// bsls_log.h                                                         -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a namespace for low-level logging functions.
//  bsls::Log: namespace for low-level logging functions
//  BSLS_LOG: write log message using 'printf'-style format specification
//  BSLS_LOG_SIMPLE: write log message as an unformatted string
//  BSLS_LOG_FATAL: write fatal message using 'printf' format specification
//  BSLS_LOG_ERROR: write error message using 'printf' format specification
//  BSLS_LOG_WARN: write warning message using 'printf' format specification
//  BSLS_LOG_INFO: write info message using 'printf' format specification
//  BSLS_LOG_DEBUG: write debug message using 'printf' format specification
//  BSLS_LOG_TRACE: write trace message using 'printf' format specification
//@SEE_ALSO: bsls_logseverity
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a set of macros, along with a
// namespace, 'bsls::Log', which contains a suite of utility functions for
// logging in low-level code.  The macros and functions in this component
// provide a consistent interface for logging across different platforms
// through the use of a global cross-platform log message handler function.
// Users can customize the logging behavior by providing their own log message
// handler function.  Note that this component is intended to be used only when
// a more fully-featured logger is not available.
///Macro Reference
// This section provides documentation for the macros defined in this component.
//  BSLS_LOG(severity, ...)
//     If the specified 'severity' is at least as severe as
//     'Log::severityThreshold', write a message having 'severity' to the
//     currently installed log message handler, which contains a formatted
//     string that would result from applying the 'printf'-style formatting
//     rules to the specified '...', using the first parameter as the format
//     string and any further parameters as the expected substitutions.  If
//     'severity' is less severe than 'severityThreshold' then this macro has
//     no effect.  The file name and line number of the point of expansion of
//     the macro are automatically used as the file name and line number for
//     the log message.  The behavior is undefined unless the first parameter
//     of '...' is a valid 'printf'-style format string, and all substitutions
//     needed by the format string are in the subsequent elements of '...'.
//  BSLS_LOG_WARN(...)
//  BSLS_LOG_INFO(...)
//     Instantiate the 'BSLS_LOG' macro with the severity appropriate for
//     the macros name.  Note that this is syntactic sugar, to avoid the
//     complete text "bsls::LogSeverity::e_" being needed each time a message
//     is logged with 'BSLS_LOG'.
//  BSLS_LOG_SIMPLE(severity, msg)
//     If the specified 'severity' is at least as severe as
//     'Log::severityThreshold', write a message having 'severity' and the
//     specified 'msg' to the currently installed log message handler, with the
//     file name and line number of the point of expansion of the macro
//     automatically used as the file name and line number of the log.  If
//     'severity' is less severe than 'severityThreshold' then this macro has
//     no effect.
// Using the functionality of this component instead of writing messages
// directly to 'stderr' has the following advantages:
//: o Users have the freedom to customize the default logging behavior.
//:   A user may want all logs to be automatically redirected to a file or may
//:   want to add some custom formatting or handling.  These abilities are not
//:   available if the output stream is predetermined.
//: o The logging mechanism behaves correctly on all platforms by default.
//:   Some platforms have particular restrictions on the use of the standard
//:   output streams.  For example, Windows applications running in non-console
//:   mode do not have a concept of 'stdout' or 'stderr'; writing directly to
//:   either of these streams is known to hang the process when no console is
//:   attached.
// This section describes the functionality provided by this component in more
// detail.
///Log Message Handler
///- - - - - - - - - -
// The 'bsls::Log' class provides two 'static' methods, 'logMessageHandler' and
// 'setLogMessageHandler', which can be used, respectively, to retrieve and set
// the globally installed log message handler through which all log messages
// are written.  All log message handlers must follow the signature and
// contract requirements of the 'bsls::Log::LogMessageHandler' 'typedef'.
// The log message handler 'bsls::Log::platformDefaultMessageHandler' is
// installed by default as the global handler.  This handler writes all log
// messages to 'stderr', except in Windows non-console mode where the
// destination of the 'OutputDebugString' function is used.
// In addition to the default handler, the log message handlers
// 'bsls::Log::stdoutMessageHandler' and 'bsls::Log::stderrMessageHandler' are
// provided as a set of simple handlers that write log messages to 'stdout' and
// 'stderr', respectively.
///Writing Log Messages
/// - - - - - - - - - -
// There are four ways to invoke the currently installed log message handler,
// depending on the specific behavior required: The macro 'BSLS_LOG' allows a
// formatted message to be written using a 'printf'-style format string.  The
// macro 'BSLS_LOG_SIMPLE' allows a simple, unformatted string to be written.
// Both of the macros automatically use the file name and line number of the
// point that the macro was invoked.  The 'static' methods
// 'bsls::Log::logFormattedMessage' and 'bsls::Log::logMessage' provide the
// same functionality as 'BSLS_LOG' and 'BSLS_LOG_SIMPLE, respectively, except
// that these two methods allow a file name and line number to be passed in as
// parameters.  This is described in table form as follows:
//  .=========================================================================.
//  |      Mechanism                 |  Formatted   |  Automatic File & Line  |
//  |=========================================================================|
//  | BSLS_LOG                       |     YES      |          YES            |
//  |--------------------------------|--------------|-------------------------|
//  | BSLS_LOG_[LEVEL]               |     YES      |          YES            |
//  |--------------------------------|--------------|-------------------------|
//  | BSLS_LOG_SIMPLE                |     NO       |          YES            |
//  |--------------------------------|--------------|-------------------------|
//  | bsls::Log::logFormattedMessage |     YES      |          NO             |
//  |--------------------------------|--------------|-------------------------|
//  | bsls::Log::logMessage          |     NO       |          NO             |
//  `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
///Log Severity and the Severity Threshold
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Clients submitting a message to 'bsls::Log' (either through a function or
// one of the macros) either implicitly or explicitly provide a severity level
// describing the relative importance of that message to clients.  The possible
// severity levels are FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE (these are
// enumerated in 'bsls_logseverity').
// The severity of a logged message is used to determine whether the message
// is published to the log using the currently installed 'LogMessageHandler'
// callback.  Also, typically a 'LogMessageHandler' callback implementation
// will report a message's severity along side that message in the log.
// Clients can configure the severity threshold, at or above which a log
// message will be published, using 'setSeverityThreshold'.  For example:
//  // Messages having 'e_WARN' or higher severity will be output to the log.
//  bsls::Log::setSeverityThreshold(bsls::LogSeverity::e_WARN);
// This section illustrates the intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Logging Formatted Messages
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose that we want to write a formatted log message using 'printf'-style
// format specifiers when the preconditions of a function are not met.  The
// 'BSLS_LOG' macro can be used for this purpose.
// First, we begin to define a function, 'add', which will return the sum of
// two positive integer values:
//  // myapp.cpp
//  unsigned int add(int a, int b)
//      // Return the sum of the specified 'a' and the specified 'b'.  The
//      // behavior is undefined unless 'a' and 'b' are not negative.
//  {
// Now, we check the precondition of the function, and use the 'BSLS_LOG_ERROR'
// macro to write a log message if one of the input parameters is less than 0:
//      if(a < 0 || b < 0) {
//          BSLS_LOG_ERROR("Invalid input combination (%d, %d).", a, b);
//          return 0;                                                 // RETURN
//      }
//      return static_cast<unsigned int>(a) + static_cast<unsigned int>(b);
//  }
// Next, we may erroneously call the 'add' function with a negative argument:
//  unsigned int x = add(3, -100);
// Finally, assuming the default log message handler is currently installed, we
// observe the following output printed to 'stderr' or to the Windows debugger:
//  ERROR myapp.cpp:8 Invalid input combination (3, -100).
// Note that an arbitrary string should never be passed to 'BSLS_LOG' as the
// format string.  If the string happens to contain 'printf'-style format
// specifiers but the expected substitutions are not present, it will lead to
// undefined behavior.

