
@PURPOSE: Provide date and time vocabulary types, and related utilities.

@MNEMONIC: Basic Development Library Time (bdlt)

@DESCRIPTION: The 'bdlt' ("Basic Development Library Time") package provides
 vocabulary types for representing date, time, and datetime values, and
 utilities providing non-primitive functionality on the value types.

 Additional utilities provide:
: o Current date, time, and local-time offset values.
: o Conversion between different date and time representations.
: o Arithmetic and validation functions

 See {Value Types} and {Utilities} below for overviews of the types and
 functions provided by this package.

/Hierarchical Synopsis
 The 'bdlt' package currently has 40 components having 9 levels of physical
 dependency.  The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components.
 The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant,
 just alphabetical.
  9. bdlt_defaultcalendarcache

  8. bdlt_calendarcache

  7. bdlt_currenttime

  6. bdlt_calendarutil

  5. bdlt_calendar

  4. bdlt_datetime

  3. bdlt_date

  2. bdlt_datetimeimputil

  1. bdlt_calendarreverseiteratoradapter

/Component Synopsis
: 'bdlt_calendar':
:      Provide fast repository for accessing weekend/holiday information.
: 'bdlt_calendarcache':
:      Provide an efficient cache for read-only 'bdlt::Calendar' objects.
: 'bdlt_calendarloader':
:      Provide a protocol (or pure interface) for loading calendars.
: 'bdlt_calendarreverseiteratoradapter':
:      Provide reverse iterator adapter for calendar iterators.
: 'bdlt_calendarutil':
:      Provide common date manipulations requiring a calendar.
: 'bdlt_currenttime':
:      Provide utilities to retrieve the current time.
: 'bdlt_date':
:      Provide a value-semantic type to represent dates.
: 'bdlt_datetime':
:      Provide a value-semantic type representing both date and time.
: 'bdlt_datetimeimputil':
:      Provide constants useful for encoding datetimes.
: 'bdlt_datetimeinterval':
:      Provide a representation of an interval of time.
: 'bdlt_datetimeintervalutil':
:      Provide non-primitive operations on 'bdlt::DatetimeInterval'.
: 'bdlt_datetimetz':
:      Provide a representation of a date and time with time zone offset.
: 'bdlt_datetimeutil':
:      Provide common non-primitive operations on 'bdlt::Datetime'.
: 'bdlt_datetz':
:      Provide a representation of a date with time zone offset.
: 'bdlt_dateutil':
:      Provide common non-primitive operations on date objects.
: 'bdlt_dayofweek':
:      Provide an enumeration of the set of days of the week.
: 'bdlt_dayofweekset':
:      Provide an ordered set of (unique) 'bdlt::DayOfWeek::Enum' values.
: 'bdlt_dayofweekutil':
:      Provide common non-primitive operations on 'bdlt::DayOfWeek::Enum'.
: 'bdlt_defaultcalendarcache':
:      Provide a process-wide default 'bdlt::CalendarCache' object.
: 'bdlt_defaulttimetablecache':
:      Provide a process-wide default 'bdlt::TimetableCache' object.
: 'bdlt_epochutil':
:      Conversion between absolute/relative time with respect to epoch.
: 'bdlt_fixutil':
:      Provide conversions between date/time objects and FIX strings.
: 'bdlt_fixutilconfiguration':
:      Provide an attribute class to configure FIX string generation.
: 'bdlt_fuzzutil':
:      Provide creation of 'bdlt' data types from fuzz data.
: 'bdlt_intervalconversionutil':
:      Provide functions to convert between time-interval representations.
: 'bdlt_iso8601util':
:      Provide conversions between date/time objects and ISO 8601 strings.
: 'bdlt_iso8601utilconfiguration':
:      Provide an attribute class to configure ISO 8601 string generation.
: 'bdlt_localtimeoffset':
:      Provide utilities to retrieve the local time offset.
: 'bdlt_monthofyear':
:      Enumerate the set of month-of-year values.
: 'bdlt_packedcalendar':
:      Provide a compact repository for weekend/holiday information.
: 'bdlt_posixdateimputil':
:      Provide low-level support functions for date-value manipulation.
: 'bdlt_prolepticdateimputil':
:      Provide low-level support functions for date-value manipulation.
: 'bdlt_serialdateimputil':
:      Provide low-level support functions for date-value manipulation.
: 'bdlt_time':
:      Provide a value-semantic type representing time-of-day.
: 'bdlt_timetable':
:      Provide a repository for accessing timetable information.
: 'bdlt_timetablecache':
:      Provide an efficient cache for read-only 'bdlt::Timetable' objects.
: 'bdlt_timetableloader':
:      Provide a protocol (or pure interface) for loading timetables.
: 'bdlt_timetz':
:      Provide a representation of a time with time zone offset.
: 'bdlt_timeunitratio':
:      Provide constants characterizing ratios between common time units.
: 'bdlt_timeutil':
:      Provide common non-primitive operations on 'bdlt::Time'.

