
@PURPOSE: Provide thread-safe logging toolkit suitable for all platforms.

@MNEMONIC: Basic Application Library Logging (ball)

@DESCRIPTION: The 'ball' package provides a toolkit for logging messages in
 applications and library code.  The logger toolkit has an administration layer
 that allows configuration both at start-up and during program execution, a
 basic logger API for the most general possible use, and two sets of macros for
 somewhat less flexible but simpler, more convenient use.  In particular,
 messages may be logged via these macros in either a C++ stream-style syntax
 (i.e., with the '<<' operator) or a 'printf'-style syntax.  Users are
 encouraged to use the macros exclusively, because they provide uniformity, and
 because they are less error-prone.  See the {Appendix: Macro Reference}
 section below.

 This document contains a number of code examples, explained below:

: o {Usage: Key Features} - short examples demonstrating key features of the
:   logging system.
: o {Usage: Tutorial} - A series of related examples, building on each other,
:   to illustrate fundamental logging concepts.
: o {Usage: Advanced Features} - Examples for advanced users aiming to
:   customize either the behavior or performance of the logger in more complex
:   ways.

/Usage: Key Features
 The following section provides short examples highlighting some important
 features of logging.

/Key Example 1: Writing to a Log
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The following trivial example shows how to use the logging macros to log
 messages at various levels of severity.

 First, we include 'ball_log.h', then create an example function where we
 initialize the log category within the context of this function.
 The logging macros such as 'BALL_LOG_ERROR' will not compile unless a
 category has been specified in the current lexical scope:
  #include <ball_log.h>

  int processData() {
 Then, we record messages at various levels of severity.  These messages will
 be conditionally written to the log depending on the current logging
 threshold of the category (configured using the 'ball::LoggerManager'
      BALL_LOG_FATAL << "Write this message to the log if the log threshold "
                     << "is above 'ball::Severity::e_FATAL' (i.e., 32).";

      BALL_LOG_TRACE << "Write this message to the log if the log threshold "
                     << "is above 'ball::Severity::e_TRACE' (i.e., 192).";
 Next, we demonstrate how to use proprietary code within logging macros.
 Suppose you want to add the content of a vector to the log trace:
      bsl::vector<int> myVector(4, 328);
          BALL_LOG_OUTPUT_STREAM << "myVector = [ ";
          unsigned int position = 0;
          for (bsl::vector<int>::const_iterator it  = myVector.begin(),
                                                end = myVector.end();
               it != end;
               ++it, ++position) {
              BALL_LOG_OUTPUT_STREAM << position << ':' << *it << ' ';
          BALL_LOG_OUTPUT_STREAM << ']';
 Notice that the code block will be conditionally executed depending on the
 current logging threshold of the category.  The code within the block must
 not produce any side effects, because its execution depends on the current
 logging configuration.  The special macro 'BALL_LOG_OUTPUT_STREAM' provides
 access to the log stream within the block.

 Then we show a simple class that declares a log category for the class (log
 categories can also be configured at namespace scope in a '.cpp' file):
  class AccountInformation {

      void privateRetrieveData();
      void addSecurity(const bsl::string_view& security);
      void removeSecurity(const bsl::string_view& security);

  void AccountInformation::addSecurity(const bsl::string_view& security)
      BALL_LOG_INFO << "addSecurity";
 Finally we can use a 'ball::ScopedAttribute' to associate an attribute with
 the current thread's logging context.
  void AccountInformation::privateRetrieveData()
      BALL_LOG_INFO << "retrieveData";

  void AccountInformation::removeSecurity(const bsl::string_view& security)
      ball::ScopedAttribute securityAttribute("", security);
      BALL_LOG_INFO << "removeSecurity";

 Notice that the attribute "" will be associated with each
 log message generated by the current thread until the destruction of the
 'securityAttribute' object (including the log message created by
 'privateRetrieveData').  To publish the attribute to the log the
 'ball::Observer' must be configured correctly (e.g., using the "%a" format
 specification with 'ball::FileObserver' or 'ball::RecordStringFormatter'), as
 we do in the subsequent example.

/Key Example 2: Initialization
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Clients that perform logging must first instantiate the singleton logger
 manager using the 'ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard' class.  This example
 shows how to create a logger manager with basic "default behavior".
 Subsequent examples will show more customized behavior.

 The following snippets of code illustrate the initialization sequence
 (typically performed near the top of 'main').

 First, we create a 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' object,
 'configuration', and set the logging "pass-through" level -- the level at
 which log records are published to registered observers -- to 'WARN' (see
 {'Categories, Severities, and Threshold Levels'}):
  // myApp.cpp

  int main()
      ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration configuration;
 Next, create a 'ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard' object whose constructor
 takes the configuration object just created.  The guard will initialize the
 logger manager singleton on creation and destroy the singleton upon
 destruction.  This guarantees that any resources used by the logger manager
 will be properly released when they are not needed:
      ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard guard(configuration);
 Note that the application is now prepared to log messages using the 'ball'
 logging subsystem, but until the application registers an observer, all log
 messages will be discarded.

 Finally, we create a 'ball::FileObserver' object 'observer' that will
 publish records to a file, and exceptional records to 'stdout'.  We
 configure the log format to publish log attributes (see
 {Key Example 1: Write to a Log}, enable the logger to write to a log file,
 and then register 'observer' with the logger manager.  Note that observers
 must be registered by name; this example simply uses "default" for a name:
      bslma::Allocator *alloc = bslma::Default::globalAllocator(0);

      bsl::shared_ptr<ball::FileObserver> observer =


      if (0 != observer->enableFileLogging("myapplication.log.%T")) {
          bsl::cout << "Failed to enable logging" << bsl::endl;
          return -1;
      ball::LoggerManager::singleton().registerObserver(observer, "default");
 The application is now prepared to log messages using the 'ball' logging
      // ...

      BALL_LOG_ERROR << "Exiting the application (0)";

      return 0;

/Hierarchical Synopsis
 The 'ball' package currently has 51 components having 17 levels of physical
 dependency.  The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components.
 The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant,
 just alphabetical.
  17. ball_asyncfileobserver

  16. ball_fileobserver

  15. ball_fileobserver2

  14. ball_log

  13. ball_administration

  12. ball_loggercategoryutil

  11. ball_loggermanager

  10. ball_attributecontext

   9. ball_categorymanager

   8. ball_category

   7. ball_broadcastobserver
      ball_multiplexobserver                             !DEPRECATED!

   6. ball_observeradapter

   5. ball_fixedsizerecordbuffer
      ball_predicateset                                  !DEPRECATED!

   4. ball_managedattributeset

   3. ball_attributecontainerlist
      ball_predicate                                     !DEPRECATED!

   2. ball_attributecollectorregistry

   1. ball_attribute

/Component Synopsis
: 'ball_administration':
:      Provide a suite of utility functions for logging administration.
: 'ball_asyncfileobserver':
:      Provide an asynchronous observer that logs to a file and 'stdout'.
: 'ball_attribute':
:      Provide a representation of (literal) name/value pairs.
: 'ball_attributecollectorregistry':
:      Provide a registry for attribute collector functors.
: 'ball_attributecontainer':
:      Provide a protocol for containers holding logging attributes.
: 'ball_attributecontainerlist':
:      Provide a list of attribute container addresses.
: 'ball_attributecontext':
:      Provide a container for storing attributes and caching results.
: 'ball_broadcastobserver':
:      Provide a broadcast observer that forwards to other observers.
: 'ball_category':
:      Provide a container for a name and associated thresholds.
: 'ball_categorymanager':
:      Provide a manager of named categories each having "thresholds".
: 'ball_context':
:      Provide a container for the context of a transmitted log record.
: 'ball_countingallocator':
:      Provide a concrete allocator that keeps count of allocated bytes.
: 'ball_defaultattributecontainer':
:      Provide a default container for storing attribute name/value pairs.
: 'ball_fileobserver':
:      Provide a thread-safe observer that logs to a file and to 'stdout'.
: 'ball_fileobserver2':
:      Provide a thread-safe observer that emits log records to a file.
: 'ball_filteringobserver':
:      Provide an observer that filters log records.
: 'ball_fixedsizerecordbuffer':
:      Provide a thread-safe fixed-size buffer of record handles.
: 'ball_log':
:      Provide macros and utility functions to facilitate logging.
: 'ball_logfilecleanerutil':
:      Provide a utility class for removing log files.
: 'ball_loggercategoryutil':
:      Provide a suite of utility functions for category management.
: 'ball_loggerfunctorpayloads':
:      Provide a suite of logger manager singleton functor payloads.
: 'ball_loggermanager':
:      Provide a manager of core logging functionality.
: 'ball_loggermanagerconfiguration':
:      Provide a constrained-attribute class for the logger manager.
: 'ball_loggermanagerdefaults':
:      Provide constrained default attributes for the logger manager.
: 'ball_logthrottle':
:      Provide throttling equivalents of some of the 'ball_log' macros.
: 'ball_managedattribute':
:      Provide a wrapper for 'ball::Attribute' with managed name storage.
: 'ball_managedattributeset':
:      Provide a container for managed attributes.
: 'ball_multiplexobserver':                              !DEPRECATED!
:      Provide a multiplexing observer that forwards to other observers.
: 'ball_observer':
:      Define a protocol for receiving and processing log records.
: 'ball_observeradapter':
:      Provide a helper for implementing the 'ball::Observer' protocol.
: 'ball_patternutil':
:      Provide a utility class for string pattern matching.
: 'ball_predicate':                                      !DEPRECATED!
:      Provide a predicate object that consists of a name/value pair.
: 'ball_predicateset':                                   !DEPRECATED!
:      Provide a container for managed attributes.
: 'ball_record':
:      Provide a container for the fields and attributes of a log record.
: 'ball_recordattributes':
:      Provide a container for a fixed set of fields suitable for logging.
: 'ball_recordbuffer':
:      Provide a protocol for managing log record handles.
: 'ball_recordjsonformatter':
:      Provide a formatter for log records that renders output in JSON.
: 'ball_recordstringformatter':
:      Provide a record formatter that uses a 'printf'-style format spec.
: 'ball_rule':
:      Provide an object having a pattern, thresholds, and attributes.
: 'ball_ruleset':
:      Provide a set of unique rules.
: 'ball_scopedattribute':
:      Provide a scoped guard for a single BALL attribute.
: 'ball_scopedattributes':
:      Provide a class to add and remove attributes automatically.
: 'ball_severity':
:      Enumerate a set of logging severity levels.
: 'ball_severityutil':
:      Provide a suite of utility functions on 'ball::Severity' levels.
: 'ball_streamobserver':
:      Provide an observer that emits log records to a stream.
: 'ball_testobserver':
:      Provide an instrumented observer for testing.
: 'ball_thresholdaggregate':
:      Provide an aggregate of the four logging threshold levels.
: 'ball_transmission':
:      Enumerate the set of states for log record transmission.
: 'ball_userfields':
:      Provide a container of user supplied field values.
: 'ball_userfieldtype':
:      Enumerate the set of data types for a user supplied attribute.
: 'ball_userfieldvalue':
:      Provide a type for the value of a user supplied field.

/Multi-Threaded Logging
 The 'ball' logging toolkit is thread-enabled and suitable for multi-threaded
 applications.  At the user's option, the multi-threaded toolkit permits each
 thread to install a distinct instance of 'ball::Logger'; the process-wide
 "default" logger is available to any thread that does not install its own

/Logging Features Overview
 This section provides a brief overview of the features of the 'ball' logging
 toolkit, and introduces (without formal definition) some of the terminology
 used in 'ball'.  Refer to the hierarchical and alphabetical Synopsis sections
 above to associate these features with the overall 'ball' design, and see the
 various sections below for more detailed descriptions.

