▼Group bal | Basic Application Library (bal) |
►Package balb | Basic Application Library Basis (balb) |
balb_controlmanager | Provide a mechanism for mapping control messages to callbacks |
balb_filecleanerconfiguration | Provide an attribute class for file cleaner configuration |
balb_filecleanerutil | Provide a utility class for configuration-based file removal |
balb_leakybucket | Provide a mechanism to monitor the consumption rate of a resource |
balb_performancemonitor | Provide a mechanism to collect process performance measures |
balb_pipecontrolchannel | Provide a mechanism for reading control messages from a named pipe |
balb_pipetaskmanager | Provide a pipe-based mechanism to process task control messages |
balb_ratelimiter | Provide a mechanism to limit peak and sustained consumption rates |
balb_reservationguard | Provide a generic proctor for rate controlling objects |
balb_testmessages | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
►Package balber | Basic Application Library BER (balber) |
balber_berconstants | Provide namespace for BER-related constants |
balber_berdecoder | Provide a BER decoder class |
balber_berdecoderoptions | Provide an attribute class for specifying BER decoding options |
balber_berencoder | Provide a BER encoder class |
balber_berencoderoptions | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
balber_beruniversaltagnumber | Enumerate the set of BER universal tag numbers |
balber_berutil | Provide functions to encode and decode simple types in BER format |
►Package balcl | Basic Application Library Command Line (balcl) |
balcl_commandline | Provide command line parsing, validation, and access |
balcl_constraint | Define constraint function signatures for supported value types |
balcl_occurrenceinfo | Provide a type describing requirement and default value of option |
balcl_option | Provide an allocator-aware command-line-option descriptor class |
balcl_optioninfo | Provide a POD command-line-option descriptor struct |
balcl_optiontype | Enumerate the types supported for command-line-option values |
balcl_optionvalue | Provide a variant type for command-line-option values |
balcl_typeinfo | Provide a class describing an option's type and other attributes |
►Package baljsn | Basic Application Library JSoN (baljsn) |
baljsn_datumdecoderoptions | Provide options for decoding JSON into a Datum object |
baljsn_datumencoderoptions | Provide an attribute class for specifying Datum<->JSON options |
baljsn_datumutil | Provide utilities converting between bdld::Datum and JSON data |
baljsn_decoder | Provide a JSON decoder for bdeat compatible types |
baljsn_decoderoptions | Provide an attribute class for specifying JSON decoding options |
baljsn_decoderoptionsutil | Provide a utility for configuring baljsn::DecoderOptions |
baljsn_encoder | Provide a JSON encoder for bdlat -compatible types |
baljsn_encoder_testtypes | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
baljsn_encoderoptions | Provide an attribute class for specifying JSON encoding options |
baljsn_encodingstyle | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
baljsn_formatter | Provide a formatter for encoding data in the JSON format |
baljsn_parserutil | Provide a utility for decoding JSON data into simple types |
baljsn_printutil | Provide a utility for encoding simple types in the JSON format |
baljsn_simpleformatter | Provide a simple formatter for encoding data in the JSON format |
baljsn_tokenizer | Provide a tokenizer for extracting JSON data from a streambuf |
►Package ball | Basic Application Library Logging (ball) |
ball_administration | Provide a suite of utility functions for logging administration |
ball_asyncfileobserver | Provide an asynchronous observer that logs to a file and stdout |
ball_attribute | Provide a representation of (literal) name/value pairs |
ball_attributecollectorregistry | Provide a registry for attribute collector functors |
ball_attributecontainer | Provide a protocol for containers holding logging attributes |
ball_attributecontainerlist | Provide a list of attribute container addresses |
ball_attributecontext | Provide a container for storing attributes and caching results |
ball_broadcastobserver | Provide a broadcast observer that forwards to other observers |
ball_category | Provide a container for a name and associated thresholds |
ball_categorymanager | Provide a manager of named categories each having "thresholds" |
ball_context | Provide a container for the context of a transmitted log record |
ball_countingallocator | Provide a concrete allocator that keeps count of allocated bytes |
ball_defaultattributecontainer | Provide a default container for storing attribute name/value pairs |
ball_fileobserver | Provide a thread-safe observer that logs to a file and to stdout |
ball_fileobserver2 | Provide a thread-safe observer that emits log records to a file |
ball_filteringobserver | Provide an observer that filters log records |
ball_fixedsizerecordbuffer | Provide a thread-safe fixed-size buffer of record handles |
ball_log | Provide macros and utility functions to facilitate logging |
ball_logfilecleanerutil | Provide a utility class for removing log files |
ball_loggercategoryutil | Provide a suite of utility functions for category management |
ball_loggerfunctorpayloads | Provide a suite of logger manager singleton functor payloads |
ball_loggermanager | Provide a manager of core logging functionality |
ball_loggermanagerconfiguration | Provide a constrained-attribute class for the logger manager |
ball_loggermanagerdefaults | Provide constrained default attributes for the logger manager |
ball_logthrottle | Provide throttling equivalents of some of the ball_log macros |
ball_managedattribute | Provide a wrapper for ball::Attribute with managed name storage |
ball_managedattributeset | Provide a container for managed attributes |
ball_multiplexobserver | Provide a multiplexing observer that forwards to other observers |
ball_observer | Define a protocol for receiving and processing log records |
ball_observeradapter | Provide a helper for implementing the ball::Observer protocol |
ball_patternutil | Provide a utility class for string pattern matching |
ball_predicate | Provide a predicate object that consists of a name/value pair |
ball_predicateset | Provide a container for managed attributes |
ball_record | Provide a container for the fields and attributes of a log record |
ball_recordattributes | Provide a container for a fixed set of fields suitable for logging |
ball_recordbuffer | Provide a protocol for managing log record handles |
ball_recordjsonformatter | Provide a formatter for log records that renders output in JSON |
ball_recordstringformatter | Provide a record formatter that uses a printf -style format spec |
ball_rule | Provide an object having a pattern, thresholds, and attributes |
ball_ruleset | Provide a set of unique rules |
ball_scopedattribute | Provide a scoped guard for a single BALL attribute |
ball_scopedattributes | Provide a class to add and remove attributes automatically |
ball_severity | Enumerate a set of logging severity levels |
ball_severityutil | Provide a suite of utility functions on ball::Severity levels |
ball_streamobserver | Provide an observer that emits log records to a stream |
ball_testobserver | Provide an instrumented observer for testing |
ball_thresholdaggregate | Provide an aggregate of the four logging threshold levels |
ball_transmission | Enumerate the set of states for log record transmission |
ball_userfields | Provide a container of user supplied field values |
ball_userfieldtype | Enumerate the set of data types for a user supplied attribute |
ball_userfieldvalue | Provide a type for the value of a user supplied field |
►Package balm | Basic Application Library Metrics (balm) |
balm_bdlmmetricsadapter | Provide a concrete instance of the bdlm metrics adapter |
balm_category | Provide a representation of a metric category |
balm_collector | Provide a container for collecting and aggregating metric values |
balm_collectorrepository | Provide a repository for collectors |
balm_configurationutil | Provide a namespace for metrics configuration utilities |
balm_defaultmetricsmanager | Provide for a default instance of the metrics manager |
balm_integercollector | Provide a container for collecting integral metric values |
balm_integermetric | Provide helper classes for recording int metric values |
balm_metric | Provide helper classes for recording metric values |
balm_metricdescription | Provide a description for a metric |
balm_metricformat | Provide a formatting specification for a metric |
balm_metricid | Provide an identifier for a metric |
balm_metricrecord | Provide an aggregated record of the value of a metric |
balm_metricregistry | Provide a registry for metrics |
balm_metrics | Provide a suite of operations for recording metric values |
balm_metricsample | Provide a container for a sample of collected metric records |
balm_metricsmanager | Provide a manager for recording and publishing metric data |
balm_publicationscheduler | Provide a scheduler for publishing metrics |
balm_publicationtype | Provide an enumeration of aggregate types used to publish metrics |
balm_publisher | Provide a protocol to publish recorded metric values |
balm_stopwatchscopedguard | Provide a scoped guard for recording elapsed time |
balm_streampublisher | Provide a balm::Publisher implementation that writes to a stream |
►Package balscm | Basic Application Library Source Control Management (balscm) |
balscm_version | Provide source control management (versioning) information |
balscm_versiontag | Provide versioning information for the bal package group |
►Package balst | Basic Application Library Stack Trace utilities (balst) |
balst_objectfileformat | Provide platform-dependent object file format trait definitions |
balst_resolver_dwarfreader | Provide mechanism for reading DWARF information from object files |
balst_resolver_filehelper | Provide platform-independent file input for stack trace resolvers |
balst_resolverimpl_dladdr | Provide functions for resolving a stack trace using dladdr |
balst_resolverimpl_elf | Provide a utility to resolve ELF symbols in a stack trace |
balst_resolverimpl_windows | Provide resolution of symbols in stack trace for Windows objects |
balst_resolverimpl_xcoff | Provide a mechanism to resolve xcoff symbols in a stack trace |
balst_stacktrace | Provide a description of a function-call stack |
balst_stacktraceconfigurationutil | Provide utility for global configuration of stack trace |
balst_stacktraceframe | Provide an attribute class describing an execution stack frame |
balst_stacktraceprinter | Provide an object for streaming the current stack trace |
balst_stacktraceprintutil | Provide a single function to perform and print a stack trace |
balst_stacktracetestallocator | Provide a test allocator that reports the call stack for leaks |
balst_stacktraceutil | Provide low-level utilities for obtaining & printing a stack-trace |
►Package baltzo | Basic Application Library TimeZone (Olson) (baltzo) |
baltzo_datafileloader | Provide a concrete baltzo::Loader for Zoneinfo binary files |
baltzo_defaultzoneinfocache | Provide facilities to manage a default Zoneinfo cache object |
baltzo_dstpolicy | Enumerate the set of daylight-saving time (DST) policy values |
baltzo_errorcode | Enumerate the set of named errors for the baltzo package |
baltzo_loader | Provide a protocol for obtaining information about a time zone |
baltzo_localdatetime | Provide an attribute class for time-zone-aware datetime values |
baltzo_localtimedescriptor | Provide an attribute class for characterizing local time values |
baltzo_localtimeoffsetutil | Provide utilities for a bdlt_localtimeoffset local time callback |
baltzo_localtimeperiod | Provide a type describing local time over a time period |
baltzo_localtimevalidity | Enumerate the set of local time validity codes |
baltzo_testloader | Provide a test implementation of the baltzo::Loader protocol |
baltzo_timezoneutil | Provide utilities for converting times among different time zones |
