// bslstl_priorityqueue.h                                             -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide container adapter class template 'priority_queue'.
//   bsl::priority_queue: template of highest-priority-first data structure
//@CANONICAL_HEADER: bsl_queue.h
//@SEE_ALSO: bslstl_queue, bslstl_stack
//@DESCRIPTION: This component defines a class template, 'bsl::priority_queue',
// holding a container (of a template parameter type, 'CONTAINER', containing
// elements of another template parameter type, 'VALUE'), and adapting it to
// provide highest-priority-first priority queue data structure.  The component
// takes a third template parameter type, 'COMPARATOR', for customized
// priorities comparison between two elements.
// An instantiation of 'priority_queue' is an allocator-aware, value-semantic
// type whose salient attributes are its size (number of held elements) and the
// sorted sequence of values (of held elements).  If 'priority_queue' is
// instantiated with a value type, that is not itself value-semantic, then it
// will not retain all of its value-semantic qualities.  A 'priority_queue'
// cannot be tested for equality, but its value type must be able to be tested
// for comparing less by its comparator type.
// The 'priority_queue' implemented here adheres to the C++11 standard when
// compiled with a C++11 compiler, and makes the best approximation when
// compiled with a C++03 compiler.  In particular, for C++03 we emulate move
// semantics, but limit forwarding (in 'emplace') to 'const' lvalues, and make
// no effort to emulate 'noexcept' or initializer-lists.
///Memory Allocation
// The type supplied as an 'ALLOCATOR' template parameter in some of
// 'priority_queue' constructors determines how the held container (of the
// (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER') will allocate memory.  A
// 'priority_queue' supports allocators meeting the requirements of the C++11
// standard [] as long as the held container does.  In addition it
// supports scoped-allocators derived from the 'bslma::Allocator' memory
// allocation protocol.  Clients intending to use 'bslma'-style allocators
// should use 'bsl::allocator' as the 'ALLOCATOR' template parameter,
// providing a C++11 standard-compatible adapter for a 'bslma::Allocator'
// object.
///'VALUE' and 'CONTAINER::value_type'
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// When the 'CONTAINER' template parameter is omitted the 'VALUE' template
// parameter specifies the 'value_type' of 'bsl::vector', the default container
// type.  The 'VALUE' template has no other role.
// For C++17 and later, the behavior is undefined unless:
//  true == bsl::is_same<VALUE, typename CONTAINER::value_type>::value
// Prior to C++17, 'CONTAINER::value_type' determines the contained value type
// and 'VALUE' is simply ignored.  The resulting code may work with instances
// of 'VALUE' (e.g., 'VALUE' is convertible to 'CONTAINER::value_type') or not
// (compiler errors).
// The C++11 standard [23.6.4] declares any container type supporting
// operations 'front', 'push_back', and 'pop_back' can be used to instantiate
// the (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER'.  Below is a list of public
// methods of 'priority_queue' class that are effectively implemented as
// calling the corresponding operations in the held container (referenced as
// 'c').
//  +--------------------------------------+--------------------------+
//  | Public methods in 'priority_queue'   | Operation in 'CONTAINER' |
//  +======================================+==========================+
//  | void push(const value_type& value);  | c.push_back(value);      |
//  | void pop();                          | c.pop_back();            |
//  | void emplace(Args&&... args)         | c.emplace_back(...)      |
//  +--------------------------------------+--------------------------+
//  | bool empty() const;                  | c.empty();               |
//  | size_type size() const;              | c.size();                |
//  | const_reference top() const;         | c.front();               |
//  +--------------------------------------+--------------------------+
// In this section we show intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Task Scheduler
///- - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In this example, we will use the 'bsl::priority_queue' class to implement a
// task scheduler that schedules a group of tasks based on their designated
// priorities.
// Suppose we want to write a background process that runs tasks needed by
// foreground applications.  Each task has a task id, a priority, and a
// function pointer that can be invoked by the background process.  This
// background process has two threads: one thread (receiving thread) receives
// requests from other applications, passing required tasks to a task
// scheduler; the other thread (processing thread) runs the task scheduler,
// executing the tasks one-by-one from higher to lower priorities.  To
// implement this functionality, we can use 'bsl::priority_queue' in the task
// scheduler to buffer received, but as yet unprocessed, tasks.  The task
// scheduler adds newly received tasks into the priority queue in the receiving
// thread, and extracts tasks from the priority queue for execution according
// to their priorities in the processing thread.
// First, we define a 'TaskFunction' type:
//  typedef void (*TaskFunction)(int, int, int);
// Then, we define a 'Task' class, which contains a task id, a 'TaskFunction'
// object and an associated task priority:
//  class Task
//      // This class represents a task that has an integer task id, a task
//      // function, and an integer priority.  The smaller the numerical value
//      // of a priority, the higher the priority.
//  {
//    private:
//      // DATA
