// bslma_sharedptrrep.h                                               -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>

//@PURPOSE: Provide an abstract class for a shared object manager.
//  bslma::SharedPtrRep : shared pointer representation abstract class
//@SEE_ALSO: bslstl_sharedptr, bslma_sharedptrrep_inplace,
//           bslma_sharedptrrep_outofplace
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a partially implemented abstract class,
// 'bslma::SharedPtrRep', for managing the lifetime of a shared object.
// 'bslma::SharedPtrRep' provides a count of both shared and weak references to
// a shared object (described in more detail in the next section).  In
// addition, 'bslma::SharedPtrRep' provides protocol methods that allows a
// concrete implementation to specify what action should be taken when these
// reference counts reach zero.
///Shared and Weak References
// There are two types of references to shared objects:
// 1) A shared reference allows users to share the ownership of an object and
// control its lifetime.  A shared object is destroyed only when the last
// shared reference to it is released.  The function 'acquireRef' should be
// called when a new shared reference is created and 'releaseRef' should be
// called when a share reference is removed.
// 2) A weak reference provides users conditional access to an object without
// sharing its ownership (or affecting its lifetime).  A shared object can be
// destroyed even if there are weak references to it.  The function
// 'acquireWeakRef' should be called when a new weak reference is created and
// 'releaseWeakRef' should be called when a weak reference is removed.
///Thread Safety
// 'bslma::SharedPtrRep' is thread-safe provided that 'disposeObject' and
// 'disposeRep' are not called explicitly, meaning that all non-creator
// operations other than 'disposeObject' and 'disposeRep' on a given instance
// can be safely invoked simultaneously from multiple threads ('disposeObject'
// and 'disposeRep' are meant to be implemented by types inheriting
// 'bslma::SharedPtrRep', and invoked only by 'releaseRef' and
// 'releaseWeakRef').  Note that there is no thread safety guarantees for
// operations on the managed object.
///'disposeObject' and 'disposeRep'
// 'disposeObject' is meant to act as the destructor of the managed object and
// each derived class must override this method to perform an action that
// releases the shared object from management, such as deleting the managed
// object.  'disposeObject' will be called when the last shared reference to
// the object has been released using 'releaseRef'.
// 'disposeRep' is meant to act as the destructor of 'bslma::SharedPtrRep'.
// The destructor of 'bslma::SharedPtrRep' is declared as private and cannot be
// called.  The derived class must override 'disposeRep' to perform an action
// such as deallocating the memory of the instance of the derived class.
// 'disposeRep' will be called when both the last shared reference and the last
// weak reference to the object has been released using 'releaseRef' or
// 'releaseWeakRef'.
// The following example demonstrates how to implement a shared
// 'bdlt::Datetime' using 'bslma::SharedPtrRep'.  In this example, the
// implementation will store an object of 'bdlt::Datetime' in-place.  First, we
// define an implementation of 'bslma::SharedPtrRep':
//  class MySharedDatetimeRepImpl : public bslma::SharedPtrRep {
//      // Implementation of 'bslma::SharedPtrRep' for an in-place
//      // 'bdlt::Datetime' object.
//      // DATA
//      bslma::Allocator *d_allocator_p; // memory allocator (held, not owned)
//      bdlt::Datetime    d_instance;    // in-place object
//    private:
//      MySharedDatetimeRepImpl(const MySharedDatetimeRepImpl&);
//      MySharedDatetimeRepImpl& operator=(const MySharedDatetimeRepImpl&);
//    public:
//      // CREATORS
//      MySharedDatetimeRepImpl(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator,
//                              int               year,
//                              int               month,
//                              int               day);
//          // Create a shared representation of a 'bdlt::Datetime' object
//          // having the specified 'year', 'month' and 'day' using the
//          // specified 'basicAllocator' to supply memory.
//      virtual void disposeRep();
//          // Dispose of this 'MySharedDatetimeRepImpl' object.
//      virtual void disposeObject();
//          // Dispose of the managed 'bdlt::Datetime' object.
//      // ACCESSORS
//      bdlt::Datetime *ptr();
//          // Return the address of the modifiable managed 'bdlt::Datetime'
//          // object.
//      virtual void *originalPtr() const;
//          // Return the address of the modifiable managed 'bdlt::Datetime'
//          // object.
//  };
// Next, we define the implementation:
//  MySharedDatetimeRepImpl::MySharedDatetimeRepImpl(
//                                            bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator,
