// bslstl_treenodepool.h                                              -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide efficient creation of nodes used in tree-based container.
//   bslstl::TreeNodePool: memory manager to allocate tree nodes
//@SEE_ALSO: bslstl_simplepool
//@DESCRIPTION: This component implements a mechanism that creates and deletes
// 'bslstl::TreeNode' objects for the (template parameter) type 'VALUE' for use
// in a tree-based container.
// A 'bslstl::TreeNodePool' contains a memory pool provided by the
// 'bslstl_simplepool' component to provide memory for the nodes (see
// 'bslstl_simplepool').  When the pool is empty, a number of memory blocks is
// allocated and added to the pool, where each block is large enough to contain
// a 'bslstl::TreeNode'.  The first allocation contains one memory block.
// Subsequent allocations double the number of memory blocks of the previous
// allocation up to an implementation defined maximum number of blocks.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Creating a 'IntSet' Container
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// This example demonstrates how to create a container type, 'IntSet' using
// 'bslalg::RbTreeUtil'.
// First, we define a comparison functor for comparing a
// 'bslstl::RbTreeNode<int>' object and an 'int' value.  This functor conforms
// to the requirements of 'bslalg::RbTreeUtil':
//  struct IntNodeComparator {
//      // This class defines a comparator providing comparison operations
//      // between 'bslstl::TreeNode<int>' objects, and 'int' values.
//    private:
//      // PRIVATE TYPES
//      typedef bslstl::TreeNode<int> Node;
//          // Alias for a node type containing an 'int' value.
//    public:
//      // CLASS METHODS
//      bool operator()(const bslalg::RbTreeNode& lhs, int rhs) const
//      {
//          return static_cast<const Node&>(lhs).value() < rhs;
//      }
//      bool operator()(int lhs, const bslalg::RbTreeNode& rhs) const
//      {
//          return lhs < static_cast<const Node&>(rhs).value();
//      }
//  };
// Then, we define the public interface of 'IntSet'.  Note that it contains a
// 'TreeNodePool' that will be used by 'bslalg::RbTreeUtil' as a 'FACTORY' to
// create and delete nodes.  Also note that a number of simplifications have
// been made for the purpose of illustration.  For example, this implementation
// provides only a minimal set of critical operations, and it does not use the
// empty base-class optimization for the comparator.
//  template <class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<int> >
//  class IntSet {
//      // This class implements a set of (unique) 'int' values.
//      // PRIVATE TYPES
//      typedef bslstl::TreeNodePool<int, ALLOCATOR> TreeNodePool;
//      // DATA
//      bslalg::RbTreeAnchor d_tree;      // tree of node objects
//      TreeNodePool         d_nodePool;  // allocator for node objects
//      IntSet(const IntSet&);
//      IntSet& operator=(const IntSet&);
//    public:
//      // CREATORS
//      IntSet(const ALLOCATOR& allocator = ALLOCATOR());
//          // Create an empty set.  Optionally specify an 'allocator' used to
//          // supply memory.  If 'allocator' is not specified, a default
//          // constructed 'ALLOCATOR' object is used.
//      //! ~IntSet() = 0;
//          // Destroy this object.
//      void insert(int value);
//          // Insert the specified 'value' into this set.
//      bool remove(int value);
//          // If 'value' is a member of this set, then remove it from the set
//          // and return 'true'.  Otherwise, return 'false' with no effect.
//      // ACCESSORS
//      bool isElement(int value) const;
//          // Return 'true' if the specified 'value' is a member of this set,
//          // and 'false' otherwise.
//      int numElements() const;
//          // Return the number of elements in this set.
//  };
// Now, we implement the methods of 'IntSet' using 'RbTreeUtil'.
//  template <class ALLOCATOR>
//  inline
//  IntSet<ALLOCATOR>::IntSet(const ALLOCATOR& allocator)
//  : d_tree()
//  , d_nodePool(allocator)
//  {
//  }
//  template <class ALLOCATOR>
//  void IntSet<ALLOCATOR>::insert(int value)
//  {
//      int comparisonResult;
//      bslalg::RbTreeNode *parent =
//          bslalg::RbTreeUtil::findUniqueInsertLocation(&comparisonResult,
//                                                       &d_tree,
//                                                       IntNodeComparator(),
//                                                       value);
// Here we use the 'TreeNodePool' object, 'd_nodePool', to create the node that
// was inserted into the set.
//      if (0 != comparisonResult) {
//          bslalg::RbTreeNode *node = d_nodePool.emplaceIntoNewNode(value);
//          bslalg::RbTreeUtil::insertAt(&d_tree,
//                                       parent,
//                                       comparisonResult < 0,
//                                       node);
//      }
//  }
//  template <class ALLOCATOR>
//  bool IntSet<ALLOCATOR>::remove(int value)
//  {
//      IntNodeComparator comparator;
//      bslalg::RbTreeNode *node =
//                bslalg::RbTreeUtil::find(d_tree, comparator, value);
// Here we use the 'TreeNodePool' object, 'd_nodePool', to delete a node that
// was removed from the set.
//      if (node) {
//          bslalg::RbTreeUtil::remove(&d_tree, node);
//          d_nodePool.deleteNode(node);
//      }
//      return node;
//  }
//  template <class ALLOCATOR>
//  inline
//  bool IntSet<ALLOCATOR>::isElement(int value) const
//  {
//      return bslalg::RbTreeUtil::find(d_tree, IntNodeComparator(), value);
//  }
//  template <class ALLOCATOR>
//  inline
//  int IntSet<ALLOCATOR>::numElements() const
//  {
//      return d_tree.numNodes();
//  }
// Finally, we create a sample 'IntSet' object and insert 3 values into the
// 'IntSet'.  We verify the attributes of the 'Set' before and after each
// insertion.
//  bslma::TestAllocator defaultAllocator("defaultAllocator");
//  bslma::DefaultAllocatorGuard defaultGuard(&defaultAllocator);
//  bslma::TestAllocator objectAllocator("objectAllocator");
//  IntSet<bsl::allocator<int> > set(&objectAllocator);
//  assert(0 == defaultAllocator.numBytesInUse());
//  assert(0 == objectAllocator.numBytesInUse());
//  assert(0 == set.numElements());
//  set.insert(1);
//  assert(set.isElement(1));
//  assert(1 == set.numElements());
//  set.insert(1);
//  assert(set.isElement(1));
//  assert(1 == set.numElements());
//  set.insert(2);
//  assert(set.isElement(1));
//  assert(set.isElement(2));
//  assert(2 == set.numElements());
//  assert(0 == defaultAllocator.numBytesInUse());
//  assert(0 <  objectAllocator.numBytesInUse());