//      int          d_taskId;          // task id
//      TaskFunction d_taskFunction_p;  // task function
//      int          d_priority;        // priority of the task
//    public:
//      // CREATORS
//      explicit Task(int taskId, TaskFunction taskFunction, int priority);
//          // Create a 'Task' object having the specified 'taskId', the
//          // specified 'd_taskFunction_p', and the specified 'priority'.
//      // ACCESSORS
//      int getId() const;
//          // Return the contained task id.
//      int getPriority() const;
//          // Return the priority of the task.
//      TaskFunction getFunction() const;
//          // Return the contained task function object.
//  };
//  Task::Task(int taskId, TaskFunction taskFunction, int priority)
//  : d_taskId(taskId)
//  , d_taskFunction_p(taskFunction)
//  , d_priority(priority)
//  {
//  }
//  inline
//  int Task::getId() const
//  {
//      return d_taskId;
//  }
//  inline
//  int Task::getPriority() const
//  {
//      return d_priority;
//  }
//  inline
//  TaskFunction Task::getFunction() const
//  {
//      return d_taskFunction_p;
//  }
// Next, we define a functor to compare the priorities of two 'Task' objects:
//  struct TaskComparator {
//      // This 'struct' defines an ordering on 'Task' objects, allowing them
//      // to be included in sorted data structures such as
//      // 'bsl::priority_queue'.
//      bool operator()(const Task& lhs, const Task& rhs) const
//          // Return 'true' if the priority of the specified 'lhs' is
//          // numerically less than that of the specified 'rhs', and 'false'
//          // otherwise.  Note that the smaller the value returned by the
//          // 'Task::getPriority' method, the higher the priority.
//      {
//          return lhs.getPriority() > rhs.getPriority();
//      }
//  };
// Then, we define a 'TaskScheduler' class that provides methods to hold and
// schedule unprocessed tasks:
//  class TaskScheduler {
//      // This class holds and schedules tasks to execute.
// Here, we define a private data member that is an instantiation of
// 'bsl::priority_queue', which uses 'Task' for its 'VALUE' (template
// parameter) type, 'bsl::vector<Task>' for its 'CONTAINER' (template
// parameter) type, and 'TaskComparator' for its 'COMPARATOR' (template
// parameter) type:
//      // DATA
//      bsl::priority_queue<Task,
//                          bsl::vector<Task>,
//                          TaskComparator>
//            d_taskPriorityQueue;  // priority queue holding unprocessed tasks
//      // ...
//    public:
//      // CREATORS
//      explicit TaskScheduler(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
//          // Create a 'TaskScheduler' object.  Optionally specify a
//          // 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is
//          // 0, the currently installed default allocator is used.
//      void addTask(int taskId, TaskFunction taskFunction, int priority);
//          // Enqueue the specified 'task' having the specified 'priority'
//          // onto this scheduler.
//      void processTasks(int verbose);
//          // Dequeue the task having the highest priority in this scheduler,
//          // and call its task function by passing in the specified 'verbose'
//          // flag.
//  };
// Next, we implement the 'TaskScheduler' constructor:
//  TaskScheduler::TaskScheduler(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
//  : d_taskPriorityQueue(basicAllocator)
//  {
//  }
// Notice that we pass to the contained 'd_taskPriorityQueue' object the
// 'bslma::Allocator' supplied to the 'TaskScheduler' at construction.
// Then, we implement the 'addTask' method, which constructs a 'Task' object
// and adds it into the priority queue:
//  void TaskScheduler::addTask(int taskId,
//                              TaskFunction taskFunction,
//                              int priority)
//  {
//      // ... (some synchronization)
//      d_taskPriorityQueue.push(Task(taskId, taskFunction, priority));
//      // ...
//  }
// Next, we implement the 'processTasks' method, which extracts tasks from the
// priority queue in order of descending priorities, and executes them:
//  void TaskScheduler::processTasks(int verbose)
//  {
//      // ... (some synchronization)
//      while (!d_taskPriorityQueue.empty()) {
//          const Task& task = d_taskPriorityQueue.top();
//          TaskFunction taskFunction = task.getFunction();
//          if (taskFunction) {
//              taskFunction(task.getId(), task.getPriority(), verbose);
//          }
//          d_taskPriorityQueue.pop();
//      }
//      // ...
//  }
// Note that the 'top' method always returns the 'Task' object having the
// highest priority in the priority queue.
// Then, we define two task functions:
//  void taskFunction1(int taskId, int priority, int verbose)
//  {
//      if (verbose) {
//          printf("Executing task %d (priority = %d) in 'taskFunction1'.\n",
//                 taskId,
//                 priority);
//      }
//  }
//  void taskFunction2(int taskId, int priority, int verbose)
//  {
//      if (verbose) {
//          printf("Executing task %d (priority = %d) in 'taskFunction2'.\n",
//                 taskId,
//                 priority);
//      }
//  }
// Next, we create a global 'TaskScheduler' object:
//  TaskScheduler taskScheduler;
// Now, we call the 'addTask' method of 'taskScheduler' in the receiving
// thread:
//  // (in receiving thread)
//  // ...
//  taskScheduler.addTask(1, taskFunction1, 50);
//  // ...
//  taskScheduler.addTask(2, taskFunction1, 99);
//  // ...
//  taskScheduler.addTask(3, taskFunction2, 4);
//  // ...
// Finally, we call the 'processTasks' method of 'taskScheduler' in the
// processing thread:
//  // (in processing thread)
//  // ...
//  taskScheduler.processTasks(veryVerbose);
//  // ...

