// bsldoc_glossary.h                                                  -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide definitions for terms used throughout BDE documentation.
//@DESCRIPTION: This component documents common terminology that is used
// throughout the rest of BDE component documentation.  The terminology is
// broken into the following sections:
// ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------.
// | Topic               |  Term                                   |   Key   |
// |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
// | Exception Safety    |                                         |         |
// |                     | Exception-Neutral                       | [ES.1 ] |
// |                     | Basic Guarantee                         | [ES.2 ] |
// |                     | Strong Guarantee                        | [ES.3 ] |
// |                     | No-Throw Guarantee                      | [ES.4 ] |
// |                     | Injected Exception                      | [ES.5 ] |
// |---------------------+-----------------------------------------+---------|
// | Thread Safety       |                                         |         |
// |                     | Minimally Thread-Safe                   | [TS.1 ] |
// |                     | 'const' Thread-Safe                     | [TS.2 ] |
// |                     | Fully Thread-Safe                       | [TS.3 ] |
// |                     | Thread-Aware                            | [TS.4 ] |
// |                     | Thread-Enabled                          | [TS.5 ] |
// |---------------------+-----------------------------------------+---------|
// | Type Classification |                                         |         |
// |                     | Value-Semantic Type                     | [TC.1 ] |
// |                     | In-Core Value-Semantic Type             | [TC.2 ] |
// |                     | Attribute Type                          | [TC.3 ] |
// |                     | Unconstrained Attribute Type            | [TC.4 ] |
// |                     | Simply-Constrained Attribute Type       | [TC.5 ] |
// |                     | Complex-Constrained Attribute Type      | [TC.6 ] |
// |                     | Protocol                                | [TC.7 ] |
// |                     | Mechanism                               | [TC.8 ] |
// |                     | Utility Type                            | [TC.9 ] |
// |                     | Vocabulary Type                         | [TC.10] |
// |---------------------+-----------------------------------------+---------|
// | Value Semantics     |                                         |         |
// |                     | Value-Semantic Operations               | [VS.1 ] |
// |---------------------+-----------------------------------------+---------|
// | Uncategorized       |                                         |         |
// |                     | Alias-Safe                              | [UC.1 ] |
// |                     | Guard                                   | [UC.2 ] |
// |                     | Proctor                                 | [UC.3 ] |
// `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
///Terminology (in Alphabetic Order)
///Alias-Safe [UC.1]
///- - - - - - - - -
//: o A *function* is *alias-safe* if it behaves as advertized in its contract,
//:   even when multiple arguments are aliases for the same object or
//:   overlapping regions of memory.
//: o A *class* is alias-safe if all of its methods are alias-safe.
///Attribute Type [TC.3]
///- - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A value-semantic type (see "Value-Semantic Type") is an *attribute*
//:   *type* if the type provides no primitive functionality other than
//:   standard value-semantic operations (e.g., equality comparison) along with
//:   manipulators and accessors to get and set the contained attribute fields.
//:   o Attribute types are a subset of value-semantic types.  Therefore, an
//:     attribute type must provide a notion of value (i.e., provide
//:     'operator==').
//:   o See "Value-Semantic Operations" for a list of standard value-semantic
//:     operations.
///Basic Guarantee [ES.2]
/// - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *class* provides the *basic* *guarantee* if objects of that type emerge
//:   in some valid, but otherwise unspecified, state should one of its methods
//:   terminate as the result of an injected exception (irrespective of the
//:   exception source).
///Complex-Constrained Attribute Type [TC.6]
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o An attribute type (see "Attribute Type") is a *complex-constrained*
//:   *attribute* *type* if there are constraints on the values of one or more
//:   attributes, and the value of one attribute affects what values are valid
//:   for one or more other attributes.
//:   o Complex-constrained attribute types are a subset of attribute types,
//:     which, in turn, are a subset of value-semantic types.  Therefore, a
//:     complex-constrained attribute type must have a notion of value (i.e.,
//:     define 'operator==') and provide no primitive functionality aside from
//:     the standard value-semantic operations with manipulators and accessors
//:     to get and set the contained attribute fields.
///'const' Thread-Safe [TS.2]
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *class* is *'const'* *thread-safe* if its accessors may be invoked
//:   concurrently from different threads, but it is not safe to access or
//:   modify an object of that class in one thread while another thread
//:   modifies the same object.
//:   o This is the default, and is generally true of classes without either
//:     static or mutable data members.
//:   o BDE components are assumed to be 'const' thread-safe unless documented
//:     otherwise.
//:   o A class that is 'const' thread-safe is also minimally thread-safe.
///Exception-Neutral [ES.1]
/// - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *function* is *exception-neutral* if it safely propagates to its caller
//:   externally injected exceptions (e.g., via lower-level code, template
//:   parameters, virtual functions, or callbacks).
