
Create a VSCode project for the current directory.

This script simplifies the process of using VS Code on a BDE style repository by automatically generating a project with toolchains and build targets populated.

Setting up VS Code from WSL

  • Install and configure WSL with gcc or clang compiler.

  • Clone and setup bde-tools from public github bde-tools repository:

    $ git clone
    export PATH=${PWD}/bde-tools/bin:${PATH}
  • Clone bde code (or setup a workspace) from public github bde repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd bde
  • Now we can set up the build environment with bbs_build_env, followed by bbs_make_vscode which will create a .vscode directory, e.g.:

    eval `bbs_build_env -u dbg_64 -p gcc-10`
  • With the environment set up, we can now start VS Code:

    code .

    VS Code will detect that you’ve opened a CMake workspace and will suggest selecting the kit. Choose the “[Unspecified]” kit. Then choose CMake: Configure in the command pallette to configure the workspace.

    To change the UFID, simply repeat eval and bbs_make_vscode steps. Note that the files will be overwritten and any manual changes will be lost.