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bslstl_vector.h>
#include <bslstl_iteratorutil.h>

#include <bslalg_swaputil.h>

#include <bslma_isstdallocator.h>
#include <bslma_stdallocator.h>
#include <bslma_usesbslmaallocator.h>

#include <bslmf_assert.h>
#include <bslmf_enableif.h>
#include <bslmf_isconvertible.h>
#include <bslmf_issame.h>
#include <bslmf_movableref.h>
#include <bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration.h>
#include <bslmf_usesallocator.h>
#include <bslmf_util.h>    // 'forward(V)'

#include <bsls_compilerfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_keyword.h>
#include <bsls_libraryfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_util.h>     // 'forward<T>(V)'

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>

// Include version that can be compiled with C++03
// Generated on Thu Oct 21 10:11:37 2021
// Command line: sim_cpp11_features.pl bslstl_priorityqueue.h
# include <bslstl_priorityqueue_cpp03.h>

namespace bsl {

                         // ====================
                         // class priority_queue
                         // ====================

template <class VALUE,
          class CONTAINER  = vector<VALUE>,
          class COMPARATOR = std::less<typename CONTAINER::value_type> >
class priority_queue {
    // This class is a value-semantic class template, adapting a container of
    // the (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER', that holds elements of the
    // (template parameter) type 'VALUE', to provide a highest-priority-first
    // priority queue data structure, where the priorities of elements are
    // compared by a comparator of the template parameter type, 'COMPARATOR'.
    // The container object held by a 'priority_queue' class object is
    // referenced as 'c' in the following documentation.

    // STATIC CHECK: Type mismatch is UB per C++17
    BSLMF_ASSERT((is_same<VALUE, typename CONTAINER::value_type>::value));

    typedef BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRefUtil MoveUtil;
        // This 'typedef' is a convenient alias for the utility associated with
        // movable references.

    typedef          CONTAINER                  container_type;
    typedef          COMPARATOR                 value_compare;
    typedef typename CONTAINER::value_type      value_type;
    typedef typename CONTAINER::reference       reference;
    typedef typename CONTAINER::const_reference const_reference;
    typedef typename CONTAINER::size_type       size_type;

    CONTAINER  c;     // container for elements in the 'priority_queue'.  This
                      // data member exactly matches its definition in the
                      // C++11 standard [23.6.4].

    COMPARATOR comp;  // comparator that defines the priority order of elements
                      // in the 'priority_queue'.  This data member exactly
                      // matches its definition in the C++11 standard [23.6.4].

