// bdldfp_decimalformatconfig.h                                       -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>

//@PURPOSE: Provide an attribute class to configure decimal formatting.
//  bdldfp::DecimalFormatConfig: configuration for formatting functions
//@SEE_ALSO: bdldfp_decimalutil
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a single, simply constrained
// (value-semantic) attribute class, 'bdldfp::DecimalFormatConfig', that is
// used to configure various aspects of decimal value formatting.
//  Name        Type      Default          Simple Constraints
//  ---------   ------    ---------------  ------------------
//  style       Style     e_NATURAL        none
//  precision   int       0                >= 0
//  sign        Sign      e_NEGATIVE_ONLY  none
//  infinity    string    "inf"            none
//  nan         string    "nan"            none
//  snan        string    "snan"           none
//  point       char      '.'              none
//  exponent    char      'e'              none
//  showpoint   bool      false            none
//  expwidth    int       2                >= 1, <= 4
//: o 'style': control how the decimal number is written.  If 'style' is
//:   'e_SCIENTIFIC', the number is written as its sign, then a single digit,
//:   then the decimal point, then 'precision' digits, then the 'exponent'
//:   character, then a '-' or '+', then an exponent with no leading zeroes
//:   (with a zero exponent written as '0').  If 'style' is 'e_FIXED', the
//:   number is written as its sign, then one or more digits, then the decimal
//:   point, then 'precision' digits.  If the 'precision' value equals '0' then
//:   'precision' digits and the decimal point are not written.  If 'style' is
//:   'e_NATURAL', the number is written according to the description of
//:   'to-scientific-string' found in
//:   http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decarith.pdf (and no other specified
//:   formatting values are used, including precision).
//: o 'precision': control how many digits are written after the decimal point
//:   if the decimal number is rendered in 'e_FIXED' and 'e_SCIENTIFIC'
//:   formats.  Note that 'precision' attribute is ignored in 'e_NATURAL'
//:   format.
//: o 'sign': control how the sign is output.  If a decimal value has its sign
//:   bit set, a '-' is always written.  Otherwise, if 'sign' is
//:   'e_NEGATIVE_ONLY', no sign is written.  If it is 'e_ALWAYS', a '+' is
//:   written.
//: o 'infinity': specify a string to output infinity value.
//: o 'nan': specify a string to output NaN value.
//: o 'snan': specify a string to output signaling NaN value.
//: o 'point': specify the character to use for decimal points.
//: o 'exponent': specify the character to use for exponent when 'style' is
//:   'e_SCIENTIFIC' or 'e_NATURAL'.
//: o 'showpoint': specify whether a decimal point is always displayed.
//: o 'expwidth': control the minimum number of digits used to write the
//:   exponent.

#include <bsl_cstring.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bdldfp {

                        // =========================
                        // class DecimalFormatConfig
                        // =========================

class DecimalFormatConfig {
    // This attribute class characterizes how to configure certain behavior of
    // 'bdldfp::DecimalUtil::format' functions.

    // TYPES
    enum Sign {
        e_NEGATIVE_ONLY,  // no sign output when sign bit is not set
        e_ALWAYS          // output '+' when sign bit is not set

    enum Style {
        e_SCIENTIFIC,     // output number in scientific notation
        e_FIXED,          // output number in fixed-format
        e_NATURAL         // output number in "to-scientific-string" format
                          // described in
                          // {http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decarith.pdf}

    // DATA
    int         d_precision;     // precision (number of digits after point)
    Style       d_style;         // formatting style
    Sign        d_sign;          // sign character
    const char *d_infinityText;  // infinity representation
    const char *d_nanText;       // NaN representation
    const char *d_sNanText;      // signaling NaN representation
    char        d_decimalPoint;  // decimal point character
    char        d_exponent;      // exponent character
    bool        d_showpoint;     // always show decimal
    int         d_expWidth;      // minimum digits in exponent

    // FRIENDS
    friend bool operator==(const DecimalFormatConfig&,
                           const DecimalFormatConfig&);
    friend bool operator!=(const DecimalFormatConfig&,
                           const DecimalFormatConfig&);

        // Create an object of this class having the (default) attribute
        // values:
        //  precision == 0
        //  style     == e_NATURAL
        //  sign      == e_NEGATIVE_ONLY
        //  infinity  == "inf"
        //  nan       == "nan"
        //  snan      == "snan"
        //  point     == '.'
        //  exponent  == 'e'
        //  expwidth  == 2
        //  showpoint == false

