BDE 3.20.0: Production Release


  • The BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.20.0 production release was completed on Tuesday, January 29, 2019

BDE 3.20.0 Highlights


The ball_log component now defines an additional macro:


where CATEGORY is an ASCII string, the name of a ball logging category to be in effect for a namespace and can also be used to set a category for everything at the file scope of a translation unit. Categories set by this macro can be overridden at inner scopes (e.g., function scope, class scope, block scope) by the other *CATEGORY* macros.

The following example shows how to set a category that is in effect (by default) for all BALL logging within the namespace. Thus, the BALL_LOG_TRACE record generated in Utility::method1 is given the namespace category:

// xyza_utility.cpp

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace xyza {


void Utility::method1()
    BALL_LOG_TRACE << "Entered 'method1'";

    // ...

    if (critical) {


       BALL_LOG_TRACE << "Entered: Critical Handling";

       // ...

       BALL_LOG_TRACE << "Leaving: Critical Handling";

    // ...

}  // end package namespace
}  // end enterprise namespace

Notice that within the code block of the if statement above, the namespace category is superseded by a different category.

The following example shows how to use the BALL_LOG_SET_NAMESPACE_CATEGORY to define a category for the top-level namespace scope of the translation unit:

// my_task.cpp


void function1()
    BALL_LOG_TRACE << "Entered: 'function1'";

    // ...

The BALL_LOG_SET_NAMESPACE_CATEGORY macro can be used once per translation unit and once per namespace. Compilation and linking issues are introduced by multiple occurrences. Thus, use of this macro is restricted to .cpp files. Do NOT use this macro in .h files.

Note that functions defined in header files see the category defined in the scope of their invocation.