#include <bsls_atomicoperations.h>
#include <bsls_logseverity.h>
#include <bsls_pointercastutil.h>
#include <bsls_types.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bsls {

                         // =========
                         // class Log
                         // =========

class Log {
    // This class serves as a namespace containing a suite of utility functions
    // that allow low-level code to write log messages to a configurable,
    // globally controlled destination.

    // TYPES
    typedef void (*LogMessageHandler)(bsls::LogSeverity::Enum  severity,
                                      const char              *file,
                                      int                      line,
                                      const char              *message);
        // The 'LogMessageHandler' 'typedef' represents a type of function that
        // handles log messages in an unspecified way (e.g., by writing the log
        // message to an output stream or to a file).  Because they can be
        // called concurrently from multiple threads, log message handlers
        // must be thread-safe.  While installed, handlers must exhibit only
        // defined behavior if the specified 'file' is a null-terminated
        // string, the specified 'line' is not negative, and the specified
        // 'message' is a null-terminated string.

    static bsls::AtomicOperations::AtomicTypes::Pointer
                                       s_logMessageHandler;  // the currently
                                                             // installed log
                                                             // message handler
                                                             // (not owned)

    static bsls::AtomicOperations::AtomicTypes::Int
                                       s_severityThreshold;  // the current
                                                             // severity
                                                             // threshold
    static void logFormattedMessage(bsls::LogSeverity::Enum  severity,
                                    const char              *file,
                                    int                      line,
                                    const char              *format,
        // If the specified 'severity' is at least as severe as
        // 'severityThrehold', invoke the currently installed log message
        // handler with 'severity' and the specified 'file' and 'line', as
        // well as a message string created by calling 'sprintf' on the
        // specified 'format' with the specified variadic arguments; otherwise
        // (if 'severity' is less severe), this operation has no effect.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless '0 <= line', and 'format' is a valid
        // 'sprintf' format specification for the supplied variadic arguments.

