// bdls_filesystemutil.h                                              -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide methods for filesystem access with multi-language names.
//  bdls::FilesystemUtil: namespace for filesystem access methods
//@SEE_ALSO: bdls_pathutil
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a platform-independent interface to
// filesystem utility methods, supporting multi-language file and path names.
// Each method in the 'bdls::FilesystemUtil' namespace is a thin wrapper on top
// of the operating system's own filesystem access functions, providing a
// consistent and unambiguous interface for handling files on all supported
// platforms.
// Methods in this component can be used to manipulate files with any name in
// any language on all supported platforms.  To provide such support, the
// following restrictions are applied to file names and patterns passed to
// methods of this component: On Windows, all file names and patterns must be
// passed as UTF-8-encoded strings; file search results will similarly be
// encoded as UTF-8.  On Posix, file names and patterns may be passed in any
// encoding, but all processes accessing a given file must encode its name in
// the same encoding.  On modern Posix installations, this effectively means
// that file names and patterns should be encoded in UTF-8, just as on Windows.
// See the section "Platform-Specific File Name Encoding Caveats" below.
///Policies for 'open'
// The behavior of the 'open' method is governed by three sets of enumerations:
///Open/Create Policy: 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::FileOpenPolicy'
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::FileOpenPolicy' governs whether 'open' creates a new
// file or opens an existing one.  The following values are possible:
//: 'e_OPEN':
//:   Open an existing file.
//: 'e_CREATE':
//:   Create a new file.
//:   Create a new file, with limited permissions where that is supported (e.g.
//:   not necessarily Microsoft Windows).
//:   Open a file if it exists, and create a new file otherwise.
///Input/Output Access Policy: 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::FileIOPolicy'
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::FileIOPolicy' governs what Input/Output operations
// are allowed on a file after it is opened.  The following values are
// possible:
//: 'e_READ_ONLY':
//:   Allow reading only.
//: 'e_WRITE_ONLY':
//:    Allow writing only.
//: 'e_READ_WRITE':
//:    Allow both reading and writing.
//: 'e_APPEND_ONLY':
//:    Allow appending to end-of-file only.
//: 'e_READ_APPEND':
//:    Allow both reading and appending to end-of-file.
///Truncation Policy: 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::FileTruncatePolicy'
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::FileTruncatePolicy' governs whether 'open' deletes
// the existing contents of a file when it is opened.  The following values are
// possible:
//: 'e_TRUNCATE':
//:   Delete the file's contents.
//: 'e_KEEP':
//:    Keep the file's contents.
///Starting Points for 'seek'
// The behavior of the 'seek' method is governed by an enumeration that
// determines the point from which the seek operation starts:
//:   Seek from the beginning of the file.
//:   Seek from the current position in the file.
//: 'e_SEEK_FROM_END':
//:   Seek from the end of the file.
///Platform-Specific File Locking Caveats
// Locking has the following caveats for the following operating systems:
//: o On Posix, closing a file releases all locks on all file descriptors
//:   referring to that file within the current process.  [doc 1] [doc 2]
//: o On Posix, the child of a fork does not inherit the locks of the parent
//:   process.  [doc 1] [doc 2]
//: o On at least some flavors of Unix, you can't lock a file for writing using
//:   a file descriptor opened in read-only mode.
///Platform-Specific Atomicity Caveats
// The 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::read' and 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::write' methods
// add no atomicity guarantees for reading and writing to those provided (if
// any) by the underlying platform's methods for reading and writing (see
// 'http://lwn.net/articles/180387/').
///Platform-Specific File Name Encoding Caveats
// File-name encodings have the following caveats for the following operating
// systems:
//: o On Windows, methods of 'bdls::FilesystemUtil' that take a file or
//:   directory name or pattern as a 'char*' or 'bsl::string' type assume that
//:   the name is encoded in UTF-8.  The routines attempt to convert the name
//:   to a UTF-16 'wchar_t' string via 'bdlde::CharConvertUtf16::utf8ToUtf16',
//:   and if the conversion succeeds, call the Windows wide-character 'W' APIs
//:   with the UTF-16 name.  If the conversion fails, the method fails.
//:   Similarly, file searches returning file names call the Windows
//:   wide-character 'W' APIs and convert the resulting UTF-16 names to UTF-8.
//:   o Narrow-character file names in other encodings, containing characters
//:     with values in the range 128 - 255, will likely result in files being
//:     created with names that appear garbled if the conversion from UTF-8 to
//:     UTF-16 happens to succeed.
//:   o Neither 'utf8ToUtf16' nor the Windows 'W' APIs do any normalization of
//:     the UTF-16 strings resulting from UTF-8 conversion, and it is therefore
//:     possible to have sets of file names that have the same visual
//:     representation but are treated as different names by the filesystem.
//: o On Posix, a file name or pattern supplied to methods of
//:   'bdls::FilesystemUtil' as a 'char*' or 'bsl::string' type is passed
//:   unchanged to the underlying system file APIs.  Because the file names and
//:   patterns are passed unchanged, 'bdls::FilesystemUtil' methods will work
//:   correctly on Posix with any encoding, but will *interoperate* only with
//:   processes that use the same encoding as the current process.
//: o For compatibility with most modern Posix installs, and consistency with
//:   this component's Windows API, best practice is to encode all file names
//:   and patterns in UTF-8.
///File Truncation Caveats
// In order to provide consistent behavior across both Posix and Windows
// platforms, when the 'open' method is called, file truncation is allowed only
// if the client requests an 'openPolicy' containing the word 'CREATE' and/or
// an 'ioPolicy' containing the word 'WRITE'.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: General Usage
/// - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In this example, we start with a (relative) native path to a directory
// containing log files:
//    bsl::string logPath = "temp.1\\logs";
//  #else
//    bsl::string logPath = "temp.1/logs";
//  #endif
// Suppose that we want to separate files into "old" and "new" subdirectories
// on the basis of modification time.  We will provide paths representing these
// locations, and create the directories if they do not exist:
//  bsl::string oldPath(logPath), newPath(logPath);
//  bdls::PathUtil::appendRaw(&oldPath, "old");
//  bdls::PathUtil::appendRaw(&newPath, "new");
//  int rc = bdls::FilesystemUtil::createDirectories(oldPath, true);
//  assert(0 == rc);
//  rc = bdls::FilesystemUtil::createDirectories(newPath, true);
//  assert(0 == rc);
// We know that all of our log files match the pattern "*.log", so let's search
// for all such files in the log directory:
//  bdls::PathUtil::appendRaw(&logPath, "*.log");
//  bsl::vector<bsl::string> logFiles;
//  bdls::FilesystemUtil::findMatchingPaths(&logFiles, logPath.c_str());
// Now for each of these files, we will get the modification time.  Files that
// are older than 2 days will be moved to "old", and the rest will be moved to
// "new":
//  bdlt::Datetime modTime;
//  bsl::string   fileName;
//  for (bsl::vector<bsl::string>::iterator it = logFiles.begin();
//                                                it != logFiles.end(); ++it) {
//    assert(0 ==
//               bdls::FilesystemUtil::getLastModificationTime(&modTime, *it));
//    assert(0 == bdls::PathUtil::getLeaf(&fileName, *it));
//    bsl::string *whichDirectory =
//                2 < (bdlt::CurrentTime::utc() - modTime).totalDays()
//                ? &oldPath
//                : &newPath;
//    bdls::PathUtil::appendRaw(whichDirectory, fileName.c_str());
//    assert(0 == bdls::FilesystemUtil::move(it->c_str(),
//                                         whichDirectory->c_str()));
//    bdls::PathUtil::popLeaf(whichDirectory);
//  }
///Example 2: Using 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::visitPaths'
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::visitPaths' enables clients to define a function
// object to operate on file paths that match a specified pattern.  In this
// example, we create a function that can be used to filter out files that have
// a last modified time within a particular time frame.
// First we define our filtering function:
//  void getFilesWithinTimeframe(bsl::vector<bsl::string> *vector,
//                               const char               *item,
//                               const bdlt::Datetime&     start,
//                               const bdlt::Datetime&     end)
//  {
//      bdlt::Datetime datetime;
//      int ret = bdls::FilesystemUtil::getLastModificationTime(&datetime,
//                                                              item);
//      if (ret) {
//          return;                                                   // RETURN
//      }
//      if (datetime < start || datetime > end) {
//          return;                                                   // RETURN
//      }
//      vector->push_back(item);
//  }
// Then, with the help of 'bdls::FilesystemUtil::visitPaths' and
// 'bdlf::BindUtil::bind', we create a function for finding all file paths that
// match a specified pattern and have a last modified time within a specified
// start and end time (both specified as a 'bdlt::Datetime'):
//  void findMatchingFilesInTimeframe(bsl::vector<bsl::string> *result,
//                                    const char               *pattern,
//                                    const bdlt::Datetime&     start,
//                                    const bdlt::Datetime&     end)
//  {
//      result->clear();
//      bdls::FilesystemUtil::visitPaths(
//                               pattern,
//                               bdlf::BindUtil::bind(&getFilesWithinTimeframe,
//                                                    result,
//                                                    bdlf::PlaceHolders::_1,
//                                                    start,
//                                                    end));
//  }

