// bslmf_isempty.h                                                    -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a compile-time check for detecting an empty class type.
//   bsl::is_empty: standard meta-function for detecting empty classes
//   bsl::is_empty_v: the result value of the 'bsl::is_empty' meta-function
//@SEE_ALSO: bslmf_isclass.h
//@DESCRIPTION: This component defines a meta-function, 'bsl::is_empty' and a
// template variable 'bsl::is_empty_v', that represents the result value of the
// 'bsl::is_empty' meta-function, which may be used to determine whether a type
// is a 'class' or 'struct' with no non-static data members other than
// bit-fields of length 0, no virtual member functions, no virtual base
// classes, and no base class 'B' for which 'is_empty<B>::value' is 'false'.
// This meta-function conforms to the definition of the C++11 standard
// 'is_empty' meta-function in section [meta.unary.prop].
// An empty class type type is *usually* stateless and, can be "stored" in a
// zero-length memory region.  (Hypothetically, an empty object can hold state
// by means a global address-to-state map, but such a design is rare and is
// discouraged.) When a class inherits from an empty type, the compiler is
// expected to optimize away the storage requirements of the empty base class.
// This optimization is known as the "Empty Base Optimization" or "EBO".
// Note that the template variable 'is_empty_v' is defined in the C++17
// standard as an inline variable.  If the current compiler supports the inline
// variable C++17 compiler feature, 'bsl::is_empty_v' is defined as an
// 'inline constexpr bool' variable.  Otherwise, if the compiler supports the
// variable templates C++14 compiler feature, 'bsl::is_empty_v' is defined as a
// non-inline 'constexpr bool' variable.  See
// bsls_compilerfeatures component for details.
// In this section we show intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Compute Storage Requirements for a Type
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose we wish to create a generic function that will allocate a record
// comprising a value of specified 't_TYPE' and a description in the form of a
// null-terminated character string.  First, we declare the function prototype:
//  template <class t_TYPE>
//  void *makeRecord(const t_TYPE& value, const char* description);
// Next, we implement the function so that the copy of 'value' takes up no
// space if 't_TYPE' is an empty class.  We manage this by computing a zero
// storage requirement if 'is_empty<t_TYPE>::value' is true:
//  #include <cstring>
//  #include <new>
//  template <class t_TYPE>
//  void *makeRecord(const t_TYPE& value, const char* description)
//  {
//      // 'ValueSize' is computed at compile time.
//      static const std::size_t ValueSize = bsl::is_empty<t_TYPE>::value ?
//          0 : sizeof(t_TYPE);
//      // Allocate memory for value and description
//      const std::size_t MemSize = ValueSize + std::strlen(description) + 1;
//      void *mem = ::operator new(MemSize);
//      // Construct copy of value at front of allocated memory
//      ::new(mem) t_TYPE(value);
//      // Copy description into space following value.
//      std::strcpy(static_cast<char*>(mem) + ValueSize, description);
//      return mem;
//  }
// Finally, we use 'makeRecord' with both an empty and non-empty value type:
//  struct EmptyMarker { };
//  int main()
//  {
//      void *record1 = makeRecord(9999, "four nines");
//      // Value takes 'sizeof(int)' bytes at front of record.
//      assert(9999 == *static_cast<int*>(record1));
//      assert(0 == std::strcmp(static_cast<char*>(record1) + sizeof(int),
//                              "four nines"));
//      void *record2 = makeRecord(EmptyMarker(), "Empty");
//      // Value takes no space at front of record.
//      assert(0 == std::strcmp(static_cast<char*>(record2), "Empty"));
//      ::operator delete(record1);
//      ::operator delete(record2);
//      return 0;
//  }

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bslmf_integralconstant.h>
#include <bslmf_voidtype.h>

#include <bsls_compilerfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_keyword.h>

# include <type_traits>

#include <bsls_nativestd.h>


#include <bslmf_isclass.h>

namespace bsl {

                       // ===============
                       // struct is_empty
                       // ===============

template <class t_TYPE>
struct is_empty;
    // This 'struct' is a meta-function to determine whether the (template
    // parameter) 't_TYPE' is an empty class type.  This 'struct' derives from
    // 'bsl::true_type' if the 't_TYPE' is empty, and from 'bsl::false_type'
    // otherwise.  This meta-function has the same syntax as the 'is_empty'
    // meta-function defined in the C++11 standard [meta.unary.prop]; on C++03
    // platforms, however, this meta-function defaults to 'true_type' if
    // 't_TYPE' is a 'class' or 'struct' with no non-static data members other
    // than bit-fields of length 0, no virtual member functions, no virtual
    // base classes, and no base class 'B' for which 'is_empty<B>::value' is
    // 'false'; otherwise 'is_empty' defaults to 'false_type'.  Note that this
    // meta-function will fail to compile for a union that is the same size as
    // an empty class in C++03.

