// bsls_buildtarget.h                                                 -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide build-target information in object files.
//  BDE_BUILD_TARGET_EXC: flag identifying exception-enabled builds
//  BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_EXC: flag identifying exception-disabled builds
//  BDE_BUILD_TARGET_MT: flag identifying multi-threaded builds
//  BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_MT: flag identifying builds that do not support threads
//  BDE_OMIT_DEPRECATED: legacy flag to deprecate a block of code
//  BDE_OMIT_INTERNAL_DEPRECATED: legacy flag to deprecate internal-only code
//  BDE_OPENSOURCE_PUBLICATION: marker for non-deprecated internal-only code
//@SEE_ALSO: bsls_deprecate
//@DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this component is to cause a link-time error
// when trying to link an executable with incompatible libraries.  This
// component defines type names that indicate two build target parameters.
// These parameters determine whether the build was exception-enabled (which is
// the case unless overridden by defining the 'BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_EXC' macro),
// and whether it was multi-threaded (which is enabled unless overridden by
// defining the 'BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_MT' macro).  The types defined by this
// component should not be used directly.
///Deprecation Control Macros
// In addition to the 'BDE_BUILD_TARGET_*' macros that determine the link-time
// compatibility of different libraries built on BDE, this component documents
// a macro that determines whether deprecated interfaces are available to
// programs built on BDE:
//:     This macro, if defined, indicates that all code deprecated before BDE
//:     3.2 will be either omitted from a build of the library (if the code has
//:     not been updated to use 'bsls_deprecate'), or identified to the
//:     compiler as deprecated (if the code has been updated to use
//:     'bsls_deprecate').  New uses of this macro are not supported; use
//:     'bsls_deprecate' instead.
// In addition to 'BDE_OMIT_DEPRECATED', there are two other macros that also
// determine whether deprecated interfaces are available to programs built on
// BDE:
//:     This macro, if defined, indicates that all internal-only code
//:     deprecated before BDE 3.2 will be either omitted from a build of the
//:     library (if the code has not been updated to use 'bsls_deprecate'), or
//:     identified to the compiler as deprecated (if the code has been updated
//:     to use 'bsls_deprecate').  This category consists almost entirely of
//:     code that was already deprecated at the time of a component's initial
//:     release to open-source.  New uses of this macro are not supported; use
//:     'bsls_deprecate' instead.
//:     This macro marks code that is not deprecated, but is nevertheless
//:     excluded from the open-source release of BDE.  This category consists
//:     primarily of code that exists to support STLPort containers, which were
//:     not included in the open-source release, or that documents backward
//:     compatibility access to the package-prefix versions of non-deprecated
//:     symbols in BSL.  'BDE_OPENSOURCE_PUBLICATION' exists for purposes of
//:     documentation only, and should not be defined for any build of the
//:     library.  In particular, there is no guarantee that the library will
//:     build or will function correctly if 'BDE_OPENSOURCE_PUBLICATION' is
//:     defined.
// Together with 'BDE_OMIT_DEPRECATED', these macros divide the BDE codebase
// into four categories:
//  +-----------------------------------------+------------------------------+
//  | CATEGORY                                | LABEL                        |
//  +=========================================+==============================+
//  | universally distributed code            | no label                     |
//  +-----------------------------------------+------------------------------+
//  | Bloomberg-only code                     | BDE_OPENSOURCE_PUBLICATION   |
//  +-----------------------------------------+------------------------------+
//  | universally distributed code deprecated | BDE_OMIT_DEPRECATED          |
//  | before BDE 3.2                          |                              |
//  +-----------------------------------------+------------------------------+
//  | Bloomberg-only code deprecated before   | BDE_OMIT_INTERNAL_DEPRECATED |
//  | BDE 3.2                                 |                              |
//  +-----------------------------------------+------------------------------+
// By default, all code in BDE is both current and universally distributed.
// All code that is deprecated, excluded from our open-source distribution, or
// both, is surrounded with conditional compilation macros to allow test builds
// without that code, and/or to make it easy to prepare an open-source
// distribution from the full internal BDE codebase.  The conditional
// compilation macros are:
// There is no usage example for this component since it is not meant for
// direct client use.

#include <bsls_linkcoercion.h>
#include <bsls_platform.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

// ============================================================================
//                           BDE_BUILD_TARGET_EXC/BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_EXC
// ============================================================================

// Default to an exception-enabled build unless 'BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_EXC' is
// defined.



namespace bsls {

struct BuildTargetExcYes {
    static const int s_isBuildTargetExc;
typedef BuildTargetExcYes BuildTargetExc;

}  // close package namespace


#error Do not define both BDE_BUILD_TARGET_EXC and BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_EXC

namespace bsls {

struct BuildTargetExcNo {
    static const int s_isBuildTargetExc;
typedef BuildTargetExcNo BuildTargetExc;

}  // close package namespace


                                      const int,

// ============================================================================
//                           BDE_BUILD_TARGET_MT/BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_MT
// ============================================================================

// Default to a threaded (MT) build unless 'BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_MT' is defined.



namespace bsls {

struct BuildTargetMtYes {
    static const int s_isBuildTargetMt;
typedef BuildTargetMtYes BuildTargetMt;

}  // close package namespace


#error Do not define both BDE_BUILD_TARGET_MT and BDE_BUILD_TARGET_NO_MT

namespace bsls {

struct BuildTargetMtNo {
    static const int s_isBuildTargetMt;
typedef BuildTargetMtNo BuildTargetMt;

}  // close package namespace


                                        const int,

}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2013 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------