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bslstl_simplepool.h>
#include <bslstl_treenode.h>

#include <bslalg_rbtreenode.h>

#include <bslma_allocatortraits.h>
#include <bslma_deallocatorproctor.h>

#include <bslmf_movableref.h>
#include <bslmf_util.h>    // 'forward(V)'

#include <bsls_compilerfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_util.h>     // 'forward<T>(V)'

// Include version that can be compiled with C++03
// Generated on Thu Oct 21 10:11:37 2021
// Command line: sim_cpp11_features.pl bslstl_treenodepool.h
# include <bslstl_treenodepool_cpp03.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bslstl {

                       // ==================
                       // class TreeNodePool
                       // ==================

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
class TreeNodePool {
    // This class provides methods for creating and deleting nodes using the
    // appropriate allocator traits of the (template parameter) type
    // 'ALLOCATOR'.  This type is intended to be used as a private base-class
    // for a node-based container, in order to take advantage of the
    // empty-base-class optimization in the case where the base class has 0
    // size (as may be the case if the (template parameter) type 'ALLOCATOR' is
    // not a 'bslma::Allocator').

    typedef SimplePool<TreeNode<VALUE>, ALLOCATOR> Pool;
        // Alias for the memory pool allocator.

    typedef typename Pool::AllocatorTraits         AllocatorTraits;
        // Alias for the allocator traits defined by 'SimplePool'.

    typedef bslmf::MovableRefUtil                  MoveUtil;
        // This typedef is a convenient alias for the utility associated with
        // movable references.

    // DATA
    Pool d_pool;  // pool for allocating memory

    TreeNodePool(const TreeNodePool&);
    TreeNodePool& operator=(const TreeNodePool&);
    TreeNodePool& operator=(bslmf::MovableRef<TreeNodePool>);

    typedef typename Pool::AllocatorType AllocatorType;
        // Alias for the allocator type defined by 'SimplePool'.

    typedef typename AllocatorTraits::size_type size_type;
        // Alias for the 'size_type' of the allocator defined by 'SimplePool'.

    explicit TreeNodePool(const ALLOCATOR& allocator);
        // Create a node-pool that will use the specified 'allocator' to supply
        // memory for allocated node objects.

    TreeNodePool(bslmf::MovableRef<TreeNodePool> original);
        // Create a node-pool, adopting all outstanding memory allocations
        // associated with the specified 'original' node-pool, that will use
        // the allocator associated with 'original' to supply memory for
        // allocated node objects.  'original' is left in a valid but
        // unspecified state.

    void adopt(bslmf::MovableRef<TreeNodePool> pool);
        // Adopt all outstanding memory allocations associated with the
        // specified node 'pool'.  The behavior is undefined unless this pool
        // uses the same allocator as that associated with 'pool'.  The
        // behavior is also undefined unless this pool is in the
        // default-constructed state.

