// Copyright 2016-2023 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// bmqa_abstractsession.h                                             -*-C++-*-

//@PURPOSE: Provide a pure protocol for a BlazingMQ session.
//  bmqa::AbstractSession: Interface for a BlazingMQ session.
// 'bmqa::AbstractSession' is a pure protocol for a BlazingMQ session.

// BMQ
#include <bmqscm_version.h>
#include <bmqa_closequeuestatus.h>
#include <bmqa_configurequeuestatus.h>
#include <bmqa_confirmeventbuilder.h>
#include <bmqa_event.h>
#include <bmqa_messageeventbuilder.h>
#include <bmqa_messageproperties.h>
#include <bmqa_openqueuestatus.h>
#include <bmqa_queueid.h>
#include <bmqt_queueoptions.h>
#include <bmqt_uri.h>

// BDE
#include <bsl_functional.h>
#include <bsls_timeinterval.h>
#include <bsls_types.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bmqa {

                           // =====================
                           // class AbstractSession
                           // =====================

class AbstractSession {
    // A pure protocol for a session.

    // TYPES
    typedef bsl::function<void(const bmqa::OpenQueueStatus& result)>
        // Invoked as a response to an asynchronous open queue operation,
        // 'OpenQueueCallback' is an alias for a callback function object
        // (functor) that takes as an argument the specified 'result',
        // providing the result and context of the requested operation.

    typedef bsl::function<void(const bmqa::ConfigureQueueStatus& result)>
        // Invoked as a response to an asynchronous configure queue operation,
        // 'ConfigureQueueCallback' is an alias for a callback function object
        // (functor) that takes as an argument the specified 'result',
        // providing the result and context of the requested operation.

    typedef bsl::function<void(const bmqa::CloseQueueStatus& result)>
        // Invoked as a response to an asynchronous close queue operation,
        // 'CloseQueueCallback' is an alias for a callback function object
        // (functor) that takes as an argument the specified 'result',
        // providing the result and context of the requested operation.

        // Destructor


    ///Session management
    int start(const bsls::TimeInterval& timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // Connect to the BlazingMQ broker and start the message processing for
        // this 'Session'.  This method blocks until either the 'Session' is
        // connected to the broker, fails to connect, or the operation times
        // out.  If the optionally specified 'timeout' is not populated, use
        // the one defined in the session options.  Return 0 on success, or a
        // non-zero value corresponding to the 'bmqt::GenericResult::Enum' enum
        // values otherwise.  The behavior is undefined if this method is
        // called on an already started 'Session'.

    int startAsync(const bsls::TimeInterval& timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // Connect to the BlazingMQ broker and start the message processing for
        // this 'Session'.  This method returns without blocking.  The result
        // of the operation is communicated with a session event.  If the
        // optionally specified 'timeout' is not populated, use the one defined
        // in the session options.  Return 0 on success (this doesn't imply the
        // session is connected !), or a non-zero value corresponding to the
        // 'bmqt::GenericResult::Enum' enum values otherwise.  The behavior is
        // undefined if this method is called on an already started 'Session'.

    void stop();
        // Gracefully disconnect from the BlazingMQ broker and stop the
        // operation of this 'Session'.  This method blocks waiting for all
        // already invoked event handlers to exit and all session-related
        // operations to be finished.  No other method but 'start()' may be
        // used after this method returns.  This method must *NOT* be called if
        // the session is in synchronous mode (i.e., not using the
        // EventHandler), 'stopAsync()' should be called in this case.

    void stopAsync();
        // Disconnect from the BlazingMQ broker and stop the operation of this
        // 'Session'.  This method returns without blocking and neither enforce
        // nor waits for any already started session-related operation to be
        // finished.  No method may be used after this method returns.

    void finalizeStop();
        // **DEPRECATED**
        // This method is only to be used if the session is in synchronous mode
        // (i.e., not using the EventHandler): it must be called once all
        // threads getting events with 'nextEvent()' have been joined.

    void loadMessageEventBuilder(MessageEventBuilder *builder);
        // Load into the specified 'builder' an instance of
        // 'bmqa::MessageEventBuilder' that can be used to build message event
        // for posting on this session.  The behavior is undefined unless the
        // session has been successfully started and 'builder' is non-null.
        // Note that lifetime of the loaded object is bound by the lifetime of
        // this session instance (i.e., loaded instance cannot outlive this
        // session instance).  Also note that the 'MessageEventBuilder' objects
        // are pooled, so this operation is cheap, and 'MessageEventBuilder'
        // can be obtained on demand and kept on the stack.