    static void logMessage(bsls::LogSeverity::Enum  severity,
                           const char              *file,
                           int                      line,
                           const char              *message);
        // If the specified 'severity' is at least as severe as
        // 'severityThreshold', invoke the currently installed log message
        // handler with 'severity', as well as the specified 'file', 'line',
        // and 'message'; otherwise (if 'severity' is less severe), this
        // operation has no effect.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // '0 <= line'.

    static Log::LogMessageHandler logMessageHandler();
        // Return the address of the currently installed log message handler.

    static void platformDefaultMessageHandler(
                                             bsls::LogSeverity::Enum  severity,
                                             const char              *file,
                                             int                      line,
                                             const char              *message);
        // Write, to a platform-specific destination, a string composed of the
        // specified 'severity', 'file' name, 'line' number, and 'message'.  On
        // *non*-Windows systems, write the log record to the 'stderr' output
        // stream.  On *Windows* systems: If the current process is running in
        // *console* *mode*, write the log record to the 'stderr' output
        // stream.  If the current process is running in *non-console* *mode*,
        // write the log record to the Windows process debugger.  The behavior
        // is undefined unless '0 <= line'.  Note that this function is used as
        // the default log message handler.  Also note that this function will
        // write the message irrespective of the current 'severityThreshold'.

    static void setLogMessageHandler(Log::LogMessageHandler handler);
        // Install the specified 'handler' as the current log message handler.

    static void setSeverityThreshold(bsls::LogSeverity::Enum severity);
        // Set the severity threshold at which log records are written by
        // 'logMessage' and 'logFormattedMessage' to the specified 'severity'.

    static bsls::LogSeverity::Enum severityThreshold();
        // Return the currently configured severity threshold at or above which
        // records are written by 'logMessage' and 'logFormattedMessage'.

    static void stderrMessageHandler(bsls::LogSeverity::Enum  severity,
                                     const char              *file,
                                     int                      line,
                                     const char              *message);
        // Write, to the 'stderr' output stream, a string composed of the
        // specified 'severity', 'file' name, 'line' number, and the 'message'.
        // The behavior is undefined unless '0 <= line'.  Note that this
        // function provides an implementation of the 'LogMessageHandler'
        // function prototype, and will write the message irrespective of the
        // current 'severityThreshold'.

    static void stdoutMessageHandler(bsls::LogSeverity::Enum  severity,
                                     const char              *file,
                                     int                      line,
                                     const char              *message);
        // Write, to the 'stdout' output stream, a string composed of the
        // specified 'severity', 'file' name, 'line' number, and the 'message'.
        // The behavior is undefined unless '0 <= line'.  Note that this
        // function provides an implementation of the 'LogMessageHandler'
        // function prototype, and will write the message irrespective of the
        // current 'severityThreshold'.

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace

                         // ==========================
                         // BSLS_LOG Macro Definitions
                         // ==========================

#define BSLS_LOG(severity, ...)                                               \
  do {                                                                        \
    if (severity <= BloombergLP::bsls::Log::severityThreshold()) {            \
      BloombergLP::bsls::Log::logFormattedMessage((severity),             \
                          __FILE__,           \
                                                  __LINE__,                   \
                                                  __VA_ARGS__);               \
    }                                                                         \
  } while(false)

#define BSLS_LOG_FATAL(...)  BSLS_LOG(BloombergLP::bsls::LogSeverity::e_FATAL,\
#define BSLS_LOG_ERROR(...)  BSLS_LOG(BloombergLP::bsls::LogSeverity::e_ERROR,\
#define BSLS_LOG_WARN(...)   BSLS_LOG(BloombergLP::bsls::LogSeverity::e_WARN, \
#define BSLS_LOG_INFO(...)   BSLS_LOG(BloombergLP::bsls::LogSeverity::e_INFO, \
#define BSLS_LOG_DEBUG(...)  BSLS_LOG(BloombergLP::bsls::LogSeverity::e_DEBUG,\
#define BSLS_LOG_TRACE(...)  BSLS_LOG(BloombergLP::bsls::LogSeverity::e_TRACE,\

#define BSLS_LOG_SIMPLE(severity, msg)                                        \
    (BloombergLP::bsls::Log::logMessage((severity), __FILE__, __LINE__, (msg)))

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bsls {

// ============================================================================
//                          INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                         // =========
                         // class Log
                         // =========

void Log::logMessage(bsls::LogSeverity::Enum  severity,
                     const char              *file,
                     int                      line,
                     const char              *message)
    if (severity <= severityThreshold()) {
        (logMessageHandler())(severity, file, line, message);

Log::LogMessageHandler Log::logMessageHandler()
    return PointerCastUtil::cast<LogMessageHandler>(

void Log::setLogMessageHandler(Log::LogMessageHandler handler)
        &s_logMessageHandler, PointerCastUtil::cast<void *>(handler));

void Log::setSeverityThreshold(bsls::LogSeverity::Enum severity)
    bsls::AtomicOperations::setIntRelaxed(&s_severityThreshold, severity);

bsls::LogSeverity::Enum Log::severityThreshold()
    return static_cast<bsls::LogSeverity::Enum>(

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2013 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------