: o User-assigned Severity Level associated with each log message
: o User-defined Category associated with each log message
: o Four Severity Threshold Levels associated with each Category
: o Category threshold levels are configurable both at start-up and during
:   program execution
: o Severity Level plus (administrable) per-category Threshold Levels allow:
:   o efficient suppression of message-logging operation (one 'if' statement)
:   o efficient logging-to-memory (subsequent publication is user-controlled)
:   o immediate publication of log message (to user-defined "observer")
:   o immediate publication of all messages currently held in (finite) buffer
: o Logging to memory permits efficient logging of large quantities of "trace"
:   information that will not be published *unless* a specific user-defined
:   logging event occurs ("trace-back" feature)
: o User can always configure logger to publish every message, if desired
: o User defines and registers one or more "observers", each of which in turn
:   defines the behavior of the "publish" operation (e.g., write to file, write
:   to console, process message and take specific action, etc.)
: o Convenient logging macros simplify usage for the most common operations
: o Optional functors and other parameters allow customized logging behavior
:   (e.g., default threshold levels, category name filtering)
: o The ability to configure thread-context dependent rules for logging (e.g.,
:   configuring more verbose logging for threads processing a request for
:   a particular user id).  See {'Rule-Based Logging'} below.

 The 'ball' package provides a flexible logging toolkit that supports several
 standard and non-standard features.  Perhaps most notable among the
 non-standard features is the ability to write messages to an in-memory
 "circular" (finite) buffer with the expectation that those messages will be
 overwritten and never actually "logged" to any permanent medium.  With this
 feature, during normal production operation a large quantity of "trace-back"
 information can be "logged" to memory, and typically be discarded, without
 having clogged production resources.  If, however, some "error" occurs, the
 information just prior to that error will be available for fast diagnosis and
 debugging.  It is easy to re-configure logger operation so that every message
 is archived, if that is the preferred behavior, but the efficient trace-back
 feature is an explicit design goal.  See the "Hello world!" examples under
 {Usage} below for illustrations of how to configure the logger behavior.

 Another key design feature is the "observer" object.  'ball' defines the
 'ball::Observer' protocol (abstract interface), and provides a few concrete
 observers.  It is expected that most users will find the concrete observers
 that are provided in 'ball' to be sufficient for their needs.  However, users
 are free to define their own observers tailored to meet their specific
 requirements.  In the current release, exactly one observer is registered with
 the 'ball' logger on initialization; we anticipate that multiple observers,
 e.g., one per thread or perhaps one per logger, may be available in future
 releases.  An observer makes its 'publish' method available to the logger;
 since the 'publish' method is free to do almost anything that the user wants,
 the limitation of one observer per process is not very restrictive.  The
 observer may: write the message to a simple file, write the message to a set
 of managed files, write the message to the console (perhaps with some
 information removed and/or added), process the message (complete with Category
 and Severity information) and take specific responsive actions, or any
 combination of these or other behaviors.  In particular, 'ball' provides a
 "broadcast observer", 'ball::BroadcastObserver', that forwards log records to
 any number of observers registered with the broadcast observer.  Note that
 'ball::LoggerManager' contains an integrated broadcast observer and all
 observers registered with the logger manager will receive log records.

/Severity Levels and Categories: a Brief Overview
 The logger supports the notions of severity levels and categories.  Every
 message is logged at some severity level and to some category.  Categories are
 user-defined (except for the "default category"), and can be separately
 managed; in particular, the behavior of any given message-logging operation
 depends upon specific severity level threshold settings for the category to
 which the message is being logged.  See the 'ball_loggermanager' component for
 more details about categories and category administration.

 Severity levels are, from the perspective of the basic logger API,
 user-settable in the range '[0 .. 255]'.  Much more commonly, however, (and
 necessarily when using the 'ball' convenience macros defined in the 'ball_log'
 component), the user will choose to use the fixed set of enumerated severity
 levels as defined in the 'ball_severity' component.  The enumerator names
 suggest a meaning that is consistent with common practice, but no policy is
 enforced by the basic logger API or the macros.

 For convenient reference only, the 'ball::Severity::Level' 'enum'
 implementation is presented below.  Note that this implementation and the
 specific numerical values may not be relied upon.  Also note that the
 enumerator 'NONE' is deprecated, since its name has proven to be confusing.
 As an argument to 'logMessage', it would satisfy "none" of the thresholds, but
 when provided as a threshold value itself, it would enable "all" of the
 enumerated 'logMessage' requests (and all of the macros).  Use 'e_OFF' as a
 threshold level to disable all logging events for a particular logging
 behavior (see the "Log Record Storage and Publication" section below).
  enum Level {
      e_OFF   =   0,  // disable generation of corresponding message
      e_FATAL =  32,  // a condition that will (likely) cause a *crash*
      e_ERROR =  64,  // a condition that *will* cause incorrect behavior
      e_WARN  =  96,  // a *potentially* problematic condition
      e_INFO  = 128,  // data about the running process
      e_DEBUG = 160,  // information useful while debugging
      e_TRACE = 192,  // execution trace data
 Note that numerically lower 'Level' values correspond to conditions having
 greater severity.

/Messages, Records, and other 'ball' Terminology
 The entity that the logger logs is called a "log record" in 'ball'.  A log
 record consists of a number of fixed and user-defined fields; one of the fixed
 fields is called a "log message" (or "message" for short).  In casual usage,
 we use "record" and "message" interchangeably, but note that they are distinct
 concepts.  The set of fixed fields that constitute a log record are defined in
 the 'ball_recordattributes' component.  A brief description of the fixed
 fields (or "record attributes") is given in the following table.
   Attribute        Type               Description               Default
   ----------   --------------  ------------------------------   -------
   timestamp    bdlt::Datetime  creation date and time           (*Note*)
   processID    int             process id of creator              0
   threadID     Uint64          thread id of creator               0
   fileName     bsl::string     file where created  (__FILE__)     ""
   lineNumber   int             line number in file (__LINE__)     0
   category     bsl::string     category of logged record          ""
   severity     int             severity of logged record          0
   message      bsl::string     log message text                   ""

   Note: The default value given to the timestamp attribute is implementation
         defined.  (See the 'bdlt_datetime' component-level documentation for
         more information.)
 The user may wish to specify a set of user-defined fields to be included
 within every log record for a given program.  Such user-defined fields are
 represented in each log record by an instance of 'ball::UserFields'.  A
 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration::UserFieldsPopulatorCallback' functor may
 be provided to the logger manager on construction (via a
 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' object) that, when invoked, "populates"
 (i.e., provides the values for) all elements of the 'ball::UserFields' object
 containing the user-defined fields.  See the 'ball_record' component for more
 information about the use of 'ball::UserFields' in logging, and see the
 'ball_loggermanager' component for more information about installing a user
 populator callback.

/Constraints on Message Encodings
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The 'ball' infrastructure has no provisions for specifying or enforcing
 constraints on the encoding used for logged messages (in general, logged
 messages are published to registered observers in the encoding in which they
 were originally supplied).  However, particular applications, frameworks, and
 consumers of log records (e.g., readers of log files) may place their own
 constraints on log records with respect to encoding.  Clients generating log
 records should be aware of the encoding requirements for logged messages
 generated by their application (e.g., many applications at Bloomberg require
 UTF-8 encoded messages).

/Log Record Storage and Publication
 The logger achieves good run-time performance while capturing critical log
 messages by *selectively* storing log records and *selectively* publishing a
 subset of those stored records.  The determination of whether a log record
 should be stored or published is based on the "category" and "severity" level
 that are associated with each record.  The severity of a record is intended to
 indicate that record's relative urgency.  A category is comprised of a name
 (an arbitrary string) and four severity threshold levels (see the
 component-level documentation of 'ball_severity' for more information on
 typical severity levels).  A message's text, its associated severity, and the
 name of its associated category are each among the fixed fields in the logged
 record (see the "Messages, Records, and other 'ball' Terminology" section

 The following four settings define the log record severity levels at which the
 logger takes certain actions.  The logger determines the disposition of a
 record based on its severity level in relation to the four *severity*
 *threshold* *levels* of the category associated with the message:

: Record:
:   If the severity level of the record is at least as severe as the Record
:   threshold level of the associated category, then the record will be stored
:   by the logger in its log record buffer (i.e., it will be recorded).
: Pass:
:   If the severity level of the record is at least as severe as the Pass
:   threshold level of the associated category, then the record will be
:   immediately published by the logger (i.e., it will be transmitted to the
:   logger's downstream recipient -- the observer).
: Trigger:
:   If the severity level of the record is at least as severe as the Trigger
:   threshold level of the associated category, then the record will cause
:   immediate publication of that record and any records in the logger's log
:   record buffer (i.e., this record will trigger a general log record dump).
: Trigger-All:
:   If the severity level of the record is at least as severe as the
:   Trigger-All threshold level of the associated category, then the record
:   will cause immediate publication of that record and all other log records
:   stored by *all* active loggers.

 Note that more than one of the above actions can apply to a given log record
 since the four threshold levels are independent of one another.  Also note
 that the determination of whether a log record should cause a Trigger or
 Trigger-All event is based on the trigger and trigger-all threshold levels,
 respectively, of the category associated with the record being logged.  The
 categories and severities associated with log records stored earlier are not
 taken into account.

/The Basic Tools in the 'ball' Logging Toolkit
 This section will be expanded upon in the future.  For now, we provide a brief
 introduction to the objects that are most central to understanding basic
 logger operation, so that we may use their names elsewhere in this

/- - - - - - - - - - -
 'ball::LoggerManager' is a singleton that must be constructed with a
 configuration object (see below) and an optional 'bslma' allocator before any
 true logging operations can be performed.  The logger manager's main tasks are
 to administer categories and to "allocate" loggers.  If the user has *not*
 allocated and installed any logger instances, then the 'getLogger' method will
 return the "default logger" that is a specific instance of 'ball::Logger'
 owned and managed by the logger manager.  This default logger is suitable for
 single-threaded and multi-threaded use, and is used "transparently" by users
 willing to accept default-logger behavior.  See {Usage} below.

 The logger manager maintains an internal broadcast observer (see below) and
 provides the 'registerObserver', 'deregisterObserver', and 'findObserver'
 methods that register, deregister, and find observers, respectively.  The
 internal broadcast observer forwards all log records that it receives to all
 registered observers.

 The logger manager provides the 'allocateLogger' and 'setLogger' methods that
 allocate arbitrarily many loggers and install (at most) one logger per thread,
 respectively.  Any thread in which the 'setLogger' method was not called will
 use the default logger.  See {Example 6} and {Example 7} below for a
 discussion of how and why to allocate multiple loggers.

/- - - - - - -
 'ball::Logger' provides the most central logging functionality, namely the
 'logMessage' method.  However, most users will never call 'logMessage'
 directly, but rather will use the sets of macros defined in the 'ball_log'
 component.  See the {Appendix: Macro Reference} section below.

 The "default" 'ball::Logger' instance managed by the logger manager is
 suitable for many purposes, so typical users need never interact with logger
 instances explicitly at all.  However, in multi-threaded applications (and
 perhaps also in certain special-purpose single-threaded programs), the user
 may want to instantiate one or more logger instances and install at most one
 logger instance per thread.  See {Example 6} and {Example 7} below.