/Value Types
 This package defines value-semantic types that represent dates, times (of
 day), and combined date and time values.  For each of these "time" types,
 there is a related type that also holds a time offset value from UTC.  There
 are also enumerated types representing the months of the year and the days of
 the week.

/Value Types: 'Date', 'Time' and 'Datetime'
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The 'bdlt' package defines 'bdlt::Date' to represent date values, 'bdlt::Time'
 to represent time values (to microsecond resolution) within a day, and the
 combined 'bdlt::Datetime' to represent all points in time (to microsecond
 resolution) across the range of date values.  The ranges of each type are
 shown below.
  Type     Range
  -------  ------------------------------------------------------------
  Date     [0001/01/01                 ..  9999/12/31                 ]
  Time     [           00:00:00.000000 ..             23:59:59.999999 ]
  Datetime [0001/01/01_00:00:00.000000 ..  9999/12/31_23:59:59.999999 ]
 Further note that:
: o The date values follow the Unix (POSIX) calendar (see {'bdlt_date'}.
: o The definition of 'bdlt::Datetime' does *not* allow for leap seconds.

 The above classes define values representing points on a timeline (e.g., dates
 on a calendar, positions on a clock) whereas the 'bdlt::DatetimeInterval'
 class represents the *difference* (to microsecond resolution) between those
  Type             Difference Type
  -------          ----------------
  Date             int (days)
  Time             DatetimeInterval
  Datetime         DatetimeInterval
  DatetimeInterval DatetimeInterval
 Each of these classes are designed to hold date and time values, but do not
 themselves provide means for obtaining values such as current time and date.
 Those values are available via separate utility components.  See {Obtaining
 Current Date, Time, and Local-Time Offset Values}.

/Singular 'Time' and 'Datetime' Values
/-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
 The 'bdlt::Time' class defines a singular value, "24:00:00.000000", which is
 also the default-constructed value.  This singular value is distinguished in
 two ways:

: o Relational comparisons to other time values are disallowed -- the behavior
:   is undefined.  Note that comparisons of equality and inequality to other
:   values *are* legal.
:   o Note that the singular value cannot appear as a key value in any of the
:     standard ordered containers (which require weak ordering of keys).
: o The singular value is implicitly converted to "00:00:00.000000" (midnight)
:   in arithmetic operations using 'bdlt::Time' values.

 Similarly, the 'bdlt::Datetime' class defines one singular value,
 "0001/01/01_24:00:00.000000", which happens to be the default constructed
 value.  The restrictions and semantics of this value parallel those of the
 singular 'bdlt::Time' value.

 Some applications use the singular values of these types as placeholders when
 a value must be provided but is not known.  (See 'bdetu_unset'.)

