// bslmt_meteredmutex.h                                               -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a mutex capable of keeping track of wait and hold time.
// bslmt::MeteredMutex: mutex capable of keeping track of wait and hold time
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a class, 'bslmt::MeteredMutex', that
// functions as a mutex and has additional capability to keep track of wait
// time and hold time.  This class can be used, for example, in evaluating the
// performance of an application, based on its lock contention behavior.
///Precise Definitions of Wait and Hold Time
// Wait time is defined as the sum of the time intervals between each call to
// 'lock' (or 'tryLock') on the underlying mutex and the return of that call.
// Note that if one or more threads are waiting for the lock at the point when
// 'waitTime' is called, those waiting time intervals are *not* included in the
// returned wait time.  Hold time is defined as the sum of the time intervals
// between return from each call to 'lock' (or a successful call to 'tryLock')
// on the underlying mutex and the subsequent call to 'unlock'.  Note that if a
// thread is holding the lock at the point when 'holdTime' is called, then that
// holding time is *not* included in the returned hold time.
// It should be noted that the overhead in keeping track of wait and hold time
// is very small.  We do not use additional mutexes to manipulate these times,
// instead, we use atomic data types (which have very small overhead compared
// to a mutex) to update these times atomically.
///Inaccuracy of 'waitTime' and 'holdTime'
// Times reported by 'waitTime' and 'holdTime' are (close) approximate times
// and *not* 100% accurate.  This inaccuracy can sometime cause surprising
// behavior.  For example, one can incorrectly assume 'lock()' and
// 'while (tryLock() != 0);' to be effectively the same (both disallowing the
// thread to advance until the lock is acquired) but the wait time reported in
// the first case can be much more accurate than that of the second because the
// 'lock' is called only once (and thus computation error is introduced only
// once) in the first case.
// In the following example, we have 'NUM_THREADS' threads (that are
// sequentially numbered from '0' to 'NUM_THREADS-1') and two counters
// 'evenCount' and 'oddCount'.  'evenCount' is incremented by the even numbered
// threads and 'oddCount' is incremented by the odd ones.  We considers two
// strategies to increment these counters.  In the first strategy (strategy1),
// we use two mutexes (one for each counter) and in the second strategy
// (strategy2), we use a single mutex for both counters.
//  int oddCount = 0;
//  int evenCount = 0;
//  typedef bslmt::MeteredMutex Obj;
//  Obj oddMutex;
//  Obj evenMutex;
//  Obj globalMutex;
//  enum { k_USAGE_NUM_THREADS = 4, k_USAGE_SLEEP_TIME = 100000 };
//  bslmt::Barrier usageBarrier(k_USAGE_NUM_THREADS);
//  void executeInParallel(int                               numThreads,
//                         bslmt::ThreadUtil::ThreadFunction function)
//      // Create the specified 'numThreads', each executing the specified
//      // 'function'.  Number each thread (sequentially from 0 to
//      // 'numThreads - 1') by passing i to i'th thread.  Finally join all the
//      // threads.
//  {
//      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle *threads =
//                                   new bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle[numThreads];
//      assert(threads);
//      for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
//          bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&threads[i], function, (void*)i);
//      }
//      for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
//          bslmt::ThreadUtil::join(threads[i]);
//      }
//      delete [] threads;
//  }
//  extern "C" {
//      void *strategy1(void *arg)
//      {
//          usageBarrier.wait();
//          int remainder = (int)(bsls::Types::IntPtr)arg % 2;
//          if (remainder == 1) {
//              oddMutex.lock();
//              ++oddCount;
//              bslmt::ThreadUtil::microSleep(k_USAGE_SLEEP_TIME);
//              oddMutex.unlock();
//          }
//          else {
//              evenMutex.lock();
//              ++evenCount;
//              bslmt::ThreadUtil::microSleep(k_USAGE_SLEEP_TIME);
//              evenMutex.unlock();
//          }
//          return NULL;
//      }
//  } // extern "C"
//  extern "C" {
//      void *strategy2(void *arg)
//      {
//          usageBarrier.wait();
//          int remainder = (int)(bsls::Types::IntPtr)arg % 2;
//          if (remainder == 1) {
//              globalMutex.lock();
//              ++oddCount;
//              bslmt::ThreadUtil::microSleep(k_USAGE_SLEEP_TIME);
//              globalMutex.unlock();
//          }
//          else {
//              globalMutex.lock();
//              ++evenCount;
//              bslmt::ThreadUtil::microSleep(k_USAGE_SLEEP_TIME);
//              globalMutex.unlock();
//          }
//          return NULL;
//      }
//  } // extern "C"
// Then in the application 'main':
//  executeInParallel(k_USAGE_NUM_THREADS, strategy1);
//  bsls::Types::Int64 waitTimeForStrategy1 =
//                                  oddMutex.waitTime() + evenMutex.waitTime();
//  executeInParallel(k_USAGE_NUM_THREADS, strategy2);
//  bsls::Types::Int64 waitTimeForStrategy2 = globalMutex.waitTime();
//  assert(waitTimeForStrategy2 > waitTimeForStrategy1);
//  if (veryVerbose) {
//      P(waitTimeForStrategy1);
//      P(waitTimeForStrategy2);
//  }
// We measured the wait times for each strategy.  Intuitively, the wait time
// for the second strategy should be greater than that of the first.  The
// output was consistent with our expectation.
// waitTimeForStrategy1 = 400787000
// waitTimeForStrategy2 = 880765000