//: o A *class* is exception-neutral if all of its methods are
//:   exception-neutral.
//:   o A class is exception-neutral if it provides at least the *basic*
//:     *guarantee*, and propagates injected exceptions.
//:   o BDE components use RAII to provide exception neutrality, not
//:     'try'/'catch'.
///Fully Thread-Safe [TS.3]
/// - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *class* is *fully* *thread-safe* if all non-creators (and any 'friend'
//:   functions) can safely execute concurrently.
//:   o A class that is fully thread-safe and has at least one manipulator is
//:     also thread-aware.
//:   o A 'const' thread-safe class that has no manipulators is fully
//:     thread-safe.
//:   o Notably it is not safe to destroy an object before before all functions
//:     called on the object have completed.  Typically some form of
//:     synchronization (external to the object itself) is need to ensure that
//:     the object can be safely destroyed.
///Guard [UC.2]
/// - - - - - -
//: o A (scoped) guard is an object that maintains control over an associated
//:   resource (often acquired on construction) and releases that control when
//:   the guard is destroyed (typically at scope exit -- either normally or
//:   because an exception was thrown).  The guard *may* provide an explicit
//:   release method, but -- unlike a Proctor (see [UC.3]) -- such a release
//:   method is not commonly used.
//:   o A canonical example is a lock guard (e.g., 'std::lock_guard'), which
//:     acquires a lock (typically on a mutex) at construction, and releases
//:     that lock upon the guard's destruction.
///In-Core Value-Semantic Type [TC.2]
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A value-semantic type (see "Value-Semantic Type") is an *in-core*
//:   *value-semantic* *type* if the type's value is somehow tied to the
//:   current process, for example, if a *salient* *attribute* of the value is
//:   a reference to (i.e., the address of) some other autonomous (un-owned)
//:   object.
//:   o In-core value-semantic types are a subset of value-semantic types.
//:     Therefore, an in-core value-semantic type must have a notion of value
//:     (i.e., provide 'operator==').
//:   o Because an in-core value-semantic type's notion of value is tied to the
//:     current process, that "value" (by itself) is not externalizable.
///Injected Exception [ES.5]
///- - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o An *injected* *exception* is any exception generated within a method of
//:   an object without the explicit use of 'throw'.  For example, an exception
//:   may be injected by calling a method on a contained object (which, in
//:   turn, throws), or via a template parameter, virtual function call, or
//:   callback.
///Mechanism [TC.8]
/// - - - - - - - -
//: o A *class* is a *mechanism* if objects of the class maintain state, but
//:   have no sensible notion of value.  Therefore, mechanisms do not provide
//:   standard value-semantic operations such as equality comparison,
//:   copy construction, or copy assignment.
//:   o For example, memory allocators and thread pools are mechanisms.
///Minimally Thread-Safe [TS.1]
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *class* is *minimally* *thread-safe* if two threads can safely operate
//:   on two distinct objects of the class.
///No-Throw Guarantee [ES.4]
///- - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *function* provides the *no-throw* *guarantee* if it will not throw, or
//:   in any way propagate, an exception to the caller under any circumstances.
//:   o The no-throw guarantee is exceedingly rare in BDE libraries.  Any
//:     memory allocation performed using a type derived from
//:     'bslma::Allocator' may throw a memory-allocation exception.
//:     Additionally, a function may test its input to verify that it has been
//:     called in-contract (e.g., using 'bsls_assert') and may throw an
//:     exception in cases where it is called out-of-contract (functions with
//:     any undefined behavior, by definition, cannot provide the no-throw
//:     guarantee).
///Proctor [UC.3]
/// - - - - - - -
//: o A proctor is a special kind of guard intended to restore a valid state
//:   under abnormal circumstances (e.g., a thrown exception), until a valid
//:   state is restored normally, after which the proctor's responsibility is
//:   explicitly released by its client.  The proctor *must* provide a
//:   mechanism to release the resource from management, and -- unlike a
//:   standard Guard (see [UC.2]) -- its management responsibility is
//:   typically released prior to its destruction.
//:   o A canonical example is 'bslalg::AutoArrayDestructor', which is used to
//:     implement exception safety while moving elements within an array,
//:     restoring a valid state in case of an exception, or doing nothing once
//:     its 'release' method is invoked (after a valid state has been
//:     reestablished).
///Protocol [TC.7]
///- - - - - - - -
//: o A *protocol* is an abstract base class defining only pure virtual
//:   functions, aside from the (non-pure virtual) destructor.
//:   o Protocol is a more precisely defined term for what is frequently
//:     referred to as an "interface".