/Timezone Augmented Value Types: 'DateTz', 'TimeTz' and 'DatetimeTz'
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 For each of the basic date and time types there is a corresponding
 value-semantic type that is augmented with a value representing an offset (in
 minutes) from UTC.  Note that other BDE types represent local time offset as
 seconds (e.g., the 'seconds' attribute of 'bsls::TimeInterval').

 The local time offset augmented types are:
  Basis Type    Augmented Type
  ----------    ----------------
  bldt:Date     bdlt::DateTz
  bldt:Time     bdlt::TimeTz
  bldt:Datetime bdlt::DatetimeTz
 These types are not normalized to a common time zone when they are compared,
 hence, equality between objects of any of these types requires that the object
 have both the same local time and the same local-time offset values.  To
 determine *equivalence* between such objects, each of these classes provides a
 'utc*' accessor method.

 These types themselves do not validate that the combinations of dates, times,
 and local-time offset values they hold correspond to a valid time in any
 officially recognized time zone.  See {Obtaining Current Date, Time, and
 Local-Time Offset Values}.

/Enumerated Values
/- - - - - - - - -
 The 'bdlt' package provides enumerations in 'bdlt_monthofyear' and
 'bdlt_dayofweek'.  The 'bdlt_dayofweekset' provides an efficient, ordered
 container of unique 'btdl::DayofWeek::Enum' values (i.e., containing no more
 than seven elements).

 This package provides utility components that:

: o Provide current date, time, and local-time offset values.
: o Provide date arithmetic functions.
: o Provide a wide variety of conversion methods: between the value types
:   defined in this package, between the package value types and standard types
:   for date and time, between time values in different standard units (e.g.,
:   hours, minutes, nanoseconds).

/Obtaining Current Date, Time, and Local-Time Offset Values
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The 'bdlt_currenttime' component provides:

: o A 'bdlt::Datetime' value for the current UTC time.
: o A 'bdlt::Datetime' value for the current local time.
: o A 'bsls::TimeInterval' from the start of the epoch.

 The 'bdlt_localtimeoffset' component defines a function that returns the
 offset of the host machines designated time zone (as set by the system
 administrator) from UTC, including adjustments between standard and
 daylight-saving time, as of a given UTC time and date.  For local-time offset
 for arbitrary time zones see the {'baetzo'} package.

 Both 'bdlt::CurrentTime' and 'bdlt::LocalTimeOffset' obtain their values via
 user-installed callback functions.  The default callbacks obtain their values
 from platform appropriate system calls.  User-defined callbacks can provide
 high-performance (e.g., cached) alternatives to the default system calls, can
 be instrumented to gather statistics, and can simulate the passage of time for
 test scenarios.

/Advanced Date Arithmetic: 'bdlt::DateUtil'
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The 'bdet_dateutil' component provides functions on 'bdlt::Date' values that
 extend those provided by the 'bdlt::Date' class itself.  For example:

: o Calculate the 'bdlt::Date' that is a specified number of months -- or years
:   -- before or after a given date.  Two different end-of-month conventions
:   are provided.
: o Find the next -- or previous -- occurrence of a given day of week relative
:   to a specified date (inclusive or exclusive of that specified date).
: o Find the date of a specified day of week that is the *nth* (e.g., 1st, 3rd)
:   or last occurrence in a specified year and month.

 This utility also provides a function for conversion of 'bdlt::Date' values to
 and from 'int' values in the "YYYYMMDD" format.

