// bdlat_typecategory.h                                               -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide type category tags and a tag selection meta-function.
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::Array          : tag for array types
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice         : tag for choice types
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::CustomizedType : tag for customized types
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::DynamicType    : tag for customized types
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::Enumeration    : tag for enumeration types
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::NullableValue  : tag for nullable types
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::Sequence       : tag for sequence types
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple         : tag for simple types
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::Select         : meta-function for selecting tag
//  bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic   : trait to declare dynamic type
//  bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions        : overloadable type category functions
//  bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil             : type category utility
//@SEE_ALSO: bdlat_arrayfunctions, bdlat_choicefunctions,
//           bdlat_customizedtypefunctions, bdlat_enumfunctions,
//           bdlat_nullablevaluefunctions, bdlat_sequencefunctions
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides an assortment of related facilities
// that fulfill different roles when writing applications that deal with
// classes that comply with the various 'bdlat' class categories.  This
// facilities consist of:
//: o Tags and associated enumerators
//: o Meta-functions and traits
//: o Utility Functions
//: o Customization Points
///Category Tags and Enumerators
// This component defines tag types (e.g., 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Array',
// 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice') and enumerators (e.g.,
// 'bdlat_TypeCategory::e_ARRAY_CATEGORY'
// 'bdlat_TypeCategory::e_CHOICE_CATEGORY') that can be used to describe how a
// user-defined type participates in the 'bdlat' type framework and a
// meta-function, 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Select', that can be used to access that
// information for a parameterized 'TYPE'.
// The categories and their associated tags are:
//  Category Tag     Assigned To
//  ------------     -----------
//  Array            types that expose "array" behavior through the
//                   'bdlat_ArrayFunctions' 'namespace'.
//  Choice           types that expose "choice" behavior through the
//                   'bdlat_ChoiceFunctions' 'namespace'.
//  CustomizedType   types that expose "customized type" behavior through the
//                   'bdlat_CustomizedTypeFunctions' 'namespace'.
//  DynamicType      types that can select a category at runtime
//  Enumeration      types that expose "enumeration" behavior through the
//                   'bdlat_EnumFunctions' 'namespace'.
//  NullableValue    types that expose "nullable" behavior through the
//                   'bdlat_NullableValueFunctions' 'namespace'.
//  Sequence         types that expose "sequence" behavior through the
//                   'bdlat_SequenceFunctions' 'namespace'.
//  Simple           all other types (i.e., scalars)
// Types that belong to the 'DynamicType' category also belong to one or more
// other categories.  Otherwise, a type may only belong to one category.
///Meta-function: 'bdlat::TypeCategory::Select'
// This component defines a meta-function, 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Select', used
// to detect at compile time the type category of a template parameter 'TYPE',
// which must be a 'bdlat'-compatible type.  This meta-function defines two
// (nested) names:
//: o 'Type': The category tag type for the template parameter 'TYPE'.
//: o 'e_SELECTION': The enumerator for the category of the template parameter
//:   'TYPE'.
// This meta-function assumes that the template parameter 'TYPE' has set the
// type trait corresponding to its 'bdlat' type category.  For example, if
// 'TYPE' is a 'bdlat' "array" type then:
//  1 == bdlat_ArrayFunctions::IsArray<TYPE>::VALUE;
// and if 'TYPE' is a 'bdlat' "choice" type then:
//  1 == bdlat_ChoiceFunctions::IsChoice<TYPE>::VALUE;
// Additionally, 'TYPE' must also meet the other requirements (e.g., defined
// functions, defined types) of its 'bdlat' type category.
// There are two special cases:
//: o If none of these traits have been set for 'TYPE', it is assumed to be in
//:   the 'Simple' (scalar) category.
//: o If more than one of these traits have been set of 'TYPE', 'TYPE' is
//:   classified as 'Dynamic'.
//:   o The recommended practice is *also* set the
//:     'bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic' trait.
///Utility: 'bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil'
// This component defines a utility 'struct', 'bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil', that
// provides two function templates: 'manipulateByCategory' and
// 'accessByCategory' that invoke a 'MANIPULATOR' or 'ACCESSOR' functor,
// respectively.  Both of these functor types provide an overload for each of
// the 'bdlat' type categories (see {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} and {'ACCESSOR'
// Functors}).  These utility functions determine the 'bdlat' type category
// (see {'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select'}) of a given object and then
// invoke the corresponding overload of the given functor.
///'MANIPULATOR' Functors
/// - - - - - - - - - - -
// A 'MANIPULATOR' functor must be invocable by one or more of these seven
// overloads:
//  int MANIPULATOR(TYPE *object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Array          category);
//  int MANIPULATOR(TYPE *object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice         category);
//  int MANIPULATOR(TYPE *object, bdlat_TypeCategory::CustomizedType category);
//  int MANIPULATOR(TYPE *object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Enumeration    category);
//  int MANIPULATOR(TYPE *object, bdlat_TypeCategory::NullableValue  category);
//  int MANIPULATOR(TYPE *object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Sequence       category);
//  int MANIPULATOR(TYPE *object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple         category);
//      // Modify the specified 'object' that matches the specified 'category'.
//      // Return 0 on success and a non-zero value otherwise.  On failure,
//      // 'object' is left in a valid but unspecified state.  The behavior is
//      // undefined unless the type category of 'object' matches 'category'.
// Notice that, potentially, one can have an overload for each of the "static"
// 'bdlat' type categories (i.e., all except for the "dynamic" category).
// Additionally, the functor *must* provide an overload for 'bslmf::Nil'
// (required for compilation):
//  int MANIPULATOR(TYPE *object, bslmf::Nil);
//      // Modify the specified 'object'.  Return 0 on success and a non-zero
//      // value otherwise.  On failure, 'object' is left in a valid but
//      // unspecified state.  The behavior is undefined if 'TYPE' is 'bdlat'
//      // compatible (i.e., belongs in one or more of the seven 'bdlat'
//      // categories).  Note that 'bdlat' compatible types are expected to be
//      // dispatched to one of the seven overloads declared above.
// Typically, the "Nil" overload returns an error code (or even aborts).
///'ACCESSOR' Functors
///- - - - - - - - - -
// A 'ACCESSOR' functor must invocable by one or more of these seven overloads:
//  int ACCESSOR(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Array          cat);
//  int ACCESSOR(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice         cat);
//  int ACCESSOR(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::CustomizedType cat);
//  int ACCESSOR(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Enumeration    cat);
//  int ACCESSOR(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::NullableValue  cat);
//  int ACCESSOR(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Sequence       cat);
//  int ACCESSOR(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple         cat);
//      // Access the specified 'object' that matches the specified 'cat'
//      // (category).  Return 0 on success and a non-zero value otherwise.
//      // The behavior is undefined unless the type category of 'object'
//      // matches 'cat' (category).  Note that, in typical use, invocation of
//      // this functor object changes its state based on the state of
//      // 'object'.
// Notice that, potentially, one can have an overload for each of the "static"
// 'bdlat' type categories (i.e., all except for the "dyanamic" category).
// Additionally, the functor *must* provide an overload for 'bslmf::Nil'
// (required for compilation):
//  int ACCESSOR(const TYPE& object, bslmf::Nil);
//      // Access the specified 'object'.  Return 0 on success and a non-zero
//      // value otherwise.  The behavior is undefined if 'TYPE' is 'bdlat'
//      // compatible (i.e., belongs in one or more of the seven 'bdlat'
//      // categories).  Note that 'bdlat' compatible types are expected to be
//      // dispatched to one of the seven overloads declared above.
// Typically, the "Nil" overload returns an error code (or even aborts).
///Namespace: 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions'
// The namespace 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions' defines a suite of function
// templates for working with types that conform to one or more of the 'bdlat'
// type categories.  For each of the seven type categories there are a pair of
// function templates: one to "manipulate" and one to "access" objects of
// (template parameter) 'TYPE'.  For example, for 'bdlat' "array" types there
// are function templates: 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateArray' and
// 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessArray'.
// Additionally, there is a function template,
// 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select', that reports at runtime the type
// category of a specified object.
// These function templates provide a uniform interface for operations on a
// wide variety of types.  The details of what occurs in each "manipulate" or
// "access" action depends on a user-provided functor object.  See
// {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} and {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the requirements on
// those functors.
// For a user-defined type to operate in the type category framework, that type
// must define in the namespace in which it is defined, all required overloads
// of the customization points used by these templates.  See {Customization
// Points}.
///Customization Points
/// - - - - - - - - - -
// For a type to work with the "type category" framework, one must create, in
// the namespace where the type is defined, overloads for the "manipulator" and
// "accessor" function templates (described below) for the 'bdlat' type
// category of the type.  For example, if the type being plugged into the
// framework is a 'bdlat' "array" type, then overloads for
// 'bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateArray' and 'bdlat_typeCategoryAccessArray' are
// required.  If the type being plugged into the infrastructure belongs to more
// than one 'bdlat' type category, the "manipulate" and "accessor" function
// templates for each of those type categories is required.
// Every type plugged into the framework must implement an overload of
// 'bdlat_typeCategorySelect' function.
// Note that the placeholder 'YOUR_TYPE' is not a template argument and should
// be replaced with the name of the type being plugged into the framework.
//  template <class MANIPULATOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateArray(YOUR_TYPE    *object,
//                                        MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Array'
//      // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "array"
//      // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
//      // {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'manipulator'.
//  template <class MANIPULATOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateChoice(YOUR_TYPE    *object,
//                                         MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice'
//      // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "choice"
//      // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
//      // {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'manipulator'.
//  template <class MANIPULATOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateCustomizedType(YOUR_TYPE    *object,
//                                                 MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
//      // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::CustomizedType' tag object (2nd argument).  If
//      // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "customized type" type, pass a
//      // 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See {'MANIPULATOR'
//      // Functors} for the requirements on 'manipulator'.
//  template <class MANIPULATOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateEnumeration(YOUR_TYPE    *object,
//                                              MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
//      // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Enumeration' tag object (2nd argument).  If
//      // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "enumeration" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil'
//      // tag object as the second argument.  See {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for
//      // the requirements on 'manipulator'.
//  template <class MANIPULATOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateNullableValue(YOUR_TYPE    *object,
//                                                MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
//      // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::NullableValue' tag object (2nd argument).  If
//      // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "nullable value" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil'
//      // tag object as the second argument.  See {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for
//      // the requirements on 'manipulator'.
//  template <class MANIPULATOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateSequence(YOUR_TYPE    *object,
//                                           MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
//      // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Sequence' tag object (2nd argument).  If
//      // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "sequence" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag
//      // object as the second argument.  See {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for the
//      // requirements on 'manipulator'.
//  template <class MANIPULATOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateSimple(YOUR_TYPE    *object,
//                                         MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple'
//      // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "simple"
//      // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