#include <bdlscm_version.h>

#include <bdls_filesystemutil_unixplatform.h>

#include <bdlt_datetime.h>
#include <bdlt_epochutil.h>

#include <bslmf_assert.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>

#include <bsl_functional.h>
#include <bsl_optional.h>

#include <bsls_keyword.h>
#include <bsls_libraryfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_platform.h>
#include <bsls_review.h>

#include <bsl_string.h>
#include <bsl_string_view.h>
#include <bsl_vector.h>
#include <bsl_cstddef.h>

#include <memory_resource>  // 'std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator'

#include <string>           // 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string'
#include <vector>

#include <sys/types.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bdls {

                           // =====================
                           // struct FilesystemUtil
                           // =====================

struct FilesystemUtil {
    // This 'struct' provides a namespace for utility functions dealing with
    // platform-independent filesystem access.

    // TYPES
    typedef void *HANDLE;
        // 'HANDLE' is a stand-in for the Windows API 'HANDLE' type, to allow
        // us to avoid including 'windows.h' in this header.  'HANDLE' should
        // not be used by client code.

    typedef HANDLE FileDescriptor;
        // 'FileDescriptor' is an alias for the operating system's native file
        // descriptor / file handle type.

    typedef __int64 Offset;
        // 'Offset' is an alias for a signed value, representing the offset of
        // a location within a file.

    static const Offset k_OFFSET_MAX = _I64_MAX;
        // maximum representable file offset value

    static const Offset k_OFFSET_MIN = _I64_MIN;
        // minimum representable file offset value

#elif defined(BSLS_PLATFORM_OS_UNIX)
    typedef int FileDescriptor;
        // 'FileDescriptor' is an alias for the operating system's native file
        // descriptor / file handle type.

    typedef off64_t Offset;
        // 'Offset' is an alias for a signed value, representing the offset of
        // a location within a file.
    typedef off_t Offset;
        // 'Offset' is an alias for a signed value, representing the offset of
        // a location within a file.

    static const Offset k_OFFSET_MAX =  (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL);
        // maximum representable file offset value

    static const Offset k_OFFSET_MIN = (-0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL-1);
        // minimum representable file offset value
# error "'bdls_filesystemutil' does not support this platform."

    enum Whence {
        // Enumeration used to distinguish among different starting points for
        // a seek operation.

        e_SEEK_FROM_BEGINNING = 0,  // Seek from beginning of file.
        e_SEEK_FROM_CURRENT   = 1,  // Seek from current position.
        e_SEEK_FROM_END       = 2   // Seek from end of file.