/Conversion of 'Date', 'Time' and 'Datetime' Values
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Several utility components of 'bdlt' provide functions for the conversion of
 date and time types to other types, some defined in the C++ Standard, others
 defined elsewhere in BDE.  In particular, the 'bdlt_epochutil' component
 provides functions that convert 'bdlt::Datetime' values (in UTC) -- understood
 to represent an absolute date and time in UTC -- to equivalent difference
 values measured from the start of the Unix standard epoch
 (1970/01/01_00:00:00.000000 UTC).
  Component          Conversions
  -----------------  --------------------------------------------------------
  bdlt_dateutil      bdlt::Date     <=> 'int' in "YYYYMMDD" format

  bdlt_datetimeutil  bdlt::Datetime <=> bsl::tm

  bdlt_epochutil     bdlt::Datetime <=> bsl::time_t            from the epoch
                     bdlt::Datetime <=> bdlt::TimeT64          from the epoch
                     bdlt::Datetime <=> bsls::TimeInterval     from the epoch
                     bdlt::Datetime <=> bdlt::DateTimeInterval from the epoch

                                    <=> bsls::TimeInterval
                     bdlt::Date     <=> 'int' in the range '[1 .. 3652059]'
                                        (corresponding to
                                        '[00001/01/01 .. 9999/12/31]')

/Conversion of Conventional Time Units
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The 'bdlt_timeunitratio' component provides a set of constants that express
 the ratios between standard time units such as days, hours, ..., nanoseconds.
 One example is 'bdlt::TimeUnitRatio::k_MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE'.

 This section illustrates intended use of these components.

/Example 1: Celebrating Milestone Dates
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Date and time calculations are simple in principle but tedious and error-
 prone in practice.  Consequently, people tend to schedule events on dates that
 are easy to calculate -- e.g., first of the month, anniversary dates -- even
 though we know that not all months and years express intervals of the same
 length.  Access to a rich set of types and utilities for date and time
 calculations affords us other options.

 Suppose we wish to commemorate the 20,000th day since our birth.

 First, create a 'bdlt::Datetime' object to represent our date of birth.  Let
 us assume that we were born at the exact start of the Unix epoch:
    bdlt::Datetime dtBirthday = bdlt::EpochUtil::epoch();
    assert(bdlt::Datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) == dtBirthday);
 Next, we calculate the milestone date (and time).
    bdlt::Datetime dt20k(dtBirthday);  dt20k.addDays(20000);
    assert(bdlt::DatetimeInterval(20000) == dt20k - dtBirthday);

    bsl::cout << dt20k << bsl::endl;
 and find:
 The above value represents UTC date and time values.  We, however, plan to
 celebrate the milestone in New York City.  Thus, we must obtain the local time
 offset in NYC for that future date and use it to calculate the milestone
 (date) in that time zone.
    bsls::TimeInterval     localTimeOffset =

    bdlt::DatetimeInterval dtOffset =

    bdlt::DatetimeTz       dtz20kLocal(
                                    dt20k + dtOffset,

    bsl::cout << dtz20kLocal << bsl::endl;
 which is one calendar day earlier:
 Notice that the local time offset was expressed in units of minutes for the
 constructor of 'bdlt::DatetimeTz', but the class 'print' method shows that
 value as the concatenated decimal values four hours and minutes.

 Next, since we prefer to hold celebrations on weekend days, not weekdays, we
 determine the day of the week on which the milestone date falls.

 To aid our calculation, we define a 'bdlt::DayOfWeekSet' object set of the
 weekend days in New York City.
    bdlt::DayOfWeekSet weekendDays;
 Now, we determine if the target date is a weekend day.  If so, we can plan our
 celebration for that date; otherwise, we will plan for the next weekend date.
    bdlt::Date milestone = dtz20kLocal.localDatetime().date();
    bdlt::Date holdDate  = weekendDays.isMember(milestone.dayOfWeek())
                         ? milestone
                         : bdlt::DateUtil::nextDayOfWeek(
 Finally, we examine our results:
    bsl::cout << "Milestone:"          << " "
              << milestone.dayOfWeek() << " "
              << milestone             << bsl::endl;

    bsl::cout << "Hold date:"          << " "
              << holdDate.dayOfWeek()  << " "
              << holdDate              << bsl::endl;
 we find:
  Milestone: THU 03OCT2024
  Hold date: SAT 05OCT2024
 and we send out hold-the-date requests to our friends and family.