    // TRAITS

        // Create an empty priority queue, adapting a default-constructed
        // container of the (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER'.  Use a
        // default-constructed comparator of the (template parameter) type
        // 'COMPARATOR' to order elements in the priority queue.

    explicit priority_queue(const COMPARATOR& comparator);
        // Create an empty priority queue, adapting a default-constructed
        // container of the (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER', and having
        // the specified 'comparator' of the (template parameter) type
        // 'COMPARATOR' to order elements in the priority queue.

    priority_queue(const COMPARATOR& comparator, const CONTAINER& container);
        // Create a priority queue, adapting the specified 'container' of the
        // (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER', and having the specified
        // 'comparator' of the (template parameter) type 'COMPARATOR' to order
        // elements in the priority queue.

    explicit priority_queue(
           const COMPARATOR&                         comparator,
           BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<CONTAINER> container);
        // Create a priority queue, adapting the specified 'container' of the
        // (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER', and having the specified
        // 'comparator' of the (template parameter) type 'COMPARATOR' to order
        // elements in the priority queue.

    template <class INPUT_ITERATOR>
    priority_queue(INPUT_ITERATOR first, INPUT_ITERATOR last);
        // Create a priority queue, adapting a default-constructed container of
        // the (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER', and inserting into the
        // container a sequence of 'value_type' elements that starts at the
        // specified 'first' and ends immediately before the specified 'last'.
        // Use a default-constructed comparator of the (template parameter)
        // type 'COMPARATOR' to order elements in the priority queue.

    template <class INPUT_ITERATOR>
    priority_queue(INPUT_ITERATOR    first,
                   INPUT_ITERATOR    last,
                   const COMPARATOR& comparator,
                   const CONTAINER&  container);
        // Create a priority queue, adapting the specified 'container', having
        // the specified 'comparator' to order the priorities of elements,
        // including those originally existed in 'container', and those
        // inserted into the 'container' from a sequence of 'value_type'
        // elements starting at the specified 'first', and ending immediately
        // before the specified 'last'.

    template <class INPUT_ITERATOR>
           INPUT_ITERATOR                            first,
           INPUT_ITERATOR                            last,
           const COMPARATOR&                         comparator,
           BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<CONTAINER> container);
        // Create a priority queue, adapting the specified 'container', having
        // the specified 'comparator' to order elements in the priority queue,
        // including those originally existed in 'container', and those
        // inserted into the 'container' from a sequence of 'value_type'
        // elements starting at the specified 'first', and ending immediately
        // before the specified 'last'.

    priority_queue(const priority_queue& original);
        // Create a priority queue having the same value as the specified
        // 'original' object.  Use a copy of the comparator from 'original' to
        // order elements in the priority queue.

    priority_queue(BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<priority_queue> original);
        // Create a priority queue having the same value as the specified
        // 'original' object.  Use a copy of the comparator from 'original' to
        // order elements in the priority queue.

    template <class ALLOCATOR>
    priority_queue(const ALLOCATOR& basicAllocator,
                   typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type * = 0);
        // Create an empty priority queue, adapting a default-constructed
        // container of the (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER' that uses the
        // specified 'basicAllocator' to supply memory.  Use a
        // default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type
        // 'COMPARATOR' to order elements in the priority queue.  Note that
        // this constructor is only defined if the underlying container uses
        // allocator.  Otherwise this constructor is disabled.

    template <class ALLOCATOR>
    priority_queue(const COMPARATOR& comparator,
                   const ALLOCATOR&  basicAllocator,
                   typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type * = 0);
        // Create an empty priority queue, adapting a default-constructed
        // container of the (template parameter) type 'CONTAINER' that uses the
        // specified 'basicAllocator' to supply memory, and the specified
        // 'comparator' to order elements in the priority queue.  Note that
        // this constructor is only defined if the underlying container uses
        // allocator.  Otherwise this constructor is disabled.

    template <class ALLOCATOR>
    priority_queue(const COMPARATOR& comparator,
                   const CONTAINER&  container,
                   const ALLOCATOR&  basicAllocator,
                   typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type * = 0);
        // Create a priority queue, adapting the specified 'container' that
        // uses the specified 'basicAllocator' to supply memory, and the
        // specified 'comparator' to order elements in the priority queue.
        // Note that this constructor is only defined if the underlying
        // container uses allocator.  Otherwise this constructor is disabled.

    template <class ALLOCATOR>
    priority_queue(const COMPARATOR&                         comparator,
                   BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<CONTAINER> container,
                   const ALLOCATOR&                          basicAllocator,
                   typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type * = 0);
        // Create a priority queue, adapting the specified 'container' that
        // uses the specified 'basicAllocator' to supply memory, and the
        // specified 'comparator' to order elements in the priority queue.
        // Note that this constructor is only defined if the underlying
        // container uses allocator.  Otherwise this constructor is disabled.