///Simply-Constrained Attribute Type [TC.5]
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o An attribute type (see "Attribute Type") is a *simply-constrained*
//:   *attribute* *type* if there are constraints on the values of one or more
//:   individual attributes, but the constraints are independent.
//:   o Simply-constrained attribute types are a subset of attribute types,
//:     which, in turn, are a subset of value-semantic types.  Therefore, a
//:     simply-constrained attribute type must have a notion of value (i.e.,
//:     define 'operator=='), and provide no primitive functionality aside from
//:     the standard value-semantic operations with manipulators and accessors
//:     to get and set the contained attribute fields.
///Strong Guarantee [ES.3]
///- - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *class* provides the *strong* *guarantee* if objects of that type
//:   emerge with all of their (observable) state unchanged (e.g., all
//:   iterators on the object will remain valid), and none of its output
//:   parameters modified, should one of its methods terminate as the result of
//:   an injected exception (irrespective of the exception source).  Note that
//:   it is not generally possible to ensure that all global state, or optional
//:   modifiable parameters (e.g., allocators), will be entirely unaffected.
///Thread-Aware [TS.4]
///- - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *class* that is *thread-aware* is designed with multithreading in mind
//:   and provides at least one manipulator (or 'friend' function) that can
//:   safely execute concurrently on a single object by multiple threads.
///Thread-Enabled [TS.5]
///- - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *class* that is *thread-enabled* is designed to directly interact with
//:   threads, and cannot function correctly in a non-multithreading
//:   environment (e.g., a thread pool is thread-enabled, so *must* be used in
//:   a multithreading environment).  Typically a *thread-enabled* class
//:   creates or joins threads.
///Unconstrained Attribute Type [TC.4]
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o An attribute type (see "Attribute Type") is an *unconstrained*
//:   *attribute* *type* if every combination of individual attribute values is
//:   valid for the overall type.
//:   o Unconstrained attribute types are a subset of attribute types, which,
//:     in turn, are a subset of value-semantic types.  Therefore, an
//:     unconstrained attribute type must have a notion of value (i.e., define
//:     'operator==') and provide no primitive functionality aside from the
//:     standard value-semantic operations with manipulators and accessors to
//:     get and set the contained attribute fields.
///Utility Type [TC.9]
///- - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *utility* *type* is a 'struct' (or 'class') serving as a namespace for
//:   a suite of C-style (static) functions.  These types have no instance data
//:   members or instance methods.
///Value-Semantic Operations [VS.1]
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A standard set of operations provided by all value-semantic types (see
//:   "Value-Semantic Type").  A value-semantic type provides all of these
//:   operators unless otherwise documented:
//:   o Equality and Non-Equality Comparisons
//:   o Copy Construction
//:   o Copy Assignment
//:   o Default Construction
//:   o 'ostream' Printing
//:   o 'bslx' Serialization (optional)
///Value-Semantic Type [TC.1]
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *class* is a *value-semantic* *type* if objects of that type have a
//:   value.  A type provides a value if and only if the class defines
//:   'operator==', and the value of an object of that class is defined in
//:   terms of 'operator==': Two objects of a type *have* *the* *same* *value*
//:   if and only if 'operator==', when applied to these objects, returns
//:   'true'.  In addition, types that define a value (i.e., provide
//:   'operator==') *must* have the following properties:
//:   1 'operator==' is commutative (i.e., 'A == B' if and only if 'B == A').
//:   2 'operator!=' is the inverse of 'operator==' (i.e., 'A != B' if and only
//:     if '!(A == B)').
//:   3 Two object of the type have the same value if and only if the values of
//:     each of the *salient* *attributes* -- i.e., those attributes (each a
//:     value-semantic type) that comprise the value -- respectively compare
//:     equal.
//:   4 There is *no* sequence of operations that, when separately applied to
//:     two objects of the type having the same value, cause them to assume
//:     different values.
//:   5 The value of an object of the type is independent of any modifiable
//:     state that is not owned exclusively by that object.
//:   6 There exists a programmatic means, independent of the equality
//:     operator, to determine if two objects of the type have the same value.
//: o A value-semantic class is exception-neutral (see "Exception-Neutral") and
//:   provides a standard set of operations (see "Value-Semantic Operations")
//:   unless otherwise documented.
///Vocabulary Type [TC.10]
///- - - - - - - - - - - -
//: o A *vocabulary* *type* is a type that holds a value or performs a service
//:   that is used widely *in* *the* *interface* of classes and/or free
//:   function (hence, it is part of the "vocabulary" used to communicate
//:   between types in the system).
//:   o 'bsl::string' is a vocabulary type because it is used in the interface
//:     of many types to communicate the value of a character string.

#include <bslscm_version.h>


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2013 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------