    void loadConfirmEventBuilder(ConfirmEventBuilder *builder);
        // Load into the specified 'builder' an instance of
        // 'bmqa::ConfirmEventBuilder' that can be used to build a batch of
        // CONFIRM messages for sending to the broker.  The behavior is
        // undefined unless the session has been successfully started and
        // 'builder' is non-null.  Note that the lifetime of the loaded object
        // is bound by the lifetime of this session instance (i.e., loaded
        // instance cannot outlive this session instance).

    void loadMessageProperties(MessageProperties *buffer);
        // Load into the specified 'buffer' an instance of 'MessageProperties'
        // that can be used to specify and associate properties while building
        // a 'bmqa::Message'.  The behavior is undefined unless the session has
        // been successfully started and 'buffer' is non-null.  Note that
        // lifetime of the loaded object is bound by the lifetime of this
        // session instance (i.e., loaded instance cannot outlive this session
        // instance).

    ///Queue management
    int getQueueId(QueueId          *queueId,
                   const bmqt::Uri&  uri) const;
        // Load in the specified 'queueId' the queue corresponding to the
        // specified 'uri' and return 0 if such a queue was found, or leave
        // 'queueId' untouched and return a non-zero value if no queue
        // corresponding to 'uri' is currently open.

    int getQueueId(QueueId                    *queueId,
                   const bmqt::CorrelationId&  correlationId) const;
        // Load in the specified 'queueId' the queue corresponding to the
        // specified 'correlationId' and return 0 if such a queue was found, or
        // leave 'queueId' untouched and return a non-zero value if no queue
        // corresponding to 'correlationId' is currently open.

    openQueue(QueueId                   *queueId,
              const bmqt::Uri&           uri,
              bsls::Types::Uint64        flags,
              const bmqt::QueueOptions&  options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
              const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // DEPRECATED: Use the 'openQueueSync(QueueId *queueId...)' instead.
        //             This method will be marked as
        //             'BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED' in future release of
        //             libbmq.

    openQueueSync(QueueId                   *queueId,
                  const bmqt::Uri&           uri,
                  bsls::Types::Uint64        flags,
                  const bmqt::QueueOptions&  options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
                  const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // Open the queue having the specified 'uri' with the specified 'flags'
        // (a combination of the values defined in 'bmqt::QueueFlags::Enum'),
        // using the specified 'queueId' to correlate events related to that
        // queue.  The object 'queueId' referring to is modified, so the
        // 'queueId' represents the actual queue uri, flags and options.
        // Return a result providing the status and context of the operation.
        // Use the optionally specified 'options' to configure some advanced
        // settings.  Note that this operation fails if 'queueId' is
        // non-unique.  If the optionally specified 'timeout' is not populated,
        // use the one defined in the session options.  This operation will
        // block until either success, failure, or timing out happens.
        // THREAD: Note that calling this method from the event processing
        //         thread(s) (i.e., from the EventHandler callback, if
        //         provided) *WILL* lead to a *DEADLOCK*.

    openQueueAsync(QueueId                   *queueId,
                   const bmqt::Uri&           uri,
                   bsls::Types::Uint64        flags,
                   const bmqt::QueueOptions&  options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
                   const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // DEPRECATED: Use the 'openQueueAsync(...)' with callback flavor
        //             instead.  This method will be marked as
        //             'BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED' in future release of
        //             libbmq.

    openQueueAsync(bmqa::QueueId             *queueId,
                   const bmqt::Uri&           uri,
                   bsls::Types::Uint64        flags,
                   const OpenQueueCallback&   callback,
                   const bmqt::QueueOptions&  options  = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
                   const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout  = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // Asynchronously open the queue having the specified 'uri' with the
        // specified 'flags' (a combination of the values defined in
        // 'bmqt::QueueFlags::Enum'), using the specified 'queueId' to
        // correlate events related to that queue and the optionally specified
        // 'options' to configure some advanced settings.  The object 'queueId'
        // referring to is modified, so the 'queueId' represents the actual
        // queue uri, flags and options.  The result of the operation is
        // communicated to the specified 'callback' via a
        // 'bmqa::OpenQueueStatus', providing the status and context of the
        // requested operation.  Note that this operation fails if 'queueId' is
        // non-unique.  If the optionally specified 'timeout' is not populated,
        // use the one defined in the session options.
        // THREAD: The 'callback' will *ALWAYS* be invoked from the
        //         EventHandler thread(s) (or if a SessionEventHandler was not
        //         specified, from the thread invoking 'nextEvent').

