// bslstl_hashtablebucketiterator.h                                   -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide an STL compliant iterator over hash table buckets.
// bslstl::HashBucketIterator: iterator to walk a hash-table bucket
//@SEE_ALSO: bslstl_unorderedmultimap, bslstl_unorderedmultiset
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a standard-conforming forward iterator,
// 'bslstl::HashTableBucketIterator', over a list of elements (of
// 'bslalg::BidirectionalLinkList' type) in a single bucket (of
// 'bslalg::HashTableBucket' type) of a hashtable.  The requirements of a
// forward iterator are outlined in the C++11 standard in section [24.2.5]
// under the tag [forward.iterators].  The 'bslstl::HashTableBucketIterator'
// class template has two template parameters: 'VALUE_TYPE', and
// 'DIFFERENCE_TYPE'.  'VALUE_TYPE' indicates the type of the value to which
// this iterator provides references, and may be const-qualified for constant
// iterators.  'DIFFERENCE_TYPE' determines the (standard mandated)
// 'difference_type' for the iterator, and will typically be supplied by the
// allocator used by the hash-table being iterated over.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Iterating a Hash Table Bucket Using 'HashTableIterator'
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In the following example we create a simple hashtable and then use a
// 'HashTableBucketIterator' to iterate through the elements in one of its
// buckets.
// First, we define a typedef, 'Node', prepresenting a bidirectional node
// holding an integer value:
//  typedef bslalg::BidirectionalNode<int> Node;
// Then, we construct a test allocator, and we use it to allocate an array of
// 'Node' objects, each holding a unique integer value:
//  bslma::TestAllocator scratch("scratch", veryVeryVeryVerbose);
//  const int NUM_NODES = 5;
//  const int NUM_BUCKETS = 3;
//  Node *nodes[NUM_NODES];
//  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NODES; ++i) {
//      nodes[i] = static_cast<Node *>(scratch.allocate(sizeof(Node)));
//      nodes[i]->value() = i;
//  }
// Next, we create an array of 'HashTableBuckets' objects, and we use the array
// to construct an empty hash table characterized by a 'HashTableAnchor'
// object:
//  bslalg::HashTableBucket buckets[NUM_BUCKETS];
//  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUCKETS; ++i) {
//      buckets[i].reset();
//  }
//  bslalg::HashTableAnchor hashTable(buckets, NUM_BUCKETS, 0);
// Then, we insert each node in the array of nodes into the hash table using
// 'bslalg::HashTableImpUtil', supplying the integer value held by each node as
// its hash value:
//  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NODES; ++i) {
//      bslalg::HashTableImpUtil::insertAtFrontOfBucket(&hashTable,
//                                                      nodes[i],
//                                                      nodes[i]->value());
//  }
// Next, we define a 'typedef' that is an alias an instance of
// 'HashTableBucketIterator' that can traverse buckets in a hash table holding
// integer values.
//  typedef bslstl::HashTableBucketIterator<int, ptrdiff_t> Iter;
// Now, we create two iterators: one pointing to the start the second bucket in
// the hash table, and the other representing the end sentinel.  We use the
// iterators to navigate and print the elements in the hash table bucket:
//  Iter iter(&hashTable.bucketArrayAddress()[1]);
//  Iter end(0, &hashTable.bucketArrayAddress()[1]);
//  for (;iter != end; ++iter) {
//      printf("%d\n", *iter);
//  }
// Then, we observe the following output:
// 1
// 3
// Finally, we deallocate the memory used by the hash table:
//  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NODES; ++i) {
//      scratch.deallocate(nodes[i]);
//  }

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bslstl_iterator.h>

#include <bslalg_bidirectionallink.h>
#include <bslalg_bidirectionalnode.h>
#include <bslalg_hashtablebucket.h>

#include <bslmf_removecv.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_libraryfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_util.h>

#include <bslmf_removecvq.h>
#include <bsls_nativestd.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bslstl {

                          // =============================
                          // class HashTableBucketIterator
                          // =============================

// On Solaris just to keep studio12-v4 happy, since algorithms takes only
// iterators inheriting from 'std::iterator'.