//                                            int               year,
//                                            int               month,
//                                            int               day)
//  : d_allocator_p(basicAllocator)
//  , d_instance(year, month, day)
//  {
//  }
//  void MySharedDatetimeRepImpl::disposeRep()
//  {
//      d_allocator_p->deallocate(this);
//  }
//  void MySharedDatetimeRepImpl::disposeObject()
//  {
//      d_instance.~bdlt::Datetime();
//  }
//  bdlt::Datetime *MySharedDatetimeRepImpl::ptr()
//  {
//      return &d_instance;
//  }
//  void *MySharedDatetimeRepImpl::originalPtr() const {
//      return const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void *>(&d_instance));
//  }
// Next, we implement a shared 'bdlt::Datetime' class.
//  class MySharedDatetimePtr {
//      // This class provides a reference counted managed pointer to support
//      // shared ownership of a 'bdlt::Datetime' object.
//      bdlt::Datetime      *d_ptr_p;  // pointer to the managed object
//      bslma::SharedPtrRep *d_rep_p;  // pointer to the representation object
//    private:
//      MySharedDatetimePtr& operator=(const MySharedDatetimePtr&);
//    public:
//      // CREATORS
//      MySharedDatetimePtr();
//          // Create an empty shared datetime.
//      MySharedDatetimePtr(bdlt::Datetime* ptr, bslma::SharedPtrRep* rep);
//          // Create a shared datetime that adopts ownership of the specified
//          // 'ptr' and the specified 'rep'.
//      MySharedDatetimePtr(const MySharedDatetimePtr& original);
//          // Create a shared datetime that refers to the same object managed
//          // by the specified 'original'
//      ~MySharedDatetimePtr();
//          // Destroy this shared datetime and release the reference to the
//          // 'bdlt::Datetime' object to which it might be referring.  If this
//          // is the last shared reference, deleted the managed object.
//      void createInplace(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator,
//                         int               year,
//                         int               month,
//                         int               day);
//          // Create a new 'MySharedDatetimeRepImpl', using the specified
//          // 'basicAllocator' to supply memory, using the specified 'year',
//          // 'month' and 'day' to initialize the 'bdlt::Datetime' within the
//          // newly created 'MySharedDatetimeRepImpl', and make this
//          // object refer to the newly created 'bdlt::Datetime' object.
//      // ACCESSORS
//      bdlt::Datetime& operator*() const;
//          // Return a reference to the modifiable 'bdlt::Datetime' to which
//          // this object refers.
//      bdlt::Datetime *operator->() const;
//          // Return the address of the modifiable 'bdlt::Datetime' to which
//          // this object refers.
//      bdlt::Datetime *ptr() const;
//          // Return the address of the modifiable 'bdlt::Datetime' to which
//          // this object refers.
//  };
// Finally, we implement 'MySharedDatetimePtr':
//  MySharedDatetimePtr::MySharedDatetimePtr()
//  : d_ptr_p(0)
//  , d_rep_p(0)
//  {
//  }
//  MySharedDatetimePtr::MySharedDatetimePtr(bdlt::Datetime      *ptr,
//                                           bslma::SharedPtrRep *rep)
//  : d_ptr_p(ptr)
//  , d_rep_p(rep)
//  {
//  }
//  MySharedDatetimePtr::MySharedDatetimePtr(
//                                         const MySharedDatetimePtr& original)
//  : d_ptr_p(original.d_ptr_p)
//  , d_rep_p(original.d_rep_p)
//  {
//      if (d_ptr_p) {
//          d_rep_p->acquireRef();
//      } else {
//          d_rep_p = 0;
//      }
//  }
//  MySharedDatetimePtr::~MySharedDatetimePtr()
//  {
//      if (d_rep_p) {
//          d_rep_p->releaseRef();
//      }
//  }
//  void MySharedDatetimePtr::createInplace(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator,
//                                          int               year,
//                                          int               month,
//                                          int               day)
//  {
//      basicAllocator = bslma::Default::allocator(basicAllocator);
//      MySharedDatetimeRepImpl *rep = new (*basicAllocator)
//                                      MySharedDatetimeRepImpl(basicAllocator,
//                                                              year,
//                                                              month,
//                                                              day);
//      MySharedDatetimePtr temp(rep->ptr(), rep);
//      bsl::swap(d_ptr_p, temp.d_ptr_p);
//      bsl::swap(d_rep_p, temp.d_rep_p);
//  }
//  bdlt::Datetime& MySharedDatetimePtr::operator*() const
//  {
//      return *d_ptr_p;
//  }
//  bdlt::Datetime *MySharedDatetimePtr::operator->() const
//  {
//      return d_ptr_p;
//  }
//  bdlt::Datetime *MySharedDatetimePtr::ptr() const
//  {
//      return d_ptr_p;
//  }