//      // {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'manipulator'.
//  template <class ACCESSOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessArray(const YOUR_TYPE& object,
//                                    ACCESSOR&        accessor);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Array'
//      // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "array"
//      // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
//      // {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.
//  template <class ACCESSOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessChoice(const YOUR_TYPE& object,
//                                     ACCESSOR&        accessor);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice'
//      // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "choice"
//      // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
//      // {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.
//  template <class ACCESSOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessCustomizedType(const YOUR_TYPE& object,
//                                             ACCESSOR&        accessor);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
//      // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::CustomizedType' tag object (2nd argument).  If
//      // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "customized type" type, pass a
//      // 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See {'ACCESSOR'
//      // Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.
//  template <class ACCESSOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessEnumeration(const YOUR_TYPE& object,
//                                          ACCESSOR&        accessor);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
//      // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Enumeration' tag object (2nd argument).  If
//      // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "enumeration type" type, pass a
//      // 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See {'ACCESSOR'
//      // Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.
//  template <class ACCESSOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessNullableValue(const YOUR_TYPE& object,
//                                            ACCESSOR&        accessor);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
//      // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::NullableValue' tag object (2nd argument).  If
//      // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "nullable value" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil'
//      // tag object as the second argument.  See {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for
//      // the requirements on 'accessor'.
//  template <class ACCESSOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessSequence(const YOUR_TYPE& object,
//                                       ACCESSOR&        accessor);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
//      // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Sequence' tag object (2nd argument).  If
//      // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "sequence" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag
//      // object as the second argument.  See {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the
//      // requirements on 'accessor'.
//  template <class ACCESSOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessSimple(const YOUR_TYPE& object,
//                                     ACCESSOR&        accessor);
//      // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
//      // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple'
//      // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "simple"
//      // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
//      // {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::Value bdlat_typeCategorySelect(
//                                                    const YOUR_TYPE& object);
//      // Return the *runtime* type category for the specified 'object'.  The
//      // behavior is undefined if 'bdlat_TypeCategory::e_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY' is
//      // returned.  Note that the compile time analog to this function
//      // (template) is 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Select', a meta-function that
//      // defines a type corresponding to the category tag class of
//      // 'YOUR_TYPE'.
///Dynamic Types
// "Dynamic" types allow the type category of an object to be determined at
// runtime.  Of course, such types must meet all of the requirements of each of
// the 'bdlat' type categories to which they belong.
// There are two ways that a type can be recognized as a dynamic type:
//: o specializing the 'bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic' trait and providing a
//:   'VALUE' of 1, and
//: o implementing all of the requirements (i.e., setting of required traits)
//:   of each of the 'bdlat' categories the type can assume.
// If a type 'T' is recognized as a "dynamic" 'bdlat' type then
// 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Select<T>::Type' is an alias for
// 'bdlat_TypeCategory::DynamicType'
// When a type is categorized as a dynamic type, it *must* overload the
// 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select' function to provide the necessary
// runtime logic that determines its current runtime category.  See
// {Customization Points}.
// A type of the 'bdlat' "dyanmic" category is illustrated in {Example 3}.
///Trait: 'bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic'
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Although one is not required to specialize the
// 'bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic' trait to designate a user-defined class
// as a "dynamic" type, doing so is the recommended practice.
// Note that AIX and GCC compilers *require* that trait be specialized; setting
// multiple 'bdlat' category traits does not work on those platforms.
// Also note that setting that trait is the only way to create a "dynamic" type
// that implements just one of the 'bdlat' type categories -- an unusual
// configuration, but one that is allowed by the 'bdlat" type category
// framework.
// Finally note that the 'bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic' trait is the *only*
// trait in this component that users are allowed to specialize.  The behavior
// is undefined if any of the other meta-functions are specialized.
// In this section we show intended usage of this component.
///Example 1: Compile-Time Dispatch by Category Type
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// The 'bdlat_typecategory' framework provides facilities to control actions
// based on the 'bdlat' type category of the objects being used.  Dispatching
// on type category can be achieved both at compile time and at runtime.
// Depending on that context, different facilities, having different
// restrictions/requirements are used.  There are interesting differences when
// dealing with objects in the "dynamic" type category.
// This first example explores compile-time dispatch.  Suppose we have an
// object that is compliant with one of the 'bdlat' type categories and that we
// wish to examine it to the extent of determining into which type category it
// falls and what value it has.
// First, we declare a 'printCategoryAndValue' function that has a template
// parameter 'TYPE':
//  namespace BloombergLP {
//  namespace mine {
//  template <class TYPE>
//  void printCategoryAndValue(bsl::ostream& stream, const TYPE& object);
//      // Print the category of the specified 'object' followed by the value
//      // of 'object' to the specified output 'stream'.
// Then, to implement this function, we will use a set of helper functions that