baltzo_timezoneutilimp | Implement utilities for converting times between time zones |
baltzo_windowstimezoneutil | Provide utilities to map Zoneinfo identifiers to other systems |
baltzo_zoneinfo | Provide a value type to represent a time zone |
baltzo_zoneinfobinaryheader | Provide an attribute class for Zoneinfo binary-file header data |
baltzo_zoneinfobinaryreader | Provide utilities for reading the Zoneinfo binary data format |
baltzo_zoneinfocache | Provide a cache for time-zone information |
baltzo_zoneinfoutil | Provide utility operations on baltzo::Zoneinfo objects |
►Package balxml | Basic Application Library XML (balxml) |
balxml_base64parser | Provide push parser for Base64 types |
balxml_configschema | Provide the service configuration schema |
balxml_decoder | Provide a generic translation from XML into C++ objects |
balxml_decoderoptions | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
balxml_elementattribute | Provide the properties of an attribute in an XML element tag |
balxml_encoder | Provide an XML encoder utility |
balxml_encoderoptions | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
balxml_encodingstyle | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
balxml_errorinfo | Provide common error information for XML components |
balxml_formatter | Provide a simple interface for writing formatted XML |
balxml_formatter_compactimpl | Provide a minimal-whitespace implementation for balxml_formatter |
balxml_formatter_prettyimpl | Provide pretty-printing implementation for balxml_formatter |
balxml_formatterwhitespacetype | Enumerate the set of whitespace options for balxml_formatter |
balxml_hexparser | Provide push parser for hex types |
balxml_listparser | Provide push parser for lists |
balxml_minireader | Provide light-weight implementation of balxml::Reader protocol |
balxml_namespaceregistry | Provide a unique integer ID for each XML namespace |
balxml_prefixstack | Provide a unique integer ID for each XML namespace |
balxml_reader | Provide common reader protocol for parsing XML documents |
balxml_typesparserutil | Provide a utility for parsing types using XML formatting |
balxml_typesprintutil | Provide a utility for printing types using XML formatting |
balxml_utf8readerwrapper | Provide wrapper for Reader to check input UTF-8 validity |
balxml_util | Provide a suite of common XML utilities |
balxml_validatingreader | Provide a common reader protocol for parsing and validating XML |
▼Group bbl | Basic Business Library (bbl) |
►Package bblb | Basic Business Library Basic (bblb) |
bblb_schedulegenerationutil | Provide functions for generating schedules of dates |
►Package bbldc | Basic Business Library Day-Count (bbldc) |
bbldc_basicactual360 | Provide stateless functions for the Actual/360 convention |
bbldc_basicactual36525 | Provide stateless functions for the Actual/365.25 convention |
bbldc_basicactual365fixed | Provide stateless functions for the Actual/365 (fixed) convention |
bbldc_basicbasicdaycountadapter | Provide a parameterized day-count convention implementation |
bbldc_basicdaterangedaycountadapter | Provide a parameterized day-count convention implementation |
bbldc_basicdaycount | Provide a protocol for basic day-count calculations |
bbldc_basicdaycountutil | Support for day-count calculations of enum -specified conventions |
bbldc_basicisdaactualactual | Provide stateless functions for the ISDA Actual/Actual convention |
bbldc_basicisma30360 | Provide stateless functions for the ISMA 30/360 convention |
bbldc_basicnl365 | Provide stateless functions for the NL/365 convention |
bbldc_basicpsa30360eom | Provide stateless functions for PSA 30/360 end-of-month convention |
bbldc_basicsia30360eom | Provide stateless functions for SIA 30/360 end-of-month convention |
bbldc_basicsia30360neom | Provide stateless functions for the SIA-30/360-neom convention |
bbldc_calendarbus252 | Provide stateless functions for calendar-based BUS-252 |
bbldc_calendardaterangedaycountadapter | Provide a parameterized day-count convention implementation |
bbldc_calendardaycountutil | Support for day-count calculations of enum -specified conventions |
bbldc_daterangedaycount | Provide a protocol for date-range limited day-count calculations |
bbldc_daycountconvention | Provide an enumeration of bbldc day-count conventions |
bbldc_perioddaterangedaycountadapter | Provide a parameterized day-count convention implementation |
bbldc_perioddaycountutil | Support for day-count calculations of enum -specified conventions |
bbldc_periodicmaactualactual | Provide stateless functions for period-based ICMA Actual/Actual |
bbldc_terminatedbasicdaycountadapter | Provide a parameterized day-count convention implementation |
bbldc_terminateddaterangedaycountadapter | Provide a parameterized day-count convention implementation |
bbldc_terminateddaycountutil | Support for day-count calculations of enum -specified conventions |
bbldc_terminatedisda30360eom | Provide stateless functions for ISDA 30/360 eom convention |
►Package bblscm | Basic Business Library Source Control Management (bblscm) |
bblscm_version | Provide source control management (versioning) information |
bblscm_versiontag | Provide versioning information for the bbl package group |
▼Group bdl | Basic Development Library (bdl) |
►Package bdlat | Basic Development Library Attribute Types (bdlat) |
bdlat_arrayfunctions | Provide a namespace defining "array" functions |
bdlat_arrayiterators | Provide iterator support for bdlat_ArrayFunction-conformant types |
bdlat_arrayutil | Provide utilities for operating on bdlat "array" types |
bdlat_attributeinfo | Provide a container for attribute information |
bdlat_bdeatoverrides | Provide macros to map bdeat names to bdlat names |
bdlat_choicefunctions | Provide a namespace defining choice functions |
bdlat_customizedtypefunctions | Provide a namespace defining customized type functions |
bdlat_enumeratorinfo | Provide a container for enumerator information |
bdlat_enumfunctions | Provide a namespace defining enumeration functions |
bdlat_enumutil | Provide functions for decoding enumerations with fallback values |
bdlat_formattingmode | Provide formatting mode constants |
bdlat_nullablevaluefunctions | Provide a namespace defining nullable value functions |
bdlat_nullablevalueutil | Provide utilities for operating on bdlat "nullable value" types |
bdlat_selectioninfo | Provide a container for selection information |
bdlat_sequencefunctions | Provide a namespace defining sequence functions |
bdlat_symbolicconverter | Provide a utility for convert types with matching member symbols |
bdlat_typecategory | Provide type category tags and a tag selection meta-function |
bdlat_typename | Provide string representations for data type names |
bdlat_typetraits | Provide compile-time traits for generated types |
bdlat_valuetypefunctions | Provide a namespace for "value type" functions |
►Package bdlb | Basic Development Library Basis (bdlb) |
bdlb_algorithmworkaroundutil | Provide a namespace for workarounds for faulty standard algorithms |
bdlb_arrayutil | Provide utilities to determine properties of fixed-sized arrays |
bdlb_bigendian | Provide big-endian integer types |
bdlb_bitmaskutil | Provide simple mask values of uint32_t and uint64_t types |
bdlb_bitstringimputil | Provide functional bit-manipulation of uint64_t values |
bdlb_bitstringutil | Provide efficient operations on a multi-word sequence of bits |
bdlb_bitutil | Provide efficient bit-manipulation of uint32_t /uint64_t values |
bdlb_caselessstringviewequalto | Provide a case-insensitive equality predicate for string views |
bdlb_caselessstringviewhash | Provide a case-insensitive hash functor for string views |
bdlb_caselessstringviewless | Provide a case-insensitive less-than predicate for string views |
bdlb_chartype | Supply locale-independent version of <ctype.h> functionality |
bdlb_cstringequalto | Provide a standard compatible equality predicate for C-strings |
bdlb_cstringhash | Provide a functor enabling C-strings as unordered-container keys |
bdlb_cstringless | Provide a standard compatible less-than predicate for C-strings |
bdlb_float | Provide floating-point classification types and functions |
bdlb_functionoutputiterator | Provides an output iterator for a client-supplied functor |
bdlb_guid | Provide a value-semantic type for Globally Unique Identifiers |
bdlb_guidutil | Provide functions that produce Globally Unique Identifiers |
bdlb_hashutil | Provide a utility of hash functions |
bdlb_indexspan | Provide a value-semantic attribute type for position and length |
bdlb_indexspanstringutil | Provide functions that operate on IndexSpan and string objects |
bdlb_indexspanutil | Provide functions that operate on IndexSpan objects |
bdlb_literalutil | Provide utility routines for programming language literals |
bdlb_nullableallocatedvalue | Provide a template for nullable allocated (out-of-place) objects |
bdlb_nullableallocatedvalue_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bdlb_nullableallocatedvalue.h |
bdlb_nullableallocatedvalue_pointerbitspair | Provide a mechanism for using the unused bits of a pointer |
bdlb_nullablevalue | Provide a template for nullable (in-place) objects |
bdlb_nullablevalue_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bdlb_nullablevalue.h |
bdlb_nullablevalueref | Tech preview for non-owning reference to nullable objects |
bdlb_nullablevalueref_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bdlb_nullablevalueref.h |
bdlb_nullopt | Provide a tag type and constant indicating an empty nullable value |
bdlb_nulloutputiterator | Provide an output iterator type that discards output |
bdlb_numericparseutil | Provide conversions from text into fundamental numeric types |
bdlb_optionalprinter | Provide a suite of helper classes for printing bsl::optional |
bdlb_pairutil | Provide a function that creates a pair of references |
bdlb_pcgrandomgenerator | Provide a class to generate random numbers using the PCG algorithm |
bdlb_print | Provide platform-independent stream utilities |
bdlb_printadapter | Provide object for streaming objects using bdlb::PrintMethods |
bdlb_printmethods | Provide methods for uniform printing of value-semantic types |
bdlb_random | Provide a suite of procedures for random-number generation |
bdlb_randomdevice | Provide a common interface to a system's random number generator |
bdlb_scopeexit | Provide a general-purpose proctor object for scope-exit logic |
bdlb_string | Provide utility functions on STL-style and C-style strings |
bdlb_stringrefutil | Provide utility functions on bslstl::StringRef -erenced strings |
bdlb_stringviewutil | Provide utility functions on bsl::string_view containers |
bdlb_testinputiterator | Provide a pure input iterator for an empty range |
bdlb_tokenizer | Provide access to user-described tokens via string references |
bdlb_topologicalsortutil | Provide a utility to topologically sort a collection of inputs |
bdlb_transformiterator | Provide a wrapping iterator that invokes a functor on dereference |
bdlb_transparentequalto | Provide a transparent equality predicate |
bdlb_transparenthash | Provide a transparent hash functor |
bdlb_transparentless | Provide a transparent less-than predicate |
bdlb_variant | Provide a variant (discriminated union -like) type |
bdlb_variant_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bdlb_variant.h |
►Package bdlbb | Basic Development Library Blobs (bdlbb) |
bdlbb_blob | Provide an indexed set of buffers from multiple sources |
bdlbb_blobstreambuf | Provide blob implementing the streambuf interface |
bdlbb_blobutil | Provide a suite of utilities for I/O operations on bdlbb::Blob |
bdlbb_pooledblobbufferfactory | Provide a concrete implementation of bdlbb::BlobBufferFactory |
bdlbb_simpleblobbufferfactory | Provide a simple implementation of bdlbb::BlobBufferFactory |
►Package bdlc | Basic Development Library Container (bdlc) |
bdlc_bitarray | Provide a space-efficient, sequential container of boolean values |
bdlc_compactedarray | Provide a compacted array of const user-defined objects |
bdlc_flathashmap | Provide an open-addressed unordered map container |
