
@PURPOSE: Provide system-level utilities for 'bsl'.

@MNEMONIC: Basic Standard Library System utilities (bsls)

@DESCRIPTION: The 'bsls' package provides a variety of system utilities for use
 by the 'bsl' library.  These utilities include:

: o Various buffer types with different alignment properties.
: o Uniform exception handling, even for non-exception build targets.
: o A platform-dependent 64-bit integer type.
: o Platform-identification routines.
: o A timer component, and access to system time facilities.

 Note that the above list is not meant to be exhaustive.  The sections below
 provide more information about the individual components.

/Hierarchical Synopsis
 The 'bsls' package currently has 83 components having 16 levels of physical
 dependency.  The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components.
 The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant,
 just alphabetical.
  16. bsls_byteorder

  15. bsls_alignedbuffer
      bsls_platformutil                                  !DEPRECATED!

  14. bsls_alignmentutil

  13. bsls_asserttest
      bsls_byteorderutil_impl                                         !PRIVATE!

  12. bsls_assert

  11. bsls_review

  10. bsls_atomic

   9. bsls_atomicoperations

   8. bsls_atomicoperations_sparc32_sun_cc                            !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_sparc64_sun_cc                            !PRIVATE!

   7. bsls_alignmentfromtype
      bsls_atomicoperations_sparc_sun_cc_default                      !PRIVATE!
      bsls_bsllockimpl_win32                                          !PRIVATE!
      bsls_cpp11                                         !DEPRECATED!

   6. bsls_alignmenttotype
      bsls_annotation                                    !DEPRECATED!
      bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc32_aix_xlc                         !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc64_aix_xlc                         !PRIVATE!

   5. bsls_atomicoperations_all_all_clangintrinsics                   !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_all_all_gccintrinsics                     !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_arm_all_gcc                               !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc_aix_xlc_default                   !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc_all_gcc                           !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_x64_all_gcc                               !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_x64_win_msvc                              !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_x86_all_gcc                               !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_x86_win_msvc                              !PRIVATE!
      bsls_bsllockimpl_pthread                                        !PRIVATE!

   4. bsls_assert_macroreset                                          !PRIVATE!
      bsls_asserttest_macroreset                                      !PRIVATE!
      bsls_atomicoperations_default                                   !PRIVATE!
      bsls_int64                                         !DEPRECATED!
      bsls_review_macroreset                                          !PRIVATE!

   3. bsls_alignmentimp

   2. bsls_blockgrowth
      bsls_nativestd                                     !DEPRECATED!