// are overloaded based on the category tag.  The first set of helper functions
// address the category aspect of our assigned goal:
//  void printCategory(bsl::ostream& stream, bdlat_TypeCategory::Array)
//  {
//      stream << "Array";
//  }
//  void printCategory(bsl::ostream& stream, bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice)
//  {
//      stream << "Choice";
//  }
//  void printCategory(bsl::ostream& stream,
//                     bdlat_TypeCategory::CustomizedType)
//  {
//      stream << "CustomizedType";
//  }
//  void printCategory(bsl::ostream& stream, bdlat_TypeCategory::DynamicType)
//  {
//      stream << "DynamicType";
//  }
//  void printCategory(bsl::ostream& stream, bdlat_TypeCategory::Enumeration)
//  {
//      stream << "Enumeration";
//  }
//  void printCategory(bsl::ostream& stream, bdlat_TypeCategory::NullableValue)
//  {
//      stream << "NullableValue";
//  }
//  void printCategory(bsl::ostream& stream, bdlat_TypeCategory::Sequence)
//  {
//      stream << "Sequence";
//  }
//  void printCategory(bsl::ostream& stream, bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple)
//  {
//      stream << "Simple";
//  }
// Next, we implement another helper function template to handle the value
// aspect of our goal:
//  template <class TYPE, class CATEGORY>
//  void printValue(bsl::ostream& stream,
//                  const TYPE&   object,
//                  CATEGORY      )
//  {
//      bdlb::PrintMethods::print(stream, object, 0, -1);
//  }
//  template <class TYPE>
//  void printValue(bsl::ostream&                   stream,
//                  const TYPE&                     ,
//                  bdlat_TypeCategory::DynamicType )
//  {
//      stream << "Printing dynamic types requires extra work.";
//  }
// Notice that a partial specialization was created for objects falling into
// the "dynamic" category.  Determining the value of such objects will be
// explored in {Example 3}.
// Now, we can implement the 'printCategoryAndValue' function in terms of the
// 'printCategory' and 'printValue' helper functions:
//  template <class TYPE>
//  void printCategoryAndValue(bsl::ostream& stream, const TYPE& object)
//  {
//      typedef typename
//      bdlat_TypeCategory::Select<TYPE>::Type TypeCategory;
//      printCategory(stream, TypeCategory());
//      stream << ": ";
//      printValue(stream, object, TypeCategory());
//  }
//  }  // close package namespace
//  }  // close enterprise namespace
// Finally, we can exercise the 'printCategoryAndValue' function on objects
// that fall in different (non-dynamic) type categories.
//  using namespace BloombergLP;
//  void runUsageExample1()
//  {
//      bsl::ostringstream oss;
//      int intVal = 123;
//      mine::printCategoryAndValue(oss, intVal);
//      assert("Simple: 123" == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
//      bdlb::NullableValue<int> nullableInt;
//      mine::printCategoryAndValue(oss, nullableInt);
//      assert("NullableValue: NULL" == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
//      nullableInt = 321;
//      mine::printCategoryAndValue(oss, nullableInt);
//      assert("NullableValue: 321" == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
//      bsl::vector<int> vec;
//      vec.push_back(123);
//      vec.push_back(345);
//      vec.push_back(987);
//      mine::printCategoryAndValue(oss, vec);
//      assert("Array: [ 123 345 987 ]" == oss.str());
//  }
///Example 2: Run-Time Dispatch by 'bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil'
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// For run-time dispatching we can use the utility functions provided by
// 'bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil'.  Suppose we wish to examine the type category and
// value of an arbitrary 'bdlat' compatible object, as we did in {Example 1}.
// First, we define 'mine::PrintAccessor', a functor that encapsulates the
// action to be taken:
//  namespace BloombergLP {
//  namespace mine {
//  class PrintAccessor {
//      bsl::ostream  *d_stream_p;
//    public:
//      PrintAccessor(bsl::ostream *stream)
//      : d_stream_p(stream) { assert(stream); }
//      template <class TYPE>
//      int operator()(const TYPE& , bslmf::Nil )
//      {
//          *d_stream_p << "Nil";
//          return -1;
//      }
//      template <class TYPE>
//      int operator()(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Array)
//      {
//          *d_stream_p << "Array" << ": ";
//          bdlb::PrintMethods::print(*d_stream_p, object, 0, -1);
//          return 0;
//      }
//      template <class TYPE>
//      int operator()(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice)
//      {
//          *d_stream_p << "Choice" << ": ";
//          bdlb::PrintMethods::print(*d_stream_p, object, 0, -1);
//          return 0;
//      }
//      template <class TYPE>
//      int operator()(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::CustomizedType)
//      {
//          *d_stream_p << "CustomizedType" << ": ";
//          bdlb::PrintMethods::print(*d_stream_p, object, 0, -1);
//          return 0;
//      }
//      template <class TYPE>
//      int operator()(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Enumeration)
//      {
//          *d_stream_p << "Enumeration" << ": ";
//          bdlb::PrintMethods::print(*d_stream_p, object, 0, -1);
//          return 0;
//      }
//      template <class TYPE>
//      int operator()(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::NullableValue)
//      {
//          *d_stream_p << "NullableValue" << ": ";
//          bdlb::PrintMethods::print(*d_stream_p, object, 0, -1);
//          return 0;
//      }
//      template <class TYPE>
//      int operator()(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Sequence)
//      {
//          *d_stream_p << "Sequence" << ": ";
//          bdlb::PrintMethods::print(*d_stream_p, object, 0, -1);
//          return 0;
//      }
//      template <class TYPE>
//      int operator()(const TYPE& object, bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple)
//      {
//          *d_stream_p << "Simple" << ": ";
//          bdlb::PrintMethods::print(*d_stream_p, object, 0, -1);
//          return 0;
//      }
//  };
//  }  // close package namespace
//  }  // close enterprise namespace
// Notice that this overload set for 'operator()' includes an overload for
// 'bslmf::Nil' (as required) but does *not* include an overload for
// 'bdlat_TypeCategory::DynamicType' which is never reported as a runtime type
// category.
// Now, we can simply use 'bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil' to determine the type of a
// given object dispatch control to the corresponding overload of the accessor
// functor:
//  using namespace BloombergLP;
//  void runUsageExample2()
//  {
//      bsl::ostringstream oss;
//      mine::PrintAccessor accessor(&oss);
//      int intVal = 123;
//      bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil::accessByCategory(intVal, accessor);
//      assert("Simple: 123" == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
//      bdlb::NullableValue<int> nullableInt;
//      bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil::accessByCategory(nullableInt, accessor);
//      assert("NullableValue: NULL" == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
//      nullableInt = 321;
//      bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil::accessByCategory(nullableInt, accessor);
//      assert("NullableValue: 321" == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
//      bsl::vector<int> vec;
//      vec.push_back(123);
//      vec.push_back(345);
//      vec.push_back(987);
//      bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil::accessByCategory(vec, accessor);