    template <class ALLOCATOR>
    priority_queue(const priority_queue& original,
                   const ALLOCATOR&      basicAllocator,
                   typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type * = 0);
        // Create a priority queue having the same value as the specified
        // 'original' object and using the specified 'basicAllocator' to supply
        // memory.  Use a copy of the comparator from 'original' to order
        // elements in the priority queue.  Note that this constructor is only
        // defined if the underlying container uses allocator.  Otherwise this
        // constructor is disabled.

    template <class ALLOCATOR>
                 BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<priority_queue> original,
                 const ALLOCATOR&                               basicAllocator,
                 typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type * = 0);
        // Create a priority queue having the same value as the specified
        // 'original' object and using the specified 'basicAllocator' to supply
        // memory.  Use a copy of the comparator from 'original' to order
        // elements in the priority queue.  Note that this constructor is only
        // defined if the underlying container uses allocator.  Otherwise this
        // constructor is disabled.

    priority_queue& operator=(const priority_queue& rhs);
        // Assign to this object the value and comparator of the specified
        // 'rhs' object and return a reference providing modifiable access to
        // this object.

    priority_queue& operator=(
                            BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<priority_queue> rhs)
        // Assign to this object the value and comparator of the specified
        // 'rhs' object and return a reference providing modifiable access to
        // this object.  'rhs' is left in a valid but unspecified state.

    void push(const value_type& value);
        // Insert the specified 'value' into this priority queue.  In effect,
        // performs 'c.push_back(value);'.

    void push(BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<value_type> value);
        // Insert the specified 'value' into this priority queue.  In effect,
        // performs 'c.push_back(value);'.

    template <class... Args>
    void emplace(Args&&... args);
        // Insert into this priority queue a newly created 'value_type' object,
        // constructed by forwarding the specified (variable number of) 'args'
        // to the corresponding constructor of 'value_type'.  In effect,
        // performs 'c.emplace_back(FORWARD(Args,args)...);'.

    void pop();
        // Remove the top element from this 'priority_queue' object that has
        // the highest priority.  In effect, performs 'c.pop_back();'.  The
        // behavior is undefined if there is currently no elements in this
        // object.

    void swap(priority_queue& other) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION(
                                 bsl::is_nothrow_swappable<CONTAINER>::value &&
        // Efficiently exchange the value of this object with the value of the
        // specified 'other' object.  In effect, performs 'using bsl::swap;
        // swap(c, other.c);'.

    bool empty() const;
        // Return 'true' if this 'priority_queue' object contains no elements,
        // and 'false' otherwise.  In effect, performs 'return c.empty();'.

    size_type size() const;
        // Return the number of elements in this 'priority_queue' object.  In
        // effect, performs 'return c.size()'.

    const_reference top() const;
        // Return a reference providing non-modifiable access to the element
        // having the highest priority in this 'priority_queue' object.  In
        // effect, performs 'return c.front()'.  The behavior is undefined if
        // the priority queue is empty.


template <
    class COMPARATOR,
    class CONTAINER,
    class = bsl::enable_if_t<!bsl::IsStdAllocator_v<CONTAINER>>
  -> priority_queue<typename CONTAINER::value_type, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>;
    // Deduce the template parameter 'VALUE' and 'CONTAINER' from the
    // parameters supplied to the constructor of 'priority_queue'.

template <
    class COMPARATOR,
    class CONTAINER,
    class ALLOCATOR,
    class = bsl::enable_if_t<bsl::uses_allocator_v<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>>
  -> priority_queue<typename CONTAINER::value_type, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>;
    // Deduce the template parameters 'VALUE', 'CONTAINER' and 'COMPARATOR'
    // from the parameters supplied to the constructor of 'priority_queue'.
    // This deduction guide does not participate unless the supplied allocator
    // is convertible to the underlying container's 'allocator_type'.

template <
    class VALUE =
          typename BloombergLP::bslstl::IteratorUtil::IterVal_t<INPUT_ITERATOR>
  -> priority_queue<VALUE>;
    // Deduce the template parameter 'VALUE' from the 'value_type' of the
    // iterators supplied to the constructor of 'priority_queue'.

template <
    class COMPARATOR,
    class CONTAINER,
    class VALUE =
          typename BloombergLP::bslstl::IteratorUtil::IterVal_t<INPUT_ITERATOR>
  -> priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>;
    // Deduce the template parameter 'VALUE' from the 'value_type' of the
    // iterators supplied to the constructor of 'priority_queue'.  Deduce the
    // template parameters 'CONTAINER' and 'COMPARATOR' from the other
    // parameters passed to the constructor.