    configureQueue(QueueId                   *queueId,
                   const bmqt::QueueOptions&  options,
                   const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // DEPRECATED: Use the 'configureQueueSync(QueueId *queueId...)
        //             instead.  This method will be marked as
        //             'BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED' in future release of
        //             libbmq.

                    const QueueId             *queueId,
                    const bmqt::QueueOptions&  options,
                    const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // Configure the queue identified by the specified 'queueId' using the
        // specified 'options' and return a result providing the status and
        // context of the operation.  Fields from 'options' that have not been
        // explicitly set will not be modified.  If the optionally specified
        // 'timeout' is not populated, use the one defined in the session
        // options.  This operation returns error if there is a pending
        // configure for the same queue.  This operation will block until
        // either success, failure, or timing out happens.
        // THREAD: Note that calling this method from the event processing
        //         thread(s) (i.e., from the EventHandler callback, if
        //         provided) *WILL* lead to a *DEADLOCK*.

                    QueueId                   *queueId,
                    const bmqt::QueueOptions&  options,
                    const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // DEPRECATED: Use the 'configureQueueAsync(...)' with callback flavor
        //             instead.  This method will be marked as
        //             'BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED' in future release of
        //             libbmq.

    void configureQueueAsync(
               const QueueId                 *queueId,
               const bmqt::QueueOptions&      options,
               const ConfigureQueueCallback&  callback,
               const bsls::TimeInterval&      timeout  = bsls::TimeInterval());

        // Asynchronously configure the queue identified by the specified
        // 'queueId' using the specified 'options' to configure some advanced
        // settings.  The result of the operation is communicated to the
        // specified 'callback' via a 'bmqa::ConfigureQueueStatus', providing
        // the status and context of the requested operation.  If the
        // optionally specified 'timeout' is not populated, use the one defined
        // in the session options.
        // THREAD: The 'callback' will *ALWAYS* be invoked from the
        //         EventHandler thread(s) (or if a SessionEventHandler was not
        //         specified, from the thread invoking 'nextEvent').

    closeQueue(QueueId                   *queueId,
               const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // DEPRECATED: Use the 'closeQueueSync(QueueId *queueId...) instead.
        //             This method will be marked as
        //             'BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED' in future release of
        //             libbmq.

    closeQueueSync(const QueueId             *queueId,
                   const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // Close the queue identified by the specified 'queueId' and return a
        // result providing the status and context of the operation.  If the
        // optionally specified 'timeout' is not populated, use the one defined
        // in the session options.  Any outstanding configureQueue request for
        // this 'queueId' will be canceled.  This operation will block until
        // either success, failure, or timing out happens.  Once this method
        // returns, there is guarantee that no more messages and events for
        // this 'queueId' will be received.  Note that successful processing of
        // this request in the broker closes this session's view of the queue;
        // the underlying queue may not be deleted in the broker.  When this
        // method returns, the correlationId associated to the queue is
        // cleared.
        // THREAD: Note that calling this method from the event processing
        //         thread(s) (i.e., from the EventHandler callback, if
        //         provided) *WILL* lead to a *DEADLOCK*.

    closeQueueAsync(QueueId                   *queueId,
                    const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // DEPRECATED: Use the 'closeQueueAsync(...)' with callback flavor
        //             instead.  This method will be marked as
        //             'BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED' in future release of
        //             libbmq.