    DecimalFormatConfig(int         precision,
                        Style       style     = e_NATURAL,
                        Sign        sign      = e_NEGATIVE_ONLY,
                        const char *infinity  = "inf",
                        const char *nan       = "nan",
                        const char *snan      = "snan",
                        char        point     = '.',
                        char        exponent  = 'e',
                        bool        showpoint = false,
                        int         expWidth  = 2);
        // Create an object of this class having the specified 'precision' to
        // control how many digits are written after a decimal point.  The
        // behavior is undefined if 'precision' is negative.  Optionally
        // specify 'style' to control how the number is written.  If it is not
        // specified, 'e_NATURAL' is used.  Optionally specify 'sign' to
        // control how the sign is output.  If is not specified,
        // 'e_NEGATIVE_ONLY' is used.  Optionally specify 'infinity' as a
        // string to output infinity value.  If it is not specified, "inf" is
        // used.  Optionally specify 'nan' as a string to output NaN value.  If
        // it is not specified, "nan" is used.  Optionally specify 'snan' as a
        // string to output signaling NaN value.  If it is not specified,
        // "snan" is used.  The behavior is undefined unless the pointers to
        // 'infinity', 'nan' and 'snan' remain valid for the lifetime of this
        // object.  Optionally specify 'point' as the character to use for
        // decimal points.  If it is not specified, '.' is used.  Optionally
        // specify 'exponent' as the character to use for exponent.  If it is
        // not specified, 'e' is used.  Optionally specify 'showpoint' to force
        // a decimal point to always be written.  Optionally specify 'expWidth'
        // to force at least that many digits to be written for an exponent, up
        // to the number of digits in the largest supported exponent.  If it is
        // not specified, 2 is used.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'expWidth' is 1, 2, 3, or 4.  See the Attributes section under
        // @DESCRIPTION in the component-level documentation for information on
        // the class attributes.

    void setPrecision (int value);
        // Set the 'precision' attribute of this object to the specified
        // 'value'.  Behavior is undefined if 'value' is negative.

    void setStyle(Style value);
        // Set the 'style' attribute of this object to the specified 'value'.

    void setSign(Sign  value);
        // Set the 'sign' attribute of this object to the specified 'value'.

    void setInfinity(const char *value);
        // Set the 'infinity' attribute of this object to the specified
        // 'value'.  The behavior is undefined unless the pointer to the
        // 'value' remains valid for the lifetime of this object.

    void setNan(const char *value);
        // Set the 'nan' attribute of this object to the specified 'value'.
        // The behavior is undefined unless the pointer to the 'value' remains
        // valid for the lifetime of this object.

    void setSNan(const char *value);
        // Set the 'snan' attribute of this object to the specified 'value'.
        // The behavior is undefined unless the pointer to the 'value' remains
        // valid for the lifetime of this object.

    void setDecimalPoint(char value);
        // Set the 'point' attribute of this object to the specified 'value'.

    void setExponent(char value);
        // Set the 'exponent' attribute of this object to the specified
        // 'value'.

    void setShowpoint(bool value);
        // Set the 'showpoint' attribute of this object to the specified
        // 'value'.

    void setExpWidth(int value);
        // Set the 'expwidth' attribute of this object to the specified
        // 'value'.  The behavior is undefined unless 'value' is 1, 2, 3, or 4.

    int precision() const;
        // Return the number of digits of precision in the outputs.

    Style style() const;
        // Return the style of output format.

    Sign sign() const;
        // Return the sign attribute.

    const char *infinity() const;
        // Return infinity string representation.

    const char *nan() const;
        // Return NaN string representation.

    const char *sNan() const;
        // Return sNaN string representation.

    char decimalPoint() const;
        // Return point character.

    char exponent() const;
        // Return exponent character.

    bool showpoint() const;
        // Return the 'showpoint' attribute.

    int expWidth() const;
        // Return the minimum exponent width.

bool operator==(const DecimalFormatConfig& lhs,
                const DecimalFormatConfig& rhs);
    // Return 'true' if the specified 'lhs' and 'rhs' objects have the same
    // value, and 'false' otherwise.  Two 'DecimalFormatConfig' objects have
    // the same value if each of their attributes (respectively) have the same
    // value.  Note that comparison of two string type attributes are done via
    // 'bsl::strcmp() function.

bool operator!=(const DecimalFormatConfig& lhs,
                const DecimalFormatConfig& rhs);
    // Return 'true' if the specified 'lhs' and 'rhs' objects do not have the
    // same value, and 'false' otherwise.  Two 'DecimalFormatConfig' objects
    // do not have the same value if any of their attributes (respectively) do
    // not have the same value.  Note that comparison of two string type
    // attributes are done via 'bsl::strcmp() function.