/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' is a "configuration" object that must be
 supplied to the logger manager at construction.  The default object configures
 the "default" logging behavior; the user can change the logger behavior by
 changing attributes in the configuration object.  The name, type, and
 description of the configuration attributes are presented in the two tables
 below; the awkward repetition of 'NAME' is due to the long type names of the
 functor types.
  NAME                   TYPE
  -------------------    -----------------------------------------------------
  defaults               ball::LoggerManagerDefaults

                         bsl::function<void(ball::UserFields *)>

                         bsl::function<void(bsl::string *, const char *)>

                         bsl::function<void(int *, int *, int *, int *,
                                            const char *)>

  logOrder               ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration::LogOrder

  NAME                  DESCRIPTION
  -------------------   -----------------------------------------------------
  defaults              constrained defaults for buffer size and thresholds

                        populates optional user fields in a log record

                        invoked on category names, e.g., to re-map characters

                        sets category severity threshold levels (by default)

  logOrder              log message publication order on "trigger" events
 Note that the configuration object is not value-semantic because its three
 functor attributes are not value-semantic.  For this reason, the single
 "defaults" attribute, a value-semantic simply-constrained attribute type, was
 factored out from the configuration type.  The defaults object holds six
 numerical attributes and is described next.

/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 'ball::LoggerManagerDefaults' is a value-semantic simply-constrained
 attribute type that is itself an attribute of the above "configuration"
 object.  The "defaults" object contains the following six constrained
  TYPE          NAME                DESCRIPTION
  -----------   ----------------    -------------------------------------
  int           recordBufferSize    size in bytes of *default* logger's
                                    record buffer

  int           loggerBufferSize    default size in bytes of *each*
                                    logger's "scratch" buffer (for macros)

  char          recordLevel         default record severity level

  char          passLevel           default pass-through severity level

  char          triggerLevel        default trigger severity level

  char          triggerAllLevel     default trigger-all severity level
 The constraints are as follows:
   NAME                 CONSTRAINT
  | recordBufferSize   | 1 <= recordBufferSize                       |
  | loggerBufferSize   | 1 <= loggerBufferSize                       |
  | recordLevel        | 0 <= recordLevel     <= 255                 |
  | passLevel          | 0 <= passLevel       <= 255                 |
  | triggerLevel       | 0 <= triggerLevel    <= 255                 |
  | triggerAllLevel    | 0 <= triggerAllLevel <= 255                 |
 'ball::LoggerManagerDefaults' was factored out of the configuration object
 because the former is purely value-semantic, and can be generated from, e.g.,
 a configuration file.  From this perspective, it is very convenient to set
 this one attribute in the configuration object.  It is quite possible to
 ignore the independent existence of 'ball::LoggerManagerDefaults' and set the
 above constrained attributes directly in the
 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' object.  The latter is more convenient in
 "simple" usage, and is illustrated in {Usage} below.

/- - - - - - - -
 'ball::Observer' is the object that receives "published" log messages.
 Specifically, 'ball::Observer' is a protocol (abstract interface), and the
 user must supply a concrete implementation (separately written or chosen from
 existing 'ball' observers).  The observer provides a 'publish' method that
 defines the behavior of the logical concept of "publication" of a message used
 throughout this document.  Note that multiple observers may be registered with
 the logger manager and each registered observer will receive "published" log

/Logging Macros
/- - - - - - -
 For both convenience and uniformity of programming, 'ball' provides a suite of
 logging macros (defined in the 'ball_log' component).  All but the most
 demanding and customized applications will use the logging macros for basic
 logging operations (e.g., setting categories and logging messages).  The
 logger manager interface is used primarily to administer global and
 category-specific severity threshold levels, and to allocate loggers.  See the
 {Usage} and {Appendix: Macro Reference} sections below for examples and
 reference documentation, respectively.

 The user should note the following two facts about macro usage:

: 1 The 'BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY' macro is not only convenient, it is most often
:   *required* for macro use, since it defines symbols that the other macros
:   expect to see.  (Alternatively, either the 'BALL_LOG_SET_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY'
:   or 'BALL_LOG_SET_CLASS_CATEGORY' macro may be used instead; see the
:   'ball_log' component for details.)
: 2 There are two styles of logging macros, C++ stream style and 'printf'
:   style.  The 'printf'-style logging macros write to an intermediate
:   fixed-size buffer managed by the active logger instance.  For any one macro
:   invocation, data larger than the buffer size is (silently) truncated.  The
:   buffer size is 8k bytes by default; the buffer size can be queried by the
:   logger 'messageBufferSize' instance method, and can be set at logger
:   manager construction via the 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' object.
:   (This is not the case with the C++ stream-style macros, which are more
:   efficient.)

/More About Categories
 When the logger manager singleton is created, a distinguished category known
 as the *Default* *Category* is created.  At initialization, the *Default*
 *Category* is given "factory-supplied" default threshold levels.  These
 threshold levels, values distributed in the range '[0 .. 255]', are not
 published and are subject to change over time.  Explicit settings for these
 factory values may be specified when the singleton is constructed.  This is
 done by constructing a 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' object (needed for
 logger manager construction in any event) and then calling the
 'setDefaultThresholdLevelsIfValid' method with the desired values for its four
 arguments before supplying the configuration object to the logger manager

 The *Default* *Category* may arise during logging whenever the
 'setCategory(const char *categoryName)' method is called.  That method returns
 the address of the category having 'categoryName', if it exists; if no such
 category exists, and a category having 'categoryName' cannot be created due to
 a capacity limitation on the category registry maintained by the logger
 manager singleton, then the *Default* *Category* is returned.

 Categories that are added to the registry during logging through calls to the
 'setCategory(const char *)' method are given threshold levels by one of two
 means.  One alternative is to use the
 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration::DefaultThresholdLevelsCallback' functor
 that is optionally supplied by the client when the logger manager singleton is
 initialized.  If such a functor *is* provided by the client, then it is used
 to supply threshold levels to categories added by 'setCategory(const char *)'.
 Otherwise, default threshold levels maintained by the logger manager for that
 purpose are used.  At initialization, these default threshold levels are given
 the same "factory-supplied" settings as those for the *Default* *Category*
 that, again, may be explicitly overridden at construction.

 The default threshold levels can be adjusted ('setDefaultThresholdLevels') and
 reset to their original values ('resetDefaultThresholdLevels').  Note that if
 factory values are overridden at initialization, a reset will restore
 thresholds to the user-specified default values.  In addition, there is a
 method to set the threshold levels of a given category to the current default
 threshold levels ('setCategoryThresholdsToCurrentDefaults') or to the
 factory-supplied (or client-overridden) default values

 One final note regarding categories is that the client can optionally supply a
 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration::CategoryNameFilterCallback' functor to
 translate category names from an external to an internal representation.  For
 example, a project may allow programmers to refer to categories using
 mixed-case within an application, but provide a 'toLower'
 'CategoryNameFilterCallback' to map all external upper-case letters to
 lower-case internally.  Such a name-filtering functor is set in the
 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' object before that configuration object is
 passed to the logger manager scoped guard constructor.  In this scenario, the
 (hypothetical) external category names "EQUITY.MARKET.NYSE" and
 "" would be mapped to the same category internally by the
 presumed 'toLower' functor.

/Log Attributes
The 'ball' logging framework provides the ability to associatiate "attributes"
(name-value pairs) with the current logging context, which can be both be
written to the log as part of a log record, as well as used in logging rules
(see {Rule-Based Logging} below).  This is typically done using the
'ball_scopedattribute' component.

Below is a simple example using log attributes:

  int processData(const bsl::string&        security,
                  const bsl::vector<char>&  data)
       ball::ScopedAttribute securityAttribute("", security);

       // ...

       int rc = reticulateSplines(data);

       return rc;

  int reticulateSplines(data)
      // ...

      if (0 != rc) {
          BALL_LOG_ERROR << "Error computing splines (" << rc << ")";
      return rc;

In the above example a logging attribute, "", is associated
with the current thread's logging context for the lifetime of the
'securityAttribute' object.  As a result, if attributes have been
enabled in the log format, the error log message generated by this example
might look like:

  ERROR example.cpp:105 EXAMPLE.CATEGORY"IBM US Equity" Error computing splines (-1)

Notice the attribute rendered does not appear in the logging message itself ("Error
computing splines (-1)"), and is rendered as a name-value pair, meaning it can be
easily parsed by log management systems like Humio or Splunk.

Attributes will not appear in your log unless your ball::Observer format
specification is configured to render attributes (see below).

/Configuring an Observer to Output Attributes
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Log attributes are not rendered by default as part of the log message (for
backward compatibility).  Clients can enable log attributes to be rendered for
observers that support log record formatting:

: o 'ball::FileObserver'
: o 'ball::AsyncFileObserver'
: o 'ball::StreamObserver'
: o 'ball::FileObserver2'

Log message formatting is implemented by the 'ball_recordstringformatter'
component, which supports the following (new) format specifiers to render log

  | Format Specifier | Description                                                              |
  | %A               | Log all the attributes of the record                                     |
  | %a               | Log only those attributes not already logged by the "%a[name]" or        |
  |                  | "%av[name]" specifiers                                                   |
  | %a[name]         | Log an attribute with the specified 'name' as "name=value",              |
  |                  | log nothing if the attribute with the specified 'name' is not found      |
  | %av[name]        | Log only the *value* of the attribute with the specified 'name',         |
  |                  | log nothing if the attribute with the specified 'name' is not found      |

The following code snippet illustrates the creation and configuration commonly used
by observers:

  int initFileObserver() {
     // 'ball::FileObserver' uses an internal record string formatter and
     // is configured by supplying a format string via 'setLogFormat().

     bslma::Allocator *alloc = bslma::Default::globalAllocator(0);

     bsl::shared_ptr<ball::FileObserver> observer =

     // Set the log format for file and console logs to "\n%d %p:%t %s %f:%l %c %a %m\n"

     if (0 != observer->enableFileLogging("myapplication.log.%T")) {
         bsl::cout << "Failed to enable logging" << bsl::endl;
         return -1;
     ball::LoggerManager::singleton().registerObserver(observer, "default");
     return 0;

/Suggested Log Record Format
/ - - - - -  - - - - - - - -
The logger now provides a new constant,
'ball::RecordStringFormatter::k_BASIC_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT', which is the
recommended log format specification for most users (see the example above).
The default log format specification remains the same to avoid changing
behavior for existing applications.  Note that the default format
specification might be changed in a subsequent release of BDE.

/Details on Using Attributes
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The 'ball' library provides the following classes that implement ready-to-use
application solutions for log attributes:

: o 'ball_attribute': This class represents an attribute that consists of a
:   (literal) name (held but not owned), and an associated value (owned).  The
:   value might be a number or string (see 'ball_attribute' for more detail).
: o 'ball_scopedattribute': Scoped guard that creates an attribute container
:   with a single attribute supplied at construction and adds this container to
:   the current thread's context.  The container is removed from the thread
:   context when the guard leaves the scope.
: o 'ball_recordformatter': Implements a log record formatting functor.
:   Formats log records into human-readable log messages according to the
:   specified format specs.

Note that 'ball::ScopedAttribute' is recommended for most applications.
However, some low-level performance-critical systems (e.g., BAS) may implement
custom attribute-collection mechanisms.  This adds considerable complexity, but
can deliver a small benefit in performance by taking advantage of compile time
knowledge of the attributes being collected.  See
'ball_attributecollectorregistry' for more details on attribute collection

/Attribute Naming Recommendations
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Use the following naming conventions for attribute names:

: o An attribute name should start with an alphabetic character; no other
:   special characters or digits should be allowed as the first character of an
:   attribute name.
: o An attribute name should not contain whitespaces.
: o An attribute name should contain only alphanumeric characters,
:   underscores('_'), and dots('.').  Do not use any other special characters.

It is highly recommended to use "namespaces" when naming attributes to avoid
attribute name collisions.  For example, consider these attribute names:

  | "context id"             | BAD (contains whitespace)  |
  | "contextid"              | BAD (no namespace)         |
  | "bde.contextid"          | GOOD                       |
  | "bde.logger.context_id"  | GOOD                       |

Handling of attributes with identical names is dictated by the underlying
container(s) that store the attributes and the 'ball' library cannot guarantee any
deterministic behavior in this case.  It is the responsibility of the users to
guarantee uniqueness of attribute names.

Log record attributes are rendered as space-separated 'name="value"' pairs
(for example: 'mylibrary.requestType="POST"').  Note that attribute names are
*not* quoted, whereas attribute values, if they are strings, are
*always* quoted.

/Rule-Based Logging
The 'ball' logging toolkit provides a set of components that collectively
allow clients to define rules to modify logging severity levels depending
on attributes associated with the current thread.  The canonical example of
rule-based logging is to enable verbose logging when processing requests
for a particular user in a service.

A usage example can be found in
{'Advanced Features Example 1: Rule-Based Logging'}.

To enable rule-based logging clients must do two things:
: 1. Configure a set of (process-wide) rules to set logging thresholds based on
:    'ball::Attribute' values.
: 2. Associate (on a per-thread basis) 'ball::Attribute' values with the
:    current thread.

The configuration of process-wide rules is accomplished by creating rules
(see {'ball_rule'}) that set a logging category's thresholds if a set of
attributes associated with the current thread matches those of the rule (see
{'ball_managedattribute'}).  For example, a 'ball::Rule' might express: set
the logging threshold for any logging category starting with the prefix
"DATABASE" to 'e_TRACE' if the "myLib.userid" is 123456 and the
"myLib.requesttype" is "trade" (where "myLib.userid" and "myLib.requesttype"
are names of attributes that will be associated with a processing thread).
Clients can then call 'ball::LoggerManager::addRule' to add this rule to the
logger manager.

To associate an attribute (like "myLib.userid" and "myLib.requesttype") with a
particular thread, clients must add a 'ball::AttributeContainer' holding the
attribute to the 'ball::AttributeContext' (note that an attribute context is a
thread-local object).  The simplest means for doing this is to create a
'ball::ScopedAttribute' object as a local variable, which adds an attribute
container (holding a single attribute) that exists for the lifetime of the
scoped-attribute object.  A 'ball::ScopedAttribute' appends a container having
a single attribute to a list of containers, which is easy and efficient if
there are only a small number of attributes.  Clients with a large number of
attributes could use a 'ball::DefaultAttributeContainer', which provides an
efficient container for a large number of attributes.  However, clients *must*
take care to remove the container from the 'ball::AttributeContext' before the
object goes out of scope and is destroyed.  See 'ball_scopedattributes'
(plural) for an example.  Finally, clients may also provide their own
implementations of 'ball::AttributeContainer' customized for their needs (e.g.,
by creating a simple, efficient 'ball::AttributeContainer' specifically for the
"myLib.userid" and "myLib.requesttype" attributes); see
'ball_attributecontainer' for an example.

{'Advanced Features Example 1: Rule-Based Logging'} below demonstrates creating
a simple logging rule, and associating attributes with a processing thread.

/A Note on Multi-Threaded Logging Usage
 The 'ball' logging toolkit may be used in single-threaded and multi-threaded
 library code and applications with equal ease, and with virtually no
 difference in coding.  In particular, the same call to the logger manager
 scoped guard constructor is required in 'main' in both cases, and individual
 calls to the 'ball::Logger' instance method 'logMessage' (and logging calls
 via the logging macros -- see 'ball_log' and the {Appendix: Macro Reference}
 below) are identical from the user's perspective.  Category threshold
 administration is also identical in both cases, since that is done by the
 singleton logger manager.

 Differences in logger usage, or, more precisely, additional options for the
 multi-threaded user, arise when the user wishes to allocate one or more
 loggers beyond the default logger that is owned by the singleton logger
 manager.  If a user does *not* explicitly allocate a logger (via the logger
 manager instance method 'allocateLogger') and install that logger for a given
 thread (via the manager instance method 'setLogger'), then all records from
 all threads in a program will be logged to the one default logger.  However,
 since each thread of execution may have its own logger instance,
 multi-threaded users may choose to allocate and install multiple loggers.
 Note that each thread may have at most one logger, but a single logger may be
 used by any number of threads.

 Multi-threaded users of logging may prefer to allocate and install one logger
 per thread in order to take advantage of the "trace-back" feature described
 above on a per-thread basis.  In the event of an "error condition" (as defined
 by the *user*), such a logging configuration can provide a trace-back through
 the record buffer of the thread that caused the error, without any dilution
 from records logged from other threads.  Conversely, if several threads are
 known to interact closely, it may be advantageous to have them share a common
 logger so that the trace-back log *does* include relevant records from all
 designated threads, in reverse chronological order.

/Managing the 'ball::LoggerManager' Singleton
 The recommended way to initialize the logger manager singleton is to create a
 'ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard' object in 'main' (*before* creating any
 threads).  The logger manager scoped guard constructor takes a configuration
 object (an instance of 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration') and an optional
 allocator.  The logger manager singleton is created as a side-effect of
 creating the scoped guard object.  When the guard object goes out of scope
 (i.e., on program exit), the logger manager singleton is automatically

 As an alternative to using the logger manager scoped guard, the 'static'
 'ball::LoggerManager::initSingleton' method that takes the same arguments as
 the scoped guard constructor may be used to initialize the singleton.
 However, in this case the 'ball::LoggerManager::shutDownSingleton' method must
 be explicitly called to destroy the logger manager singleton on program exit.
 Unless 'shutDownSingleton' is called, the singleton will not be destroyed and
 resources used by the singleton will leak.

 Direct use of the 'public' logger manager constructor to initialize the logger
 manager singleton is *deprecated*.  The constructor will be declared 'private'
 in a future release.

 Direct use of any of the 16 'ball::LoggerManager::initSingleton' methods that
 do *not* take an instance of 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' to initialize
 the logger manager singleton is *deprecated*.  These methods will be
 eliminated in a future release.

/Usage: Tutorial
 This section provides a set of logging examples designed to introduce and
 illustrate basic concepts, features, and resulting operation.  The first four
 examples are very simple "Hello world!" programs that show single-threaded
 usage.  The next three examples illustrate multi-threaded usage.  As simple as
 these examples are, they show sufficient functionality to use the 'ball'
 logger in a fair number of production applications.  In particular, all of
 these examples use the macros from the 'ball_log' component to perform the
 actual logging.  Methods from 'ball_loggermanager' are used for initialization
 and administration, but for most applications, anything that *can* be done
 using the logging macros *should* be done with the macros.

/Tutorial Example 1: Hello World!
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 This "Hello world!" example illustrates the most basic use of logging within a
 single translation unit containing a 'main' function and essentially nothing
 else.  Among the points of usage that we illustrate are:

: o Instantiating a 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' and passing it to the
:   logger manager scoped guard constructor.
: o Instantiating a 'ball::StreamObserver' and registering it with the logger
:   manager singleton.
: o Invoking the 'BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY' macro to set a category (named "main
:   category" in this example); records logged from a scope where the effects
:   of the macro are visible (and not superseded by a macro invocation in a
:   nested scope) will be logged to this category.
: o Using the 'BALL_LOG_INFO' macro to log a "Hello world!" message at 'e_INFO'
:   severity; messages at 'e_INFO' severity are ignored by default.
: o Depending upon a command-line argument, a message is logged at 'e_ERROR'
:   severity that will be published as a "pass-through".  If the command-line
:   argument is absent, the program will succeed with no messages published.
:   This is the intended behavior.

 Note that, when logging using the macros, the 'BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY' macro is
 not only extremely convenient, it is typically required, since it in turn
 defines symbols that the logging macros expect to see.  Also note that
 'BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY' must be used at function scope, and can be used only
 once within a scope, although it can be nested in inner scopes.

 The entire program file is as follows.
  // logging.m.cpp                                                    -*-C++-*-

  #include <ball_log.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanager.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanagerconfiguration.h>
  #include <ball_streamobserver.h>

  #include <bslma_allocator.h>
  #include <bslma_default.h>

  #include <bsl_iostream.h>
  #include <bsl_memory.h>

  using namespace BloombergLP;

  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      int verbose = argc > 1;
          // Enable command-line control of program behavior.

      bslma::Allocator *alloc_p = bslma::Default::globalAllocator();
          // Get global allocator.

      ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration configuration;
          // Configure the minimum threshold at which records are published to
          // the observer to 'e_WARN'.

      ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard scopedGuard(configuration);
          // Instantiate the logger manager singleton.

      ball::LoggerManager& manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();

      bsl::shared_ptr<ball::StreamObserver> observer(
                                new(*alloc_p) ball::StreamObserver(&bsl::cout),
          // Create simple observer; writes to 'stdout'.

      manager.registerObserver(observer, "default");
          // Register the observer under (arbitrary) name "default".

      BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY("main category");
          // Set a category -- an arbitrary name.

      BALL_LOG_INFO << "Hello world!";
          // With default settings, this line has no effect.

      if (verbose) {  // 'if' to allow command-line activation
          BALL_LOG_ERROR << "Good-bye world!";
              // Log 'message' at 'ball::Severity::e_ERROR' severity level.
      else {
          bsl::cout << "This program should produce no other output.\n";
              // By default, 'e_INFO' is ignored; only 'e_ERROR' and above are
              // published.

      return 0;
 If the above program is run with no command-line arguments, the output will
 appear on 'stdout' as:
  This program should produce no other output.
 This case illustrates the default behavior, namely that "extraordinary"
 severity events (i.e., 'e_ERROR' and 'e_FATAL') are published immediately, but
 other events (such as 'e_INFO', 'e_DEBUG', and 'e_TRACE') are ignored.  The
 user can easily modify this default behavior; subsequent examples will address
 these alternate usage modes.

 If, however, any argument at all is provided to the executable on the command
 line, the output to 'stdout' will appear something like the following.  (The
 spacing is changed to aid readability.)
  27SEP2007_13:26:46.322 6152 1 ERROR logging.m.cpp 33 main category
  Good-bye world!
 Note that any number of observers can be registered with a logger manager.
 Also note that concrete observers that can be configured after their creation
 (e.g., as to whether log records are published in UTC or local time)
 generally can have their configuration adjusted at any time, either before
 or after being registered.  For an example of such an observer, see

/Tutorial Example 2: Hello World! With Modified Defaults
/ - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 This "Hello world!" example illustrates how to enable "recording" log records
 to the in-memory record buffer, and also how to change the severity level at
 which records are published as "pass-through".  The code is identical to
 {Example 1}, except that attributes of 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' are
 changed from their defaults (in a single line, in this case).

 The 'setDefaultThresholdLevelsIfValid' method of
 'ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration' that we will use to change the default
 configuration takes four arguments, each in the range '[0 .. 255]'.  The
 method returns a status, and will fail (with no effect) if any argument is not
 a valid threshold level.  Note that any 'ball::Severity::Level' enumerator
 value is valid, and it is good practice to limit arguments to one of those
 enumerators.  The one line that effects our change is:
                               ball::Severity::e_TRACE,   // record level
                               ball::Severity::e_WARN,    // pass-through level
                               ball::Severity::e_ERROR,   // trigger level
                               ball::Severity::e_FATAL);  // trigger-all level
 This method call sets the four severity threshold levels as indicated and has
 the following effect on logging behavior.

