Oct 7, 2018

Defensive Checking Versus Input Validation

by Rostislav Khlebnikov and John Lakos.

View the full article Defensive Checking Versus Input Validation


For a software system to function as intended, the assumptions its implementers make in the source code must be satisfied. Such assumptions fall into one of two distinct categories: (1) those that are always expected to be true in a properly implemented system, and (2) those whose truth depends on factors external to the system. Violations in each category indicate fundamentally different issues: software defects for the first category and malformed input for the second category. Thus, a well-designed software system should employ different mechanisms for each category. Empirical evidence suggests, however, that practitioners often confuse and/or conflate these categories and use an incorrect mechanism, which leads to both reduced efficiency and potentially catastrophic failures.

This paper first illustrates the important differences between the defensive and input validation runtime checks that are intended to verify the truth of assumptions in the two categories. The detrimental consequences of conflating the two checking mechanisms are then shown. Finally, criteria are provided to discriminate between the two categories based on physical neighborhoods as well as the packaging, testing, deployment, and consumption (PTDC) requirements that such neighborhoods must satisfy. Only those checks that (1) are defensive in nature (i.e., that verify the assumptions that are always expected to be true) and (2) are manifestly defensive (i.e., that can be statically proven) when embedded in their physical neighborhoods can be implemented using defensive-checking frameworks such as <cassert>.