqa::QueueId& queueId() const;
        // Return the queue ID indicating the queue for which this message has
        // been received from.  The behavior is undefined unless this instance
        // represents a 'PUT', 'PUSH' or 'ACK' message.

    const bmqt::CorrelationId& correlationId() const;
        // Return the correlation Id associated with this message.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless this instance represents a 'PUT' or an
        // 'ACK', or a 'PUSH' message.  Note that in case of failure to accept
        // a 'PUT' message, BlazingMQ sends an 'ACK' message with failed
        // status, even if an 'ACK' message was not requested by the
        // application (i.e., no correlationId was specified when posting the
        // message).  In such cases, correlationId associated with the 'ACK'
        // message will be unset, and as such, application *must* check for
        // that by invoking 'isUnset' on the returned correlationId object.  In
        // the case of a 'PUSH' message, the return value is the one specified
        // as the correlation id of the corresponding Subscription.  Invoking
        // 'thePointer', 'theNumeric' or 'theSharedPtr' on an unset
        // correlationId instance will lead to undefined behavior.

    bmqt::CompressionAlgorithmType::Enum compressionAlgorithmType() const;
        // Return Compression algorithm type of the current message. Behavior
        // is undefined unless this instance represents a 'PUT' or 'PUSH'
        // message.

    const bsl::string& groupId() const;
        // Return the Group Id associated with this message.  The behavior is
        // undefined unless this instance represents a 'PUT' or a 'PUSH'
        // message and 'hasGroupId()' returns 'true".

    const bmqt::MessageGUID& messageGUID() const;
        // Return the unique message Id generated by the SDK for this message.
        // The behavior is undefined unless this instance represents a 'PUT',
        // a 'PUSH' or an 'ACK' message.

    MessageConfirmationCookie confirmationCookie() const;
        // Return a cookie which can be used to confirm this message.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless this instance represents a 'PUSH'
        // message.

    int ackStatus() const;
        // Return the status of the 'ACK' message.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless this instance represents an 'ACK' message.  This value
        // correspond to the 'bmqt::AckResult::Enum' enum.

    int getData(bdlbb::Blob *blob) const;
        // Load into the specified 'blob' the payload of the message, if any.
        // Return zero if the message has a payload and non-zero value
        // otherwise.  The behaviour is undefined unless this instance
        // represents a 'PUT' or 'PUSH' message.  Note that for efficiency,
        // application should fetch payload once and cache the value, instead
        // of invoking this method multiple times on a message.

    int dataSize() const;
        // Return the number of bytes in the payload.  The behaviour is
        // undefined unless this instance represents a 'PUT' or a 'PUSH'
        // message.  Note that for efficiency, application should fetch payload
        // size once and cache the value, instead of invoking this method
        // multiple times on a message.

    bool hasProperties() const;
        // Return 'true' if this instance has at least one message property
        // associated with it, 'false' otherwise.  Behavior is undefined unless
        // this instance represents a 'PUT' or a 'PUSH' message.

    bool hasGroupId() const;
        // Return whether this message has an associated GroupId set.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless this instance represents a 'PUT' or a
        // 'PUSH' message.

    int loadProperties(MessageProperties *buffer) const;
        // Load into the specified 'buffer' the properties associated with this
        // message.  Return zero on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.
        // Behavior is undefined unless this instance represents a 'PUT' or a
        // 'PUSH' message, and unless 'buffer' is non-null.  Note that if there
        // are no properties associated with this message, zero will be
        // returned and the 'MessageProperties' instance pointed by 'buffer'
        // will be cleared.  Also note that for efficiency, application should
        // fetch properties once and cache the value, instead of invoking this
        // method multiple times on a message.

    bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                        int           level          = 0,
                        int           spacesPerLevel = 4) const;
        // Format this object to the specified output 'stream' at the (absolute
        // value of) the optionally specified indentation 'level' and return a
        // reference to 'stream'.  If 'level' is specified, optionally specify
        // 'spacesPerLevel', the number of spaces per indentation level for
        // this and all of its nested objects.  If 'level' is negative,
        // suppress indentation of the first line.  If 'spacesPerLevel' is
        // negative format the entire output on one line, suppressing all but
        // the initial indentation (as governed by 'level').  If 'stream' is
        // not valid on entry, this operation has no effect.

bsl::ostream& operator<<(bsl::ostream& stream, const Message& rhs);
    // Format the specified 'rhs' to the specified output 'stream' and return a
    // reference to the modifiable 'stream'.

// ============================================================================
//                             INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                               // -------------
                               // class Message
                               // -------------

Message::setData(const bdlbb::Blob *data)
    return setDataRef(data);

Message::setData(const char *data,
                 size_t      length)
    return setDataRef(data, length);

Message::operator bool() const
    return isInitialized();

                        // -------------------------------
                        // class MessageConfirmationCookie
                        // -------------------------------

: d_queueId()
, d_guid()
    // NOTHING

                                          const bmqa::QueueId&     queueId,
                                          const bmqt::MessageGUID& messageGUID)
: d_queueId(queueId)
, d_guid(messageGUID)
    // NOTHING

const QueueId&
MessageConfirmationCookie::queueId() const
    return d_queueId;

const bmqt::MessageGUID&
MessageConfirmationCookie::messageGUID() const
    return d_guid;
}  // close package namespace

                               // -------------
                               // class Message
                               // -------------

bmqa::operator<<(bsl::ostream&        stream,
                 const bmqa::Message& rhs)
    return rhs.print(stream, 0, -1);

}  // close enterprise namespace