// ============================================================================
//                              INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                          // -------------------------
                          // class DecimalFormatConfig
                          // -------------------------

    : d_precision(0)
    , d_style(e_NATURAL)
    , d_sign(e_NEGATIVE_ONLY)
    , d_infinityText("inf")
    , d_nanText("nan")
    , d_sNanText("snan")
    , d_decimalPoint('.')
    , d_exponent('e')
    , d_showpoint(false)
    , d_expWidth(2)

DecimalFormatConfig::DecimalFormatConfig(int         precision,
                                         Style       style,
                                         Sign        sign,
                                         const char *infinity,
                                         const char *nan,
                                         const char *snan,
                                         char        point,
                                         char        exponent,
                                         bool        showpoint,
                                         int         expWidth)
    : d_precision(precision)
    , d_style(style)
    , d_sign(sign)
    , d_infinityText(infinity)
    , d_nanText(nan)
    , d_sNanText(snan)
    , d_decimalPoint(point)
    , d_exponent(exponent)
    , d_showpoint(showpoint)
    , d_expWidth(expWidth)
    BSLS_ASSERT(precision >= 0);
    BSLS_ASSERT(expWidth >= 1);
    BSLS_ASSERT(expWidth <= 4);

void DecimalFormatConfig::setPrecision (int value)
    BSLS_ASSERT(value >= 0);
    d_precision = value;

void DecimalFormatConfig::setStyle(Style value)
    d_style = value;

void DecimalFormatConfig::setSign(Sign  value)
    d_sign = value;

void DecimalFormatConfig::setInfinity(const char *value)
    d_infinityText = value;

void DecimalFormatConfig::setNan(const char *value)
    d_nanText = value;

void DecimalFormatConfig::setSNan(const char *value)
    d_sNanText = value;

void DecimalFormatConfig::setDecimalPoint(char value)
    d_decimalPoint = value;

void DecimalFormatConfig::setExponent(char value)
    d_exponent = value;

void DecimalFormatConfig::setShowpoint(bool value)
    d_showpoint = value;

void DecimalFormatConfig::setExpWidth(int value)
    BSLS_ASSERT(value >= 1);
    BSLS_ASSERT(value <= 4);

    d_expWidth = value;

int DecimalFormatConfig::precision() const
    return d_precision;

DecimalFormatConfig::Style DecimalFormatConfig::style() const
    return d_style;

DecimalFormatConfig::Sign DecimalFormatConfig::sign() const
    return d_sign;

const char *DecimalFormatConfig::infinity() const
    return d_infinityText;

const char *DecimalFormatConfig::nan() const
    return d_nanText;

const char *DecimalFormatConfig::sNan() const
    return d_sNanText;

char DecimalFormatConfig::decimalPoint() const
    return d_decimalPoint;

char DecimalFormatConfig::exponent() const
    return d_exponent;

bool DecimalFormatConfig::showpoint() const
    return d_showpoint;

int DecimalFormatConfig::expWidth() const
    return d_expWidth;
}  // close package namespace

bool bdldfp::operator==(const DecimalFormatConfig& lhs,
                        const DecimalFormatConfig& rhs)
    return lhs.d_precision              == rhs.d_precision          &&
           lhs.d_style                  == rhs.d_style              &&
           lhs.d_sign                   == rhs.d_sign               &&
           bsl::strcmp(lhs.d_infinityText, rhs.d_infinityText) == 0 &&
           bsl::strcmp(lhs.d_nanText,      rhs.d_nanText)      == 0 &&
           bsl::strcmp(lhs.d_sNanText,     rhs.d_sNanText)     == 0 &&
           lhs.d_decimalPoint           == rhs.d_decimalPoint       &&
           lhs.d_exponent               == rhs.d_exponent           &&
           lhs.d_showpoint              == rhs.d_showpoint          &&
           lhs.d_expWidth               == rhs.d_expWidth;

bool bdldfp::operator!=(const DecimalFormatConfig& lhs,
                        const DecimalFormatConfig& rhs)
    return lhs.d_precision              != rhs.d_precision     ||
           lhs.d_style                  != rhs.d_style         ||
           lhs.d_sign                   != rhs.d_sign          ||
           bsl::strcmp(lhs.d_infinityText, rhs.d_infinityText) ||
           bsl::strcmp(lhs.d_nanText,      rhs.d_nanText)      ||
           bsl::strcmp(lhs.d_sNanText,     rhs.d_sNanText)     ||
           lhs.d_decimalPoint           != rhs.d_decimalPoint  ||
           lhs.d_exponent               != rhs.d_exponent      ||
           lhs.d_showpoint              != rhs.d_showpoint     ||
           lhs.d_expWidth               != rhs.d_expWidth;

}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2017 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------