bdlc_flathashmap_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bdlc_flathashmap.h |
bdlc_flathashset | Provide an open-addressed unordered set container |
bdlc_flathashset_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bdlc_flathashset.h |
bdlc_flathashtable | Provide an open-addressed hash table like Abseil flat_hash_map |
bdlc_flathashtable_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bdlc_flathashtable.h |
bdlc_flathashtable_groupcontrol | Provide inquiries to a flat hash table group of control values |
bdlc_hashtable | Provide a double-hashed table with utility |
bdlc_indexclerk | Provide a manager of reusable, non-negative integer indices |
bdlc_packedintarray | Provide an extensible, packed array of integral values |
bdlc_packedintarrayutil | Provide common non-primitive operations on bdlc::PackedIntArray |
bdlc_queue | Provide an in-place double-ended queue of T values |
►Package bdlcc | Basic Development Library Concurrency Containers (bdlcc) |
bdlcc_boundedqueue | Provide a thread-aware bounded queue of values |
bdlcc_cache | Provide a in-process cache with configurable eviction policy |
bdlcc_deque | Provide a fully thread-safe deque container |
bdlcc_fixedqueue | Provide a thread-aware fixed-size queue of values |
bdlcc_fixedqueueindexmanager | Provide thread-enabled state management for a fixed-size queue |
bdlcc_multipriorityqueue | Provide a thread-enabled parameterized multi-priority queue |
bdlcc_objectcatalog | Provide an efficient indexed, thread-safe object container |
bdlcc_objectpool | Provide a thread-safe object pool |
bdlcc_queue | Provide a thread-enabled queue of items of parameterized TYPE |
bdlcc_sharedobjectpool | Provide a thread-safe pool of shared objects |
bdlcc_singleconsumerqueue | Provide a thread-aware single consumer queue of values |
bdlcc_singleconsumerqueueimpl | Provide a testable thread-aware single consumer queue of values |
bdlcc_singleproducerqueue | Provide a thread-aware single producer queue of values |
bdlcc_singleproducerqueueimpl | Provide a testable thread-aware single producer queue of values |
bdlcc_singleproducersingleconsumerboundedqueue | Provide a thread-aware SPSC bounded queue of values |
bdlcc_skiplist | Provide a generic thread-safe Skip List |
bdlcc_stripedunorderedcontainerimpl | Provide common implementation of striped un-ordered map/multimap |
bdlcc_stripedunorderedmap | Provide a bucket-group locking (i.e., striped) unordered map |
bdlcc_stripedunorderedmultimap | Provide a bucket-group locking (striped) unordered multimap |
bdlcc_timequeue | Provide an efficient queue for time events |
►Package bdld | Basic Development Library Datum (bdld) |
bdld_datum | Provide a discriminated variant type with a small footprint |
bdld_datumarraybuilder | Provide a utility to build a Datum object holding an array |
bdld_datumbinaryref | Provide a type to represent binary data and its size |
bdld_datumerror | Provide a type for an error code with an optional error message |
bdld_datumintmapbuilder | Provide a utility to build a Datum object holding an int-map |
bdld_datummaker | Provide a mechanism for easily creating bdld::Datum objects |
bdld_datummapbuilder | Provide a utility to build a Datum object holding a map |
bdld_datummapowningkeysbuilder | Provide a utility to build a Datum object holding a map |
bdld_datumudt | Provide a type to represent a user-defined type |
bdld_datumutil | Provide extra functions that operate on bdld::Datum objects |
bdld_manageddatum | Provide a smart-pointer-like manager for a Datum object |
►Package bdlde | Basic Development Library Data Encoder (bdlde) |
bdlde_base64alphabet | Provide an enumeration of the set of possible base 64 alphabets |
bdlde_base64decoder | Provide automata for converting to and from Base64 encodings |
bdlde_base64decoderoptions | Provide value-semantic attribute class for decoder options |
bdlde_base64encoder | Provide automata for converting to and from Base64 encodings |
bdlde_base64encoderoptions | Provide a value-semantic attribute class for encoder options |
bdlde_base64ignoremode | Provide an enumeration of the set of possible base64 ignore modes |
bdlde_byteorder | Provide an enumeration of the set of possible byte orders |
bdlde_charconvertstatus | Provide masks for interpreting status from charconvert functions |
bdlde_charconvertucs2 | Provide efficient conversions between UTF-8 and UCS-2 encodings |
bdlde_charconvertutf16 | Provide fast, safe conversion between UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings |
bdlde_charconvertutf32 | Provide fast, safe conversion between UTF-8 encoding and UTF-32 |
bdlde_crc32 | Provide a mechanism for computing the CRC-32 checksum of a dataset |
bdlde_crc32c | Provide utilities to calculate the CRC32-C checksum of a dataset |
bdlde_crc64 | Provide a mechanism for computing the CRC-64 checksum of a dataset |
bdlde_hexdecoder | Provide mechanism for decoding text from hexadecimal |
bdlde_hexencoder | Provide mechanism for encoding text into hexadecimal |
bdlde_md5 | Provide a value-semantic type encoding a message in an MD5 digest |
bdlde_quotedprintabledecoder | Provide automata converting to and from Quoted-Printable encodings |
bdlde_quotedprintableencoder | Provide automata converting to and from Quoted-Printable encodings |
bdlde_sha1 | Provide a value-semantic type encoding a message in a SHA-1 digest |
bdlde_sha2 | Provide a value-semantic type encoding a message in a SHA-2 digest |
bdlde_utf8checkinginstreambufwrapper | Provide a stream buffer wrapper for validating UTF-8 input |
bdlde_utf8util | Provide basic utilities for UTF-8 encodings |
►Package bdldfp | Basic Development Library Decimal Floating-Point (bdldfp) |
bdldfp_decimal | Provide IEEE-754 decimal floating-point types |
bdldfp_decimalconvertutil | Provide decimal floating-point conversion functions |
bdldfp_decimalconvertutil_inteldfp | Provide decimal floating-point conversion functions for Intel DFP |
bdldfp_decimalformatconfig | Provide an attribute class to configure decimal formatting |
bdldfp_decimalimputil | Provide a unified low-level interface for decimal floating point |
bdldfp_decimalimputil_inteldfp | Provide utility to implement decimal float s on the Intel library |
bdldfp_decimalplatform | Provide decimal floating-point platform information macros |
bdldfp_decimalstorage | Utilities for working with Decimal Storage types |
bdldfp_decimalutil | Provide utilities dealing with floating point decimal objects |
bdldfp_intelimpwrapper | Provide a central mechanism to configure the Intel DFP library |
bdldfp_uint128 | Provide a representation of a 128-bit int for bitwise operations |
►Package bdlf | Basic Development Library Functors (bdlf) |
bdlf_bind | Provide a signature-specific function object (functor) |
bdlf_memfn | Provide member function pointer wrapper classes and utility |
bdlf_noop | Provide a functor class that does nothing |
bdlf_noop_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bdlf_noop.h |
bdlf_placeholder | Provide a parameterized placeholder and specialized placeholders |
►Package bdljsn | Basic Development Library JSoN (bdljsn) |
bdljsn_error | Provide a description of an error processing a document |
bdljsn_json | Provide an in-memory representation of a JSON document |
bdljsn_jsonliterals | Provide user-defined literals for bdljsn::Json objects |
bdljsn_jsonnull | Provide a type that represents the JSON null value |
bdljsn_jsonnumber | Provide a value-semantic type representing a JSON number |
bdljsn_jsontestsuiteutil | Provide JSON Test Suite for BDE table-driven testing |
bdljsn_jsontype | Enumerate the set of JSON value types |
bdljsn_jsonutil | Provide common non-primitive operations on Json objects |
bdljsn_location | Provide a value-semantic type for location in a JSON document |
bdljsn_numberutil | Provide utilities converting between JSON text and numeric types |
bdljsn_readoptions | Provide options for reading a JSON document |
bdljsn_stringutil | Provide a utility functions for JSON strings |
bdljsn_tokenizer | Provide a tokenizer for extracting JSON data from a streambuf |
bdljsn_writeoptions | Provide options for writing a JSON document |
bdljsn_writestyle | Enumerate the formatting styles for a writing a JSON document |
►Package bdlm | Basic Development Library Metrics (bdlm) |
bdlm_instancecount | Provide a type specific instance count |
bdlm_metric | Provide a class to store metric values of different types |
bdlm_metricdescriptor | Provide an attribute class to describe a metric |
bdlm_metricsadapter | Provide an abstract interface for metrics registration mechanisms |
bdlm_metricsregistry | Provide a transferable registry of metric registrations |
►Package bdlma | Basic Development Library Memory Allocators (bdlma) |
bdlma_alignedallocator | Provide a protocol for memory allocators that support alignment |
bdlma_aligningallocator | Provide an allocator-wrapper to allocate with a minimum alignment |
bdlma_autoreleaser | Release memory to a managed allocator or pool at destruction |
bdlma_blocklist | Provide allocation and management of a sequence of memory blocks |
bdlma_bufferedsequentialallocator | Provide an efficient managed allocator using an external buffer |
bdlma_bufferedsequentialpool | Provide sequential memory using an external buffer and a fallback |
bdlma_bufferimputil | Provide pure procedures for allocating memory from a buffer |
bdlma_buffermanager | Provide a memory manager that manages an external buffer |
bdlma_concurrentallocatoradapter | Provide a thread-enabled adapter for the allocator protocol |
bdlma_concurrentfixedpool | Provide thread-safe pool of limited # of blocks of uniform size |
bdlma_concurrentmultipool | Provide a memory manager to manage pools of varying block sizes |
bdlma_concurrentmultipoolallocator | Provide an allocator to manage pools of varying object sizes |
bdlma_concurrentpool | Provide thread-safe allocation of memory blocks of uniform size |
bdlma_concurrentpoolallocator | Provide thread-safe memory-pooling allocator of fixed-size blocks |
bdlma_countingallocator | Provide a memory allocator that counts allocated bytes |
bdlma_defaultdeleter | Provide a concrete default deleter w/optionally-supplied allocator |
bdlma_deleter | Provide a protocol for deleting objects of parameterized type |
bdlma_factory | Provide a protocol for creator/deleter of parameterized objects |
bdlma_guardingallocator | Provide a memory allocator that guards against buffer overruns |
bdlma_heapbypassallocator | Support memory allocation directly from virtual memory |
bdlma_infrequentdeleteblocklist | Provide allocation and management of infrequently deleted blocks |
bdlma_localbufferedobject | Provide easy way to create an object with a local arena allocator |
bdlma_localbufferedobject_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bdlma_localbufferedobject.h |
bdlma_localsequentialallocator | Provide an efficient managed allocator using a local buffer |
bdlma_managedallocator | Provide a protocol for memory allocators that support release |
bdlma_memoryblockdescriptor | Provide a class describing a block of memory |
bdlma_multipool | Provide a memory manager to manage pools of varying block sizes |
bdlma_multipoolallocator | Provide a memory-pooling allocator of heterogeneous block sizes |
bdlma_pool | Provide efficient allocation of memory blocks of uniform size |
bdlma_sequentialallocator | Provide a managed allocator using dynamically-allocated buffers |
bdlma_sequentialpool | Provide sequential memory using dynamically-allocated buffers |
►Package bdlmt | Basic Development Library Multi Thread (bdlmt) |
bdlmt_eventscheduler | Provide a thread-safe recurring and one-time event scheduler |
bdlmt_fixedthreadpool | Provide portable implementation for a fixed-size pool of threads |
bdlmt_multiprioritythreadpool | Provide a mechanism to parallelize a prioritized sequence of jobs |
bdlmt_multiqueuethreadpool | Provide a pool of queues, each processed serially by a thread pool |
bdlmt_signaler | Provide an implementation of a managed signals and slots system |
bdlmt_threadmultiplexor | Provide a mechanism for partitioning a collection of threads |