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_atomic.h>

#include <typeinfo>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bslma {

                        // ==================
                        // class SharedPtrRep
                        // ==================

class SharedPtrRep {
    // This class provides a partially implemented shared pointer
    // representation ("letter") protocol.  The class provides two counters for
    // storing the number of shared and weak references, and functions to
    // increment and decrement these counters.  In addition, this class
    // provides protocol methods that allow concrete implementations to specify
    // what action should be taken when these counts reach zero.  The function
    // 'disposeRep' is responsible for destroying this object, it is called
    // when the reference count to this object reaches zero.  Thus, the
    // destructor of this object is declared as protected and should never be
    // invoked.

    // DATA
    bsls::AtomicInt d_adjustedSharedCount;
                              // Counter storing a value that allows us to
                              // calculate the number of shared references.
                              // The numerical value of 'd_adjustedSharedCount'
                              // is: 2 * number of shared references, plus 1 if
                              // any weak references were *ever* created.

    bsls::AtomicInt d_adjustedWeakCount;
                              // Counter storing a value that allows us to
                              // calculate the number of weak references.  The
                              // numerical value of 'd_adjustedWeakCount' is:
                              // 2 * number of weak references, plus 1 if there
                              // are any *outstanding* shared references.

    SharedPtrRep(const SharedPtrRep&);             // = delete
    SharedPtrRep& operator=(const SharedPtrRep&);  // = delete

    virtual ~SharedPtrRep();
        // Destroy this representation object.  Note that this destructor is
        // not intended to be invoked polymorphically, and is marked 'virtual'
        // only to silence frequent warnings on popular compilers.

    static void managedPtrDeleter(void *, void *rep);
        // Release the shared reference to an object held by the 'SharedPtrRep'
        // object that is pointed to be by specified 'rep'.  The behavior is
        // undefined unless 'rep' points to an object whose complete type
        // publicly and unambiguously derives from 'SharedPtrRep'.  Note that
        // the first argument is ignored.  Also note that this function serves
        // as the 'ManagedPtr' deleter when converting a 'bsl::shared_ptr' to a
        // 'bslma::ManagedPtr'.

    static void managedPtrEmptyDeleter(void *, void *rep);
        // This function has no effect.  The behavior is undefined unless 'rep'
        // is null.  Note that this function serves as the managed ptr deleter
        // when converting an empty or null 'bsl::shared_ptr' to a
        // 'bslma::ManagedPtr'.

        // Create a 'SharedPtrRep' object having one shared reference and no
        // weak references.

    virtual void disposeObject() = 0;
        // Dispose of the shared object referred to by this representation.
        // This method is automatically invoked by 'releaseRef' when the number
        // of shared references reaches zero and should not be explicitly
        // invoked otherwise.  Note that this virtual 'disposeObject' method
        // effectively serves as the shared object's destructor.  Also note
        // that derived classes must override this method to perform the
        // appropriate action such as deleting the shared object.

    virtual void disposeRep() = 0;
        // Dispose of this representation object.  This method is automatically
        // invoked by 'releaseRef' and 'releaseWeakRef' when the number of weak
        // references and the number of shared references both reach zero and
        // should not be explicitly invoked otherwise.  The behavior is
        // undefined unless 'disposeObject' has already been called for this
        // representation.  Note that this virtual 'disposeRep' method
        // effectively serves as the representation object's destructor.  Also
        // note that derived classes must override this method to perform
        // appropriate action such as deleting this representation, or
        // returning it to an object pool.

    virtual void *getDeleter(const std::type_info& type) = 0;
        // Return a pointer to the deleter stored by the derived representation
        // (if any) if the deleter has the same type as that described by the
        // specified 'type', and a null pointer otherwise.  Note that while
        // this methods appears to be a simple accessor, it is declared as non-
        // 'const' qualified to support representations storing the deleter
        // directly as a data member.