    enum {
        k_DEFAULT_FILE_GROWTH_INCREMENT = 0x10000  // default block size to
                                                   // grow files by

    enum {
        k_ERROR_LOCKING_CONFLICT    =  1,  // value representing a failure to
                                           // obtain a lock on a file

        k_ERROR_LOCKING_INTERRUPTED =  2,  // value representing a failure to
                                           // obtain a lock on a file due to
                                           // interruption by a signal

        k_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS      =  3,  // value representing a failure to
                                           // create a directory due to a file
                                           // system entry already existing

        k_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND      =  4,  // value representing a failure to
                                           // create a directory due to one ore
                                           // more components of the path
                                           // either not existing or not being
                                           // a directory

        k_BAD_FILE_DESCRIPTOR       = -1   // value indicating a bad file
                                           // descriptor was supplied

    enum FileOpenPolicy {
        // Enumeration used to determine whether 'open' should open an existing
        // file, or create a new file.

        e_OPEN,           // Open a file if it exists, and fail otherwise.

        e_CREATE,         // Create a new file, and fail if the file already
                          // exists.

        e_CREATE_PRIVATE, // Create a new file with access restricted to the
                          // creating userid, where supported, and fail if the
                          // file already exists.

        e_OPEN_OR_CREATE  // Open a file if it exists, and create a new file
                          // otherwise.

    enum FileIOPolicy {
        // Enumeration used to distinguish between different sets of actions
        // permitted on an open file descriptor.

        e_READ_ONLY,    // Allow reading only.
        e_WRITE_ONLY,   // Allow writing only.
        e_APPEND_ONLY,  // Allow appending to end-of-file only.
        e_READ_WRITE,   // Allow both reading and writing.
        e_READ_APPEND   // Allow both reading and appending to end-of-file.

    enum FileTruncatePolicy {
        // Enumeration used to distinguish between different ways to handle the
        // contents, if any, of an existing file immediately upon opening the
        // file.

        e_TRUNCATE,  // Delete the file's contents on open.
        e_KEEP       // Keep the file's contents.

    static const FileDescriptor k_INVALID_FD;  // 'FileDescriptor' value
                                               // representing no file, used
                                               // as the error return for
                                               // 'open'

    static FileDescriptor open(const char         *path,
                               FileOpenPolicy      openPolicy,
                               FileIOPolicy        ioPolicy,
                               FileTruncatePolicy  truncatePolicy = e_KEEP);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static FileDescriptor open(const STRING_TYPE& path,
                               FileOpenPolicy     openPolicy,
                               FileIOPolicy       ioPolicy,
                               FileTruncatePolicy truncatePolicy = e_KEEP);
        // Open the file at the specified 'path', using the specified
        // 'openPolicy' to determine whether to open an existing file or create
        // a new file, and using the specified 'ioPolicy' to determine whether
        // the file will be opened for reading, writing, or both.  Optionally
        // specify a 'truncatePolicy' to determine whether any contents of the
        // file will be deleted before 'open' returns.  If 'truncatePolicy' is
        // not supplied, the value 'e_KEEP' will be used.  Return a valid
        // 'FileDescriptor' for the file on success, or 'k_INVALID_FD'
        // otherwise.  If 'openPolicy' is 'e_OPEN', the file will be opened if
        // it exists, and 'open' will fail otherwise.  If 'openPolicy' is
        // 'e_CREATE' or 'e_CREATE_PRIVATE', and no file exists at 'path', a
        // new file will be created, and 'open' will fail otherwise.  If
        // 'openPolicy' is 'e_CREATE_PRIVATE', the file will be created with
        // access restricted to the same userid as the caller in environments
        // where that is supported (which does not necessarily include Windows)
        // otherwise the system default access policy is used (e.g. '0777 &
        // ~umask').  If 'openPolicy' is 'e_OPEN_OR_CREATE', the file will be
        // opened if it exists, and a new file will be created otherwise.  If
        // 'ioPolicy' is 'e_READ_ONLY', the returned 'FileDescriptor' will
        // allow only read operations on the file.  If 'ioPolicy' is
        // 'e_WRITE_ONLY' or 'e_APPEND_ONLY', the returned 'FileDescriptor'
        // will allow only write operations on the file.  If 'ioPolicy' is
        // 'e_READ_WRITE' or 'e_READ_APPEND', the returned 'FileDescriptor'
        // will allow both read and write operations on the file.
        // Additionally, if 'ioPolicy' is 'e_APPEND_ONLY' or 'e_READ_APPEND'
        // all writes will be made to the end of the file ("append mode").  If
        // 'truncatePolicy' is 'e_TRUNCATE', the file will have zero length
        // when 'open' returns.  If 'truncatePolicy' is 'e_KEEP', the file will
        // be opened with its existing contents, if any.  Note that when a file
        // is opened in 'append' mode, all writes will go to the end of the
        // file, even if there has been seeking on the file descriptor or
        // another process has changed the length of the file.  Append-mode
        // writes are not atomic except in limited cases; another thread, or
        // even another process, operating on the file may cause output not to
        // be written, unbroken, to the end of the file. (Unix environments
        // writing to local file systems may promise more.) Note that 'open'
        // will fail to open a file with a 'truncatePolicy' of 'e_TRUNCATE'
        // unless at least one of the following policies is specified for
        // 'openPolicy' or 'ioPolicy':
        //: o 'e_CREATE'
        //: o 'e_CREATE_PRIVATE'
        //: o 'e_OPEN_OR_CREATE'
        //: o 'e_WRITE_ONLY
        //: o 'e_READ_WRITE'
        // The parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string',
        // 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static int close(FileDescriptor descriptor);
        // Close the specified 'descriptor'.  Return 0 on success and a
        // non-zero value otherwise.  A return value of
        // 'k_BAD_FILE_DESCRIPTOR' indicates that the supplied 'descriptor' is
        // invalid.

    static int getWorkingDirectory(bsl::string *path);
    static int getWorkingDirectory(std::string *path);
    static int getWorkingDirectory(std::pmr::string *path);
        // Load into the specified 'path' the absolute pathname of the current
        // working directory.  Return 0 on success and a non-zero value
        // otherwise.