: 1 Any record logged with a severity that is at least that of 'e_TRACE' is
:   written to the record buffer, but not necessarily published.
: 2 Any record logged with a severity that is at least that of 'e_WARN' is
:   published immediately as a pass-through record *and* is recorded in the
:   record buffer.  Note that, should the record buffer be published before
:   such a record is overwritten, the record will be published a second time,
:   avoiding "holes" in the trace-back if and when the buffer is published.
: 3 Any record logged with a severity that is at least that of 'e_ERROR' is
:   published immediately as a pass-through record *and* is recorded in the
:   record buffer, and *then* triggers the publication of the record buffer.
:   This behavior, among other things, guarantees that the 'e_ERROR' record
:   will be published twice.  Although this might seem like a bug, it is the
:   intended behavior.  Each published record is sent to the observer with a
:   publication cause (a 'ball::Transmission::Cause' value) that the observer
:   is free to use in filtering and re-routing published records.  Future
:   examples will illustrate various filtering techniques.
: 4 Any record logged with a severity that is at least that of 'e_FATAL' will
:   behave as for 'e_ERROR' above, except that the record buffer from *every*
:   active logger registered with the logger manager will be published.  See
:   the multi-threaded examples below for more information about multiple
:   loggers.

 With the one extra line of code as described above, plus the explicit
 '#include' directive of 'ball_severity.h' (since we use symbols from that
 header explicitly), the code is otherwise exactly as in {Example 1} above.
  // logging.m.cpp                                                    -*-C++-*-

  #include <ball_log.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanager.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanagerconfiguration.h>
  #include <ball_severity.h>
  #include <ball_streamobserver.h>

  #include <bslma_allocator.h>
  #include <bslma_default.h>

  #include <bsl_iostream.h>
  #include <bsl_memory.h>

  using namespace BloombergLP;

  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      int verbose = argc > 1;
          // Enable command-line control of program behavior.

      bslma::Allocator *alloc_p = bslma::Default::globalAllocator();
          // Get global allocator.

      ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration configuration;
          // Instantiate the default configuration.

                               ball::Severity::e_TRACE,   // record level
                               ball::Severity::e_WARN,    // pass-through level
                               ball::Severity::e_ERROR,   // trigger level
                               ball::Severity::e_FATAL);  // trigger-all level
          // Set the four severity threshold levels; note that this method can
          // fail, and therefore returns a status.

      ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard scopedGuard(configuration);
          // Instantiate the logger manager singleton.

      ball::LoggerManager& manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();

      bsl::shared_ptr<ball::StreamObserver> observer(
                                new(*alloc_p) ball::StreamObserver(&bsl::cout),
          // Create simple observer; writes to 'stdout'.

      manager.registerObserver(observer, "default");
          // Register the observer under (arbitrary) name "default".

      BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY("main category");
          // Set a category -- an arbitrary name.

      BALL_LOG_INFO << "Hello world!";
          // With default settings, this line has no effect.

      if (verbose) {  // 'if' to allow command-line activation
          BALL_LOG_ERROR << "Good-bye world!";
              // Log 'message' at 'ball::Severity::e_ERROR' severity level
              // *and* trigger the publication of the record buffer
              // "trace-back".
      else {
          bsl::cout << "This program should produce no other output.\n";
              // 'e_INFO' messages are recorded but *not* automatically
              // published; an 'e_ERROR' or 'e_FATAL' message is needed to
              // trigger the publication of the record buffer.

      return 0;
 Once again, if the program is run with no command-line arguments, the output
 will appear on 'stdout' as:
   This program should produce no other output.
 Now, however, if a command-line argument is provided, the output is a little
 more extensive.  (The spacing is changed to aid readability, and the
 timestamps are altered for illustrative purposes to show the temporal sequence
 more clearly).
  27SEP2007_13:29:18.147 105 1 ERROR logging.m.cpp 42 main category
  Good-bye world!

  27SEP2007_13:29:18.147 105 1 ERROR logging.m.cpp 42 main category
  Good-bye world!

  27SEP2007_13:29:18.147 105 1 INFO logging.m.cpp 38 main category
  Hello world!
 Notice that the 'e_ERROR' message appears twice.  This is not a bug but, as
 mentioned above, an intended consequence of the settings.  As described above,
 the sequence of events is as follows: (1) The 'e_INFO' message is written to
 an in-memory buffer but *not* published (because 'e_INFO' is above the
 "Record" threshold but below the "Pass-Through", "Trigger", and "Trigger-All"
 thresholds).  (2) The (one) 'e_ERROR' message is *first* published (a
 relatively quick operation insuring that the error indication is seen) because
 'e_ERROR' is above the "Pass-Through" threshold, and *then* is written to the
 in-memory buffer, because 'e_ERROR' is above the "Record" threshold.  Then,
 the entire contents of the in-memory buffer is published, in "Last In, First
 Out" (LIFO) order, because 'e_ERROR' is at the "Trigger" threshold.

/Tutorial Example 3: Hello World! With Manual 'publish'
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 This "Hello world!" example alters {Example 2} in one aspect.  The conditional
 'e_ERROR' message is removed, as is the use of command-line arguments, since
 they are not needed to illustrate our point.  Instead, the user calls the
 'publish' method of the logger instance "manually" before exiting, to force
 the publication of all unpublished messages in the logger's buffer.  Note that
 this is not "default" behavior, but is accomplished simply enough.  The line:
 uses the singleton logger manager instance to obtain the default logger
 instance, and with that logger instance invokes the 'publish' method.  Note
 that the logger's "manual" 'publish' method should not be confused with the
 'ball::Observer' 'publish' method that is invoked by all "manual" and
 "automatic" logger "publishing" operations.  Also note that should the
 'manager' instance for some reason not be visible, the class method
 'ball::LoggerManager::singleton()' can be used to obtain a reference to that
 instance.  The full program file appears as follows.
  // logging.m.cpp                                                    -*-C++-*-

  #include <ball_log.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanager.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanagerconfiguration.h>
  #include <ball_severity.h>
  #include <ball_streamobserver.h>

  #include <bslma_allocator.h>
  #include <bslma_default.h>

  #include <bsl_iostream.h>
  #include <bsl_memory.h>

  using namespace BloombergLP;

  int main()
      bslma::Allocator *alloc_p = bslma::Default::globalAllocator();
          // Get global allocator.

      ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration configuration;
          // Create default configuration.

                               ball::Severity::e_TRACE,   // record level
                               ball::Severity::e_WARN,    // pass-through level
                               ball::Severity::e_ERROR,   // trigger level
                               ball::Severity::e_FATAL);  // trigger-all level
          // Set the four severity threshold levels; note that this method can
          // fail, and therefore returns a status.

      ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard scopedGuard(configuration);
          // Instantiate the logger manager singleton.

      ball::LoggerManager& manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();

      bsl::shared_ptr<ball::StreamObserver> observer(
                                new(*alloc_p) ball::StreamObserver(&bsl::cout),
          // Create simple observer; writes to 'stdout'.

      manager.registerObserver(observer, "default");
          // Register the observer under (arbitrary) name "default".

      BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY("main category");
          // Set a category -- an arbitrary name.

      BALL_LOG_INFO << "Hello world!";

      BALL_LOG_INFO << "Hello again, world!";

      bsl::cout << "We're almost ready to exit."     " "
                   "Let's publish the buffer first:" "\n";

          // This chain of calls insures that all messages that are still held
          // in the logger's in-memory buffer are published before the program
          // terminates.

      return 0;
 This program produces the following output on 'stdout', altered here again in
 spacing format and timestamp value for ease of reading.
  We're almost ready to exit.  Let's publish the buffer first:

  27SEP2007_13:32:17.778 13702 1 INFO logging.m.cpp 37 main category
  Hello again, world!

  27SEP2007_13:32:17.778 13702 1 INFO logging.m.cpp 35 main category
  Hello world!
 Note again that the output is published in LIFO order.

/Tutorial Example 4: Hello World! in Three Files
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 This example adds a few new aspects to the scenario of {Example 1} and
 {Example 2}.  First of all, in addition to the file defining 'main', we
 introduce a separate translation unit 'f_log.cpp' that defines a function
 'logThisInfoMsg'.  The 'f_log.cpp' file defines its own category, "function
 category", that is distinct from the "main category" defined in 'main'.  When
 'logThisInfoMsg' is invoked, the resulting message is logged to "function
 category".  Note, however, that when the now-familiar logging macros are used
 from 'main' directly, those messages are logged to "main category".

 In addition to the above, we also show another way to alter the default
 thresholds.  In this case, we choose values so that all messages logged with a
 severity at least that of 'e_INFO' are passed through immediately to the
 observer (in this case, to 'stdout').  In this example, we make the change by
 calling the 'setDefaultThresholdLevels' method of the logger manager:
                   ball::Severity::e_TRACE,   // sets "Record" threshold
                   ball::Severity::e_INFO,    // sets "Pass-Through"  threshold
                   ball::Severity::e_ERROR,   // sets "Trigger" threshold
                   ball::Severity::e_FATAL);  // sets "Trigger-All" threshold
 The above call has an effect that differs subtly from the configuration
 object's 'setDefaultThresholdLevelsIfValid' method.  The latter sets the
 permanent "factory defaults", as well as the "instantaneous defaults" that may
 be altered as often as desired using the above call.  If, after the above call
 is made, the 'setCategoryThresholdsToFactoryDefaults' method is called, the
 effects of 'setDefaultThresholdLevels' are erased.  This distinction is
 important for more advanced administration, but is not central to this
 example; we offer the alternative to illustrate logger functionality.

 Note that it is both unnecessary and a *fatal* *error* for 'f_log' (or *any*
 library code) to instantiate a logger manager.  The logger manager is a
 singleton, and should be constructed using the logger manager scoped guard
 ('ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard').  In any sound design, this should be done
 in 'main' before any other threads have been created.

 The main 'logging.m.cpp' file, plus 'f_log.cpp' and its associated 'f_log.h'
 file, are shown below.  First the 'f_log.h' header file:
  // f_log.h                                                          -*-C++-*-
  #ifndef INCLUDED_F_LOG
  #define INCLUDED_F_LOG

  namespace BloombergLP {

  void logThisInfoMsg(const char *message);
      // Log the specified 'message' at the 'ball::Severity::e_INFO' severity
      // level.  The category to which 'message' is logged is defined in
      // the implementation.  Note that this function may affect the
      // operation of other logging operations that do not explicitly set
      // their own categories.

  }  // close enterprise namespace

 Then the 'f_log.cpp' implementation file:
  // f_log.cpp                                                        -*-C++-*-

  #include <ball_log.h>

  namespace BloombergLP {

  void logThisInfoMsg(const char *message)
      // Note that the uppercase symbols are macros defined in 'ball_log'.

      BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY("function category");
          // Set a category -- arbitrary and may be changed.

      BALL_LOG_INFO << message;
          // Log 'message' at 'ball::Severity::e_INFO' severity level.

  }  // close enterprise namespace
 Finally, the 'logging.m.cpp' file that defines 'main':
  // logging.m.cpp                                                    -*-C++-*-

  #include <ball_log.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanager.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanagerconfiguration.h>
  #include <ball_severity.h>
  #include <ball_streamobserver.h>

  #include <bslma_allocator.h>
  #include <bslma_default.h>

  #include <bsl_iostream.h>
  #include <bsl_memory.h>

  #include <f_log.h>

  using namespace BloombergLP;

  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      int verbose = argc > 1;
          // Enable command-line control of program behavior.

      bslma::Allocator *alloc_p = bslma::Default::globalAllocator();
          // Get global allocator.

      ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration configuration;
          // Instantiate the default configuration.

      ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard scopedGuard(configuration);
          // Instantiate the logger manager singleton.

      ball::LoggerManager& manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();

                    ball::Severity::e_TRACE,   // sets "Record" threshold
                    ball::Severity::e_INFO,    // sets "Pass-Through" threshold
                    ball::Severity::e_ERROR,   // sets "Trigger" threshold
                    ball::Severity::e_FATAL);  // sets "Trigger-All" threshold

      bsl::shared_ptr<ball::StreamObserver> observer(
                                new(*alloc_p) ball::StreamObserver(&bsl::cout),
          // Create simple observer; writes to 'stdout'.

      manager.registerObserver(observer, "default");
          // Register the observer under (arbitrary) name "default".

      BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY("main category");
          // Set a category -- note that this will *not* affect the category
          // set in 'logThisInfoMsg'.

      BALL_LOG_INFO << "Called directly from 'main'";
          // Logged to "main category".

      if (verbose) {  // 'if' to allow command-line activation
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
              logThisInfoMsg("Hello world!");
              bsl::cout << "Watch the loop execute:  i = " << i << bsl::endl;
                  // proves Msg is published as "pass-through"

      BALL_LOG_INFO << "Called again directly from 'main'";
          // Logged to "main category".

      return 0;
 Building these two files and running the executable with no additional
 command-line arguments produces output from the two direct logging calls only.
 Once again, the format and timestamps are altered for readability.
  27SEP2007_13:35:33.356 9427 1 INFO logging.m.cpp 40 main category
  Called directly from 'main'

  27SEP2007_13:35:33.357 9427 1 INFO logging.m.cpp 51 main category
  Called again directly from 'main'
 Note that this sequence is not in LIFO order since this output is not from the
 message buffer, but rather is direct "Pass-Through" output.

 If we provide a command-line argument that will cause the 'for' loop to
 execute, we then get the following output (with formats and timestamps altered
 as is now familiar in these examples).
  27SEP2007_13:39:07.150 8249 1 INFO logging.m.cpp 40 main category
  Called directly from 'main'

  27SEP2007_13:39:07.151 8249 1 INFO f_log.cpp 16 function category
  Hello world!
  Watch the loop execute:  i = 0

  27SEP2007_13:39:07.151 8249 1 INFO f_log.cpp 16 function category
  Hello world!
  Watch the loop execute:  i = 1

  27SEP2007_13:39:07.152 8249 1 INFO f_log.cpp 16 function category
  Hello world!
  Watch the loop execute:  i = 2

  27SEP2007_13:39:07.152 8249 1 INFO logging.m.cpp 51 main category
  Called again directly from 'main'

/Tutorial Example 5: Logging in Two Threads
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 This example illustrates how to use logging in a multi-threaded application.
 Since we have already shown how logging works seamlessly across multiple
 translation units, we will implement everything that we need for this example
 in a single file named 'mtlogging1.cpp'.

 We define two functions, 'f1' and 'f2', that log their 'message' text argument
 to function-defined categories, at 'e_INFO' and 'e_WARN' severities,
 respectively.  We also define two 'extern' "C" thread functions,
 'threadFunction1' and 'threadFunction2', that call 'f1' and 'f2',
 respectively, in a loop of three iterations.  The thread functions also differ
 slightly in their calls to 'bslmt::ThreadUtil::sleep' within the loop.  These
 'sleep' calls, in conjunction with the logged timestamps, show the interleaved
 operation of the threads.  Note that although the thread functions define
 their own categories, the logging macros in 'f1' and 'f2' use only the
 category defined within the scope of 'f1' and 'f2', respectively.

 'main' creates an observer that will write to 'stdout', initializes the logger
 manager singleton, sets a category, and sets the default threshold values,
 just as in the single-threaded examples above.  Then 'main' uses 'bslmt' to
 spawn two threads running the above two thread functions.  Each thread logs
 its messages, but only the second thread's log messages having 'e_WARN'
 severity will be published immediately as "Pass-Through" records.  Finally,
 using the same 'verbose' mechanism (set by the presence or absence of a
 command-line argument) as the above examples, we conditionally log a message
 in 'main' at 'e_ERROR' severity.  If this block of code executes, then the
 entire record buffer for the example (i.e., for both threads and 'main') will
 be published, in reverse chronological order.

 The full code as described above is presented without interruption for ease of
  // logging.m.cpp                                                    -*-C++-*-

  #include <ball_log.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanager.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanagerconfiguration.h>
  #include <ball_severity.h>
  #include <ball_streamobserver.h>

  #include <bslma_allocator.h>
  #include <bslma_default.h>

  #include <bslmt_threadutil.h>

  #include <bsls_timeinterval.h>

  #include <bsl_iostream.h>
  #include <bsl_memory.h>

  using namespace BloombergLP;

  void f1(const char *message)
      // Log the specified 'message' to the "Function 1" category at 'e_INFO'
      // severity.
      BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY("Function 1");
      BALL_LOG_INFO << message;

  void f2(const char *message)
      // Log the specified 'message' to the "Function 2" category at 'e_WARN'
      // severity.
      BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY("Function 2");
      BALL_LOG_WARN << message;

  extern "C" void *threadFunction1(void *)
      // Log to the default logger a sequence of messages to the "Function 1"
      // category at 'e_INFO' severity.
      char               buf[10] = "Message n";
      bsls::TimeInterval waitTime(4.0);

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
          buf[8] = '0' + i;
      return 0;

  extern "C" void *threadFunction2(void *)
      // Log to the default logger a sequence of messages to the "Function 2"
      // category at 'e_WARN' severity.
      char               buf[10] = "Message n";
      bsls::TimeInterval waitTime(2.0);

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
          buf[8] = '0' + i;
      return 0;

  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      int verbose = argc > 1;  // allows user to control output from command
                               // line

      bslma::Allocator *alloc_p = bslma::Default::globalAllocator();
          // Get global allocator.

      ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration configuration;
                                    ball::Severity::e_TRACE,  // "Record"
                                    ball::Severity::e_WARN,   // "Pass-Through"
                                    ball::Severity::e_ERROR,  // "Trigger"
                                    ball::Severity::e_FATAL); // "Trigger-All"

      ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard scopedGuard(configuration);
          // Instantiate the logger manager singleton.

      ball::LoggerManager& manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();

      bsl::shared_ptr<ball::StreamObserver> observer(
                                new(*alloc_p) ball::StreamObserver(&bsl::cout),
          // Create simple observer; writes to 'stdout'.

      manager.registerObserver(observer, "default");
          // Register the observer under (arbitrary) name "default".


      bslmt::ThreadAttributes   attributes;
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle handle1;
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle handle2;

      bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&handle1, attributes, threadFunction1, 0);
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&handle2, attributes, threadFunction2, 0);


      if (verbose) {  // 'if' to allow command-line activation
          BALL_LOG_ERROR << "Force publication.";
      return 0;
 Running the above program with no extra command-line argument produces the
 output shown below.  Note that only the 'e_WARN' records (from thread 3) are
 published, and that they are in chronological order.
  27SEP2007_13:50:20.023 6625 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 28 Function 2 Message 0

  27SEP2007_13:50:22.033 6625 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 28 Function 2 Message 1

  27SEP2007_13:50:24.042 6625 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 28 Function 2 Message 2
 However, if we supply an additional command-line argument, the 'if' statement
 containing the 'BALL_LOG_ERROR' macro will execute.  This causes the 'e_ERROR'
 record itself to be published (from thread 1, the 'main' thread, as a
 "pass-through"), and it also triggers the publication of the entire record
 buffer.  Note how the records from threads 1, 2, and 3 are published in
 inverse chronological order.  Note in particular how the 'e_INFO' and 'e_WARN
 records interleave irregularly because of the different 'sleep' statements in
 the above code.
  27SEP2007_13:52:20.435 13809 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 28 Function 2 Message 0

  27SEP2007_13:52:22.445 13809 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 28 Function 2 Message 1

  27SEP2007_13:52:24.455 13809 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 28 Function 2 Message 2

  27SEP2007_13:52:30.456 13809 1 ERROR logging.m.cpp 89 main Force publication.

  27SEP2007_13:52:30.456 13809 1 ERROR logging.m.cpp 89 main Force publication.

  27SEP2007_13:52:26.446 13809 2 INFO logging.m.cpp 20 Function 1 Message 2

  27SEP2007_13:52:24.455 13809 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 28 Function 2 Message 2

  27SEP2007_13:52:22.445 13809 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 28 Function 2 Message 1

  27SEP2007_13:52:22.435 13809 2 INFO logging.m.cpp 20 Function 1 Message 1

  27SEP2007_13:52:20.435 13809 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 28 Function 2 Message 0

  27SEP2007_13:52:18.433 13809 2 INFO logging.m.cpp 20 Function 1 Message 0

/Tutorial Example 6: Logging in Two Threads Using Two Loggers
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 This example is similar to {Example 5} above, with only a few "minor" changes.
 Nevertheless, as we use more of the logger's features, we need to become more
 familiar with the details of logger operation.  In this example, we install a
 distinct logger instance (i.e., not the default logger) for one of the
 threads.  (The other thread continues to use the default logger that is shared
 with 'main', to make clear that the "one-logger-per-thread" usage pattern
 applies on a thread-by-thread basis, and is not "all-or-nothing".)  By
 choosing this more sophisticated usage, however, we need to address the
 question of logger resource management and lifetime -- a question that is
 completely avoided by using the default logger.  As is often the case in
 programming, there is no one "right" answer to this resource question, and so
 we will discuss our choices and the alternatives in this example.

 Installing a distinct logger instance in 'threadFunction1' is simple enough to
 do, but a question arises immediately: who should own the logger resources?
 Before we discuss this question, let's look at the specific solution that we
 have chosen to clarify the question of what resources a logger needs.

 We've modified 'threadFunction1' to take a logger as an argument (passed as a
 'void *') and to use the logger manager's 'setLogger' function to install the
 logger as the active logger for that thread.  The code to do this in
 'threadFunction1' is straightforward:
  extern "C" void *threadFunction1(void *logger)
      // ...
      // ...
          // Install a local 'logger' for this thread.
      // ...
 Clearly, in this solution, 'threadFunction1' does *not* own 'logger' or any of
 its resources.  This *must* be the case, because the function has no way of
 knowing in how many other threads the passed-in 'logger' might be installed.
 Recall that any one logger may be installed in any number of threads.

 This one-line addition to call the 'setLogger' method is, from the thread
 function's perspective, the only change needed if the thread is *not* to
 manage its own logger resources.  But if 'threadFunction1' does not manage the
 logger resources, then 'main' must do so.  Let's look at what 'main' needs to
 do so that we can be concrete about what resources are needed in the first

 Several steps are needed to instantiate a 'ball::Logger' instance.  The logger
 needs a (concrete) 'ball::RecordBuffer', and the preferred record buffer,
 'ball::FixedSizeRecordBuffer', in turn needs a size for the record buffer
 ('LOGBUF_SIZE').  We also provide an explicit 'bslma::Allocator' to supply
 memory; the global allocator returned by 'bslma::Default::globalAllocator()'
 is sufficient here.  Assuming that 32k bytes is a good size for the buffer,
 the following eight lines will appear in 'main'.
  enum { LOGBUF_SIZE = 32 * 1024 };
  bslma::Allocator            *alloc_p = bslma::Default::globalAllocator();
  ball::FixedSizeRecordBuffer  rb(LOGBUF_SIZE, alloc_p);
  ball::LoggerManager&         manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();
  ball::Logger                *logger  = manager.allocateLogger(&rb);
  // ...
  manager.deallocateLogger(logger);  // free resources
 The last line frees resources and is executed just before 'main' returns.