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
class HashTableBucketIterator
: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, VALUE_TYPE> {
template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
class HashTableBucketIterator {
    // This class template implements an in-core value-semantic type that is an
    // standard-conforming forward iterator (see section 24.2.5
    // [forward.iterators] of the C++11 standard) over a list of
    // 'bslalg::BidirectionalLink' objects referred to by a single
    // 'bslalg::HashTableBucket' object.  A 'HashTableBucketIterator' object
    // provides access to values of the (template parameter) 'VALUE_TYPE',
    // stored in a bucket of a hash table.  The (template parameter)
    // 'DIFFERENCE_TYPE' determines the standard mandated 'difference_type' of
    // the iterator, without requiring access to the allocator-traits for the
    // node.

    typedef typename bsl::remove_cv<VALUE_TYPE>::type             NonConstType;
    typedef HashTableBucketIterator<NonConstType, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>

    typedef NonConstType               value_type;
    typedef DIFFERENCE_TYPE            difference_type;
    typedef VALUE_TYPE                *pointer;
    typedef VALUE_TYPE&                reference;
    typedef std::forward_iterator_tag  iterator_category;
        // Standard iterator defined types [24.4.2].

    // DATA
    bslalg::BidirectionalLink     *d_node_p;
    const bslalg::HashTableBucket *d_bucket_p;

    void advance();
        // Advance to the next element.

        // Create a default-constructed iterator referring to an empty list of
        // nodes.  All default-constructed iterators are non-dereferenceable
        // and refer to the same empty list.

    explicit HashTableBucketIterator(const bslalg::HashTableBucket *bucket);
        // Create an iterator referring to the specified 'bucket', initially
        // pointing to the first node in that 'bucket', or a past-the-end value
        // if the 'bucket' is empty.  Note that this constructor is an
        // implementation detail and is not part of the C++ standard.

    explicit HashTableBucketIterator(bslalg::BidirectionalLink     *node,
                                     const bslalg::HashTableBucket *bucket);
        // Create an iterator referring to the specified 'bucket', initially
        // pointing to the specified 'node' in that bucket.  The behavior is
        // undefined unless 'node' is part of 'bucket', or 'node' is 0.  Note
        // that this constructor is an implementation detail and is not part of
        // the C++ standard.

    HashTableBucketIterator(const NonConstIter& original);          // IMPLICIT
        // Create an iterator at the same position as the specified 'original'
        // iterator.  Note that this constructor enables converting from
        // modifiable to 'const' iterator types.

    // HashTableBucketIterator(const HashTableBucketIterator& original)
    //                                                               = default;
        // Create an iterator having the same value as the specified
        // 'original'.  Note that this operation is either defined by the
        // constructor taking 'NonConstIter' (if 'NonConstType' is the same as
        // 'VALUE_TYPE'), or generated automatically by the compiler.  Also
        // note that this constructor cannot be defined explicitly (without
        // using 'bsls::enableif') to avoid a duplicate declaration when
        // 'NonConstType' is the same as 'VALUE_TYPE'.

    //~HashTableBucketIterator() = default;

    //HashTableBucketIterator& operator=(const HashTableBucketIterator&)
    //                                                               = default;

    HashTableBucketIterator& operator=(const NonConstIter& rhs);
        // Copy the value of the specified 'rhs' of another (compatible)
        // 'HashTableBucketIterator' type, (e.g., a mutable iterator of the
        // same type) to this iterator.  Return a reference to this modifiable
        // object.  Note that this method may be the copy-assignment operator
        // (inhibiting the implicit declaration of a copy-assignment operator
        // above), or may be an additional overload.

    HashTableBucketIterator& operator++();
        // Move this iterator to the next element in the hash table bucket and
        // return a reference providing modifiable access to this iterator.
        // The behavior is undefined unless the iterator refers to a valid (not
        // yet erased) element in a bucket.  Note that this iterator is
        // invalidated when the underlying hash table is rehashed.

    reference operator*() const;
        // Return a reference providing modifiable access to the element (of
        // the template parameter 'VALUE_TYPE') at which this iterator is
        // positioned.  The behavior is undefined unless the iterator refers to
        // a valid (not yet erased) element in a hash table bucket.  Note that
        // this iterator is invalidated when the underlying hash table is
        // rehashed.

    pointer operator->() const;
        // Return the address of the element (of the template parameter
        // 'VALUE_TYPE') at which this iterator is positioned.  The behavior is
        // undefined unless the iterator refers to a valid (not yet erased)
        // element a hash table bucket.  Note that this iterator is invalidated
        // when the underlying hash table is rehashed.

    bslalg::BidirectionalLink *node() const;
        // Return the address of the node holding the element at which this
        // iterator is positioned, or 0 if this iterator is positioned after
        // the end of a bucket.  Note that this method is an implementation
        // detail and is not part of the C++ standard.

    const bslalg::HashTableBucket *bucket() const;
        // Return the address of the hash table bucket referred to by this
        // iterator.  Note that this method is an implementation detail
        // intended for debugging purposes only, and is not part of the C++
        // standard.