//      LOOP_ASSERT(oss.str(), "Array: [ 123 345 987 ]" == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
//  }
///Example 3: Dynamic (Run-Time) Typing and Dispatch
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In this example, we introduce a class that is the 'bdlat' "dyanmic" type
// category and show how its behavior is a generalization of what we have seen
// for the "static" 'bdlat' types.
// First, we define a class, 'mine::MyDynamicType', that can hold one of two
// value types: either a 'bsl::vector<char>' or a 'bsl::string'.
//  namespace BloombergLP {
//  namespace mine {
//  class MyDynamicType {
//      // This class can represent data in two forms: either a 'bsl::string'
//      // or as a 'bsl::vector' of 'char' values.
//      bsl::vector<char> d_vectorChar;  // Note: Production code should use a
//      bsl::string       d_string;      //       union of object buffers.
//      int               d_selector;    // 0 = vectorChar, 1 = string
//    public:
//      void makeVectorChar() { d_selector = 0; }
//      void makeString()     { d_selector = 1; }
//      bsl::vector<char>& theVectorChar()
//                             { assert(isVectorChar()); return d_vectorChar; }
//      bsl::string& theString()
//                             { assert(isString());     return d_string;     }
//      // ACCESSORS
//      bool isVectorChar() const { return 0 == d_selector; }
//      bool isString()     const { return 1 == d_selector; }
//      const bsl::vector<char>& theVectorChar() const
//                             { assert(isVectorChar()); return d_vectorChar; }
//      const bsl::string& theString() const
//                             { assert(isString());     return d_string;     }
//  };
//  }  // close package namespace
//  }  // close enterprise namespace
// When acting as a vector this class is a 'bdlat' "array" type and when
// holding a string, the class is a 'bdlat' "simple" type.  Since this type can
// be in two type categories (determined at runtime) this class is deemed a
// "dynamic" class (for calculations at compile time).
// Then, to denote that this class is a dynamic type, we specialize the
// 'bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic' meta-function in the 'BloombergLP'
// namespace:
//  namespace BloombergLP {
//      template <>
//      struct bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic<mine::MyDynamicType> {
//          enum { VALUE = 1 };
//      };
//  }  // close enterprise namespace
// Now, we define bdlat_typeCategorySelect', and a suite of four functions,
// 'bdlat_typeCategory(Manipulate|Access)(Array|Simple)', each overloaded for
// our type, 'MyDynamicType'.
// namespace BloombergLP {
// namespace mine {
//  bdlat_TypeCategory::Value
//  bdlat_typeCategorySelect(const MyDynamicType& object)
//  {
//      if (object.isVectorChar()) {
//          return bdlat_TypeCategory::e_ARRAY_CATEGORY;              // RETURN
//      }
//      else if (object.isString()) {
//          return bdlat_TypeCategory::e_SIMPLE_CATEGORY;             // RETURN
//      }
//      assert(!"Reached");
//      // Note that this 'return' is never reached and hence the returned
//      // value is immaterial.
//      return bdlat_TypeCategory::e_SIMPLE_CATEGORY;
//  }
//  template <class MANIPULATOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateArray(MyDynamicType *object,
//                                        MANIPULATOR&        manipulator)
//  {
//      if (object->isVectorChar()) {
//          return manipulator(&object->theVectorChar(),
//                             bdlat_TypeCategory::Array());          // RETURN
//      }
//      return manipulator(object, bslmf::Nil());
//  }
//  template <class MANIPULATOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateSimple(MyDynamicType *object,
//                                         MANIPULATOR&        manipulator)
//  {
//      if (object->isString()) {
//          return manipulator(&object->theString(),
//                             bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple());         // RETURN
//      }
//      return manipulator(object, bslmf::Nil());
//  }
//  template <class ACCESSOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessArray(const MyDynamicType& object,
//                                    ACCESSOR&                 accessor)
//  {
//      if (object.isVectorChar()) {
//          return accessor(object.theVectorChar(),
//                          bdlat_TypeCategory::Array());             // RETURN
//      }
//      return accessor(object, bslmf::Nil());
//  }
//  template <class ACCESSOR>
//  int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessSimple(const MyDynamicType& object,
//                                     ACCESSOR&                 accessor)
//  {
//      if (object.isString()) {
//          return accessor(object.theString(),
//                          bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple());            // RETURN
//      }
//      return accessor(object, bslmf::Nil());
//  }
//  }  // close package namespace
//  }  // close enterprise namespace
// Notice that the customization points were implemented for just the two type
// categories that 'MyDynamicType' can achieve: "array" and "simple".
// Finally, we can see how the facilities we developed in {Example 1} and
// {Example 2} behave when given a "dynamic" type;
//  void runUsageExample3()
//  {
// We see that the 'Select' meta-function returns the expected value:
//      assert(bdlat_TypeCategory::e_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY
//          == static_cast<bdlat_TypeCategory::Value>(
//             bdlat_TypeCategory::Select<mine::MyDynamicType>::e_SELECTION));
// We create an object of our dynamic type and observe that the specialization
// we created for printing the values (actually, for *not* printing the value
// of) "dynamic" types is invoked:
//      bsl::ostringstream  oss;
//      mine::MyDynamicType object;
//      mine::printCategoryAndValue(oss, object);
//      assert("DynamicType: Printing dynamic types requires extra work."
//             == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
// We instruct object to behave as a vector and see that the 'bdlat' framework
// treats the object as a member of the "array" category and the
// 'PrintAccessor' we defined in {Example 2} treats 'object' as a member of the
// "array" category:
//      object.makeVectorChar();
//      assert(bdlat_TypeCategory::e_ARRAY_CATEGORY
//          == bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select(object));
//      object.theVectorChar().push_back('H');
//      object.theVectorChar().push_back('e');
//      object.theVectorChar().push_back('l');
//      object.theVectorChar().push_back('l');
//      object.theVectorChar().push_back('o');
//      mine::PrintAccessor accessor(&oss);
//      int                 ret;
//      ret = bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil::accessByCategory(object, accessor);
//      assert(0 == ret);
//      LOOP_ASSERT(oss.str(), "Array: \"Hello\"" == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
// Lastly, we instruct 'object' to behave as a string and find that the 'bdlat'
// framework now considers 'object' to be the "simple" category:
//      object.makeString();
//      assert(bdlat_TypeCategory::e_SIMPLE_CATEGORY
//          == bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select(object));
//      object.theString() = "World";
//      ret = bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil::accessByCategory(object, accessor);
//      assert(0 == ret);
//      assert("Simple: World" == oss.str());
//      oss.str("");
//  }
// Notice that the output of the accessor matches the state of the object,
// reporting an "array" type when the object 'isVector' and a "simple" type
// when the object 'isString'.