    static int setWorkingDirectory(const char *path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int setWorkingDirectory(const STRING_TYPE& path);
        // Set the working directory of the current process to the specified
        // 'path'.  Return 0 on success and a non-zero value otherwise.  The
        // parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string',
        // 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static bool exists(const char *path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static bool exists(const STRING_TYPE& path);
        // Return 'true' if there currently exists a file or directory at the
        // specified 'path', and 'false' otherwise.  If 'path' is a symlink,
        // the result of this function is platform dependent. On POSIX/Unix
        // platforms this method dereferences symlinks, while on Windows it
        // does not.  The parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of
        // 'bsl::string', 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static bool isRegularFile(const char *path, bool followLinksFlag = false);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static bool isRegularFile(const STRING_TYPE& path,
                              bool               followLinksFlag = false);
        // Return 'true' if there currently exists a regular file at the
        // specified 'path', and 'false' otherwise.  If there is a symbolic
        // link at 'path', follow it only if the optionally specified
        // 'followLinksFlag' is 'true' (otherwise, return 'false' as the
        // symbolic link itself is not a regular file irrespective of the file
        // to which it points).  Platform-specific note: On POSIX, this is a
        // positive test on the "regular file" mode; on Windows, this is a
        // negative test on the "directory" attribute, i.e., on Windows,
        // everything that exists and is not a directory is a regular file.
        // The parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string',
        // 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static bool isDirectory(const char *path, bool followLinksFlag = false);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static bool isDirectory(const STRING_TYPE& path,
                            bool               followLinksFlag = false);
        // Return 'true' if there currently exists a directory at the specified
        // 'path', and 'false' otherwise.  If there is a symbolic link at
        // 'path', follow it only if the optionally specified 'followLinksFlag'
        // is 'true' (otherwise return 'false').  Platform-specific note: On
        // Windows, a "shortcut" is not a symbolic link.  The parameterized
        // 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string', 'std::string',
        // 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static bool isSymbolicLink(const char *path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static bool isSymbolicLink(const STRING_TYPE& path);
        // Return 'true' if there currently exists a symbolic link at the
        // specified 'path', and 'false' otherwise.  Windows directory
        // junctions are treated as directory symbolic links.  The
        // parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string',
        // 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static int getLastModificationTime(bdlt::Datetime *time, const char *path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int getLastModificationTime(bdlt::Datetime     *time,
                                       const STRING_TYPE&  path);
        // Load into the specified 'time' the last modification time of the
        // file at the specified 'path', as reported by the filesystem.  Return
        // 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  The time is reported
        // in UTC.  The parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of
        // 'bsl::string', 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static int getLastModificationTime(bdlt::Datetime *time,
                                       FileDescriptor  descriptor);
        // Load into the specified 'time' the last modification time of the
        // file with the specified 'descriptor', as reported by the filesystem.
        // Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  The time is
        // reported in UTC.

    // TBD: write setModificationTime() when SetFileInformationByHandle()
    // becomes available on our standard Windows platforms.

    static int createDirectories(const char *path,
                                 bool        isLeafDirectoryFlag = false);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int createDirectories(
                               const STRING_TYPE& path,
                               bool               isLeafDirectoryFlag = false);
        // Create any directories in the specified 'path' that do not exist.
        // If the optionally specified 'isLeafDirectoryFlag' is 'true', treat
        // the final name component in 'path' as a directory name, and create
        // it.  Otherwise, create only the directories leading up to the final
        // name component.  Return 0 on success, 'k_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND' if a
        // component used as a directory in 'path' exists but is not a
        // directory, and a negative value for any other kind of error.  The
        // parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string',
        // 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static int createPrivateDirectory(const char *path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int createPrivateDirectory(const STRING_TYPE& path);
        // Create a private directory with the specified 'path'.  Return 0 on
        // success, 'k_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND' if a component used as a directory
        // in 'path' either does not exist or is not a directory,
        // 'k_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS' if the file system entry (not necessarily a
        // directory) with the name 'path' already exists, and a negative value
        // for any other kind of error.  The directory is created with
        // permissions restricting access, as closely as possible, to the
        // caller's userid only.  Note that directories created on Microsoft
        // Windows may receive default, not restricted permissions.  The
        // parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string',
        // 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static int getSystemTemporaryDirectory(bsl::string *path);
    static int getSystemTemporaryDirectory(std::string *path);
    static int getSystemTemporaryDirectory(std::pmr::string *path);
        // Load a valid path to the system temporary directory to the specified
        // 'path'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  A
        // temporary directory is one in which the operating system has
        // permission to delete its contents, but not necessarily the directory
        // itself, the next time the computer reboots.

    static FileDescriptor createTemporaryFile(bsl::string             *outPath,
                                              const bsl::string_view&  prefix);
    static FileDescriptor createTemporaryFile(std::string             *outPath,
                                              const bsl::string_view&  prefix);
    static FileDescriptor createTemporaryFile(std::pmr::string        *outPath,
                                              const bsl::string_view&  prefix);
        // Create and open a new file with a name constructed by appending an
        // automatically-generated suffix to the specified 'prefix', and return
        // its file descriptor open for reading and writing.  A return value of
        // 'k_INVALID_FD' indicates that no such file could be created;
        // otherwise, the name of the file created is assigned to the specified
        // 'outPath'.  The file is created with permissions restricted, as
        // closely as possible, to the caller's userid only.  If the prefix is
        // a relative path, the file is created relative to the process current
        // directory.  Responsibility for deleting the file is left to the
        // caller.  Note that on Posix systems, if 'outPath' is unlinked
        // immediately, the file will remain usable until its descriptor is
        // closed.  Note that files created on Microsoft Windows may receive
        // default, not restricted permissions.

    static int createTemporaryDirectory(bsl::string             *outPath,
                                        const bsl::string_view&  prefix);
    static int createTemporaryDirectory(std::string             *outPath,
                                        const bsl::string_view&  prefix);
    static int createTemporaryDirectory(std::pmr::string        *outPath,
                                        const bsl::string_view&  prefix);
        // Create a new directory with a name constructed by appending an
        // automatically-generated suffix to the specified 'prefix'.  A
        // non-zero return value indicates that no such directory could be
        // created; otherwise the name of the directory created is assigned to
        // the specified 'outPath'.  The directory is created with permissions
        // restricted, as closely as possible, to the caller only.  If the
        // prefix is a relative path, the directory is created relative to the
        // process current directory.  Responsibility for deleting the
        // directory (and any files subsequently created in it) is left to the
        // caller.