    AllocatorType& allocator();
        // Return a reference providing modifiable access to the rebound
        // allocator traits for the node-type.  Note that this operation
        // returns a base-class ('NodeAlloc') reference to this object.

    bslalg::RbTreeNode *cloneNode(const bslalg::RbTreeNode& original);
        // Allocate a node object and copy-construct an object of the (template
        // parameter) type 'VALUE' having the same value as the specified
        // 'original' at the 'value' attribute of the node.  Return the address
        // of the newly allocated node.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'original' refers to a 'TreeNode<VALUE>' object holding a valid
        // (initialized) value.

    template <class... Args>
    bslalg::RbTreeNode *emplaceIntoNewNode(Args&&... args);
        // Allocate a node with a newly created value object of the (template
        // parameter) type 'VALUE', constructed by forwarding 'allocator()' and
        // the specified (variable number of) 'arguments' to the corresponding
        // constructor of 'VALUE'.  Return the address of the newly allocated
        // node.  This operation requires that 'VALUE' be constructible from
        // 'arguments'.

    void deleteNode(bslalg::RbTreeNode *node);
        // Destroy the 'VALUE' value of the specified 'node' and return the
        // memory footprint of 'node' to this pool for potential reuse.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless 'node' refers to a 'TreeNode<VALUE>'.

    bslalg::RbTreeNode *moveIntoNewNode(bslalg::RbTreeNode *original);
        // Allocate a node of the type 'TreeNode<VALUE>', and move-construct an
        // object of the (template parameter) type 'VALUE' with the (explicitly
        // moved) value indicated by the 'value' attribute of the specified
        // 'original' node.  Return the address of the newly allocated node.
        // The object referred to by the 'value' attribute of 'original' is
        // left in a valid but unspecified state.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'original' refers to a 'TreeNode<VALUE>' object holding a
        // valid (initialized) value.

    void reserveNodes(size_type numNodes);
        // Add to this pool sufficient memory to satisfy memory requests for at
        // least the specified 'numNodes'.  The additional memory is added
        // irrespective of the amount of free memory when called.  The behavior
        // is undefined unless '0 < numNodes'.

    void swap(TreeNodePool& other);
        // Efficiently exchange the nodes of this object with those of the
        // specified 'other' object.  This method provides the no-throw
        // exception-safety guarantee.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'allocator() == other.allocator()'.

    void swapExchangeAllocators(TreeNodePool& other);
        // Efficiently exchange the nodes and allocator of this object with
        // those of the specified 'other' object.  This method provides the
        // no-throw exception-safety guarantee, *unless* swapping the
        // (user-supplied) allocator objects can throw.

    void swapRetainAllocators(TreeNodePool& other);
        // Efficiently exchange the nodes of this object with those of the
        // specified 'other' object.  This method provides the no-throw
        // exception-safety guarantee.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'allocator() == other.allocator()'.

    const AllocatorType& allocator() const;
        // Return a reference providing non-modifiable access to the rebound
        // allocator traits for the node-type.  Note that this operation
        // returns a base-class ('NodeAlloc') reference to this object.

    bool hasFreeNodes() const;
        // Return 'true' if this object holds free (currently unused) nodes,
        // and 'false' otherwise.

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

                       // ------------------
                       // class TreeNodePool
                       // ------------------

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::TreeNodePool(const ALLOCATOR& allocator)
: d_pool(allocator)

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::TreeNodePool(
                                      bslmf::MovableRef<TreeNodePool> original)
: d_pool(MoveUtil::move(MoveUtil::access(original).d_pool))

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::adopt(bslmf::MovableRef<TreeNodePool> pool)
    TreeNodePool& lvalue = pool;

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
typename SimplePool<TreeNode<VALUE>, ALLOCATOR>::AllocatorType&
TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::allocator()
    return d_pool.allocator();

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
bslalg::RbTreeNode *TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::cloneNode(
                                            const bslalg::RbTreeNode& original)
    return emplaceIntoNewNode(
                        static_cast<const TreeNode<VALUE>&>(original).value());

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
template <class... Args>
bslalg::RbTreeNode *
TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::emplaceIntoNewNode(Args&&... args)
    TreeNode<VALUE> *node = d_pool.allocate();
    bslma::DeallocatorProctor<Pool> proctor(node, &d_pool);

    return node;

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
void TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::deleteNode(bslalg::RbTreeNode *node)

    TreeNode<VALUE> *treeNode = static_cast<TreeNode<VALUE> *>(node);

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
bslalg::RbTreeNode *
TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::moveIntoNewNode(bslalg::RbTreeNode *original)
    return emplaceIntoNewNode(
            MoveUtil::move(static_cast<TreeNode<VALUE> *>(original)->value()));

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
void TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::reserveNodes(size_type numNodes)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 < numNodes);


template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
void TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::swap(
                                         TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>& other)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(allocator() == other.allocator());


template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
void TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::swapExchangeAllocators(
                                         TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>& other)

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
void TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::swapRetainAllocators(
                                         TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>& other)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(allocator() == other.allocator());


template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
const typename SimplePool<TreeNode<VALUE>, ALLOCATOR>::AllocatorType&
TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::allocator() const
    return d_pool.allocator();

template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
bool TreeNodePool<VALUE, ALLOCATOR>::hasFreeNodes() const
    return d_pool.hasFreeBlocks();

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace

#endif // End C++11 code


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2019 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------