    void closeQueueAsync(
                   const QueueId             *queueId,
                   const CloseQueueCallback&  callback,
                   const bsls::TimeInterval&  timeout  = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // Asynchronously close the queue identified by the specified
        // 'queueId'.  Any outstanding configureQueue requests will be
        // canceled.  The result of the operation is communicated to the
        // specified 'callback' via a 'bmqa::CloseQueueStatus', providing the
        // status and context of the operation.  If the optionally specified
        // 'timeout' is not populated, use the one defined in the session
        // options.  Note that successful processing of this request in the
        // broker closes this session's view of the queue; the underlying queue
        // may not be deleted in the broker.  The correlationId associated to
        // the queue remains valid until the 'bmqa::CloseQueueStatus' result
        // has been received and processed by the 'callback', after which it
        // will be cleared and no more messages and events for this 'queueId'
        // will be received.
        // THREAD: The 'callback' will *ALWAYS* be invoked from the
        //         EventHandler thread(s) (or if a SessionEventHandler was not
        //         specified, from the thread invoking 'nextEvent').

    ///Queue manipulation
    Event nextEvent(const bsls::TimeInterval& timeout = bsls::TimeInterval());
        // Return the next available event received for this session.  If there
        // is no event available, this method blocks for up to the optionally
        // specified 'timeout' time interval for an event to arrive.  An empty
        // time interval for 'timeout' (the default) indicates that the method
        // should not timeout (the method will not return until the next event
        // is available).  Return a 'bmqa::SessionEvent' of type
        // 'bmqt::SessionEventType::e_TIMEOUT' if a timeout was specified and
        // that timeout expired before any event was received.  Note that this
        // method can only be used if the session is in synchronous mode (ie
        // not using the EventHandler).  The behavior is undefined unless the
        // session was started.

    int post(const MessageEvent& event);
        // Asynchronously post the specified 'event' that must contain one or
        // more 'Messages'.  The return value is one of the values defined in
        // the 'bmqt::PostResult::Enum' enum.  Return zero on success and a
        // non-zero value otherwise.  Note that success implies that SDK has
        // accepted the 'event' and will eventually deliver it to the broker.
        // The behavior is undefined unless the session was started.

    int confirmMessage(const Message& message);
        // Asynchronously confirm the receipt of the specified 'message'.  This
        // indicates that the application is done processing the message and
        // that the broker can safely discard it from the queue according to
        // the retention policy set up for that queue.  Return 0 on success,
        // and a non-zero value otherwise.  Note that success implies that SDK
        // has accepted the 'message' and will eventually send confirmation
        // notification to the broker.

    int confirmMessage(const MessageConfirmationCookie& cookie);
        // Asynchronously confirm the receipt of the message with which the
        // specified 'cookie' is associated.  This indicates that the
        // application is done processing the message and that the broker can
        // safely discard it from the queue according to the retention policy
        // set up for that queue.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value
        // otherwise.  Note that success implies that SDK has accepted the
        // 'message' and will eventually send confirmation notification to the
        // broker.

    int confirmMessages(ConfirmEventBuilder *builder);
        // Asynchronously confirm the receipt of the batch of CONFIRM messages
        // contained in the specified 'builder'.  This indicates that the
        // application is done processing all of the messages and that the
        // broker can safely discard them from the queue according to the
        // retention policy set up for that queue.  Return 0 on success, and a
        // non-zero value otherwise.  Note that in case of success, the
        // instance pointed by the 'builder' will be reset.  Also note that
        // success implies that SDK has accepted all of the messages in
        // 'builder' and will eventually send confirmation notification to the
        // broker.  Behavior is undefined unless 'builder' is non-null.

    ///Debugging related
    int configureMessageDumping(const bslstl::StringRef& command);
        // Configure this session instance to dump messages to the installed
        // logger at 'ball::Severity::INFO' level according to the specified
        // 'command' that should adhere to the following pattern:
        //   IN|OUT ON|OFF|100|10s
        // where each token has a specific meaning:
        //: o !IN!  : incoming ('PUSH' and 'ACK') events
        //: o !OUT! : outgoing ('PUT' and 'CONFIRM') events
        //: o !ON!  : turn on message dumping until explicitly turned off
        //: o !OFF! : turn off message dumping
        //: o !100! : turn on message dumping for the next 100 messages
        //: o !10s! : turn on message dumping for the next 10 seconds
        // Note that above, '100' and '10' numerical values are for just for
        // illustration purposes, and application can choose an appropriate
        // value for them.  Also note that pattern is case-insensitive.  Return
        // zero if 'command' is valid and message dumping has been configured,
        // non-zero value otherwise.  The behavior is undefined unless the
        // session has been started.

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace