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
void swap(priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>& a,
          priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>& b)
    // Exchange the container and comparator of the specified 'a' object with
    // the container and comparator of the specified 'b' object.

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

                         // --------------------
                         // class priority_queue
                         // --------------------

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue()

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                                                  const COMPARATOR& comparator)
: comp(comparator)

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                                                  const COMPARATOR& comparator,
                                                  const CONTAINER&  container)
: c(container)
, comp(comparator)
    std::make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                          const COMPARATOR&                         comparator,
                          BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<CONTAINER> container)
: c(MoveUtil::move(container))
, comp(comparator)
    std::make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class INPUT_ITERATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                                                       INPUT_ITERATOR    first,
                                                       INPUT_ITERATOR    last)
    c.insert(c.end(), first, last);
    std::make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class INPUT_ITERATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                                                  INPUT_ITERATOR    first,
                                                  INPUT_ITERATOR    last,
                                                  const COMPARATOR& comparator,
                                                  const CONTAINER&  container)
: c(container)
, comp(comparator)
    c.insert(c.end(), first, last);
    std::make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class INPUT_ITERATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                         INPUT_ITERATOR                             first,
                         INPUT_ITERATOR                             last,
                         const COMPARATOR&                          comparator,
                         BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<CONTAINER>  container)
: c(MoveUtil::move(container))
, comp(comparator)
    c.insert(c.end(), first, last);
    std::make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                                                const priority_queue& original)
: c(original.c)
, comp(original.comp)

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                       BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<priority_queue> original)
: c(MoveUtil::move(MoveUtil::access(original).c))
, comp(MoveUtil::access(original).comp)

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class ALLOCATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                          const ALLOCATOR& basicAllocator,
                          typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type *)
: c(basicAllocator)
, comp(COMPARATOR())

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class ALLOCATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                          const COMPARATOR& comparator,
                          const ALLOCATOR&  basicAllocator,
                          typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type *)
: c(basicAllocator)
, comp(comparator)

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class ALLOCATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                          const COMPARATOR& comparator,
                          const CONTAINER&  container,
                          const ALLOCATOR&  basicAllocator,
                          typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type *)
: c(container, basicAllocator)
, comp(comparator)
    std::make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class ALLOCATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                      const COMPARATOR&                         comparator,
                      BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<CONTAINER> container,
                      const ALLOCATOR&                          basicAllocator,
                      typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type *)
: c(MoveUtil::move(container), basicAllocator)
, comp(comparator)
    std::make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class ALLOCATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                          const priority_queue& original,
                          const ALLOCATOR&      basicAllocator,
                          typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type *)
: c(original.c, basicAllocator)
, comp(original.comp)

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class ALLOCATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::priority_queue(
                 BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<priority_queue> original,
                 const ALLOCATOR&                               basicAllocator,
                 typename enable_if<
                              bsl::uses_allocator<CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR>::value,
                              ALLOCATOR>::type *)
: c(MoveUtil::move(MoveUtil::access(original).c), basicAllocator)
, comp(MoveUtil::access(original).comp)

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::operator=(
                                                     const priority_queue& rhs)
    c = rhs.c;
    comp = rhs.comp;
    return *this;

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::operator=(
                            BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<priority_queue> rhs)
    c = MoveUtil::move(MoveUtil::access(rhs).c);
    comp = MoveUtil::access(rhs).comp;
    return *this;

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
void priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::push(
                                                       const value_type& value)
    std::push_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
void priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::push(
                              BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<value_type> value)
    std::push_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
template <class... Args>
void priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::emplace(Args&&... args)
    std::push_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
void priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::pop()
    std::pop_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
void priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::swap(priority_queue& other)
                                 bsl::is_nothrow_swappable<CONTAINER>::value &&
    BloombergLP::bslalg::SwapUtil::swap(&c, &other.c);
    BloombergLP::bslalg::SwapUtil::swap(&comp, &other.comp);

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
bool priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::empty() const
    return c.empty();

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
typename priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::size_type
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::size() const
    return c.size();

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
typename priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::const_reference
priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>::top() const
    return c.front();

template <class VALUE, class CONTAINER, class COMPARATOR>
void swap(priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>& a,
          priority_queue<VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR>& b)

}  // close namespace bsl

#endif // End C++11 code


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// Copyright 2016 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------