    static void makeUnsafeTemporaryFilename(bsl::string             *outPath,
                                            const bsl::string_view&  prefix);
    static void makeUnsafeTemporaryFilename(std::string             *outPath,
                                            const bsl::string_view&  prefix);
    static void makeUnsafeTemporaryFilename(std::pmr::string        *outPath,
                                            const bsl::string_view&  prefix);
        // Construct a file name by appending an automatically-generated suffix
        // to the specified 'prefix'.  The file name constructed is assigned to
        // the specified 'outPath'.  Note that this function is called "unsafe"
        // because a file with the resulting name may be created by another
        // program before the caller has opportunity to use the name, which
        // could be a security vulnerability, and a file with the given name
        // may already exist where you mean to put it.  Note that the suffix is
        // hashed from environmental details, including any pre-existing value
        // of 'outPath' so that if a resulting name is unsuitable (e.g. the
        // file exists) this function may simply be called again, pointing to
        // its previous result, to get a new, probably different name.

    static int visitPaths(
                        const char                                   *pattern,
                        const bsl::function<void(const char *path)>&  visitor);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int visitPaths(
                         const STRING_TYPE&                           pattern,
                         const bsl::function<void(const char *path)>& visitor);
        // Call the specified 'visitor' function object for each path in the
        // filesystem matching the specified 'pattern'.  Return the number of
        // paths visited on success, and a negative value otherwise.  Note that
        // if 'visitor' deletes files or directories during the search,
        // 'visitor' may subsequently be called with paths which have already
        // been deleted, so must be prepared for this event.  Also note that
        // there is no guarantee as to the order in which paths will be
        // visited.  See 'findMatchingPaths' for a discussion of how 'pattern'
        // is interpreted.  Also note that '.' and '..' are never matched by
        // wild cards.  The parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of
        // 'bsl::string', 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.
        // IBM-SPECIFIC WARNING: This function is not thread-safe.  The AIX
        // implementation of the system 'glob' function can temporarily change
        // the working directory of the entire program, causing attempts in
        // other threads to open files with relative path names to fail.

    static int visitTree(
                const bsl::string_view&                      root,
                const bsl::string_view&                      pattern,
                const bsl::function<void(const char *path)>& visitor,
                bool                                         sortFlag = false);
        // Recursively traverse the directory tree starting at the specified
        // 'root' for files whose leaf names match the specified 'pattern', and
        // run the specified function 'visitor', passing it the full path
        // starting with 'root' to each pattern matching file.  See
        // 'findMatchingPaths' for a discussion of how 'pattern' is
        // interpreted.  If the specified 'sortFlag' is 'true', traverse the
        // files in the tree in sorted order, sorted by the full path name,
        // otherwise the order in which the files will be visited is
        // unspecified.  UTF-8 paths will be sorted by 'strcmp', which sorts by
        // 'char's, not unicode code points.  Found '.' and '..' directories
        // are ignored, except that 'root' may be '.' or '..'.  Return 0 on
        // success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  This function will fail if
        // 'root' does not specify a directory, of if 'pattern' contains '/' on
        // Unix or '\' on Windows.  Note that both directories and plain files
        // whose names match 'pattern' will be visited, while other files such
        // as symlinks will not be visited or followed.  No file or directory
        // that is not matched will be visited.  All directories are traversed,
        // regardless of whether they are matched.  If a directory is matched
        // and 'sortFlag' is 'true', it is visited immediately before it is
        // traversed.  Also note that 'root' is never visited, even if it
        // matches 'pattern'.  Also note that no pattern matching is done on
        // 'root' -- if it contains wildcards, they are not interpreted as such
        // and must exactly match the characters in the name of the directory.
        // IBM-SPECIFIC WARNING: This function is not thread-safe.  The AIX
        // implementation of the system 'glob' function can temporarily change
        // the working directory of the entire program, casuing attempts in
        // other threads to open files with relative path names to fail.

    static int findMatchingPaths(bsl::vector<bsl::string> *result,
                                 const char               *pattern);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int findMatchingPaths(bsl::vector<bsl::string> *result,
                                 const STRING_TYPE&        pattern);
    static int findMatchingPaths(std::vector<std::string> *result,
                                 const char               *pattern);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int findMatchingPaths(std::vector<std::string> *result,
                                 const STRING_TYPE&        pattern);
    static int findMatchingPaths(std::pmr::vector<std::pmr::string> *result,
                                 const char                         *pattern);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int findMatchingPaths(std::pmr::vector<std::pmr::string> *result,
                                 const STRING_TYPE&                  pattern);
        // Load into the specified 'result' vector all paths in the filesystem
        // matching the specified 'pattern'.  The '*' character will match any
        // number of characters in a filename; however, this matching will not
        // span a directory separator (e.g., "logs/m*.txt" will not match
        // "logs/march/001.txt").  '?' will match any one character.  '*' and
        // '?' may be used any number of times in the pattern.  The special
        // directories "." and ".." will not be matched against any pattern.
        // Note that any initial contents of 'result' will be erased, and that
        // the paths in 'result' will not be in any particular guaranteed
        // order.  Return the number of paths matched on success, and a
        // negative value otherwise; if a negative value is returned, the
        // contents of '*result' are undefined.  The parameterized
        // 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string', 'std::string',
        // 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or 'bslstl::StringRef'.
        // WINDOWS-SPECIFIC NOTE: To support DOS idioms, the OS-provided search
        // function has behavior that we have chosen not to work around: an
        // extension consisting of wild-card characters ('?', '*') can match an
        // extension or *no* extension.  E.g., "file.?" matches "file.z", but
        // not "file.txt"; however, it also matches "file" (without any
        // extension).  Likewise, "*.*" matches any filename, including
        // filenames having no extension.  Also, on Windows (but not on Unix)
        // attempting to match a pattern that is invalid UTF-8 will result in
        // an error.
        // IBM-SPECIFIC WARNING: This function is not thread-safe.  The AIX
        // implementation of the system 'glob' function can temporarily change
        // the working directory of the entire program, casuing attempts in
        // other threads to open files with relative path names to fail.

    static Offset getAvailableSpace(const char *path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static Offset getAvailableSpace(const STRING_TYPE& path);
        // Return the number of bytes available for allocation in the file
        // system where the file or directory with the specified 'path'
        // resides, or a negative value if an error occurs.  The parameterized
        // 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string', 'std::string',
        // 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static Offset getAvailableSpace(FileDescriptor descriptor);
        // Return the number of bytes available for allocation in the file
        // system where the file with the specified 'descriptor' resides, or a
        // negative value if an error occurs.

    static Offset getFileSize(const char *path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static Offset getFileSize(const STRING_TYPE& path);
        // Return the size, in bytes, of the file or directory at the specified
        // 'path', or a negative value if an error occurs.  Note that the size
        // of a symbolic link is the size of the file or directory to which it
        // points.  The parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of
        // 'bsl::string', 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static Offset getFileSize(FileDescriptor descriptor);
        // Return the size, in bytes, of the file with the specified
        // 'descriptor', or a negative value if an error occurs.

    static Offset getFileSizeLimit();
        // Return the file size limit for this process, 'k_OFFSET_MAX' if no
        // limit is set, or a negative value if an error occurs.  Note that if
        // you are doing any calculations involving the returned value, it is
        // recommended to check for 'k_OFFSET_MAX' specifically to avoid
        // integer overflow in your calculations.

    static int getSymbolicLinkTarget(bsl::string *result,
                                     const char  *path);
    static int getSymbolicLinkTarget(std::string *result,
                                     const char  *path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int getSymbolicLinkTarget(bsl::string        *result,
                                     const STRING_TYPE&  path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int getSymbolicLinkTarget(std::string        *result,
                                     const STRING_TYPE&  path);
    static int getSymbolicLinkTarget(std::pmr::string *result,
                                     const char       *path);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int getSymbolicLinkTarget(std::pmr::string   *result,
                                     const STRING_TYPE&  path);
        // Load, into the specified 'result', the target of the symbolic link
        // at the specified 'path'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value
        // otherwise.  For example, this function will return an error if
        // 'path' does not refer to a symbolic link.  Windows directory
        // junctions are treated as directory symbolic links.  If 'path' is a
        // relative path, it is evaluated against the current working
        // directory.  The parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of
        // 'bsl::string', 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static int lock(FileDescriptor descriptor, bool lockWriteFlag);
        // Acquire a lock for the file with the specified 'descriptor'.  If
        // 'lockWriteFlag' is true, acquire an exclusive write lock; otherwise
        // acquire a (possibly) shared read lock.  The calling thread will
        // block until the lock is acquired.  Return 0 on success, and a
        // non-zero value otherwise.  Note that this operation locks the
        // indicated file for use by the current *process*, but the behavior is
        // unspecified (and platform-dependent) when either attempting to lock
        // 'descriptor' multiple times, or attempting to lock another
        // descriptor referring to the same file, within a single process.

    static int truncateFileSize(FileDescriptor descriptor, Offset size);
        // Set the size of the file referred to by the specified 'descriptor'
        // to the specified 'size'.  'descriptor' must be open for writing.
        // After the function call, the position is set to the end of the file.
        // Return 0 on success and a non-zero value otherwise.  The behavior is
        // undefined if the file is currently mapped, or if 'size' is greater
        // than the existing size of the file.

    static int tryLock(FileDescriptor descriptor, bool lockWriteFlag);
        // Acquire a lock for the file with the specified 'descriptor' if it is
        // currently available.  If the specified 'lockWriteFlag' is true,
        // acquire an exclusive write lock unless another process has any type
        // of lock on the file.  If 'lockWriteFlag' is false, acquire a shared
        // read lock unless a process has a write lock.  This method will not
        // block.  Return 0 on success, 'k_ERROR_LOCKING_CONFLICT' if the
        // platform reports the lock could not be acquired because another
        // process holds a conflicting lock, and a negative value for any other
        // kind of error.  Note that this operation locks the indicated file
        // for the current *process*, but the behavior is unspecified (and
        // platform-dependent) when either attempting to lock 'descriptor'
        // multiple times, or attempting to lock another descriptor referring
        // to the same file, within a single process.

    static int unlock(FileDescriptor descriptor);
        // Release any lock this process holds on the file with the specified
        // 'descriptor'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.

    static int map(FileDescriptor   descriptor,
                   void           **address,
                   Offset           offset,
                   bsl::size_t      size,
                   int              mode);
        // Map the region of the specified 'size' bytes, starting at the
        // specified 'offset' bytes into the file with the specified
        // 'descriptor' to memory, and load into the specified 'address' of the
        // mapped area.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.
        // The access permissions for mapping memory are defined by the
        // specified 'mode', which may be a combination of
        // 'MemoryUtil::k_ACCESS_READ', 'MemoryUtil::k_ACCESS_WRITE' and
        // 'MemoryUtil::k_ACCESS_EXECUTE'.  Note that on failure, the value of
        // 'address' is undefined.  Also note that mapping will succeed even if
        // there are fewer than 'offset + size' bytes in the specified file,
        // and an attempt to access the mapped memory beyond the end of the
        // file will result in undefined behavior (i.e., this function does not
        // grow the file to guarantee it can accommodate the mapped region).

    static int unmap(void *address, bsl::size_t size);
        // Unmap the memory mapping with the specified base 'address' and
        // specified 'size'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value
        // otherwise.  The behavior is undefined unless this area with
        // 'address' and 'size' was previously mapped with a 'map' call.

    static int sync(char *address, bsl::size_t numBytes, bool syncFlag);
        // Synchronize the contents of the specified 'numBytes' of mapped
        // memory beginning at the specified 'address' with the underlying file
        // on disk.  If the specified 'syncFlag' is true, block until all
        // writes to nonvolatile media have actually completed, otherwise,
        // return once they have been scheduled.  Return 0 on success, and a
        // non-zero value otherwise.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'address' is aligned on a page boundary, 'numBytes' is a multiple of
        // 'pageSize()', and '0 <= numBytes'.

    static Offset seek(FileDescriptor descriptor, Offset offset, int whence);
        // Set the file pointer associated with the specified 'descriptor'
        // (used by calls to the 'read' and 'write' system calls) according to
        // the specified 'whence' behavior:
        //   * If 'whence' is e_SEEK_FROM_BEGINNING, set the pointer to
        //     'offset' bytes from the beginning of the file.
        //   * If 'whence' is e_SEEK_FROM_CURRENT, advance the pointer by
        //     'offset' bytes
        //   * If 'whence' is e_SEEK_FROM_END, set the pointer to 'offset'
        //     bytes beyond the end of the file.
        // Return the new location of the file pointer, in bytes from the
        // beginning of the file, on success; and -1 otherwise.  The effect on
        // the file pointer is undefined unless the file is on a device capable
        // of seeking.  Note that 'seek' does not change the size of the file
        // if the pointer advances beyond the end of the file; instead, the
        // next write at the pointer will increase the file size.

    static int read(FileDescriptor descriptor, void *buffer, int numBytes);
        // Read the specified 'numBytes' bytes beginning at the file pointer of
        // the file with the specified 'descriptor' into the specified
        // 'buffer'.  Return 'numBytes' on success; the number of bytes read
        // if there were not enough available; or a negative number on some
        // other error.

    static int remove(const char *path, bool recursiveFlag = false);
    template <class STRING_TYPE>
    static int remove(const STRING_TYPE& path, bool recursiveFlag = false);
        // Remove the file or directory at the specified 'path'.  If the 'path'
        // refers to a directory and the optionally specified 'recursiveFlag'
        // is 'true', recursively remove all files and directories within the
        // specified directory before removing the directory itself.  Return 0
        // on success and a non-zero value otherwise.  If 'path' refers to a
        // symbolic link, the symbolic link will be removed, not the target of
        // the link.  Note that if 'path' is a directory, and the directory is
        // not empty, and recursive is 'false', this method will fail.  Also
        // note that if the function fails when 'recursive' is 'true', it may
        // or may not have removed *some* files or directories before failing.
        // The parameterized 'STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string',
        // 'std::string', 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or
        // 'bslstl::StringRef'.
        // IBM-SPECIFIC WARNING: This function is not thread-safe.  The AIX
        // implementation of the system 'glob' function can temporarily change
        // the working directory of the entire program, causing attempts in
        // other threads to open files with relative path names to fail.

    static int rollFileChain(const bsl::string_view& path, int maxSuffix);
        // Remove the file at the specified 'path' appended with the specified
        // 'maxSuffix' using a '.' as a separator.  Then move the files with
        // the suffixes '.1' to '.maxSuffix-1' so they have new suffixes from
        // '.2' to '.maxSuffix'.  Finally, move 'path' to 'path' with a '.1'
        // suffix.  Return 0 on success, and non-zero otherwise.

    static int move(const char *oldPath, const char *newPath);
    template <class OLD_STRING_TYPE, class NEW_STRING_TYPE>
    static int move(const OLD_STRING_TYPE& oldPath,
                    const NEW_STRING_TYPE& newPath);
        // Move the file or directory at the specified 'oldPath' to the
        // specified 'newPath'.  If there is a file or directory at 'newPath',
        // it will be removed and replaced.  In that case, 'newPath' must refer
        // to the same type of filesystem item as 'oldPath' - that is, they
        // must both be directories or both be files.  Return 0 on success, and
        // a non-zero value otherwise.  If 'oldPath' is a symbolic link, the
        // link will be renamed.  If a symbolic link already exists at
        // 'newPath', the resulting behavior is platform dependent.  Note that
        // this operation is carried out via library/system facilities
        // ('rename' in UNIX and 'MoveFile' in Windows) that usually cannot
        // move files between file systems or volumes, and that the behavior of
        // the underlying library/system facilities differs when 'oldPath' and
        // 'newPath' refer to the same file (in that case, UNIX succeeds,
        // Windows fails).  Note that a symbolic link already exists at
        // 'newPath' POSIX/Unix systems will overwrite that existing symbolic
        // link, while Windows will return an error status ('GetLastError' will
        // report 'ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS').  The parameterized 'OLD_STRING_TYPE'
        // and 'NEW_STRING_TYPE' must be one of 'bsl::string', 'std::string',
        // 'std::pmr::string' (if supported), or 'bslstl::StringRef'.

    static int write(FileDescriptor  descriptor,
                     const void     *buffer,
                     int             numBytes);
        // Write the specified 'numBytes' from the specified 'buffer' address
        // to the file with the specified 'descriptor'.  Return 'numBytes' on
        // success; the number of bytes written if space was exhausted; or a
        // negative value on some other error.

    static int growFile(
                  FileDescriptor descriptor,
                  Offset         size,
                  bool           reserveFlag = false,
                  bsl::size_t    increment = k_DEFAULT_FILE_GROWTH_INCREMENT);
        // Grow the file with the specified 'descriptor' to the size of at
        // least the specified 'size' bytes.  Return 0 on success, and a
        // non-zero value otherwise.  If the optionally specified 'reserveFlag'
        // is true, make sure the space on disk is preallocated and not
        // allocated on demand, preventing a possible out-of-disk-space error
        // when accessing the data on file systems with sparse file support.
        // Preallocation is done by writing unspecified data to file in blocks
        // of the optionally specified 'increment' or a default value if
        // 'increment' is zero or unspecified.  Note that if the size of the
        // file is greater than or equal to 'size', this function has no
        // effect.  Also note that the contents of the newly grown portion of
        // the file is undefined.

                      // ================================
                      // class FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil
                      // ================================

struct FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil {
    // This component-private utility 'struct' provides a namespace for the
    // 'flatten' overload set intended to be used in concert with an overload
    // set consisting of a function template with a deduced argument and an
    // non-template overload accepting a 'const char *'.  The actual
    // implementation of the functionality would be in the 'const char *'
    // overload whereas the purpose of the function template is to invoke the
    // 'const char *' overload with a null-terminated string.
    // The function template achieves null-termination by recursively calling
    // the function and supplying it with the result of 'flatten' invoked on
    // the deduced argument.  This 'flatten' invocation will call 'c_str()' on
    // various supported 'string' types, will produce a temporary 'bsl::string'
    // for possibly non-null-terminated 'bslstl::StringRef', and will result in
    // a 'BSLMF_ASSERT' for any unsupported type.  Calling the function with
    // the temporary 'bsl::string' produced from 'bslstl::StringRef' will
    // result in a second invocation of 'flatten', this time producing
    // 'const char *', and finally calling the function with a null-terminated
    // string.
    // Note that the 'bslstl::StringRef' overload for 'flatten' is provided for
    // backwards compatibility.  Without it, the 'bsl::string' and
    // 'std::string' overloads would be ambiguous.  In new code, it is
    // preferable to not provide 'bslstl::StringRef' overload in a similar
    // facility and require the clients to explicitly state the string type in
    // their code, making a potential allocation obvious.  The
    // 'bsl::string_view' overload is not provided for the same reason.


    static const char *flatten(char *cString);
    static const char *flatten(const char *cString);
        // Return the specified 'cString'.

    static const char *flatten(const bsl::string& string);
    static const char *flatten(const std::string& string);
    static const char *flatten(const std::pmr::string& string);
        // Return the result of invoking 'c_str()' on the specified 'string'.

    static bsl::string flatten(const bslstl::StringRef& stringRef);
        // Return a temporary 'bsl::string' constructed from the specified
        // 'stringRef'.

    template <class TYPE>
    static const char *flatten(const TYPE&);
        // Produce a compile-time error informing the caller that the
        // parameterized 'TYPE' is not supported as the parameter for the call.

// ============================================================================
//                            INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                      // --------------------
                      // class FilesystemUtil
                      // --------------------

template <class STRING_TYPE>
FilesystemUtil::FileDescriptor FilesystemUtil::open(
                                             const STRING_TYPE& path,
                                             FileOpenPolicy     openPolicy,
                                             FileIOPolicy       ioPolicy,
                                             FileTruncatePolicy truncatePolicy)
    return FilesystemUtil::open(FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path),

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::setWorkingDirectory(const STRING_TYPE& path)
    return FilesystemUtil::setWorkingDirectory(

template <class STRING_TYPE>
bool FilesystemUtil::exists(const STRING_TYPE& path)
    return FilesystemUtil::exists(FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path));

template <class STRING_TYPE>
bool FilesystemUtil::isRegularFile(const STRING_TYPE& path,
                                   bool               followLinksFlag)
    return FilesystemUtil::isRegularFile(
        FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path), followLinksFlag);

template <class STRING_TYPE>
bool FilesystemUtil::isDirectory(const STRING_TYPE& path,
                                 bool               followLinksFlag)
    return FilesystemUtil::isDirectory(
        FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path), followLinksFlag);

template <class STRING_TYPE>
bool FilesystemUtil::isSymbolicLink(const STRING_TYPE& path)
    return FilesystemUtil::isSymbolicLink(

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::getLastModificationTime(bdlt::Datetime     *time,
                                            const STRING_TYPE&  path)
    return FilesystemUtil::getLastModificationTime(
        time, FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path));

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::createDirectories(
                               const STRING_TYPE& path,
                               bool               isLeafDirectoryFlag)
    return FilesystemUtil::createDirectories(
        FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path), isLeafDirectoryFlag);

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::createPrivateDirectory(const STRING_TYPE& path)
    return FilesystemUtil::createPrivateDirectory(

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::visitPaths(
                          const STRING_TYPE&                           pattern,
                          const bsl::function<void(const char *path)>& visitor)
    return FilesystemUtil::visitPaths(
        FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(pattern), visitor);

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::findMatchingPaths(bsl::vector<bsl::string> *result,
                                      const STRING_TYPE&        pattern)
    return FilesystemUtil::findMatchingPaths(
        result, FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(pattern));

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::findMatchingPaths(std::vector<std::string> *result,
                                      const STRING_TYPE&        pattern)
    return FilesystemUtil::findMatchingPaths(
        result, FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(pattern));

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::findMatchingPaths(
                                   std::pmr::vector<std::pmr::string> *result,
                                   const STRING_TYPE&                  pattern)
    return FilesystemUtil::findMatchingPaths(
        result, FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(pattern));

template <class STRING_TYPE>
FilesystemUtil::Offset FilesystemUtil::getAvailableSpace(
                                                       const STRING_TYPE& path)
    return FilesystemUtil::getAvailableSpace(

template <class STRING_TYPE>
FilesystemUtil::Offset FilesystemUtil::getFileSize(const STRING_TYPE& path)
    return FilesystemUtil::getFileSize(

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::getSymbolicLinkTarget(bsl::string        *result,
                                          const STRING_TYPE&  path)
    return FilesystemUtil::getSymbolicLinkTarget(
        result, FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path));

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::getSymbolicLinkTarget(std::string        *result,
                                          const STRING_TYPE&  path)
    return FilesystemUtil::getSymbolicLinkTarget(
        result, FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path));

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::getSymbolicLinkTarget(std::pmr::string   *result,
                                          const STRING_TYPE&  path)
    return FilesystemUtil::getSymbolicLinkTarget(
        result, FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path));

template <class STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::remove(const STRING_TYPE& path, bool recursiveFlag)
    return FilesystemUtil::remove(FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(path),

template <class OLD_STRING_TYPE, class NEW_STRING_TYPE>
int FilesystemUtil::move(const OLD_STRING_TYPE& oldPath,
                         const NEW_STRING_TYPE& newPath)
    return FilesystemUtil::move(FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(oldPath),

                      // --------------------------------
                      // class FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil
                      // --------------------------------

const char *FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(char *cString)
    return cString;

const char *FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(const char *cString)
    return cString;

const char *FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(const bsl::string& string)
    return string.c_str();

const char *FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(const std::string& string)
    return string.c_str();

const char *FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(const std::pmr::string& string)
    return string.c_str();

bsl::string FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(
                                            const bslstl::StringRef& stringRef)
    return stringRef;

template <class TYPE>
const char *FilesystemUtil_CStringUtil::flatten(const TYPE&)
    BSLMF_ASSERT(("Unsupported parameter type." && !sizeof(TYPE)));
    return 0;

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------