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator==(
              const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& lhs,
              const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& rhs);
template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator==(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<      VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& rhs);
template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator==(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<      VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& rhs);
template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator==(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& rhs);
    // Return 'true' if the specified 'lhs' and the specified 'rhs' iterators
    // have the same value and 'false' otherwise.  Two iterators have the same
    // value if they refer to the same element in the same hash table, or if
    // both iterators are positioned after the end of a hash table bucket.

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator!=(
              const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& lhs,
              const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& rhs);
template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator!=(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<      VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& rhs);
template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator!=(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<      VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& rhs);
template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator!=(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& rhs);
    // Return 'true' if the specified 'lhs' and the specified 'rhs' iterators
    // do not have the same value and 'false' otherwise.  Two iterators do not
    // have the same value if they refer to the different elements in the same
    // hash table, or if either (but not both) of the iterators are positioned
    // after the end of a hash table bucket.

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
operator++(HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>& iterator,
    // Move the specified 'iter' to the next element in the hash table bucket
    // and return the value of 'iter' prior to this call.  The behavior is
    // undefined unless 'iter' refers to a valid (not yet erased) element in a
    // bucket.  Note that 'iter' is invalidated when the underlying hash table
    // is rehashed.

// ============================================================================
//                      INLINE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                        // class HashTableBucketIterator

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::
: d_node_p()
, d_bucket_p()

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::
HashTableBucketIterator(const bslalg::HashTableBucket *bucket)
: d_node_p(bucket ? bucket->first() : 0)
, d_bucket_p(bucket)

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::
HashTableBucketIterator(bslalg::BidirectionalLink     *node,
                        const bslalg::HashTableBucket *bucket)
: d_node_p(node)
, d_bucket_p(bucket)

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::
HashTableBucketIterator(const NonConstIter& original)
: d_node_p(original.node())
, d_bucket_p(original.bucket())

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE> &
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::operator=(
                                                       const NonConstIter& rhs)
    d_node_p = rhs.node();
    d_bucket_p = rhs.bucket();
    return *this;

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::

    if (this->d_bucket_p->last() == this->d_node_p) {
        this->d_node_p = 0;
    else {
        this->d_node_p = this->d_node_p->nextLink();

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::

    return *this;

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::reference
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::
operator*() const

    return static_cast<bslalg::BidirectionalNode<VALUE_TYPE> *>(

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::pointer
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::
operator->() const

    return bsls::Util::addressOf(
            static_cast<bslalg::BidirectionalNode<VALUE_TYPE> *>(

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bslalg::BidirectionalLink *
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::node() const
    return this->d_node_p;

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
const bslalg::HashTableBucket *
HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE>::bucket() const
    return this->d_bucket_p;

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator==(
              const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& lhs,
              const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& rhs)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(lhs.bucket() == rhs.bucket() );

    return lhs.node() == rhs.node();

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator==(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >&       lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& rhs)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(lhs.bucket() == rhs.bucket() );

    return lhs.node() == rhs.node();

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator==(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >&       rhs)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(lhs.bucket() == rhs.bucket() );

    return lhs.node() == rhs.node();

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator==(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& rhs)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(lhs.bucket() == rhs.bucket() );

    return lhs.node() == rhs.node();

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator!=(
              const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& lhs,
              const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& rhs)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(lhs.bucket() == rhs.bucket() );

    return lhs.node() != rhs.node();

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator!=(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >&       lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& rhs)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(lhs.bucket() == rhs.bucket() );

    return lhs.node() != rhs.node();

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator!=(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >&       rhs)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(lhs.bucket() == rhs.bucket() );

    return lhs.node() != rhs.node();

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
bool operator!=(
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& lhs,
        const HashTableBucketIterator<const VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE >& rhs)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(lhs.bucket() == rhs.bucket() );

    return lhs.node() != rhs.node();

template <class VALUE_TYPE, class DIFFERENCE_TYPE>
operator++(HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE> &iter, int)

    HashTableBucketIterator<VALUE_TYPE, DIFFERENCE_TYPE> temp(iter);
    return temp;

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2019 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------