 With this implementation choice, 'main' clearly owns 'logger's resources.  We
 now have enough information to address the question of what the consequences
 of this decision are, and whether or not 'main' actually *should* own these

 At first glance, it might seem that the thread itself should own and manage
 everything it needs for its own logger.  This is certainly a reasonable
 choice, and {Example 6} below shows what 'threadFunction1' would look like in
 that case, but there are two separate reasons why the owner of 'main' might
 prefer *not* to delegate those responsibilities to the thread function.

 The first reason -- not relevant in this particular example -- is that 'main'
 may wish to install the *same* logger in several threads.  In this case, no
 one thread can manage "its own" logger, because the logger is (or at least
 might be) shared.  Sharing loggers among groups of threads is at least a
 reasonable design choice, and so it is useful to see how 'main' takes
 ownership of logger resources.

 The second reason for wanting 'main' and not the thread function to own the
 logger's resources is illustrated -- albeit trivially -- in this example:
 'main' can *potentially* log a 'e_FATAL' record (here the "Trigger-All"
 threshold) after all other threads have terminated.  If the user wants the
 (now-terminated) thread's trace-back log to be published by the "Trigger-All",
 then 'main' must preserve the logger resources.  Otherwise, if a thread were
 to own its own logger resources, then any "trace-back" records generated by
 that thread would necessarily be discarded (or, at best, unconditionally
 published) when the thread function returned.

 In this example we also made a trivial change that has nothing to do with
 threading, but illustrates a useful feature of 'ball::StreamObserver', namely
 that an instance can write to a file as easily as to 'stdout'.  The three
 lines in 'main':
  ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard scopedGuard(configuration);
      // Instantiate the logger manager singleton.

  bsl::ofstream outFile("outFile");
  bsl::shared_ptr<ball::StreamObserver> observer(
                                  new(*alloc_p) ball::StreamObserver(&outFile),
      // Create simple observer; writes to 'outFile".

  ball::LoggerManager& manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();

  manager.registerObserver(observer, "default");
      // Register the observer under (arbitrary) name "default".
 install a "file observer" that will write to "outFile", creating the file if
 it doesn't exist and overwriting it if it does.  Clearly, this is just taking
 advantage of the standard C++ 'ofstream' class, but it is useful all the same.

 The full code as described above is presented without interruption for ease of
  // logging.m.cpp                                                    -*-C++-*-

  #include <ball_fixedsizerecordbuffer.h>
  #include <ball_log.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanager.h>
  #include <ball_loggermanagerconfiguration.h>
  #include <ball_severity.h>
  #include <ball_streamobserver.h>

  #include <bslma_allocator.h>
  #include <bslma_default.h>

  #include <bslmt_threadutil.h>

  #include <bsls_timeinterval.h>

  #include <bsl_fstream.h>
  #include <bsl_memory.h>

  using namespace BloombergLP;

  void f1(const char *message)
      // Log the specified 'message' to the "Function 1" category at 'e_INFO'
      // severity.
      BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY("Function 1");
      BALL_LOG_INFO << message;

  void f2(const char *message)
      // Log the specified 'message' to the "Function 2" category at 'e_WARN'
      // severity.
      BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY("Function 2");
      BALL_LOG_WARN << message;

  extern "C" void *threadFunction1(void *logger)
      // Log to the specified 'logger' a sequence of messages to the "Function
      // 1" category at 'e_INFO' severity.
      ball::LoggerManager::singleton().setLogger((ball::Logger *)logger);
          // Install a local logger for this thread.

      char               buf[10] = "Message n";
      bsls::TimeInterval waitTime(4.0);

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
          buf[8] = '0' + i;
      return 0;

  extern "C" void *threadFunction2(void *)
      // Log to the default logger a sequence of messages to the "Function 2"
      // category at 'e_WARN' severity.
      char               buf[10] = "Message n";
      bsls::TimeInterval waitTime(2.0);

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
          buf[8] = '0' + i;
      return 0;

  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      int verbose = argc > 1; // allows user to control output from command
                              // line

      bslma::Allocator *alloc_p = bslma::Default::globalAllocator();
          // Get global allocator.

      ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration configuration;
                                   ball::Severity::e_TRACE,   // "Record"
                                   ball::Severity::e_WARN,    // "Pass-Through"
                                   ball::Severity::e_ERROR,   // "Trigger"
                                   ball::Severity::e_FATAL);  // "Trigger-All"

      ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard scopedGuard(configuration);
          // Instantiate the logger manager singleton.

      ball::LoggerManager& manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();

      bsl::ofstream outFile("outFile");
      bsl::shared_ptr<ball::StreamObserver> observer(
                                  new(*alloc_p) ball::StreamObserver(&outFile),
          // Create simple observer; writes to 'outFile".

      manager.registerObserver(observer, "default");
          // Register the observer under (arbitrary) name "default".


      // The following lines prepare resources to allocate a 'logger' from the
      // logger manager.  'main' is responsible for managing resource
      // lifetimes.

      enum { LOGBUF_SIZE = 32 * 1024 };
      ball::FixedSizeRecordBuffer  rb(LOGBUF_SIZE, alloc_p);
      ball::Logger                *logger  = manager.allocateLogger(&rb);

      bslmt::ThreadAttributes   attributes;
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle handle1;
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle handle2;

      // first thread gets 'logger'; second thread uses default logger
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&handle1, attributes, threadFunction1, logger);
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&handle2, attributes, threadFunction2, 0);


      if (verbose) {  // 'if' to allow command-line activation
          BALL_LOG_FATAL << "Force publication.";

      manager.deallocateLogger(logger);  // free resources
      return 0;
 Running the above program with no extra command-line argument produces the
 output shown below that in this example is written to 'outFile'.  Note that,
 except for the timestamps, process id, and filename, the output is the same
 as for {Example 5} above: only the 'e_WARN' records (from thread 3) are
 published and they are in chronological order.
   27SEP2007_13:57:52.012 3648 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 0

   27SEP2007_13:57:54.022 3648 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 1

   27SEP2007_13:57:56.032 3648 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 2
 When we supply an additional command-line argument, causing the logging macro
 in 'main' (now 'BALL_LOG_FATAL') to execute, the *initial* output is similar
 to {Example 5}.  Specifically, the three 'e_WARN' records are published in
 chronological order as "Pass-Through" records, as is the 'e_FATAL' record
 (that now replaces the 'e_ERROR' record).  From here on, however, the sequence
 of events is a bit different.

 Recall that in this example 'e_FATAL' is the "Trigger-All" threshold level.
 For a "Trigger-All", each record buffer is published in turn.  *Within* a
 record buffer, records are published in reverse chronological order, but, as
 can clearly be seen from the timestamps, the sequence of records as a whole is
 not well ordered in time at all.  Note, rather, that the 'e_FATAL' and
 'e_WARN' records from the default logger are published in reverse
 chronological order, and *then* the 'e_INFO' records from the installed
 'logger' are published in reverse chronological order.
  27SEP2007_13:59:23.504 8707 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 0

  27SEP2007_13:59:25.514 8707 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 1

  27SEP2007_13:59:27.524 8707 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 2

  27SEP2007_13:59:33.524 8707 1 FATAL logging.m.cpp 103 main Force publication.

  27SEP2007_13:59:33.524 8707 1 FATAL logging.m.cpp 103 main Force publication.

  27SEP2007_13:59:27.524 8707 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 2

  27SEP2007_13:59:25.514 8707 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 1

  27SEP2007_13:59:23.504 8707 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 0

  27SEP2007_13:59:29.514 8707 2 INFO logging.m.cpp 21 Function 1 Message 2

  27SEP2007_13:59:25.504 8707 2 INFO logging.m.cpp 21 Function 1 Message 1

  27SEP2007_13:59:21.498 8707 2 INFO logging.m.cpp 21 Function 1 Message 0

/Tutorial Example 7: A Thread that Owns its Own Logger Resources
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 This example is almost identical to {Example 6} above, except that the eight
 lines (as highlighted above) needed to manage resources are moved from 'main'
 to 'threadFunction1', so that the latter function no longer needs an argument.
 Therefore, we show only 'threadFunction1' and 'main' explicitly in this
 example.  Refer to the discussion of {Example 6} for details.
  // ...

  extern "C" void *threadFunction1(void *)
      // Log to an internally managed logger a sequence of messages to the
      // "Function 1" category at 'e_INFO' severity.
      // The following lines prepare resources to allocate a 'logger' from the
      // logger manager.  This thread is responsible for managing resource
      // lifetimes.

      enum { LOGBUF_SIZE = 32 * 1024 };
      bslma::Allocator            *alloc_p = bslma::Default::globalAllocator();
      ball::FixedSizeRecordBuffer  rb(LOGBUF_SIZE, alloc_p);
      ball::LoggerManager&         manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();
      ball::Logger                *logger  = manager.allocateLogger(&rb);

          // Install a local logger for this thread.

      char               buf[10] = "Message n";
      bsls::TimeInterval waitTime(4.0);

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
          buf[8] = '0' + i;

      manager.deallocateLogger(logger);  // free resources
      return 0;

  // ...

  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      int verbose = argc > 1; // allows user to control output from command
                              // line

      bslma::Allocator *alloc_p = bslma::Default::globalAllocator();
          // Get global allocator.

      ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration configuration;  // default configuration
                                   ball::Severity::e_TRACE,   // "Record"
                                   ball::Severity::e_WARN,    // "Pass-Through"
                                   ball::Severity::e_ERROR,   // "Trigger"
                                   ball::Severity::e_FATAL);  // "Trigger-All"

      ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard scopedGuard(configuration);
          // Instantiate the logger manager singleton.

      ball::LoggerManager& manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();

      bsl::ofstream outFile("outFile");
      bsl::shared_ptr<ball::StreamObserver> observer(
                                  new(*alloc_p) ball::StreamObserver(&outFile),
          // Create simple observer; writes to 'outFile".

      manager.registerObserver(observer, "default");
          // Register the observer under (arbitrary) name "default".


      bslmt::ThreadAttributes   attributes;
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle handle1;
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle handle2;

      // first thread manages its own logger; second thread uses default logger
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&handle1, attributes, threadFunction1, 0);
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&handle2, attributes, threadFunction2, 0);


      if (verbose) {  // 'if' to allow command-line activation
          BALL_LOG_FATAL << "Force publication.";
      return 0;
 When the above program is run with a command-line argument, causing the
 'e_FATAL' record to be logged and thus a "Trigger-All", the records from
 thread 2 are not available to be published.  This is of course not an error
 but desired behavior chosen by the programmer.  The output is as follows.
  27SEP2007_14:09:31.197 1615 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 0

  27SEP2007_14:09:33.207 1615 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 1

  27SEP2007_14:09:35.217 1615 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 2

  27SEP2007_14:09:41.217 1615 1 FATAL logging.m.cpp 107 main Force publication.

  27SEP2007_14:09:41.217 1615 1 FATAL logging.m.cpp 107 main Force publication.

  27SEP2007_14:09:35.217 1615 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 2

  27SEP2007_14:09:33.207 1615 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 1

  27SEP2007_14:09:31.197 1615 3 WARN logging.m.cpp 29 Function 2 Message 0

/Usage: Advanced Features
The following section shows examples of features used to customize the behavior
and performance of the 'ball' logging system.  They might be used, for example,
by a low-level infrastructure library where the trade-off of greater complexity
would be justified.

/Advanced Features Example 1: Rule-Based Logging
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The following example demonstrates the use of attributes and rules to
 conditionally enable logging.