    virtual void *originalPtr() const = 0;
        // Return the (untyped) address of the modifiable shared object
        // referred to by this representation.

    void acquireRef();
        // Atomically acquire a shared reference to the shared object referred
        // to by this representation.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // '0 < numReferences()'.

    void acquireWeakRef();
        // Atomically acquire a weak reference to the shared object referred to
        // by this representation.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // '0 < numWeakReferences() || 0 < numReferences()'.

    void incrementRefs(int incrementAmount = 1);
        // Atomically increment the number of shared references to the shared
        // object referred to by this representation by the optionally
        // specified 'incrementAmount'.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // '0 < incrementAmount' and '0 < numReferences()'.
        // DEPRECATED: Use 'acquireRef' instead.

    void releaseRef();
        // Atomically release a shared reference to the shared object referred
        // to by this representation, disposing of the shared object if all the
        // shared references to that object are released, and disposing of this
        // representation if all (shared and weak) references to that object
        // are released.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // '0 < numReferences()'.

    void releaseWeakRef();
        // Atomically release a weak reference to the shared object referred to
        // by this representation, disposing of this representation if all
        // (shared and weak) references to the shared object are released.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless '0 < numWeakReferences()'.

    void resetCountsRaw(int numSharedReferences, int numWeakReferences);
        // Reset the number of shared references and the number of weak
        // references stored by this representation to the specified
        // 'numSharedReferences' and 'numWeakReferences' respectively.  This
        // function is *not* thread-safe and users must ensure that they
        // serialize access to the 'SharedPtrRep' object when calling this
        // function.  Note that this function updates the counts, but does not
        // dispose of the representation or the object irrespective of the
        // values of 'numSharedReferences' and 'numWeakReferences'.

    bool tryAcquireRef();
        // Atomically acquire a shared reference to the shared object referred
        // to by this representation, if the number of shared references is
        // greater than 0, and do nothing otherwise.  Return 'true' if the
        // acquire succeeds, and 'false' otherwise.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless '0 < numWeakReferences() || 0 < numReferences()'.

    bool hasUniqueOwner() const;
        // Return 'true' if there is only one shared reference and no weak
        // references to the object referred to by this representation, and
        // 'false' otherwise.

    int numReferences() const;
        // Return a "snapshot" of the current number of shared references to
        // the shared object referred to by this representation object.

    int numWeakReferences() const;
        // Return a "snapshot" of the current number of weak references to the
        // shared object referred to by this representation object.


// ============================================================================
//                          INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                        // ------------------
                        // class SharedPtrRep
                        // ------------------


void SharedPtrRep::managedPtrDeleter(void *, void *rep)

    static_cast<SharedPtrRep *>(rep)->releaseRef();

void SharedPtrRep::managedPtrEmptyDeleter(void *, void *rep)
    (void)rep;    // Silence unused argument warning in non-SAFE builds.

: d_adjustedSharedCount(2)                      // minimum consistency: relaxed
, d_adjustedWeakCount(1)                        // minimum consistency: relaxed

void SharedPtrRep::acquireRef()
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 < numReferences());

    d_adjustedSharedCount.addRelaxed(2);        // minimum consistency: relaxed

void SharedPtrRep::incrementRefs(int incrementAmount)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 < incrementAmount);
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 < numReferences());

    d_adjustedSharedCount.addRelaxed(incrementAmount * 2);
                                                // minimum consistency: relaxed

void SharedPtrRep::releaseWeakRef()
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 < numWeakReferences());

    const int weakCount = d_adjustedWeakCount.add(-2);
                                        // release consistency: acquire/release
    if (0 == weakCount) {

bool SharedPtrRep::hasUniqueOwner() const
    const int sharedCount = d_adjustedSharedCount;
                                                // release consistency: acquire
    return 2 == sharedCount
        || (3 == sharedCount
         && 1 == d_adjustedWeakCount);          // release consistency: acquire

int SharedPtrRep::numReferences() const
    const int sharedCount = d_adjustedSharedCount.loadRelaxed();
                                                // minimum consistency: relaxed
    return sharedCount / 2;

int SharedPtrRep::numWeakReferences() const
    const int weakCount = d_adjustedWeakCount.loadRelaxed();
                                                // minimum consistency: relaxed
    return weakCount / 2;

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2013 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------