#include <bdlscm_version.h>

#include <bdlat_arrayfunctions.h>
#include <bdlat_bdeatoverrides.h>
#include <bdlat_choicefunctions.h>
#include <bdlat_enumfunctions.h>
#include <bdlat_nullablevaluefunctions.h>
#include <bdlat_customizedtypefunctions.h>
#include <bdlat_sequencefunctions.h>

#include <bslmf_assert.h>
#include <bslmf_conditional.h>
#include <bslmf_issame.h>
#include <bslmf_switch.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

                         // =======================================
                         // struct bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic
                         // =======================================

template <class TYPE>
struct bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic {
    // Types that have more than one of the following traits:
    //: o 'bdlat_ArrayFunctions::IsArray<TYPE>::VALUE'
    //: o 'bdlat_ChoiceFunctions::IsChoice<TYPE>::VALUE'
    //: o 'bdlat_CustomizedTypeFunctions::IsCustomizedType<TYPE>::VALUE'
    //: o 'bdlat_EnumFunctions::IsEnumeration<TYPE>::VALUE'
    //: o 'bdlat_NullableValueFunctions::IsNullableValue<TYPE>::VALUE'
    //: o 'bdlat_SequenceFunctions::IsSequence<TYPE>::VALUE'
    // are automatically recognized as dynamic types.  However, there may exist
    // types that have *none* or only one of the above traits and still be
    // considered dynamic (e.g., "variants" of simple types etc).  In order for
    // the 'bdlat' framework to treat these types as dynamic types, this
    // 'struct' must be specialized with a 'VALUE' of 1, and the
    // 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select' function must be implemented,
    // along with the appropriate 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulate*'
    // and 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::access*' functions.  Inside these
    // 'manipulate*' and 'access*' functions, the dynamic object should expose
    // its real type.

    enum { VALUE = 0 };

                         // =========================
                         // struct bdlat_TypeCategory
                         // =========================

struct bdlat_TypeCategory {
    // This struct provides the different category tags and also a
    // meta-function for selecting the tags based on the parameterized 'TYPE'.

    // TAGS
    struct DynamicType    { };  // tag for dynamic types
    struct Array          { };  // tag for arrays
    struct Choice         { };  // tag for choices
    struct CustomizedType { };  // tag for customized types
    struct Enumeration    { };  // tag for enumerations
    struct NullableValue  { };  // tag for nullable values
    struct Sequence       { };  // tag for sequences
    struct Simple         { };  // tag for all other types

    enum Value {
        e_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY         = 0,
        e_ARRAY_CATEGORY           = 1,
        e_CHOICE_CATEGORY          = 2,
        e_ENUMERATION_CATEGORY     = 4,
        e_SEQUENCE_CATEGORY        = 6,
        e_SIMPLE_CATEGORY          = 7

      , ARRAY_CATEGORY                 = e_ARRAY_CATEGORY
      , CHOICE_CATEGORY                = e_CHOICE_CATEGORY
      , SIMPLE_CATEGORY                = e_SIMPLE_CATEGORY



    template <class TYPE>
    struct Select {
        // This meta-function contains a typedef 'Type' that specifies the
        // category tag for the parameterized 'TYPE'.  Note that the runtime
        // analog to this meta-function is
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select' that returns the enumerator
        // corresponding to the 'bdlat' category.

        static const int k_IS_ARRAY =
        static const int k_IS_CHOICE =
        static const int k_IS_CUSTOMIZED_TYPE =
        static const int k_IS_ENUMERATION =
        static const int k_IS_NULLABLE_VALUE =
        static const int k_IS_SEQUENCE =
        static const int k_NUM_CATEGORIES = k_IS_ARRAY
                                          + k_IS_CHOICE
                                          + k_IS_CUSTOMIZED_TYPE
                                          + k_IS_ENUMERATION
                                          + k_IS_NULLABLE_VALUE
                                          + k_IS_SEQUENCE;
        static const int k_IS_DYNAMIC =
                                 k_NUM_CATEGORIES > 1
                              || bdlat_TypeCategoryDeclareDynamic<TYPE>::VALUE;

        enum {
            e_SELECTION = k_IS_DYNAMIC         ? e_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY
                        : k_IS_ARRAY           ? e_ARRAY_CATEGORY
                        : k_IS_CHOICE          ? e_CHOICE_CATEGORY
                        : k_IS_ENUMERATION     ? e_ENUMERATION_CATEGORY
                        : k_IS_NULLABLE_VALUE  ? e_NULLABLE_VALUE_CATEGORY
                        : k_IS_SEQUENCE        ? e_SEQUENCE_CATEGORY
                        : /* else */             e_SIMPLE_CATEGORY

          , SELECTION       = e_SELECTION

        typedef typename
        bslmf::Switch<e_SELECTION, DynamicType,
                                   Simple>::Type Type;

                       // =============================
                       // struct bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil
                       // =============================

struct bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil {
    // This 'struct' contains utility functions that operate on 'bdlat'
    // compatible objects, implicitly dispatching to the action appropriate for
    // the 'bdlat' type category of the object.