}  // close namespace bsl

// ============================================================================
//                          CLASS TEMPLATE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================
namespace bsl {

                    // =======================
                    // struct is_empty (C++11)
                    // =======================

template <class t_TYPE>
struct is_empty
: bsl::integral_constant<bool, ::std::is_empty<t_TYPE>::value> {
    // This specification defers to the native trait on supported C++11
    // compilers.

template <class t_TYPE>
BSLS_KEYWORD_INLINE_VARIABLE constexpr bool is_empty_v =
    // This template variable represents the result value of the
    // 'bsl::is_empty' meta-function.


                        // ====================
                        // struct Is_Empty_Size
                        // ====================

struct Is_Empty_Size {
    // Private class: do not use outside of 'bslmf_isempty' component.  This
    // component-private class is an example of an empty type, that can be used
    // to calculate the likely size of an empty type on the current platform.
    // As the inheritance-based technique used below disallows unions with a
    // hard error, rather than a SFINAE-friendly failure, it is important to
    // avoid instantiating the 'Imp' test unless there is a real chance that
    // the type might be empty.  While we cannot protect against testing small
    // unions, we can rule out the more common cases where at least one union
    // member has more than the smallest permissible size on the current ABI.

                         // =========================
                         // struct Is_Empty_Class_Imp
                         // =========================

template <class t_TYPE,
          bool IS_CLASS = sizeof(t_TYPE) == sizeof(Is_Empty_Size)>
struct Is_Empty_Class_Imp : false_type {
    // Private class: do not use outside of 'bslmf_isempty' component.  This
    // meta-function derives from 'false_type' unless (the template parameter)
    // 't_TYPE' is exactly the same size as a known empty type, in which case
    // the following partial specialization is chosen.  This test filters out
    // the majority of problems with 'union' types that are classes, and would
    // produce a hard, non-SFINAEable error trying to a create a derived class
    // to compare size in the next test.

template <class t_TYPE>
struct Is_Empty_Class_Imp<t_TYPE, true> {
    // Private class: do not use outside of 'bslmf_isempty' component.
    // Implementation of 'bsl::is_empty' for class types that are small enough
    // that they might be an empty class.

    struct Derived : t_TYPE {
        // This 'struct' derives from the template parameter 't_TYPE' from the
        // enclosing class template, and will have the same size as an 'int' if
        // 't_TYPE' is an empty class, and a larger size otherwise.

        Derived();                // Declared but not defined
        Derived(const Derived&);  // Declared but not defined
        ~Derived();               // Declared but not defined

        int d_data; // 'Derived' is not empty

    typedef integral_constant<bool, sizeof(Derived) == sizeof(int)> type;
        // 'true_type' if (the template parameter) 't_TYPE' is an empty class,
        // and 'false_type' otherwise.

                        // ===================
                        // struct Is_Empty_Imp
                        // ===================

template <class t_TYPE, class = void>
struct Is_Empty_Imp : false_type {
    // Private class: do not use outside of 'bslmf_isempty' component.  This
    // meta-function provides an initial dispatch that always derives from
    // 'false_type' unless the template parameter 't_TYPE' is a class type, as
    // only class types can be empty.  The following partial specialization
    // forwards all class types to a final test.  This two-phase dispatch is
    // necessary as some types, such as 'void' and function types, cannot be
    // passed to a 'sizeof' operator that is used to implement the next stage
    // of matching.

template <class t_TYPE>
struct Is_Empty_Imp<t_TYPE, BSLMF_VOIDTYPE(int t_TYPE::*)>
: Is_Empty_Class_Imp<t_TYPE>::type {
    // Private class: do not use outside of 'bslmf_isempty' component.
    // Implementation of 'bsl::is_empty'.  This partial specialization derives
    // from the nested 'type' member of the 'Is_Empty_Class_Imp' meta-function,
    // which must be 'true_type' if (the template parameter) 't_TYPE' is an
    // empty class, and 'false_type' otherwise.

                        // =======================
                        // struct is_empty (C++03)
                        // =======================

template <class t_TYPE>
struct is_empty : Is_Empty_Imp<t_TYPE>::type {
    // This 'struct' is a meta-function to determine whether the (template
    // parameter) 't_TYPE' is an empty class type.  'is_empty' inherits from
    // 'true_type' if 't_TYPE' is a 'class' or 'struct' with no non-static data
    // members other than bit-fields of length 0, no virtual member functions,
    // no virtual base classes, and no base class 'B' for which
    // 'is_empty<B>::value' is 'false'; otherwise 'is_empty' inherits from
    // 'false_type'.  Note that this meta-function will fail to compile for a
    // union that is the same size as an empty class in C++03.

template <class t_TYPE>
struct is_empty<const t_TYPE> : Is_Empty_Imp<t_TYPE>::type {
template <class t_TYPE>
struct is_empty<volatile t_TYPE> : Is_Empty_Imp<t_TYPE>::type {
template <class t_TYPE>
struct is_empty<const volatile t_TYPE> : Is_Empty_Imp<t_TYPE>::type {
    // Partial specializations reduce the total number of template
    // instantiations when cv-qualified types are involved.


}  // close namespace bsl


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2019 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------