 We start by defining a function, 'processData', that is passed data in a
 'vector<char>' and information about the user who sent the data.  This
 example function performs no actual processing, but does log a single
 message at the 'ball::Severity::e_DEBUG' threshold level.  The 'processData'
 function also adds the user information passed to this function to the
 thread's attribute context.  We will use these attributes later, to create a
 logging rule that enables verbose logging only for a particular user.
  void processData(int                      uuid,
                   int                      luw,
                   int                      terminalNumber,
                   const bsl::vector<char>& data)
      // Process the specified 'data' associated with the specified Bloomberg
      // 'uuid', 'luw', and 'terminalNumber'.
      (void)data;  // suppress "unused" warning
 We add our attributes using 'ball::ScopedAttribute', which adds an attribute
 container with one attribute to a list of containers.  This is easy and
 efficient if the number of attributes is small, but should not be used if
 there are a large number of attributes.  If motivated, we could use
 'ball::DefaultAttributeContainer', which provides an efficient container for
 a large number of attributes, or even create a more efficient attribute
 container implementation specifically for these three attributes (uuid, luw,
 and terminalNumber).  See {'ball_scopedattributes'} (plural) for an example
 of using a different attribute container, and {'ball_attributecontainer'}
 for an example of creating a custom attribute container.
      // We use 'ball::ScopedAttribute' here because the number of
      // attributes is relatively small.

      ball::ScopedAttribute uuidAttribute("mylibrary.uuid", uuid);
      ball::ScopedAttribute luwAttribute("mylibrary.luw", luw);
      ball::ScopedAttribute termNumAttribute("mylibrary.terminalNumber",
 In this simplified example we perform no actual processing, and simply log
 a message at the 'ball::Severity::e_DEBUG' level.

      BALL_LOG_DEBUG << "An example message";
 Notice that if we were not using a "scoped" attribute container like that
 provided automatically by 'ball::ScopedAttribute' (e.g., if we were using a
 local 'ball::DefaultAttributeContainer' instead), then the container
 **must** be removed from the 'ball::AttributeContext' before it is
 destroyed!  See 'ball_scopedattributes' (plural) for an example.
 Next we demonstrate how to create a logging rule that sets the pass-through
 logging threshold to 'ball::Severity::e_TRACE' (i.e., enables verbose logging)
 for a particular user when calling the 'processData' function defined

 We start by creating the singleton logger manager that we configure with
 the stream observer and a default configuration.  We then call the
 'processData' function: This first call to 'processData' will not result in
 any logged messages because 'processData' logs its message at the
 'ball::Severity::e_DEBUG' level, which is below the default configured logging
  int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
      ball::LoggerManagerConfiguration configuration;
      ball::LoggerManagerScopedGuard lmg(configuration);
      ball::LoggerManager& manager = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();

      bsl::shared_ptr<ball::StreamObserver> observer =
      manager.registerObserver(observer, "default");


      bsl::vector<char> message;

      BALL_LOG_ERROR << "Processing the first message.";
      processData(3938908, 2, 9001, message);

 Now we add a logging rule, setting the pass-through threshold to be
 'ball::Severity::e_TRACE' (i.e., enabling verbose logging) if the thread's
 context contains a "uuid" of 3938908.  Note that we use the wild-card
 value '*' for the category so that the 'ball::Rule' rule will apply to all
      ball::Rule rule("*", 0, ball::Severity::e_TRACE, 0, 0);
      rule.addAttribute(ball::ManagedAttribute("mylibrary.uuid", 3938908));

      BALL_LOG_ERROR << "Processing the second message.";
      processData(3938908, 2, 9001, message);
 The final call to the 'processData' function below, passes a "uuid" of
 2171395 (not 3938908) so the logging rule we defined will *not* apply and
 no message will be logged.
      BALL_LOG_ERROR << "Processing the third message.";
      processData(2171395, 2, 9001, message);
 The resulting logged output for this example looks like the following:
 ERROR example.cpp:105 EXAMPLE.CATEGORY Processing the first message.
 ERROR example.cpp:117 EXAMPLE.CATEGORY Processing the second message.
 DEBUG example.cpp:35 EXAMPLE.CATEGORY An example message
 ERROR example.cpp:129 EXAMPLE.CATEGORY Processing the third message.
 Please see {Key Example 2: Initialization} to learn how scoped attributes can
 be added to log messages to provide additional log context.

/Advanced Features Example 2: Customizing Attribute Collection
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 This example demonstrates how to customize the collection of log attributes.
 Attributes are typically associated with a log record using a
 'ball::ScopedAttribute' object (see {Key Example 1: Write to a Log} and
 {Key Example 2: Initialization}).  However, advanced users can customize
 the collection of attributes, either by registering an attribute-collector
 callback with the 'ball::LoggerManager', or by creating their own
 'ball::AttributeCollector' implementation, or both.  These customizations
 can be used to implement alternative behavior, or provide faster
 implementation (e.g., by taking advantage of compile-time knowledge of the
 attributes being recorded).

 Suppose we are writing a performance critical infrastructure system
 that processes requests.  We want to:

: o Obtain a (very small) performance benefit by implementing our own
:   'ball::AttributeContainer (rather than using 'ball::ScopedAttribute').
: o Install a separate attribute collector callback function, in this
:   instance one that will report information about global process state.

 First we create a 'ball::AttributeContainer' implementation.  Although the
 performance gains from doing so are typically insignificant, the use of a
 context-specific attribute container object allows us to take advantage of
 compile-time knowledge of the attributes being collected and make small
 improvements in the overhead required, which may be important for
 performance critical systems.
  // serviceattributes.h

  class ServiceAttributes : public ball::AttributeContainer {
      // Provide a concrete implementation of the 'ball::AttributeContainer'
      // protocol that holds the 'uuid', 'luw', and 'firmId' associated with a
      // request to the example service.

      int d_uuid;
      int d_luw;
      int d_firmId;

      // ...

      // CREATORS
      ServiceAttributes(int uuid, int luw, int firmId);
          // Create a service-attributes object with the specified 'uuid',
          // 'luw', and 'firmId'.

      virtual ~ServiceAttributes();

      // ACCESSORS
      virtual bool hasValue(const ball::Attribute& value) const;

      virtual void visitAttributes(
           const bsl::function<void(const ball::Attribute&)>& visitor) const;

      virtual bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                                  int           level = 0,
                                  int           spacesPerLevel = 4) const;
          // Format this object to the specified output 'stream'.

  ServiceAttributes::ServiceAttributes(int uuid, int luw, int firmId)
  : d_uuid(uuid)
  , d_luw(luw)
  , d_firmId(firmId)

    // serviceattributes.cpp


  bool ServiceAttributes::hasValue(const ball::Attribute& value) const
      return ball::Attribute("mylibrary.uuid",    d_uuid)   == value
          || ball::Attribute("mylibrary.luw",     d_luw)    == value
          || ball::Attribute("mylibrary.firmId",  d_firmId) == value;

  void ServiceAttributes::visitAttributes(
      const bsl::function<void(const ball::Attribute&)>& visitor) const
      visitor(ball::Attribute("mylibrary.uuid",   d_uuid));
      visitor(ball::Attribute("mylibrary.luw",    d_luw));
      visitor(ball::Attribute("mylibrary.firmId", d_firmId));

  bsl::ostream& ServiceAttributes::print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                                         int           level,
                                         int           spacesPerLevel) const
      bslim::Printer printer(&stream, level, spacesPerLevel);
      printer.printAttribute("uuid", d_uuid);
      printer.printAttribute("luw", d_luw);
      printer.printAttribute("firmId", d_firmId);
      return stream;
 Then we create a guard to add and remove a 'ServiceAttributes' container
 from the current logging attribute context:
  class ServiceAttributesGuard {
      // DATA
      ServiceAttributes                      d_attributes;
          // attributes

      const ball::AttributeContext::iterator d_it;
          // reference to attribute container

      ServiceAttributesGuard(int uuid, int luw, int firmId)
      : d_attributes(uuid, luw, firmId)
      , d_it(

 Now we use a 'ServiceAttributesGuard' in a critical infrastructure
  int processData(int  uuid, int luw, int firmId, const char *data)
      ServiceAttributesGuard attributes(uuid, luw, firmId);

      BALL_LOG_TRACE << "Processing data: " << data;

      int rc = 0;

      // ...

      if (0 != rc) {
          BALL_LOG_WARN << "Error processing data: " << data;
      return rc;
 Notice that when 'processData' is called, attributes for 'uuid', 'luw', and
 'firmId' will be associated with each log message emitted during that
 function call.

 Next, we create a callback function that will be used to associate
 a hostname attribute to each log record for the lifetime of the process:
  void loadHostnameAttribute(
      const ball::LoggerManager::AttributeVisitor& visitor)
      char hostname[256];
      if (0!= gethostname(hostname, 256)) {
          bsl::strcpy(hostname, "");
      visitor(ball::Attribute("mylibrary.hostname", hostname));
 Finally we demonstrate a function that registers the
 'loadHostnameAttribute' with the logger manager:
  int configureLibrary()
            &loadHostnameAttribute, "mylibrary.hostnamecollector");

      // ...
 Notice that the attribute "mylibrary.hostname" will now be associated with
 every log message created (until "mylibrary.hostnamecollector" is unregistered
 or the logger manager is destroyed).

/Appendix: Macro Reference
 This section documents the preprocessor macros defined in 'ball_log' that are
 most commonly used.

 The following two macros establish the logging context required by the other
 macros.  A use of one of these two macros must be visible from within the
 lexical scope where the C++ stream-based and 'printf'-style macros are used:

:   Set the category for logging to the specified 'CATEGORY' (assumed to be of
:   type convertible to 'const char *').  Note that this macro must be used at
:   block scope and can be used at most once in any given block (or else a
:   compiler diagnostic will result).  Also note that this macro invokes the
:   'ball::Log::setCategory' method to retrieve the address of an appropriate
:   category structure for its scope.  (See the function- level documentation
:   of 'ball::Log::setCategory' for more information.)  Also note that the
:   category is set only on the *first* invocation of this macro in a code
:   block; subsequent invocations will use a cached address of the category.
:   Set, *on each invocation*, the category for logging to the specified
:   'CATEGORY'.  This macro is identical to 'BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY' in scoping,
:   parameter, and use of the 'ball::Log::setCategory' method.  However, the
:   address returned from 'ball::Log::setCategory' is not cached for subsequent
:   calls.  Use this macro to create categories that depend on run-time values
:   (e.g., UUID).

 The seven macros based on C++ streams, 'BALL_LOG_TRACE', 'BALL_LOG_DEBUG',
 have the following usage pattern:
  BALL_LOG_TRACE << X << Y ...;
  BALL_LOG_DEBUG << X << Y ...;
  BALL_LOG_INFO  << X << Y ...;
  BALL_LOG_WARN  << X << Y ...;
  BALL_LOG_ERROR << X << Y ...;
  BALL_LOG_FATAL << X << Y ...;
      where X, Y, ... represents any sequence of values for which 'operator<<'
      is defined.  The resulting formatted message string is logged with the
      severity indicated by the name of the initial macro (e.g.,
      'BALL_LOG_TRACE' logs with severity 'ball::Severity::e_TRACE').  Note
      that the formatted string includes the category and filename as
      established by the 'BALL_LOG_SET_CATEGORY' (or
      'BALL_LOG_SET_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY') and '__FILE__' macros, respectively.
 The remaining macros are based on 'printf'-style format specifications:
      Format the specified '...' optional arguments, if any, according to the
      'printf'-style format specification in the specified 'MSG' (assumed to be
      of type convertible to 'const char *') and log the resulting formatted
      message string with the severity indicated by the name of the macro
      (e.g., 'BALL_LOGVA_INFO' logs with severity 'ball::Severity::e_INFO').
      The behavior is undefined unless the number and types of optional
      arguments are compatible with the format specification in 'MSG'.  Note
      that each use of these macros must be terminated by a ';'.