bdlmt_threadpool | Provide portable implementation for a dynamic pool of threads |
bdlmt_throttle | Provide mechanism for limiting the rate at which actions may occur |
bdlmt_timereventscheduler | Provide a thread-safe recurring and non-recurring event scheduler |
►Package bdlpcre | Basic Development Library PCRE (bdlpcre) |
bdlpcre_regex | Provide a mechanism for regular expression pattern matching |
►Package bdls | Basic Development Library System-level utilities (bdls) |
bdls_fdstreambuf | Provide a stream buffer initialized with a file descriptor |
bdls_filedescriptorguard | Provide a RAII guard class used to close files |
bdls_filesystemutil | Provide methods for filesystem access with multi-language names |
bdls_filesystemutil_transitionaluniximputil | Provide testable bdls::FilesystemUtil operations for some Unixes |
bdls_filesystemutil_uniximputil | Provide testable bdls::FilesystemUtil operations for some Unixes |
bdls_filesystemutil_unixplatform | Provide Unix timstamp and offset type width detection macros |
bdls_filesystemutil_windowsimputil | Provide testable bdls::FilesystemUtil operations on Windows |
bdls_memoryutil | Provide a set of portable utilities for memory manipulation |
bdls_osutil | Provide utilities related to the operating system |
bdls_pathutil | Provide portable file path manipulation |
bdls_pipeutil | Provide basic portable named-pipe utilities |
bdls_processutil | Provide basic platform-independent utilities related to processes |
bdls_tempdirectoryguard | Provide a scoped guard that creates a unique temporary directory |
bdls_testutil | Provide test utilities for components in bdl and above |
►Package bdlsb | Basic Development Library Stream Buffers (bdlsb) |
bdlsb_fixedmeminput | Provide a basic input stream buffer using a client buffer |
bdlsb_fixedmeminstreambuf | Provide an input basic_streambuf using a client buffer |
bdlsb_fixedmemoutput | Provide a basic output stream buffer using a client buffer |
bdlsb_fixedmemoutstreambuf | Provide an output basic_streambuf using a client buffer |
bdlsb_memoutstreambuf | Provide an output basic_streambuf using managed memory |
bdlsb_overflowmemoutput | Provide an overflowable output streambuf using a client buffer |
bdlsb_overflowmemoutstreambuf | Provide an overflowable output streambuf using a client buffer |
►Package bdlscm | Basic Development Library Source Control Management (bdlscm) |
bdlscm_version | Provide source control management (versioning) information |
bdlscm_versiontag | Provide versioning information for the bdl package group |
►Package bdlsta | Basic Development Library STAtistics (bdlsta) |
bdlsta_linefit | Online algorithm for computing the least squares regression line |
bdlsta_moment | Online algorithm for mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis |
►Package bdlt | Basic Development Library Time (bdlt) |
bdlt_calendar | Provide fast repository for accessing weekend/holiday information |
bdlt_calendarcache | Provide an efficient cache for read-only bdlt::Calendar objects |
bdlt_calendarloader | Provide a protocol (or pure interface) for loading calendars |
bdlt_calendarreverseiteratoradapter | Provide reverse iterator adapter for calendar iterators |
bdlt_calendarutil | Provide common date manipulations requiring a calendar |
bdlt_currenttime | Provide utilities to retrieve the current time |
bdlt_date | Provide a value-semantic type to represent dates |
bdlt_datetime | Provide a value-semantic type representing both date and time |
bdlt_datetimeimputil | Provide constants useful for encoding datetimes |
bdlt_datetimeinterval | Provide a representation of an interval of time |
bdlt_datetimeintervalutil | Provide non-primitive operations on bdlt::DatetimeInterval |
bdlt_datetimetz | Provide a representation of a date and time with time zone offset |
bdlt_datetimeutil | Provide common non-primitive operations on bdlt::Datetime |
bdlt_datetz | Provide a representation of a date with time zone offset |
bdlt_dateutil | Provide common non-primitive operations on date objects |
bdlt_dayofweek | Provide an enumeration of the set of days of the week |
bdlt_dayofweekset | Provide an ordered set of (unique) bdlt::DayOfWeek::Enum values |
bdlt_dayofweekutil | Provide common non-primitive operations on bdlt::DayOfWeek::Enum |
bdlt_defaultcalendarcache | Provide a process-wide default bdlt::CalendarCache object |
bdlt_defaulttimetablecache | Provide a process-wide default bdlt::TimetableCache object |
bdlt_epochutil | Conversion between absolute/relative time with respect to epoch |
bdlt_fixutil | Provide conversions between date/time objects and FIX strings |
bdlt_fixutilconfiguration | Provide an attribute class to configure FIX string generation |
bdlt_fuzzutil | Provide creation of bdlt data types from fuzz data |
bdlt_intervalconversionutil | Provide functions to convert between time-interval representations |
bdlt_iso8601util | Provide conversions between date/time objects and ISO 8601 strings |
bdlt_iso8601utilconfiguration | Provide an attribute class to configure ISO 8601 string generation |
bdlt_iso8601utilparseconfiguration | Provide an attribute class to configure ISO 8601 string parsing |
bdlt_localtimeoffset | Provide utilities to retrieve the local time offset |
bdlt_monthofyear | Enumerate the set of month-of-year values |
bdlt_packedcalendar | Provide a compact repository for weekend/holiday information |
bdlt_posixdateimputil | Provide low-level support functions for date-value manipulation |
bdlt_prolepticdateimputil | Provide low-level support functions for date-value manipulation |
bdlt_serialdateimputil | Provide low-level support functions for date-value manipulation |
bdlt_time | Provide a value-semantic type representing time-of-day |
bdlt_timetable | Provide a repository for accessing timetable information |
bdlt_timetablecache | Provide an efficient cache for read-only bdlt::Timetable objects |
bdlt_timetableloader | Provide a protocol (or pure interface) for loading timetables |
bdlt_timetz | Provide a representation of a time with time zone offset |
bdlt_timeunitratio | Provide constants characterizing ratios between common time units |
bdlt_timeutil | Provide common non-primitive operations on bdlt::Time |
▼Group bsl | Basic Standard Library (bsl) |
Package bsl+bslhdrs | Basic Standard Library BSL HeaDerS (bsl+bslhdrs) |
►Package bsla | Basic Standard Library Annotations (bsla) |
bsla_annotations | Provide support for compiler annotations for compile-time safety |
bsla_deprecated | Provide compiler-hint macros to indicate deprecated entities |
bsla_error | Provide a macro to emit an error message when a function is called |
bsla_fallthrough | Provide a macro to suppress warnings on switch fall-throughs |
bsla_format | Provide a macro to indicate that a return value is a format string |
bsla_maybeunused | Provide a macro to suppress "unused" warnings |
bsla_nodiscard | Provide a macro for warning about ignored function results |
bsla_nonnullarg | Provide macros to hint at null arguments to functions |
bsla_noreturn | Provide a macro to issue a compiler warning if a function returns |
bsla_nullterminated | Provide macros for use with NULL -terminated variadic functions |
bsla_printf | Provide a macro to indicate printf -style arguments |
bsla_scanf | Provide a macro for checking scanf -style format strings |
bsla_unreachable | Provide a compiler-hint macro to indicate unreachable code |
bsla_unused | Provide a macro to suppress "unused" warnings |
bsla_used | Provide a macro to prevent elision of unused entities |
bsla_warning | Provide a macro to emit a warning when a function is called |
►Package bslalg | Basic Standard Library ALgorithms (bslalg) |
bslalg_arraydestructionprimitives | Provide primitive algorithms that destroy arrays |
bslalg_arrayprimitives | Provide primitive algorithms that operate on arrays |
bslalg_arrayprimitives_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslalg_arrayprimitives.h |
bslalg_autoarraydestructor | Provide a proctor for destroying arrays |
bslalg_autoarraymovedestructor | Provide a proctor for destroying arrays |
bslalg_autoscalardestructor | Provide a proctor for destroying an object |
bslalg_bidirectionallink | Provide a basic link type for building doubly-linked lists |
bslalg_bidirectionallinklistutil | Provide utilities to maintain bidirectional list data structures |
bslalg_bidirectionalnode | Provide a node holding a value in a doubly-linked list |
bslalg_constructorproxy | Provide a proxy for constructing and destroying objects |
bslalg_containerbase | Provide a wrapper for STL allocators, for container use |
bslalg_dequeimputil | Provide basic parameters and primitive data structures for deques |
bslalg_dequeiterator | Provide a primitive iterator over deque data structures |
bslalg_dequeprimitives | Provide primitive algorithms that operate on deques |
bslalg_dequeprimitives_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslalg_dequeprimitives.h |
bslalg_functoradapter | Provide an utility that adapts callable objects to functors |
bslalg_hashtableanchor | Provide a type holding the constituent parts of a hash table |
bslalg_hashtablebucket | Provide a bucket representation for hash table data structures |
bslalg_hashtableimputil | Provide algorithms for implementing a hash table |
bslalg_hashutil | Provide a utility of hash functions |
bslalg_hasstliterators | Provide a tag type used to detect STL-like iterators traits |
bslalg_hastrait | Provide a meta-function to detect if a type has a given trait |
bslalg_nothrowmovableutil | Provide a wrapper that asserts a noexcept move constructor |
bslalg_nothrowmovablewrapper | Provide a wrapper that asserts a noexcept move constructor |
bslalg_numericformatterutil | Provide a utility for formatting numbers into strings |
bslalg_rangecompare | Provide algorithms to compare iterator-ranges of elements |
bslalg_rbtreeanchor | Encapsulate root, first, and last nodes of a tree with a count |
bslalg_rbtreenode | Provide a base class for a red-black binary tree node |
bslalg_rbtreeutil | Provide a suite of primitive algorithms on red-black trees |
bslalg_scalardestructionprimitives | Provide primitive algorithms that destroy scalars |
bslalg_scalarprimitives | Provide primitive algorithms that operate on single elements |
bslalg_selecttrait | Provide a meta-function to select a suitable trait on a type |
bslalg_swaputil | Provide a simple to use swap algorithm |
bslalg_synththreewayutil | Provide implementation utilities for operator<=> |
bslalg_typetraitbitwisecopyable | Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise copyable |
bslalg_typetraitbitwiseequalitycomparable | Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise eq.-comparable |
bslalg_typetraitbitwisemoveable | Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise moveable |
bslalg_typetraithaspointersemantics | Provide a trait to mark classes as having pointer semantics |
bslalg_typetraithasstliterators | Provide a trait to mark classes as having STL-like iterators |
bslalg_typetraithastrivialdefaultconstructor | Provide a trait to mark classes as having a trivial default ctor |
bslalg_typetraitnil | Provide a trait to mark classes as having no other traits |
bslalg_typetraitpair | Provide a trait to mark classes as similar to std::pair |
bslalg_typetraits | Provide compile-time traits that can be associated with types |
bslalg_typetraitusesbslmaallocator | Provide a trait to mark types that use bslma allocators |
►Package bsldoc | Basic Standard Library DOCumentation (bsldoc) |
bsldoc_glossary | Provide definitions for terms used throughout BDE documentation |
►Package bslfwd | Basic Standard Library System ForWarding Declarations (bslfwd) |
bslfwd_bslma_allocator | Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type |
bslfwd_bslma_default | Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type |
bslfwd_bslma_defaultallocatorguard | Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type |
bslfwd_bslmf_nil | Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type |
bslfwd_bsls_asserttestexception | Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type |
bslfwd_bsls_stopwatch | Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type |
bslfwd_bsls_types | Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type |
bslfwd_buildtarget | Supply a compile-time indicator of whether BSL uses C++ namespaces |
►Package bslh | Basic Standard Library Hashing (bslh) |
bslh_defaulthashalgorithm | Provide a reasonable hashing algorithm for default use |
bslh_defaultseededhashalgorithm | Provide a reasonable seeded hashing algorithm for default use |
bslh_fibonaccibadhashwrapper | Provide a wrapper to improve "bad" hash algorithms |
bslh_filesystem | Provide hash for std::filesystem::path |
bslh_hash | Provide a struct to run bslh hash algorithms on supported types |
bslh_hashoptional | Provide hashAppend for std::optional |
bslh_hashpair | Provide hashAppend for std::pair |
bslh_hashtuple | Provide hashAppend for std::tuple |
bslh_hashvariant | Provide hashAppend for std::variant |
bslh_seededhash | Provide a struct to run seeded bslh hash algorithms on types |
bslh_seedgenerator | Provide a class to generate arbitrary length seeds for algorithms |
bslh_siphashalgorithm | Provide an implementation of the SipHash algorithm |
bslh_spookyhashalgorithm | Provide an implementation of the SpookyHash algorithm |
bslh_spookyhashalgorithmimp | Provide BDE style encapsulation of 3rd party SpookyHash code |
bslh_wyhashincrementalalgorithm | Provide an implementation of the WyHash algorithm final v3 |
►Package bslim | Basic Standard Library Implementation Mechanisms (bslim) |
bslim_bslstandardheadertest | Provide a location for testing bsl standard library headers |
bslim_formatguard | Provide a guard for saving the state of a stream object |
bslim_fuzzdataview | Provide a view of a buffer of fuzz data bytes |
bslim_fuzzutil | Provide fuzz test utilities for basic types |
bslim_gtestutil | Provide facilities for debugging BDE with gtest |
bslim_printer | Provide a mechanism to implement standard print methods |
bslim_testutil | Provide test utilities for components above bsl |
►Package bslma | Basic Standard Library Memory Allocators (bslma) |
bslma_aamodel | Provide metafunctions to detect a type's allocator-awareness model |
bslma_aatypeutil | Provide a namespace for utility functions on allocator-aware types |
bslma_allocator | Provide a pure abstract interface for memory-allocation mechanisms |
bslma_allocatoradaptor | Provide a polymorphic adaptor for STL-style allocators |
bslma_allocatortraits | Provide a uniform interface to standard allocator types |
bslma_allocatortraits_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_allocatortraits.h |
bslma_allocatorutil | Provide a namespace for utility functions on allocators |
bslma_allocatorutil_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_allocatorutil.h |
bslma_autodeallocator | Provide a range proctor to managed a block of memory |
bslma_autodestructor | Provide a range proctor to manage an array of objects |
bslma_autorawdeleter | Provide a range proctor to manage a sequence objects |
bslma_bslallocator | Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects |
bslma_bslallocator_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_bslallocator.h |
bslma_bufferallocator | Support efficient memory allocations from a user-supplied buffer |
bslma_constructionutil | Provide methods to construct arbitrarily-typed objects uniformly |
bslma_constructionutil_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_constructionutil.h |
bslma_deallocatebytesproctor | Provide a proctor to conditionally unwind memory block allocation |
bslma_deallocateobjectproctor | Provide a proctor to conditionally unwind object allocation |
bslma_deallocatorguard | Provide a guard to unconditionally manage a block of memory |
bslma_deallocatorproctor | Provide a proctor to conditionally manage a block memory |
bslma_default | Provide utilities to set/fetch the default and global allocators |
bslma_defaultallocatorguard | Provide scoped guard to temporarily change the default allocator |
bslma_deleteobjectproctor | Provide a proctor to conditionally unwind new object creation |
bslma_deleterhelper | Provide namespace for functions used to delete objects |
bslma_destructionutil | Provide routines that destroy objects efficiently |
bslma_destructorguard | Provide a guard to unconditionally manage an object |
bslma_destructorproctor | Provide a proctor to conditionally manage an object |
bslma_exceptionguard | Provide a check that objects throwing exceptions do not change |
bslma_hasallocatortype | Provide a compile-time check for an allocator_type typedef |
bslma_infrequentdeleteblocklist | Provide allocation and management of a sequence of memory blocks |
bslma_isstdallocator | Provide a compile-time check for determining allocator types |
bslma_mallocfreeallocator | Provide malloc/free adaptor to bslma::Allocator protocol |
bslma_managedallocator | Provide a protocol for memory allocators that support release |
bslma_managedptr | Provide a managed pointer class |
bslma_managedptr_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_managedptr.h |
bslma_managedptr_factorydeleter | Provide a factory-based deleter for the managed pointer class |
bslma_managedptr_members | Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class |
bslma_managedptr_pairproxy | Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class |
bslma_managedptrdeleter | Provide an in-core value-semantic class to call a delete function |
bslma_memoryresource | Provide a pure abstract interface for memory-allocation mechanisms |
bslma_newdeleteallocator | Provide singleton new/delete adaptor to bslma::Allocator protocol |
bslma_polymorphicallocator | Provide an allocator interface for bsl::memory_resource objects |
bslma_polymorphicallocator_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_polymorphicallocator.h |
bslma_rawdeleterguard | Provide a guard to unconditionally manage an object |
bslma_rawdeleterproctor | Provide a proctor to conditionally manage an object |
bslma_sequentialallocator | Support fast memory allocation for objects of varying sizes |
bslma_sequentialpool | Provide fast variable-size memory pool with allocation methods |
bslma_sharedptrinplacerep | Provide an in-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep |
bslma_sharedptrinplacerep_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_sharedptrinplacerep.h |
bslma_sharedptroutofplacerep | Provide an out-of-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep |
bslma_sharedptrrep | Provide an abstract class for a shared object manager |
bslma_stdallocator | Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects |
bslma_stdtestallocator | Provide stl-compatible, bslma -style allocator to track usage |
bslma_testallocator | Provide instrumented malloc/free allocator to track memory usage |
bslma_testallocatorexception | Provide an exception class for memory allocation operations |
bslma_testallocatormonitor | Provide a mechanism to summarize bslma::TestAllocator object use |
bslma_usesbslmaallocator | Provide a metafunction to indicate the use of bslma allocators |
►Package bslmf | Basic Standard Library Meta-Functions (bslmf) |
bslmf_addconst | Provide a meta-function for adding a top-level const -qualifier |
bslmf_addcv | Provide a meta-function for adding top-level cv-qualifiers |
bslmf_addlvaluereference | Provide a compile-time type transformation to lvalue reference |
bslmf_addpointer | Provide meta-function to transform a type to pointer to that type |
bslmf_addreference | Provide a meta-function for adding "reference-ness" to a type |
bslmf_addrvaluereference | Provide a compile-time type transformation to rvalue reference |
bslmf_addvolatile | Provide a meta-function for adding a volatile -qualifier |
bslmf_allocatorargt | Provide a tag type to precede allocator arguments |
bslmf_arraytopointer | Provide a meta-function to convert array types to pointer types |
bslmf_assert | Provide a compile-time assertion facility |
bslmf_booleantestable | Provide an exposition-only concept boolean-testable |
bslmf_conditional | Provide a compile-time conditional type selector |
bslmf_conjunction | Provide the logical conjunction (AND) for type traits |
bslmf_conjunction_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_conjunction.h |
bslmf_decay | Convert a type to the type used for pass-by-value |
bslmf_detectnestedtrait | Provide a facility for defining traits and detecting legacy traits |
bslmf_disjunction | Provide the logical disjunction (OR) for type traits |
bslmf_disjunction_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_disjunction.h |
bslmf_enableif | Provide a utility to set up SFINAE conditions in type deduction |
bslmf_forwardingreftype | Provide a meta-function for determining a forwarding type |
bslmf_forwardingtype | Provide a meta-function for determining an optimal forwarding type |
bslmf_functionpointertraits | Provide a meta-function for determining function pointer traits |
bslmf_functionpointertraits_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_functionpointertraits.h |
bslmf_haspointersemantics | Provide a type trait for pointer semantics |
bslmf_if | Provide a compile-time if/else (conditional) meta-function |
bslmf_integersequence | Provide a template parameter pack of integers |
bslmf_integralconstant | Provide a mapping from integral constants to unique types |
bslmf_invokeresult | Determine the result type of an invocable expression |
bslmf_invokeresult_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_invokeresult.h |
bslmf_isaccessiblebaseof | Provide a compile-time check for derived classes |
bslmf_isarithmetic | Provide a compile-time check for determining arithmetic types |
bslmf_isarray | Provide a compile-time check for array types |
bslmf_isbitwisecopyable | Provide a meta-function for determining bitwise copyable types |
bslmf_isbitwiseequalitycomparable | Provide a type trait for bitwise equality |
bslmf_isbitwisemoveable | Provide a primitive type trait for bitwise moveable classes |
bslmf_isclass | Provide a compile-time check for determining class types |
bslmf_isconst | Provide a compile-time check for const -qualified types |
bslmf_isconvertible | Provide a compile-time check for type conversion |
bslmf_isconvertibletoany | Provide a compile-time check for types convertible to any type |
bslmf_iscopyconstructible | Provide a meta-function to report if a type is copy constructible |
bslmf_isempty | Provide a compile-time check for detecting an empty class type |
bslmf_isenum | Provide compile-time check for determining enumerated types |
bslmf_isfloatingpoint | Provide a compile-time check for floating-point types |
bslmf_isfunction | Provide a compile-time check for determining function types |
bslmf_isfundamental | Provide a compile-time check for determining fundamental types |
bslmf_isintegral | Provide a compile-time check for integral types |
bslmf_islvaluereference | Provide a compile-time check for lvalue reference types |
bslmf_ismemberfunctionpointer | Provide a compile-time check for member function pointer types |
bslmf_ismemberobjectpointer | Provide a compile-time check for member object pointer types |
bslmf_ismemberpointer | Provide a compile-time check for non-static member pointer types |
bslmf_isnothrowmoveconstructible | Provide metafunction to identify no-throw move-constructible types |
bslmf_isnothrowswappable | Provide metafunction to identify nothrow swappable types |
bslmf_ispair | Provide a compile-time check for the bsl::pair type |
bslmf_ispointer | Provide a compile-time check for pointer types |
bslmf_ispolymorphic | Provide a compile-time check for determining polymorphic types |
bslmf_isreference | Provide a meta-function to test reference types |
bslmf_isreferencewrapper | Provide a trait to detect reference-wrapper specializations |
bslmf_isrvaluereference | Provide a compile-time check for rvalue reference types |
bslmf_issame | Provide a meta-function for testing if two types are the same |
bslmf_isswappable | Provide metafunction to identify swappable types |
bslmf_istransparentpredicate | Support detection of whether a predicate functor is transparent |
bslmf_istriviallycopyable | Provide a meta-function for determining trivially copyable types |
bslmf_istriviallydefaultconstructible | Provide a compile-time check for trivially default-constructible |
bslmf_isvoid | Provide a compile-time check for void types |
bslmf_isvolatile | Provide a compile-time check for volatile -qualified types |
bslmf_makeintegersequence | Provide a template parameter pack of integers |
bslmf_matchanytype | Provide a generic type to which any type can be converted |
bslmf_matcharithmetictype | Provide a class supporting "do-the-right-thing clause" dispatch |
bslmf_memberfunctionpointertraits | Provide meta-functions to detect member function pointer traits |
bslmf_memberpointertraits | Provide meta-function to detect pointer to member traits |
bslmf_metaint | Provide a meta-function to map integral constants to unique types |
bslmf_movableref | Provide a vocabulary type to enable move semantics |
bslmf_negation | Provide the logical negation (NOT) for type traits |
bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration | Provide a nested declaration to associate a class with a trait |
bslmf_nil | Provide a nil type |
bslmf_nthparameter | Metafunction to return the Nth type parameter in a parameter pack |
bslmf_nthparameter_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_nthparameter.h |
bslmf_removeconst | Provide a meta-function for removing top-level const -qualifier |
bslmf_removecv | Provide a meta-function for removing top-level cv-qualifiers |
bslmf_removecvq | Provide a meta-function for removing const /volatile qualifiers |
bslmf_removecvref | Provide a meta-func for removing reference-ness and cv-qualifiers |
bslmf_removeextent | Provide a metafunction to return an array type's element type |
bslmf_removepointer | Provide a meta-function to transform pointer type to referent type |
bslmf_removereference | Provide a meta-function for stripping reference-ness from types |
bslmf_removevolatile | Provide a meta-function for removing volatile -qualifier |
bslmf_resulttype | Provide access to result_type or ResultType nested type |
bslmf_selecttrait | Provide clean compile-time dispatch based on multiple traits |
bslmf_switch | Provide a compile-time switch meta-function |
bslmf_tag | Provide an integral-constant-to-type conversion |
bslmf_typeidentity | Provide a template metafunction that returns its argument |
bslmf_typelist | Provide a typelist component |
bslmf_usesallocator | Provide a meta-function to determine if a type uses an allocator |
bslmf_usesallocatorargt | Provide a metafunction for allocator_arg_t construction |
bslmf_util | Provide low-level functions on bslmf types |
bslmf_voidtype | Provide a helper for implementing SFINAE-based metafunctions |
►Package bslmt | Basic Standard Library Multi-Threading (bslmt) |
bslmt_barrier | Provide a thread barrier component |
bslmt_chronoutil | Provide utilities related to threading with C++11-style clocks |
bslmt_condition | Provide a portable, efficient condition variable |
bslmt_conditionimpl_pthread | Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::Condition |
bslmt_conditionimpl_win32 | Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::Condition |
bslmt_configuration | Provide utilities to allow configuration of values for BCE |
bslmt_entrypointfunctoradapter | Provide types and utilities to simplify thread creation |
bslmt_fastpostsemaphore | Provide a semaphore class optimizing post |
bslmt_fastpostsemaphoreimpl | Provide a testable semaphore class optimizing post |
bslmt_latch | Provide a single-use mechanism for synchronizing on an event count |
bslmt_lockguard | Provide generic scoped guards for synchronization objects |
bslmt_meteredmutex | Provide a mutex capable of keeping track of wait and hold time |
bslmt_mutex | Provide a platform-independent mutex |
bslmt_mutexassert | Provide an assert macro for verifying that a mutex is locked |
bslmt_muteximpl_pthread | Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::Mutex |
bslmt_muteximpl_win32 | Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::Mutex |
bslmt_once | Provide a thread-safe way to execute code once per process |
bslmt_platform | Provide platform-dependent thread-related trait definitions |
bslmt_qlock | Provide small, statically-initializable mutex lock |
bslmt_readerwriterlock | Provide a multi-reader/single-writer lock |
bslmt_readerwriterlockassert | Provide an assert macro for verifying reader-writer lock status |
bslmt_readerwritermutex | Provide a multi-reader/single-writer lock |
bslmt_readerwritermuteximpl | Provide a multi-reader/single-writer lock |
bslmt_readlockguard | Provide generic scoped guards for read synchronization objects |
bslmt_recursivemutex | Provide a platform-independent recursive mutex |
bslmt_recursivemuteximpl_pthread | Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::RecursiveMutex |
bslmt_recursivemuteximpl_win32 | Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::RecursiveMutex |
bslmt_rwmutex | Provide a platform-independent RW mutex class |
bslmt_saturatedtimeconversionimputil | Provide special narrowing conversions for time types |
bslmt_semaphore | Provide a semaphore class |
bslmt_semaphoreimpl_counted | Provide an implementation of bslmt::Semaphore with count |
bslmt_semaphoreimpl_darwin | Provide a Darwin implementation of bslmt::Semaphore |
bslmt_semaphoreimpl_pthread | Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::Semaphore |
bslmt_semaphoreimpl_win32 | Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::Semaphore |
bslmt_sluice | Provide a "sluice" class |
bslmt_testutil | Provide thread-safe test utilities for multithreaded components |
bslmt_threadattributes | Provide a description of the attributes of a thread |
bslmt_threadgroup | Provide a container for managing a group of threads |
bslmt_threadlocalvariable | Provide a macro to declare a thread-local variable |
bslmt_threadutil | Provide platform-independent utilities related to threading |
bslmt_threadutilimpl_pthread | Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::ThreadUtil |
bslmt_threadutilimpl_win32 | Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::ThreadUtil |
bslmt_throughputbenchmark | Provide a performance test harness for multi-threaded components |
bslmt_throughputbenchmarkresult | Provide result repository for throughput performance test harness |
bslmt_timedsemaphore | Provide a timed semaphore class |
bslmt_timedsemaphoreimpl_posixadv | Provide "advanced" POSIX implementation of bslmt::TimedSemaphore |
bslmt_timedsemaphoreimpl_pthread | Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::TimedSemaphore |
bslmt_timedsemaphoreimpl_win32 | Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::TimedSemaphore |
bslmt_turnstile | Provide a mechanism to meter time |
bslmt_writelockguard | Provide generic scoped guards for write synchronization objects |
►Package bsls | Basic Standard Library System utilities (bsls) |
bsls_alignedbuffer | Provide raw buffers with user-specified size and alignment |
bsls_alignment | Provide a namespace for enumerating memory alignment strategies |
bsls_alignmentfromtype | Provide a meta-function that maps a TYPE to its alignment |
bsls_alignmentimp | Provide implementation meta-functions for alignment computation |
bsls_alignmenttotype | Provide a meta-function mapping an ALIGNMENT to a primitive type |
bsls_alignmentutil | Provide constants, types, and operations related to alignment |
bsls_annotation | Provide support for compiler annotations for compile-time safety |
bsls_assert | Provide build-specific, runtime-configurable assertion macros |
bsls_assert_macroreset | Undefine all macros from bsls_assert.h and bsls_review.h |
bsls_assertimputil | Provide utilities to implement bsls_assert and bsls_review |
bsls_asserttest | Provide a test facility for assertion macros |
bsls_asserttest_macroreset | Undefine macros related to bsls_asserttest.h |
bsls_asserttestexception | Provide an exception type to support testing for failed assertions |
bsls_atomic | Provide types with atomic operations |
bsls_atomicoperations | Provide platform-independent atomic operations |
bsls_atomicoperations_all_all_clangintrinsics | Implement atomic operations using clang __c11_atomic_* intrinsics |
bsls_atomicoperations_all_all_gccintrinsics | Implement atomic operations using gcc __atomic_* intrinsics |
bsls_atomicoperations_arm32_win_msvc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for arm32/MSVC/Win |
bsls_atomicoperations_arm64_win_msvc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for arm64/MSVC/Win |
bsls_atomicoperations_arm_all_gcc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for ARM/GCC |
bsls_atomicoperations_default | Provide default implementation for atomic operations |
bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc32_aix_xlc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for PowerPC/AIX-32bit |
bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc64_aix_xlc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for PowerPC/AIX-64bit |
bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc_aix_xlc_default | Provide default base implementations of atomics for PowerPC/AIX |
bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc_all_gcc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for gcc on PowerPC |
bsls_atomicoperations_sparc32_sun_cc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for Sparc/Sun (32bit) |
bsls_atomicoperations_sparc64_sun_cc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for Sparc/Sun (64bit) |
bsls_atomicoperations_sparc_sun_cc_default | Provide default base implementations of atomics for Sparc/Sun |
bsls_atomicoperations_x64_all_gcc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86_64/GCC |
bsls_atomicoperations_x64_win_msvc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86_64/MSVC/Win64 |
bsls_atomicoperations_x86_all_gcc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86/GCC |
bsls_atomicoperations_x86_win_msvc | Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86/MSVC/Windows |
bsls_blockgrowth | Provide a namespace for memory block growth strategies |
bsls_bsldeprecationinformation | Provide a macro to control bsl deprecations by release version |
bsls_bslexceptionutil | Provide functions for use in bsl that throw standard exceptions |
bsls_bsllock | Provide a platform-independent mutex for use below bslmt |
bsls_bsllockimpl_pthread | Provide a mutex for use below bslmt |
bsls_bsllockimpl_win32 | Provide a mutex for use below bslmt for windows platform |
bsls_bslonce | Provide BSL a thread-safe way to execute code once per process |
bsls_bslsourcenameparserutil | Provide low-level functions for parsing source file names |
bsls_bsltestutil | Provide test utilities for bsl that do not use <iostream> |
bsls_buildtarget | Provide build-target information in object files |
bsls_byteorder | Provide byte-order manipulation macros |
bsls_byteorderutil | Provide byte-order swapping functions |
bsls_byteorderutil_impl | Provide implementation of byte-order manipulation functions |
bsls_compilerfeatures | Provide macros to identify compiler support for C++11 features |
bsls_consteval | Provide macros related to compile-time evaluation |
bsls_cpp11 | Provide macros for C++11 forward compatibility |
bsls_deprecate | Provide machinery to deprecate interfaces on a per-version basis |
bsls_deprecatefeature | Provide machinery to deprecate entities in C++ code |
bsls_exceptionutil | Provide simplified exception constructs for non-exception builds |
bsls_fuzztest | Provide macros for use in fuzz testing narrow-contract functions |
bsls_fuzztestpreconditionexception | Provide an exception type for handling failed preconditions |
bsls_ident | Provide macros for inserting SCM Ids into source files |
bsls_int64 | Provide namespace for platform-dependent 64-bit integer types |
bsls_keyword | Provide macros for forward language dialect compatibility |
bsls_libraryfeatures | Provide macros to identify native standard library features |
bsls_linkcoercion | Provide a way to force a link-time dependency into an object |
bsls_log | Provide a namespace for low-level logging functions |
bsls_logseverity | Enumerate a set of logging severity levels |
bsls_macroincrement | Provide a macro to increment preprocessor numbers |
bsls_macrorepeat | Repeat a macro invocation with different numeric arguments |
bsls_nameof | Provide a NameOf type for displaying template type at run-time |
bsls_nativestd | Define the namespace native_std as an alias for std |
bsls_nullptr | Provide a distinct type for null pointer literals |
bsls_objectbuffer | Provide raw buffer with size and alignment of user-specified type |
bsls_outputredirector | Provide a means for test drivers to redirect and inspect output |
bsls_performancehint | Provide performance hints for code optimization |
bsls_platform | Provide compile-time support for platform/attribute identification |
bsls_platformutil | Provide consistent interface for platform-dependent functionality |
bsls_pointercastutil | Provide function to cast between function and data pointers |
bsls_preconditions | Provide macros for use in fuzz testing narrow contract functions |
bsls_protocoltest | Provide classes and macros for testing abstract protocols |
bsls_review | Provide assertion macros to safely identify contract violations |
bsls_review_macroreset | Test driver utility to undefine all macros from bsls_review.h |
bsls_spinlock | Provide a spin lock |
bsls_stackaddressutil | Provide a utility for obtaining return addresses from the stack |
bsls_stackaddressutil_plinktimestamp | Declare and weakly define a plink_timestamp___ global variable |
bsls_stopwatch | Provide access to user, system, and wall times of current process |
bsls_systemclocktype | Enumerate the set of system clock types |
bsls_systemtime | Provide utilities to retrieve the system time |
bsls_timeinterval | Provide a representation of a time interval |
bsls_timeutil | Provide a platform-neutral functional interface to system clocks |
bsls_types | Provide a consistent interface for platform-dependent types |
bsls_unspecifiedbool | Provide a class supporting the unspecified bool idiom |
bsls_util | Provide essential, low-level support for portable generic code |
►Package bslscm | Basic Standard Library Source Control Management (bslscm) |
bslscm_patchversion | Provide common patch versioning information |
bslscm_version | Provide source control management (versioning) information |
bslscm_versiontag | Provide versioning information for the bsl package group |
►Package bslstl | Basic Standard Library STL (bslstl) |
bslstl_algorithm | Provide implementations for algorithms not in the system library |
bslstl_algorithmworkaround | Provide a namespace for work arounds for the standard algorithms |
bslstl_allocator | Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects |
bslstl_array | Provide an STL compliant array |
bslstl_badfunctioncall | Provide an exception class thrown by bsl::function |
bslstl_badoptionalaccess | Provide an exception class thrown by bsl::optional |
bslstl_badvariantaccess | Provide an exception class thrown by bsl::variant |
bslstl_badweakptr | Provide an exception class to indicate a weak_ptr has expired |
bslstl_bidirectionaliterator | Provide a template to create STL-compliant bidirectional iterators |
bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool | Provide efficient creation of nodes used in a node-based container |
bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool.h |
bslstl_bitset | Provide an STL-compliant bitset class |
bslstl_boyermoorehorspoolsearcher | Provide an STL-compliant boyer_moore_horspool_searcher class |
bslstl_charconv | Provide implementations for functions not in the system library |
bslstl_chrono | Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header |
bslstl_compare | Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header |
bslstl_complex | Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header |
bslstl_defaultsearcher | Provide an STL-compliant default_searcher class |
bslstl_deque | Provide an STL-compliant deque class |
bslstl_deque_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_deque.h |
bslstl_equalto | Provide a binary functor conforming to the C++11 equal_to spec |
bslstl_errc | Provide a standard compliant version of errc |
bslstl_error | Provide standard compliant versions of <system_error> classes |
bslstl_exception | Provide an implementation of uncaught_exceptions |
bslstl_forwarditerator | Provide a template to create STL-compliant forward iterators |
bslstl_function | Provide a polymorphic function object with a specific prototype |
bslstl_function_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_function.h |
bslstl_function_invokerutil | Provide invoker adaptors for bsl::function |
bslstl_function_invokerutil_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_function_invokerutil.h |
bslstl_function_isreferencecompatible | Provide a metafunction for substitutability of type references |
bslstl_function_rep | Provide a non-template, common implementation for bsl::function |
bslstl_function_smallobjectoptimization | Provide small-object optimization buffer for bsl::function |
bslstl_hash | Provide a namespace for hash functions |
bslstl_hashtable | Provide a hash-container with support for duplicate values |
bslstl_hashtable_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_hashtable.h |
bslstl_hashtablebucketiterator | Provide an STL compliant iterator over hash table buckets |
bslstl_hashtableiterator | Provide an STL compliant iterator for hash tables |
bslstl_inplace | Provide a standard-compliant in place construction tag types |
bslstl_iomanip | Provide BSL implementations for standard <iomanip> features |
bslstl_ios | Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header |
bslstl_iosfwd | Provide forward declarations for Standard stream classes |
bslstl_iserrorcodeenum | Provide a compliant standard is_error_code_enum trait |
bslstl_iserrorconditionenum | Provide a compliant standard is_error_condition_enum trait |
bslstl_istringstream | Provide a C++03-compatible istringstream class |
bslstl_iterator | Provide basic iterator traits, adaptors, and utilities |
bslstl_iteratorutil | Provide utilities operating on iterators and iterator ranges |
bslstl_list | Provide an STL-compliant list class |
bslstl_list_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_list.h |
bslstl_map | Provide an STL-compliant map class |
bslstl_map_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_map.h |
bslstl_map_test1 | Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_map_test2 | Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_map_test3 | Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_mapcomparator | Provide a comparator for TreeNode objects and a lookup key |
bslstl_monostate | Provide a default constructible alternative for bsl::variant |
bslstl_multimap | Provide an STL-compliant multimap class |
bslstl_multimap_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_multimap.h |
bslstl_multimap_test | Provide support for the bslstl_multimap.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_multiset | Provide an STL-compliant multiset class |
bslstl_multiset_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_multiset.h |
bslstl_multiset_test | Provide support for the bslstl_multiset.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_optional | Provide a standard-compliant allocator aware optional type |
bslstl_optional_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_optional.h |
bslstl_ostream | Provide aliases and implementations matching standard <ostream> |
bslstl_ostringstream | Provide a C++03-compatible ostringstream class |
bslstl_osyncstream | Provide a C++20-compatible basic_osyncstream class template |
bslstl_ownerequal | Provide an ownership comparison for shared and weak pointers |
bslstl_ownerhash | Provide an ownership hash functor for shared and weak pointers |
bslstl_ownerless | Provide an ordering for shared and weak pointers |
bslstl_pair | Provide a simple struct with two members that may use allocators |
bslstl_priorityqueue | Provide container adapter class template priority_queue |
bslstl_priorityqueue_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_priorityqueue.h |
bslstl_queue | Provide container adapter class template queue |
bslstl_queue_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_queue.h |
bslstl_randomaccessiterator | Provide a template to create STL-compliant random access iterators |
bslstl_ratio | Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header |
bslstl_referencewrapper | Provide copyable, assignable object wrapper for references |
bslstl_set | Provide an STL-compliant set class |
bslstl_set_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_set.h |
bslstl_set_test | Provide support for the bslstl_set.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_setcomparator | Provide a comparator for TreeNode objects and a lookup key |
bslstl_sharedptr | Provide a generic reference-counted shared pointer wrapper |
bslstl_sharedptr_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_sharedptr.h |
bslstl_sharedptrallocateinplacerep | Provide an in-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep |
bslstl_sharedptrallocateoutofplacerep | Provide an out-of-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep |
bslstl_simplepool | Provide efficient allocation of memory blocks for a specific type |
bslstl_span | Provide a (mostly) standard-compliant span class template |
bslstl_stack | Provide an STL-compliant stack class |
bslstl_stack_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_stack.h |
bslstl_stdexceptutil | Provide a utility to throw standard exceptions |
bslstl_stopstate | Provide a stop state for std -compliant stop tokens |
bslstl_stoptoken | Provide an allocator-aware standard-compliant stop_source type |
bslstl_string | Provide a standard-compliant basic_string class template |
bslstl_string_test | Provide support for the bslstl_string.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_stringbuf | Provide a C++03-compatible stringbuf class |
bslstl_stringref | Provide a reference to a const string |
bslstl_stringrefdata | Provide a base class for bslstl::StringRef |
bslstl_stringstream | Provide a C++03-compatible stringstream class |
bslstl_stringview | Provide a standard-compliant basic_string_view class template |
bslstl_syncbuf | Provide a C++20-compatible basic_syncbuf class template |
bslstl_syncbufbase | Provide an allocator-independent base-class for basic_syncbuf |
bslstl_systemerror | Provide a standard compliant system_error class |
bslstl_treeiterator | Provide an STL compliant iterator for a tree of TreeNode objects |
bslstl_treenode | Provide a POD-like tree node type holding a parameterized value |
bslstl_treenodepool | Provide efficient creation of nodes used in tree-based container |
bslstl_treenodepool_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_treenodepool.h |
bslstl_typeindex | Provide an value-semantic type to represent type_info objects |
bslstl_unorderedmap | Provide an STL-compliant unordered_map container |
bslstl_unorderedmap_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmap.h |
bslstl_unorderedmap_test | Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmap.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_unorderedmapkeyconfiguration | Provide a class template to extract keys as the first attribute |
bslstl_unorderedmultimap | Provide an STL-compliant unordered_multimap container |
bslstl_unorderedmultimap_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmultimap.h |
bslstl_unorderedmultimap_test | Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmultimap.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_unorderedmultiset | Provide an STL-compliant unordered_multiset container |
bslstl_unorderedmultiset_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmultiset.h |
bslstl_unorderedmultiset_test | Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmultiset.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_unorderedset | Provide an STL-compliant unordered_set container |
bslstl_unorderedset_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedset.h |
bslstl_unorderedset_test | Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedset.t.cpp test driver |
bslstl_unorderedsetkeyconfiguration | Provide a configuration class to use a whole object as its own key |
bslstl_utility | Provide implementations for utilities not in the system library |
bslstl_variant | Provide a standard-compliant allocator aware variant type |
bslstl_variant_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_variant.h |
bslstl_vector | Provide an STL-compliant vector class |
bslstl_vector_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_vector.h |
►Package bslstp | Basic Standard Library STlPort types (bslstp) |
bslstp_alloc | Provide facilities for STLPort implementation |
bslstp_exfunctional | Provide a namespace for functional extensions |
bslstp_hash | Provide a namespace for hash functions |
bslstp_hashmap | Provide containers indexed by a hashed key value |
bslstp_hashset | Provide containers hashed by value |
bslstp_hashtable | Provide facilities for STLPort implementation |
bslstp_iterator | Provide facility for STLPort implementation |
bslstp_slist | Provide a singly linked list container |
bslstp_slistbase | Provide facility for STLPort implementation |
bslstp_util | Provide a namespace for utility functions for STL functionality |
►Package bsltf | Basic Standard Library Test Facility (bsltf) |
bsltf_allocargumenttype | Provide an allocating test class to represent function arguments |
bsltf_allocbitwisemoveabletesttype | Provide a class that allocates memory and is bitwise-moveable |
bsltf_allocemplacabletesttype | Provide an allocating test class used to test emplace methods |
bsltf_alloctesttype | Provide a class for testing that allocates with bsl::allocator |
bsltf_argumenttype | Provide a non-allocating class to test variadic function arguments |
bsltf_bitwisecopyabletesttype | Provide a bitwise-copyable test class |
bsltf_bitwisemoveabletesttype | Provide a bitwise-moveable test class |
bsltf_convertiblevaluewrapper | Provide a wrapper class, convertible to a supplied value |
bsltf_copymovestate | Provide an enumeration of copy/move state, including unsupported |
bsltf_copymovetracker | Provide a type that tracks if it's been copied or moved |
bsltf_degeneratefunctor | Provide an awkward type to adapt a user-supplied functor |
bsltf_emplacabletesttype | Provide a non-allocating test class used to test emplace methods |
bsltf_enumeratedtesttype | Provide an enumerated test type |
bsltf_evilbooleantype | Provide the most awkward type that is convertible to bool |
bsltf_inputiterator | Provide a pure input iterator capable of traversing a range |
bsltf_movablealloctesttype | Provide an allocating test class that records when moved from |
bsltf_movabletesttype | Provide a non-allocating test class that records when moved from |
bsltf_moveonlyalloctesttype | Provide testing type that is move-only & uses bslma allocators |
bsltf_movestate | Provide an enumeration of move-state, including unsupported |
bsltf_nonassignabletesttype | Provide an attribute class to which can not be assigned |
bsltf_noncopyconstructibletesttype | Provide an attribute class that is not copy constructible |
bsltf_nondefaultconstructibletesttype | Provide an attribute class that is not default constructible |
bsltf_nonequalcomparabletesttype | Provide an attribute class that is not equal comparable |
bsltf_nonoptionalalloctesttype | Provide a class for testing that allocates with bslma::Allocator |
bsltf_nontypicaloverloadstesttype | Provide a class that overloads the non-typical operators |
bsltf_simpletesttype | Provide a non-allocating test class without type traits |
bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor | Provide a mechanism to propagate standard allocator state |
bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor.h |
bsltf_stdalloctesttype | Provide a class for testing that allocates with standard allocator |
bsltf_stdstatefulallocator | Provide a minimal standard compliant allocator |
bsltf_stdstatefulallocator_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdstatefulallocator.h |
bsltf_stdtestallocator | Provide a minimal standard compliant allocator |
bsltf_stdtestallocator_cpp03 | Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdtestallocator.h |
bsltf_streamutil | Provide streaming output operators for bsltf-defined types |
bsltf_templatetestfacility | Provide utilities to help with testing templates |
bsltf_testvaluesarray | Provide a container for values used for testing |
bsltf_uniontesttype | Provide an union test type |
bsltf_wellbehavedmoveonlyalloctesttype | Provide well-behaved move-only type using bslma allocators |
►Package bslx | Basic Standard Library eXternalization (bslx) |
bslx_byteinstream | Provide a stream class for unexternalization of fundamental types |
bslx_byteoutstream | Provide a stream class for externalization of fundamental types |
bslx_genericinstream | Unexternalization of fundamental types from a parameterized stream |
bslx_genericoutstream | Externalization of fundamental types to a parameterized stream |
bslx_instreamfunctions | Facilitate uniform unexternalization of user and fundamental types |
bslx_marshallingutil | Support platform-independent marshalling of fundamental types |
bslx_outstreamfunctions | Facilitate uniform externalization of user and fundamental types |
bslx_streambufinstream | Unexternalization of fundamental types from a bsl::streambuf |
bslx_streambufoutstream | Externalization of fundamental types to a bsl::streambuf |
bslx_testinstream | Enable unexternalization of fundamental types with identification |
bslx_testinstreamexception | Provide an exception class for unexternalization operations |
bslx_testoutstream | Enable externalization of fundamental types with identification |
bslx_typecode | Enumerate the fundamental types supported by BDEX |
bslx_versionfunctions | Provide functions to return BDEX version information for types |
▼Standalones | |
►Package s_baltst | |
s_baltst_address | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_basicrecord | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_basicschema | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_basicschemautil | Provide utilities for s_baltst::BasicSchema objects |
s_baltst_bigrecord | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_configschema | Provide the service configuration schema |
s_baltst_customint | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_customizedbase64binary | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_customizedhexbinary | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_customizedstring | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_customstring | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_employee | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_enumerated | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_featuretestmessage | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_featuretestmessageutil | Provide utilities for testing codecs with feature-test messages |
s_baltst_generatetestarray | Provide a component for generating test array types |
s_baltst_generatetestchoice | Provide a component for generating test choice types |
s_baltst_generatetestcustomizedtype | Provide a component for generating test customized types |
s_baltst_generatetestdynamictype | Provide a component for generating test dynamic types |
s_baltst_generatetestenumeration | Provide a component for generating test enumeration types |
s_baltst_generatetestnullablevalue | Provide a component for generating test nullable value types |
s_baltst_generatetestsequence | Provide a component for generating test sequence types |
s_baltst_generatetesttaggedvalue | Provide a component for generating test tagged value types |
s_baltst_mychoice | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_myenumeration | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_myenumerationunpreservedwithfallback | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_myenumerationwithfallback | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_myintenumeration | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequence | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithanonymouschoice | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewitharray | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithattributes | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithchoice | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithchoicearray | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithchoices | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithcustomizedbase64binary | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithcustomizedhexbinary | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithdecimalattribute | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithdoubleattribute | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithnillable | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithnillables | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithnullable | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithnullableanonymouschoice | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithnullables | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysequencewithprecisiondecimalattribute | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysimplecontent | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_mysimpleintcontent | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_ratsnest | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_rawdata | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_rawdataswitched | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_rawdataunformatted | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_request | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_response | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_sequencewithanonymity | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_simplerequest | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_sqrt | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_sqrtf | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_test | Provide a superficial test of all classes in baltst package |
s_baltst_testarrayutil | Provide a utilty for generating test arrays |
s_baltst_testattribute | Provide attribute metadata types for test sequences |
s_baltst_testchoice | Provide a test implementation of a bdlat "choice" type |
s_baltst_testchoiceutil | Provide non-primitive operations on s_baltst::TestChoice |
s_baltst_testcustomizedtype | Provide a test implementation of a bdlat "customized type" |
s_baltst_testcustomizedtypeutil | Provide non-primitive operations on s_baltst::TestCustomizedType |
s_baltst_testdynamictype | Provide a test implementation of a bdlat "dynamic type" |
s_baltst_testdynamictypeutil | Provide non-primitive operations on s_baltst::TestDynamicType |
s_baltst_testenumeration | Provide a test implementation of a bdlat "enumeration" type |
s_baltst_testenumerationutil | Provide non-primitive operations on s_baltst::TestEnumeration |
s_baltst_testenumerator | Provide enumerator metadata types for test enumerations |
s_baltst_testnilvalue | Provide a singular, valueless, value-semantic type for testing |
s_baltst_testnullablevalueutil | Provide non-primitive operations on nullable values for testing |
s_baltst_testplaceholder | Provide a value-level representation of a type for testing |
s_baltst_testselection | Provide selection metadata types for test choices |
s_baltst_testsequence | Provide a test implementation of a bdlat "sequence" type |
s_baltst_testsequenceutil | Provide non-primitive operations on s_baltst::TestSequence |
s_baltst_testtaggedvalue | Provide a test bdlat -compatible type with interceptable methods |
s_baltst_testtaggedvalueutil | Provide non-primitive operations on s_baltst::TestTaggedValue |
s_baltst_timingrequest | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_topchoice | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_unsignedsequence | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |
s_baltst_voidsequence | Provide value-semantic attribute classes |