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    static int manipulateByCategory(TYPE         *object,
                                    MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
        // Invoke one of the following functions, based on the result of
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select(object)':
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateArray'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateChoice'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateCustomizedType'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateEnumeration'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateNullableValue'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateSequence'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateSimple'
        // where each function is invoked with the specified 'object' and
        // 'manipulator'.  See {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for the requirements on
        // 'manipulator'.  Return the value returned by the invoked function.
        // The behavior is undefined unless the parameterized 'TYPE' supports
        // the type category returned by the call to the
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select' function.

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    static int accessByCategory(const TYPE& object,
                                ACCESSOR&   accessor);
        // Invoke one of the following functions, based on the result of
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select':
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessArray'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessChoice'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessCustomizedType'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessEnumeration'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessNullableValue'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessSequence'
        //: o 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessSimple'
        // where each function is invoked with the specified 'object' and
        // 'accessor'.  See {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the requirements on
        // 'accessor'.  Return the value returned by the invoked function.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless the parameterized 'TYPE' supports the
        // type category returned by the call to the
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select' function.

                   // =====================================
                   // namespace bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions
                   // =====================================

namespace bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions {
    // This namespace contains function templates pertaining to type
    // categories.  For each of the seven 'bdlat' type categories there are two
    // function templates: "maniuplate*Type*" and "access*Type".  Additionally,
    // the 'select' function template returns the type (an enumerator) for a
    // given object.

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int manipulateArray(TYPE *object, MANIPULATOR& manipulator);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Array'
        // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "array"
        // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
        // {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'manipulator'.

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int manipulateChoice(TYPE *object, MANIPULATOR& manipulator);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice'
        // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "choice"
        // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
        // {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'manipulator'.

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int manipulateCustomizedType(TYPE *object, MANIPULATOR& manipulator);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::CustomizedType' tag object (2nd argument).  If
        // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "customized type" type, pass a
        // 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See {'MANIPULATOR'
        // Functors} for the requirements on 'manipulator'.

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int manipulateEnumeration(TYPE *object, MANIPULATOR& manipulator);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Enumeration' tag object (2nd argument).  If
        // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "enumeration" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil'
        // tag object as the second argument.  See {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for
        // the requirements on 'manipulator'.

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int manipulateNullableValue(TYPE *object, MANIPULATOR& manipulator);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::NullableValue' tag object (2nd argument).  If
        // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "nullable value" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil'
        // tag object as the second argument.  See {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for
        // the requirements on 'manipulator'.

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int manipulateSequence(TYPE *object, MANIPULATOR& manipulator);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Sequence' tag object (2nd argument).  If
        // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "sequence" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag
        // object as the second argument.  See {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for the
        // requirements on 'manipulator'.

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int manipulateSimple(TYPE *object, MANIPULATOR& manipulator);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'manipulator' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple'
        // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "simple"
        // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
        // {'MANIPULATOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'manipulator'.

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int accessArray(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Array'
        // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "array"
        // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
        // {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int accessChoice(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Choice'
        // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "choice"
        // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
        // {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int accessCustomizedType(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::CustomizedType' tag object (2nd argument).  If
        // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "customized type" type, pass a
        // 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See {'ACCESSOR'
        // Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int accessEnumeration(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Enumeration' tag object (2nd argument).  If
        // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "enumeration type" type, pass a
        // 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See {'ACCESSOR'
        // Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int accessNullableValue(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::NullableValue' tag object (2nd argument).  If
        // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "nullable value" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil'
        // tag object as the second argument.  See {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for
        // the requirements on 'accessor'.

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int accessSequence(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Sequence' tag object (2nd argument).  If
        // 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "sequence" type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag
        // object as the second argument.  See {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the
        // requirements on 'accessor'.

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int accessSimple(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);
        // Return the result of invoking the specified 'accessor' with the
        // specified 'object' (1st argument) and a 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Simple'
        // tag object (2nd argument).  If 'object' is not a 'bdlat' "simple"
        // type, pass a 'bslmf::Nil' tag object as the second argument.  See
        // {'ACCESSOR' Functors} for the requirements on 'accessor'.

    template <class TYPE>
    bdlat_TypeCategory::Value select(const TYPE& object);
        // Return the *runtime* type category for the specified 'object'.  The
        // value returned is never 'bdlat_TypeCategory::e_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY' (as
        // "dynamic" is a compile-time distinction).  Note that the compile
        // time analog to this function (template) is
        // 'bdlat_TypeCategory::Select', a meta-function that defines a type
        // corresponding to the category tag class of 'TYPE'.


    // The following functions should be overloaded for other types (in their
    // respective namespaces).  The following functions are the default
    // implementations (for 'bas_codegen.pl'-generated types).  Do *not* call
    // these functions directly.  Use the functions above instead.

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateArray(TYPE         *object,
                                          MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);

    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateChoice(TYPE         *object,
                                           MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateCustomizedType(TYPE         *object,
                                                   MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateEnumeration(TYPE         *object,
                                                MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateNullableValue(TYPE         *object,
                                                  MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateSequence(TYPE         *object,
                                             MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);
    template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateSimple(TYPE         *object,
                                           MANIPULATOR&  manipulator);

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessArray(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessChoice(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessCustomizedType(const TYPE& object,
                                               ACCESSOR&   accessor);

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessEnumeration(const TYPE& object,
                                            ACCESSOR&   accessor);

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessNullableValue(const TYPE& object,
                                              ACCESSOR&   accessor);

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessSequence(const TYPE& object,
                                         ACCESSOR&   accessor);

    template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
    int bdlat_typeCategoryAccessSimple(const TYPE& object, ACCESSOR& accessor);

    template <class TYPE>
    bdlat_TypeCategory::Value bdlat_typeCategorySelect(const TYPE& object);

}  // close namespace bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions

// ============================================================================
//                        INLINE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                       // -----------------------------
                       // struct bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil
                       // -----------------------------