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bslmt_mutex.h>

#include <bsls_atomic.h>
#include <bsls_timeutil.h>
#include <bsls_types.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bslmt {

                            // ==================
                            // class MeteredMutex
                            // ==================

class MeteredMutex {
    // This class implements a mutex, that has the additional capability to
    // keep track of hold time and wait time.  The hold time is defined as the
    // cumulative duration for which the mutex was in the locked state.  The
    // wait time is defined as the duration for which threads waited for the
    // mutex.

    // DATA
    Mutex               d_mutex;          // underlying mutex
    bsls::AtomicInt64   d_waitTime;       // wait time
    bsls::AtomicInt64   d_holdTime;       // hold time
    bsls::Types::Int64  d_startHoldTime;  // starting point of hold time
    bsls::AtomicInt64   d_lastResetTime;  // last reset time

    MeteredMutex(const MeteredMutex&);
    MeteredMutex& operator=(const MeteredMutex&);

        // Create a metered mutex in the unlocked state.

        // Destroy this metered mutex.

    void lock();
        // Acquire the lock on this metered mutex.  If this mutex is currently
        // locked, suspend the execution of the current thread until the lock
        // can be acquired.  Update the wait and hold time appropriately.  The
        // behavior is undefined if the calling thread already owns the lock.

    void resetMetrics();
        // Reset the wait and hold time to zero and record the current time.
        // All subsequent calls (that are made before a subsequent call to
        // 'resetMetrics') to 'waitTime' (or 'holdTime') will return the wait
        // (or hold) time, accumulated since this call.  Also, all subsequent
        // calls (that are made before a subsequent call to 'resetMetrics') to
        // 'lastResetTime' will return the time of this call.

    int tryLock();
        // Attempt to acquire the lock on this metered mutex.  Return 0 on
        // success, and a non-zero value if this mutex is already locked, or if
        // an error occurs.  Update the wait and hold time appropriately.  The
        // behavior is undefined if the calling thread already owns the lock.

    void unlock();
        // Release the lock on this mutex that was previously acquired through
        // a successful call to 'lock' or 'tryLock'.  Update the hold time
        // appropriately.  The behavior is undefined unless the calling thread
        // currently owns the lock.

    bsls::Types::Int64 holdTime() const;
        // Return the hold time (in nanoseconds) accumulated since the most
        // recent call to 'resetMetrics' (or 'MeteredMutex' if 'resetMetrics'
        // was never called).

    bsls::Types::Int64 lastResetTime() const;
        // Return the time in nanoseconds (referenced to an arbitrary but fixed
        // origin) of the most recent invocation to 'resetMetrics' (or creation
        // time if 'resetMetrics' was never invoked).  User can calculate the
        // difference (in nanoseconds) between the current time and the last
        // reset time by expression
        // 'bsls::TimeUtil::getTimer() - clientMutex.lastResetTime()'.

    bsls::Types::Int64 waitTime() const;
        // Return the wait time (in nanoseconds), accumulated since the most
        // recent call to 'resetMetrics' (or 'MeteredMutex' if 'resetMetrics'
        // was never called).

}  // close package namespace

// ============================================================================
//                             INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                                // ------------
                                // MeteredMutex
                                // ------------
: d_lastResetTime(bsls::TimeUtil::getTimer())


void bslmt::MeteredMutex::lock()
    bsls::Types::Int64 t1 = bsls::TimeUtil::getTimer();
    d_startHoldTime = bsls::TimeUtil::getTimer();
    d_waitTime += (d_startHoldTime - t1);

int bslmt::MeteredMutex::tryLock()
    bsls::Types::Int64 t1 = bsls::TimeUtil::getTimer();
    int returnStatus = d_mutex.tryLock();
    bsls::Types::Int64 t2 = bsls::TimeUtil::getTimer();
    d_waitTime += t2 - t1;
    if (returnStatus == 0) {
        d_startHoldTime = t2;
    return returnStatus;

void bslmt::MeteredMutex::unlock()
    d_holdTime += (bsls::TimeUtil::getTimer() - d_startHoldTime);

bsls::Types::Int64 bslmt::MeteredMutex::holdTime() const
    return d_holdTime;

bsls::Types::Int64 bslmt::MeteredMutex::lastResetTime() const
    return d_lastResetTime;

bsls::Types::Int64 bslmt::MeteredMutex::waitTime() const
    return d_waitTime;

}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------