   1. bsls_deprecate

/Component Synopsis
: 'bsls_alignedbuffer':
:      Provide raw buffers with user-specified size and alignment.
: 'bsls_alignment':
:      Provide a namespace for enumerating memory alignment strategies.
: 'bsls_alignmentfromtype':
:      Provide a meta-function that maps a 'TYPE' to its alignment.
: 'bsls_alignmentimp':
:      Provide implementation meta-functions for alignment computation.
: 'bsls_alignmenttotype':
:      Provide a meta-function mapping an 'ALIGNMENT' to a primitive type.
: 'bsls_alignmentutil':
:      Provide constants, types, and operations related to alignment.
: 'bsls_annotation':                                     !DEPRECATED!
:      Provide support for compiler annotations for compile-time safety.
: 'bsls_assert':
:      Provide build-specific, runtime-configurable assertion macros.
: 'bsls_assert_macroreset':                                           !PRIVATE!
:      Undefine all macros from 'bsls_assert.h' and 'bsls_review.h'.
: 'bsls_assertimputil':
:      Provide utilities to implement 'bsls_assert' and 'bsls_review'.
: 'bsls_asserttest':
:      Provide a test facility for assertion macros.
: 'bsls_asserttest_macroreset':                                       !PRIVATE!
:      Undefine macros related to 'bsls_asserttest.h'.
: 'bsls_asserttestexception':
:      Provide an exception type to support testing for failed assertions.
: 'bsls_atomic':
:      Provide types with atomic operations.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations':
:      Provide platform-independent atomic operations.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_all_all_clangintrinsics':                    !PRIVATE!
:      Implement atomic operations using clang '__c11_atomic_*' intrinsics
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_all_all_gccintrinsics':                      !PRIVATE!
:      Implement atomic operations using gcc '__atomic_*' intrinsics.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_arm_all_gcc':                                !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for ARM/GCC.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_default':                                    !PRIVATE!
:      Provide default implementation for atomic operations.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc32_aix_xlc':                          !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for PowerPC/AIX-32bit.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc64_aix_xlc':                          !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for PowerPC/AIX-64bit.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc_aix_xlc_default':                    !PRIVATE!
:      Provide default base implementations of atomics for PowerPC/AIX.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc_all_gcc':                            !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for gcc on PowerPC
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_sparc32_sun_cc':                             !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for Sparc/Sun (32bit).
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_sparc64_sun_cc':                             !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for Sparc/Sun (64bit).
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_sparc_sun_cc_default':                       !PRIVATE!
:      Provide default base implementations of atomics for Sparc/Sun.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_x64_all_gcc':                                !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86_64/GCC.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_x64_win_msvc':                               !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86_64/MSVC/Win64.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_x86_all_gcc':                                !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86/GCC.
: 'bsls_atomicoperations_x86_win_msvc':                               !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86/MSVC/Windows.
: 'bsls_blockgrowth':
:      Provide a namespace for memory block growth strategies.
: 'bsls_bsldeprecationinformation':
:      Provide a macro to control 'bsl' deprecations by release version.
: 'bsls_bslexceptionutil':
:      Provide functions for use in 'bsl' that throw standard exceptions.
: 'bsls_bsllock':
:      Provide a platform-independent mutex for use below 'bslmt'.
: 'bsls_bsllockimpl_pthread':                                         !PRIVATE!
:      Provide a mutex for use below 'bslmt'.
: 'bsls_bsllockimpl_win32':                                           !PRIVATE!
:      Provide a mutex for use below 'bslmt' for windows platform.
: 'bsls_bslonce':
:      Provide BSL a thread-safe way to execute code once per process.
: 'bsls_bslsourcenameparserutil':
:      Provide low-level functions for parsing source file names.
: 'bsls_bsltestutil':
:      Provide test utilities for 'bsl' that do not use <iostream>.
: 'bsls_buildtarget':
:      Provide build-target information in object files.
: 'bsls_byteorder':
:      Provide byte-order manipulation macros.
: 'bsls_byteorderutil':
:      Provide byte-order swapping functions.
: 'bsls_byteorderutil_impl':                                          !PRIVATE!
:      Provide implementation of byte-order manipulation functions.
: 'bsls_compilerfeatures':
:      Provide macros to identify compiler support for C++11 features.
: 'bsls_consteval':
:      Provide macros related to compile-time evaluation.
: 'bsls_cpp11':                                          !DEPRECATED!
:      Provide macros for C++11 forward compatibility.
: 'bsls_deprecate':
:      Provide machinery to deprecate interfaces on a per-version basis.
: 'bsls_deprecatefeature':
:      Provide machinery to deprecate entities in C++ code.
: 'bsls_exceptionutil':
:      Provide simplified exception constructs for non-exception builds.
: 'bsls_fuzztest':
:      Provide macros for use in fuzz testing narrow-contract functions.
: 'bsls_fuzztestpreconditionexception':
:      Provide an exception type for handling failed preconditions.
: 'bsls_ident':
:      Provide macros for inserting SCM Ids into source files.
: 'bsls_int64':                                          !DEPRECATED!
:      Provide namespace for platform-dependent 64-bit integer types.
: 'bsls_keyword':
:      Provide macros for forward language dialect compatibility.
: 'bsls_libraryfeatures':
:      Provide macros to identify native standard library features.
: 'bsls_linkcoercion':
:      Provide a way to force a link-time dependency into an object.
: 'bsls_log':
:      Provide a namespace for low-level logging functions.
: 'bsls_logseverity':
:      Enumerate a set of logging severity levels.
: 'bsls_macroincrement':
:      Provide a macro to increment preprocessor numbers.
: 'bsls_macrorepeat':
:      repeat a macro invocation with different numeric arguments.
: 'bsls_nameof':
:      Provide a 'NameOf' type for displaying template type at run-time.
: 'bsls_nativestd':                                      !DEPRECATED!
:      Define the namespace 'native_std' as an alias for '::std'.
: 'bsls_nullptr':
:      Provide a distinct type for null pointer literals.
: 'bsls_objectbuffer':
:      Provide raw buffer with size and alignment of user-specified type.
: 'bsls_outputredirector':
:      Provide a means for test drivers to redirect and inspect output.
: 'bsls_performancehint':
:      Provide performance hints for code optimization.
: 'bsls_platform':
:      Provide compile-time support for platform/attribute identification.
: 'bsls_platformutil':                                   !DEPRECATED!
:      Provide consistent interface for platform-dependent functionality.
: 'bsls_pointercastutil':
:      Provide function to cast between function and data pointers.
: 'bsls_preconditions':
:      Provide macros for use in fuzz testing narrow contract functions.
: 'bsls_protocoltest':
:      Provide classes and macros for testing abstract protocols.
: 'bsls_review':
:      Provide assertion macros to safely identify contract violations.
: 'bsls_review_macroreset':                                           !PRIVATE!
:      Test driver utility to undefine all macros from 'bsls_review.h'.
: 'bsls_spinlock':
:      Provide a spin lock.
: 'bsls_stackaddressutil':
:      Provide a utility for obtaining return addresses from the stack.
: 'bsls_stopwatch':
:      Provide access to user, system, and wall times of current process.
: 'bsls_systemclocktype':
:      Enumerate the set of system clock types.
: 'bsls_systemtime':
:      Provide utilities to retrieve the system time.
: 'bsls_timeinterval':
:      Provide a representation of a time interval.
: 'bsls_timeutil':
:      Provide a platform-neutral functional interface to system clocks.
: 'bsls_types':
:      Provide a consistent interface for platform-dependent types.
: 'bsls_unspecifiedbool':
:      Provide a class supporting the 'unspecified bool' idiom.
: 'bsls_util':
:      Provide essential, low-level support for portable generic code.
/Component Overview
 This section provides a brief introduction to some of the components in the
 'bsls' package.  See the documentation in each component for full details.

/ - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_alignedbuffer'} component provides a parameterized buffer type with
 a user-specified compile-time size and user-specified alignment.  Typically,
 such a type is used in situations where it is desirable to allocate a block of
 properly-aligned raw memory from somewhere other than the heap, e.g., on the
 stack or within an aggregate object, including within a union.  It is a
 convenient way to create a small heap from which one or more objects are
 allocated at run-time.

/ - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_alignment'} component computes (at compile-time) platform-dependent
 alignment information.  This component also provides a namespace for a suite
 of compile-time constants and pure procedures that yield platform-dependent
 alignment information for primitive and user-defined types, including the
 maximum alignment for any type and the smallest fundamental type requiring
 maximum alignment.  These functions, used in conjunction, are especially
 useful for creating pools and allocators that rely on efficient alignment.

/ - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_alignmentfromtype'} component provides a meta-function that
 provides the alignment for a 'TYPE' template parameter.

/- - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_alignmentimp'} component provides a suite of template
 meta-functions that can be used to compute (at compile-time) various
 platform-dependent alignment information.

/ - - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_alignmenttotype'} component provides a meta-function that defines a
 primitive type with an alignment matching a 'ALIGNMENT' template parameter.

/ - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_alignmentutil'} component provides a suite of template
 meta-functions that can be used to compute (at compile-time) various
 platform-dependent alignment information.

/- - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_annotation'} component provides a suite of preprocessor macros that
 define compiler-specific compile-time annotations.

/- - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_assert'} component provides a set of "assert-like" macros to
 implement a compile-time-selectable and run-time-configurable "defensive" or
 "safe" mode.  It also provides a suite of "assert-failure handler" methods
 suitable for runtime loading into the macros, via also provided methods.
 Users may supply their own handler methods matching the proper signature.  To
 allow the user more flexibility in changing handlers during program execution,
 this component also provides a scoped guard that allows safe, temporary
 changing of the failure handler in a limited scope.

/- - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_asserttest'} component provides a facility to test that
 'BSLS_ASSERT_*' macros are used as intended, in the appropriate build modes,
 and have the expected effects.

/ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_asserttestexception'} component implements an exception class,
 'bsls::AssertTestException', that provides a mechanism to convey context
 information from a failing assertion to a test handler.

/- - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_atomic'} component provides classes with atomic operations for
 'int', 'Int64', and pointer types.

/- - - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_atomicoperations'} component provides a set of platform-independent
 atomic operations for fundamental data types, such as 32-bit and 64-bit
 integer and pointer.

/ - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_blockgrowth'} component enumerates the supported block growth

/ - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_bsltestutil'} component provides the standard printing macros used
 in BDE-style test drivers.

/ - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_buildtarget'} component defines types and runtime constants for
 identifying the build target information (usually specified to the compiler
 via a set of 'BDE_BUILD_*' macros).  This is mostly useful for retrieving such
 information from a linkable or executable binary.

/ - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_byteorder'} component provides a set host-to-network and
 network-to-host byte-order manipulation macros.

/- - - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_compilerfeatures'} component provides a suite of preprocessor
 macros to identify compiler-specific support of language features that may not
 be available on all compilers in use across an organization.

/ - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_deprecate'} component provides a suite of macros to control (on a
 per-version, per-UOR basis) the deprecation of functions, user-defined types,
 and 'typedef's.

/ - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_exceptionutil'} component provides macros to replace 'try', 'throw'
 and 'catch'.  These macros expand to normal exception constructs when
 exceptions are enabled and to reasonable alternatives (usually no-ops) when
 exceptions are disabled, allowing code that uses 'try', 'throw' and 'catch'
 constructs to compile even if exceptions are disabled using a compiler switch.

/ - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_ident'} component provides macros for inserting SCM (Source Control
 Management) Ids into source files.

/- - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_macroincrement'} component provides a macro,
 'BSLS_MACROINCREMENT(NUMBER)', that produces the preprocessor number equal to
 the number succeeding the supplied argument.

/ - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_nativestd'} component defines a namespace alias, 'native_std', that
 serves as an alias for the 'std' namespace.

/ - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_nullptr'} component provides a limited emulation of the C++11 type,
 'std::nullptr_t', which can be used as a function parameter type to create an
 overload set where null pointer literals are handled specially.

/- - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_objectbuffer'} component provides a parameterized buffer type,
 'bsls_ObjectBuffer', which is compile-time sized and aligned to hold a
 specified object type.  Defining a 'bsls_ObjectBuffer<T>' object does not
 cause the constructor for 'T' to be called.  Similarly, destroying the object
 buffer does not call the destructor for 'T'.  Typically, a 'bsls_ObjectBuffer'
 is used in situations where efficient (e.g., stack-based) storage is required
 but where straightforward initialization or destruction of an object is not
 possible.  It can also be used to create a 'union' containing non-POD element

/ - - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_performancehint'} component provides performance hints for the
 compiler or hardware.

/- - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_platform'} component defines preprocessor macros that identify and
 describe platform-specific attributes (at compile time).  These attributes
 consist of the types and versions of operating system, processor(s), and
 compiler that comprise the platform.

/- - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_protocoltest'} component provides classes and macros for testing
 abstract protocols.

/ - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_stopwatch'} component implements a real-time (system clock)
 interval timer.  A 'bsls_Stopwatch' object can accumulate and return only one
 interval at a time, but may be started and stopped repeatedly without being
 reset, so the elapsed time "interval" accumulated by a single object may be
 from multiple, discontinuous segments of time.  The non-negative total
 accumulated time (in seconds) is available as a 'double' value.

/ - - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_systemclocktype'} component provides a namespace for the 'enum'
 type 'bsls::SystemClockType::Enum', which enumerates the set of system clock
 types.  A 'bsls::SystemClockType' is particularly important when providing
 time-out values to synchronization methods where those time-outs must be
 consistent in environments where the system clocks may be changed.

/- - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_timeutil'} component provides a set of platform-neutral pure
 procedures to access real-time system clock functionality.  High-resolution
 time functions intended for interval-timing return an interval in nanoseconds
 (1 nsec = 1E-9 sec) as a 64-bit integer.

/ - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_types'} component provides a namespace for a set of 'typedef's that
 provide a stable, portable interface to platform-dependent types.

/ - - - - - - - - - - -
 The {'bsls_unspecifiedbool'} component provides a class template that can be
 used to manufacture an "unspecified boolean type" that is distinct for each
 class that instantiates it.  *Not* for use outside the 'bsl' package.

/- - - - - -
 The {'bsls_util'} component provides pure functions that supply essential
 low-level support for implementing portable generic facilities such as might
 be found in the C++ standard library.