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil::manipulateByCategory(TYPE         *object,
                                                 MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    using namespace bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions;

    switch (select(*object)) {
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY: {
        BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE("'select' must not return 'DYNAMIC_CATEGORY'." && 0);
        return -1;                                                    // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_ARRAY_CATEGORY: {
        return manipulateArray(object, manipulator);                  // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_CHOICE_CATEGORY: {
        return manipulateChoice(object, manipulator);                 // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_CUSTOMIZED_TYPE_CATEGORY: {
        return manipulateCustomizedType(object, manipulator);         // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_ENUMERATION_CATEGORY: {
        return manipulateEnumeration(object, manipulator);            // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_NULLABLE_VALUE_CATEGORY: {
        return manipulateNullableValue(object, manipulator);          // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_SEQUENCE_CATEGORY: {
        return manipulateSequence(object, manipulator);               // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_SIMPLE_CATEGORY: {
        return manipulateSimple(object, manipulator);                 // RETURN

    // An assertion here indicates that the 'select' function returned an
    // invalid value.
    return -1;

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil::accessByCategory(const TYPE& object,
                                             ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    using namespace bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions;

    switch (select(object)) {
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY: {
        BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE("'select' must not return 'DYNAMIC_CATEGORY'." && 0);
        return -1;                                                    // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_ARRAY_CATEGORY: {
        return accessArray(object, accessor);                         // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_CHOICE_CATEGORY: {
        return accessChoice(object, accessor);                        // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_CUSTOMIZED_TYPE_CATEGORY: {
        return accessCustomizedType(object, accessor);                // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_ENUMERATION_CATEGORY: {
        return accessEnumeration(object, accessor);                   // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_NULLABLE_VALUE_CATEGORY: {
        return accessNullableValue(object, accessor);                 // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_SEQUENCE_CATEGORY: {
        return accessSequence(object, accessor);                      // RETURN
      case bdlat_TypeCategory::e_SIMPLE_CATEGORY: {
        return accessSimple(object, accessor);                        // RETURN

    // An assertion here indicates that the 'select' function returned an
    // invalid value.
    return -1;

                   // -------------------------------------
                   // namespace bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions
                   // -------------------------------------


template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateArray(TYPE         *object,
                                                 MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateArray(object, manipulator);

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateChoice(TYPE         *object,
                                                  MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateChoice(object, manipulator);

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateCustomizedType(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateCustomizedType(object, manipulator);

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateEnumeration(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateEnumeration(object, manipulator);

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateNullableValue(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateNullableValue(object, manipulator);

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateSequence(TYPE         *object,
                                                    MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateSequence(object, manipulator);

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::manipulateSimple(TYPE         *object,
                                                  MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateSimple(object, manipulator);


template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessArray(const TYPE& object,
                                             ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryAccessArray(object, accessor);

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessChoice(const TYPE& object,
                                              ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryAccessChoice(object, accessor);

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessCustomizedType(const TYPE& object,
                                                      ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryAccessCustomizedType(object, accessor);

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessEnumeration(const TYPE& object,
                                                   ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryAccessEnumeration(object, accessor);

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessNullableValue(const TYPE& object,
                                                     ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryAccessNullableValue(object, accessor);

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessSequence(const TYPE& object,
                                                ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryAccessSequence(object, accessor);

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::accessSimple(const TYPE& object,
                                              ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    return bdlat_typeCategoryAccessSimple(object, accessor);

template <class TYPE>
bdlat_TypeCategory::Value bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::select(
                                                            const TYPE& object)
    return bdlat_typeCategorySelect(object);

       // --------------------------------------------------------------
       // namespace bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions (OVERLOADABLE FUNCTIONS)
       // --------------------------------------------------------------


template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateArray(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    typedef typename
                         bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return manipulator(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateChoice(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    typedef typename
                         bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return manipulator(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateCustomizedType(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                  bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return manipulator(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateEnumeration(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                               bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return manipulator(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateNullableValue(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                    bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return manipulator(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateSequence(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                              bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return manipulator(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class MANIPULATOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryManipulateSimple(
                                                     TYPE         *object,
                                                     MANIPULATOR&  manipulator)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                          (int)bdlat_TypeCategory::Select<TYPE>::e_SELECTION ==
                          bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return manipulator(object, Tag());


template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryAccessArray(
                                                          const TYPE& object,
                                                          ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                                    bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return accessor(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryAccessChoice(
                                                          const TYPE& object,
                                                          ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                                  bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return accessor(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryAccessCustomizedType(
                                                          const TYPE& object,
                                                          ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                  bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return accessor(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryAccessEnumeration(
                                                          const TYPE& object,
                                                          ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                               bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return accessor(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryAccessNullableValue(
                                                          const TYPE& object,
                                                          ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                    bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return accessor(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryAccessSequence(
                                                          const TYPE& object,
                                                          ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                              bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return accessor(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE, class ACCESSOR>
int bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategoryAccessSimple(
                                                          const TYPE& object,
                                                          ACCESSOR&   accessor)
    typedef typename bsl::conditional<
                          (int)bdlat_TypeCategory::Select<TYPE>::e_SELECTION ==
                          bslmf::Nil>::type Tag;
    return accessor(object, Tag());

template <class TYPE>
bdlat_TypeCategoryFunctions::bdlat_typeCategorySelect(const TYPE&)
    enum {
        e_SELECTION = bdlat_TypeCategory::Select<TYPE>::e_SELECTION

    // An assertion below indicates that 'TYPE' is a dynamic type, but does not
    // overload this 'select' function.  Dynamic types *must* overload this
    // 'select' function to implement the logic that determines the *runtime*
    // type category.

             != (bdlat_TypeCategory::Value)e_SELECTION);

    return (bdlat_TypeCategory::Value)e_SELECTION;

}  // close enterprise namespace


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// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
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